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A Soft Touch

It's Open Office Hours, except at Whisper House there are very few offices! Do you need to talk to Whisper House about something? Do you have questions? While Anisha can't slip away from the room and hear your private woes, she's here, in the Receiving Room, ready to see if she can help.


July 13, 2020, 6:02 p.m.

Hosted By



Leola Evelynn Svana Samira



Arx - Ward of the Crown - Whisper House - Receiving Room

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Anisha has joined the an elegant rosewood harp.

Anisha idly strums the harp, awaiting to see if any will answer the call. Short enough notice, certainly. Might not bring people along. Perhaps a bit more warning, next time, would be for the better.

The Summer afternoon is lazy. Whisper House is a gentle buzz of voices and conversations, and settled in a corner, idly toying with a harp and improvising a few chords now and again, sits the Softest Whisper Anisha, who has invited the folk of Arx to join her for conversation and questions and Whisper-things. Whatever that might be.

Radiant (although not THE Radiant) in her new mirrorsilver mask, and wearing bright and glorious aeterna, it is a shift from her darker attire, a welcome of the warmer months. Tamorin gently places down a platter of grapes and soft cheese, of bread and butter and a glass of wine, and Anisha reaches up to give the apprentice a gentle touch of the arm.

"Is that the outfit you were having commissioned?" Leola asks, smiling, settling close by, dressed for the summer heat and the Whisper sensibilities, settling and crossing her legs and resting aeterna-gloved hands on her skirts "It's simply lovely" She flatters "The light to your usual dark, I think, but it's simply delightful."

"It is," Anisha beams brightly, and rushes her fingers against the strings once more, for an allegro welcome to Leola as she settles down. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Tamorin will get you something." The apprentice nods, and Anisha beams.

"Honestly, I just wanted to switch things up a little. I might look into having some more dresses made, once my accounts recover," She admits, with a little grin. "I've made investments today, but hopefully, they'll trickle back." She cants her head and regards Leola. "I'm thrilled you haven't left yet. And even more pleased you decided to come along."

There's a wider grin there. "Now, tell me - what can Whisper House do for you?"

"Investments have a tendency to do so" Leola smiles brightly "The money and wellbeing of others reflects on ourselves" And she nods lightly "I hoped, as the summer waxes and wanes, to bring folks down to the Saiklands a time. To set up some elaborate camping, for the nobility, and to encourage them in the grape harvest. Let them see how the wines they love come to be" She grins a moment "And, of course, there is the crushing of the grapes. Traditionally done barefoot. I'm sure vintages with 'crushed by the Softest Whisper' would be a delight, for example. I'd very much value Whisper's thoughts on the matter"

Patrons of the Black Fox are delighted as Baroness Lucita Saik puts on what seems to be an entirely spontaneous performance. She sings only one song, but it's beautiful. Beautiful, and strange. The lyrics don't really seem to make any sense, but they're haunting, and it's to the surprise of all when the Baroness immediately collapses right after her song ends. She's rushed quickly out of the Black Fox by her companions, leaving the rest of the audience to wonder what that was all about.

Anisha gives a little nod, thoughtful. "That would be an interesting thing. I think I might even have an idea for an outfit for it." Because of course she does. "Not quite like this, though." She leans back. "I would enjoy it. We could make games out of the grape-crushing, maybe have a drinking contest, or some sort of eating contest. How many grapes they can fit in their mouths and such. Let them release the tension. Yes, Leola. I think this is a _Grand_ idea." She rises. Twirls around a little. "Now, tell me truly - how do I look?"

"Words, Softest Whisper, cannot do you justice" Leola sighs as she studies her "Truly. I'm stunned and surprised. I really am. You always look radiant, but I swear you'd outshine the moon" With just a twitch of a grin at the last second word choice, nodding as she glances "I think even a short stroll around would have people wondering whether the Whispers are truly meant to refrain from longer term contracts - such as marriage" A little chuckle, and then a nod "I'd be delighted to retain House Whisper for such an occasion"

Anisha curtsies and laughs a little. "I can look radiant - just not Radiant." She assures. Glancing towards the windows - but the sun is still out. She purses her lips. "Maybe I'll aim for outshining the sun," Anisha muses. "And I'll marry when I want to, leave Whisper House behind - but that isn't just yet, alas." She assures, with a little wink and a grin.

