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The Reckoning: Arx Day 4 - Assembly of Peers

Azazel describes the politics of the Compact as somewhat hard to swallow.


Jan. 30, 2024, 7 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Donrai(RIP) Insaya Caspian Katryn Jael Oriana Remus Titania Dominique



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Assembly of Peers

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Azazel really wants to devour the Compact metaphorically. Literally too, and he'll try for both, but he'll settle for one. Such is the case here. It's a shock to everyone when the dozens of floating mouths begin to appear, try to devour all who are present, but also the building itself.

In the Assembly of Peers, the Eater of Stories saw much of his plans unraveled by the Compact that should have descended into chaos had the temerity to (sometimes) work together. He tried really hard to prevent this, and it's still a sore spot to him, so eating as many amenable peers as possible at least helps soothe his anger and destroy some of the Compact out of spite.

OOC: OOC: Azazel is trying to eat his way through the room partly on his way to devouring a path down to the thinnest point. There will just be two offensive rounds, and no defensive rounds, checked at hard. However, he is incredibly aggravated by anyone playing up to the nature of the Assembly of Peers. Anyone making a diplomacy check does so at easy, and successes there particularly infuriate him and help drive him off. Failed rolls still get dangerous bites.

Azazel really wants to devour the Compact metaphorically. Literally too, and he'll try for both, but he'll settle for one. Such is the case here. It's a shock to everyone when the dozens of floating mouths begin to appear, try to devour all who are present, but also the building itself.

In the Assembly of Peers, the Eater of Stories saw much of his plans unraveled by the Compact that should have descended into chaos had the temerity to (sometimes) work together. He tried really hard to prevent this, and it's still a sore spot to him, so eating as many amenable peers as possible at least helps soothe his anger and destroy some of the Compact out of spite.

OOC: OOC: Azazel is trying to eat his way through the room partly on his way to devouring a path down to the thinnest point. There will just be two offensive rounds, and no defensive rounds, checked at hard. However, he is incredibly aggravated by anyone playing up to the nature of the Assembly of Peers. Anyone making a diplomacy check does so at easy, and successes there particularly infuriate him and help drive him off. Failed rolls still get dangerous bites.

Dominique checks composure and diplomacy at easy. Dominique is successful.

Jael checks charm and diplomacy at easy. Jael is successful.

Remus checks command and diplomacy at easy. Remus marginally fails.

Caspian checks charm and propaganda at easy. Caspian is successful.

Katryn checks command and leadership at easy. Katryn is successful.

Oriana checks charm and diplomacy at easy. Oriana is successful.

Insaya checks perception and diplomacy at easy. Insaya marginally fails.

Insaya had been having such a dark day. She's dragon-lagged still, and the sun not coming up really threw off the schedhule. So now, trying to make drawings to show Praeso what the interior looks like, she is left scrambling for her life. "I OBJECT!" she squeaks, flinging her pen at a gaping mouth. "No one invited that guy to speak! We common folk have