"I'm sure you'll find a wonderful companion" Leola smiles brightly, looking at Anisha and sighing enviously "Honestly, if you ever do decide to leave the Whispers behind, you could manage a wonderful time designing" A small chuckle "But I think Whisper is thankful for your continued service, at this time"

"Honestly, that is the problem. I don't know if I could pick just one." Anisha gives a casual shrug. "And I am not done being whisper just yet." She assures. "I have at least a Saiklands Grape Festival to oversee, mm?"

Leola laughs a little there, smiling and moving to gently touch Anisha's bare forearm, nodding a little "That's true. It will be a success, I think, with your history of putting such together. Do let me know what I need to gather for it. I can write a letter between my baroness and yourself, of course"

Anisha is overheard praising Leola: Dame Leola is always a font of amazing ideas. And she's always entertaining company!

Anisha takes Leola on her arm, and offers a quirk of her lips. "I will begin planning it immediately. Should we be doing prizes for the contests? Perhaps we could get some local artisans involved. Are there any artists from the Saiklands in Arx?" She taps at her lips. "Oh, yes, I do like this. And I'll plan it, gladly." She gives a solid nod of her head. "I am eager to see how this will work out."

"I don't believe there are, but the Baroness would know better." Leola shakes her head, smiling, and squeezes Anisha's arm gently "Thank you, then, my Softest. I should retire, meanwhile, but I do hope that that attire remains a delight" She grins, stroking just a touch

"I'll keep an eye out. I imagine it should be something interest - Ah, and you should talk to the Donati - maybe we can get one of their rarer vintages for a prize, mm?" She muses. "Or, well. One of us should talk to the Donati. It might be me."

She considers Leola, and gives her a gentle squeeze of the arm. "Feel free to stay the night in the Haven, Dame Leola. Evensong misses you terribly."

"Thank you, my Whisper" Leola dips a light curtsy, and smiles "I'll be delighted to. And I'll see you there" She grins, slipping for the door "Good luck with your ... showcase" She gives one final, delighted, envious sigh before slipping on out

With Leola slipping away, Anisha settles back near the harp, engaging in quiet conversation with Tamorin, enjoying her wine and cheese.

Sirra, a very quiet maid, an indeterminate number of cats arrive, following Alessia.

Entering the beautifully designed main room of Whisper House, Alessia seems almost soothed by the champagne fountain, brightening her demeanor just a little as she glances around. "Anisha." She smiles on spotting her. "I mean, 'messere'." She corrects herself, as she approaches the harp. "This is a professional meeting of course."

Anisha takes a sip of wine, and brightens, seeing Alessia, then laughs, and rises, sketching a curtsey and raising her glass.

"I suppose you'll have to be Lady Alessia then, darling. But don't fret. You may still call me Anisha. We can be both professional _and_ familiar, no? Please, join me. Would you like a drink? Something to eat?"

"I don't always enjoy hearing my friends call me by my title." Alessia says with a smile. "It feels like time has reversed to our first meeting." She settles down on an empty seat. "I could do with a glass of wine. Some cheese, since you seem to have some prepared."

"Well, I can always be very informal with you, just between the two of us," Anisha admits, offering the platter and its cheese, and grapes, and all the rest, while Tamorin goes to gather some wine.

"How are you, darling Alessia? What brings you to my... Office?"

"Not well." Alessia admits, deciding to drop any attempts at concealing her suppressed foul mood. "You know those moments when you grow tired of feigning pleasantness. When people are irritating, no matter their status or connections, it'd be nice to just speak to them how I wish." She takes a handful, yes handful of cheese and grapes. "Without having to overthink how everything I do may impact me in the long run." She takes a bite.

"Well," Anisha quirks her lips. Gesturing a little closer. "Come sit closer to me, let's talk privately. You can be quite straightforward and honest, and let all your frustrations sink into me. The Whisper shall keep your secrets," She assures, setting aside the plate and offering her hand instead - just in time for Tamorin to return with a glass of deep red.

Alessia has joined the an elegant rosewood harp.

Anisha and Alessia are settled at the Rosewood Harp, sharing a meal of grapes and bread and cheese, drinking wine and conversing quietly, if animatedly. Anisha resplendent in her new Aeterna garb, leaning back a little, offering a smile to the noblewoman at her side as she confides in something that, it would seem, pleases her quite a bit.

Svana finds her way her in, looking around with a slight blush in her cheeks. She presses the contents of her baby carrier close against her but not /too/ close, and spots Anisha and Alessia. To Alessia she bows softly, and to Anisha - she does the same. Svana smiles at both women. "Am I interrupting something? I would be fine coming back another time. Maybe. The bread and cheese looks rather good."

Glancing up when Svana approaches them, Alessia smiles warmly, an arm still around the Whisper. Though she eventually releases to take more cheese from the plate. "Messere." She smiles faintly. A closer look would show some dampness around her eyes.

Svana checked perception + empathy at difficulty 20, rolling 3 higher.

"Oh, please do join, I'm supposed to be accessible today," Anisha offers brightly, having taken Alessia's hand and given it a gentle squeeze, leaning into the embrace. "You know Lady Alessia Mazetti, of course. Messere Svana Grayhope is such a charming and lovely woman. We've had a few encounters but not gotten to _truly- know each other." She offers brightly. "Please, have bread and cheese, and Tamorin can get you something to drink." She beams bright. "how are your little darlings? Do they need quiet rest? I can get someone to put them in a side room, if you wish, and keep an eye on them - though I'd also love to meet them again."

"Are you sure?" Svana asks, motioning gently to Alessia. She smiles at Alessia. "Lady Alessia attended my first wedding. I do not know her well, but she was very kind. Would you like to meet Jules' children?" Svana asks before she shakes her head at Anisha's question. "No, they'll be quite fine. They're both awake just now!" She takes the babies from the carrier as she sits - which requires some coordination on her part. The little girl clearly takes after Jules' or what must be his side of the family, with dark red hair and fair skin; while the little boy looks a great deal like Svana, except darker. "Thank you for letting me sit. I heard something was going on this evening, I thought I'd drop by."

Svana gets Rowan Grayhope from a black cloth carrier painted with Everwinter mountains.

Svana gets Elanne Grayhope from a black cloth carrier painted with Everwinter mountains.

Svana drops Rowan Grayhope.

Svana drops Elanne Grayhope.

"I'd be selfish to demand more of Anisha's sole attention." Alessia says with an amused smile, patting her eyes dry, straightening in her seat. Her eyes shift to the babies, brows rising. "Oh, of course. Twins." She grins. "I remember the talk we had on maintaining twins." She studies the children, probably noting the resemblance of the girl, since she glances back up at Svana. "And... I'm sorry for your loss. Belatedly." Her brows furrow.

Anisha nods in agreement with Alessia. "If my lady has need of my services later, then we will make arrangements, most certainly. For now, well, we're just conversing." She brightens and wiggles her fingers a the children, and Tamorin is quick to step away to get refreshments at least the mother.

"As for this evening, well, I figured I'd show off my new outfit, and enjoy a little time with the people of Arx. I've already gotten a lovely assignment from Dame Leola," She notes, with a grin. "And I'm meeting some lovely friends of mine."

She quiets at the mention of Jules, making the sign of the triads at Alessia's offered condolences. "I trust you are well? The children seem to be in fine form."

Svana checked willpower at difficulty 20, rolling 2 higher.

"I would certainly be selfish enough to demand more of Anisha's sole attention," Svana unabashaedly tells Alessia, winking. She shifts so she can hold the babes comfortably, stroking her fingers along Rowan's cheek - which prompts a cheeky little smile at both women. Elanne is pouty, oh God, how very pouty. "Aye. Asher told me he wanted to start on another pair of twins right away, but we have both rethought that much." The three ladies sit near the harp, enjoying refreshments; bread, cheese, fruit, wine.

Svana asks Tamorin for a lemonade, smiling before she takes in the ensembles of both Anisha and Alessia. "You ladies both look absolutely stunning, if I may say so. My stomach is slowly shrinking so I'm wiggling back into some of my old dresses. Mmm? What has Lady Leola tasked you to do, if I may ask?" Svana asks Anisha curiously.

Svana does take a moment to address the two women. "I still grapple with Jules' loss. I always will. It was unexpected. We were divorced, but I did not... have time to understand those feelings. Then he was gone. I wanted him to meet these children." She pauses and looks as though the tears may come, but they don't. "Thank you. I know you were a friend to him, Lady Alessia."

"Oh, right. You told me you had an aeterna version of the gown planned." Alessia says, beaming as she studies Anisha's gown. "It looks beautiful. It contrasts well with the jewels." She gestures to the flowered themed items.

"Indeed." She wrinkles her nose. "Though with the animal attacks, I suppose it's something we need to be on guard for." As to their friendship, she nods. She may have forgotten to properly mourn.

Samira draws into the receiving room with a wide-eyed look that betrays her unfamiliarity with the surroundings. Her gaze settles upon the trio of women gathered by the harp, recognition of familiar faces seeming to ease the tension of uncertainty in her posture. "Whisper Anisha, Mistress Svana, Lady Alessia," she greets with a nod as she draws near. "This is a nice little gathering."

"You can demand all you like, dear Svana, but when I've said I'm going to effectively hold court, then I'll hold court. And I can enjoy all of your compan," Anisha notes, with a little smile, raising herself up a little, and showing off for the other two, while Tamorin retrieves lemonade for Svana.

"I'm glad you like it. And yes, I did quite feel the white plays against the floral motifs as well." She offers with a small smile. A smile that turns a tinge melancholy, and she reaches out a hand to Svana. "Jules was a complicated man. And he always threw himself whole-heartedly into things. I'd be less than surprised he died trying to rescue a stranger or some such."

She sighs. "He lives on in the children. And, Mother willing, he'll have a new beginning soon. I imagine he'd want you and Asher to be happy, and I also wager he'd be thrilled to hear that the children made you rethink having more right now. Because he was a bit odd at times."

As Samira draws close, Anisha brightens again. "Hello, and welcome, messere Samira. Glad to see you know everyone." She brightens. "Gods, You know, I need to comission you to paint for me. After your piece in the Shrine of Death, I haven't quite found peace.

There's a great deal of admiration from Svana as she takes in the women's outfits, nodding in agreement with Alessia's compliment about Anisha's jewels and outfit. "Absolutely breathtaking, as always - and don't you worry, I shant hog you to myself today, but I am holding you to the invitation to my place I sent. I shall look forward to cooking something for you!"

Svana smiles warmly at Samira as she walks in. "Hello sweetheart, come have a seat." She pauses for a long moment listening to Anisha talk about Jules. "You're right, Anisha. I believe the best of him is here in Elanne and Rowan. Perhaps the poutiest of him in Elanne." She chuckles quietly and squeezes Anisha's hand before shifting the babies so she can take some grapes and cheese. "Alas, onto happier subjects for now. This is a nice gathering."

"Oh Mistress Samira." Alessia smiles when the woman joins them. "It's good to see you again so soon." She turns to Anisha. "She kept me company in the Murder yesterday. Good company." She adds, taking another drink from her glass.

"You do, you know. Look stunning, I mean," Samira remarks to Anisha, the words heartfelt. A smile breaks through, transforming her oft-cautious facade into something more at ease. "I'd be happy to paint for you. And I've been kept in suspense until the time that I get to see your own talented work." She grins at Svana, waggling her fingers at the twins as she approaches. "Good to see you all." Alessia's remark draws a faintly self-conscious look as she admits in a wry tone, "I may have given Lady Alessia a bit of a hard time, but she took it in stride. You're all well, I hope?"

Anisha poses a little more, and grins to Svana. "Oh, that is wonderful to hear. Because I look forward to both the conversation and to trying your cooking. I am determined to eventually learn myself," She admits. "But I'm not the gourmet chef I want o be just yet.

Alessia gets a nod, and she grins. "She most certainly is," She agrees, and looks over to Samira. "Thank you - thank you all - for the compliments. It was not cheap, but certainly worth the cost. As for my work, ah. We'll have to make our way to the Lodge, eventually." She muses. "Maybe I'll tease you into painting me, mm?" She teases. Looking to Alessia, quirking a brow.

Svana waves softly at Samira in between bites of grapes and cheese, then smiles at the woman. "Oh, you two were at the Murder together? How very interesting," she says with a wink. "Lady Alessia, I didn't know that you went to the Murder. Sometimes I'm quite surprised by the people I see there!" Rowan grins at Alessia. Elanne makes a quiet noise. Their mother turns to Anisha and grins. "I do quite like cooking. I'm hoping I can make you a five star meal. Four star, maybe. Three stars, if we're being realistic." She winks. "Maybe we can cook together sometime."

Tilting her head a little at Samira's words, Alessia simply chuckles softly. "After the day I had, messere, it didn't trouble me too much. That being said, our conversation turned pleasant." She seems to be saying the latter to Anisha, as if in reassurance. "You're an artist?" She asks with a curious smile. As to Svana's words. "Yes, well. The atmosphere can be calming at times. Besides it's one of the few places no one looks twice at you if you're holding a roll of haze."

"Is good cooking a Grayhope trait? Because if it's anything like Tanith's baked goods, your meals will be delicious," Samira notes to Svana. Her gaze slides to Anisha, a grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "It won't require too much cajoling on your part. I'd be glad for the opportunity to try capturing your likeness." That wry quality returns to her features as they talk of their recent exchange in the Murder. "The Murder is the place for that. Lots can be overlooked there. And yes, I'm an artist. Charcoal sketches and paintings, mostly."

"I'm sure that with you for company, it will be a five star meal," Anisha assures Svana. "And I'd love to try out some Lycene recipes with a more experienced cook around," She admits. Grinning and glancing to Elanne when the baby speaks up, wiggling her glinting fingers at the girl.

At Alessia's words, Anisha gives a simple nod, pleased. "Oh, she is!" She agrees, at the question. "Messere Samira is not just an artist, she is a genius. Master Apollo insisted I must meet her and see her art, and I'm quite glad he did," She explains, happily.

Samira gets a grin. "Oh, I still haven't had a chance to visit. But I will make a point out of it now, certainly." She muses. "I do want to show you my studio, Samira, see if it sparks any inspiration. And if there's anything I can do to help you, please let me know."

There's a laugh from Svana when Alessia mentions the haze. "Yeah, I would imagine so. Surprised Jules didn't frequent there himself given his penchant for smoking haze..." She rolls her eyes somewhat but then just laughs. Little Elanne stares at Anisha's fingers and Svana eeeeassssses the baby over toward the Whisper. "I think she likes you," Svana says, kissing Rowan's head. Samira gets a slight laugh from Svana. "Mmm, I only married a Grayhope. Tanith is probably preternaturally good at cooking. I learned to cook because I wanted to impress my first husband. Thankfully, Asher is very, very impressed with whatever I set out on the table - and thankful too!"

Svana grins at Anisha. "Lycene recipes? Oh, very good. That sounds interesting." She nods amicably to the idea, blushing at Anisha's compliment. "Do you all know that I'm Apollo's protege?" Svana asks the group. "We're like an old married couple, he never introduces me to anyone anymore."

"I couldn't cook a thing." Alessia says with a wry smile. "Though as a noble, we're never told we need to impress any husbands or wives." She takes another drink from her glass. "Apollo? He's my cousin Vitalis' protege." She smiles faintly, her demeanor not quite as warm as before. To Samira. "Well, I'd love to see your work one day. Despite my knowing little about it, I'm a fan of art."

"You name the time, Whisper Anisha, and I'll be there. I'm so eager to see it," Samira answers with a smile that reaches her eyes. "And thank you, I'll remember the offer of help. I think my plan for the Lowers art center is coming along." Her head cants to the side as her gaze settles upon Svana. "I hadn't realized that. I'm sure you get a lot of support and guidance, having the Co-Guildmaster as your patron." She inclines her head to Alessia. "I'd be happy to show it to you some time. I enjoy hearing people's thoughts and interpretations of art."

Svana gets Rowan Grayhope.

Svana gets Elanne Grayhope.

Giving Anisha a hug, Alessia rises from her seat. "Thank you, darling. Hopefully we'll get the chance to speak soon." She nods to Samira. "It was good seeing you again." Her smile is polite, then she's heading off.

Alessia has left the an elegant rosewood harp.

Anisha quirks her lips between Svana and Alessia, and grins to the former. "Well, I'm glad she does. She's a real darling. And I did in fact know," She admits. Seeing the woman off, and giving another hug to Alessia, she exhales, and looks to Samira. "Well, I think that was a good start."

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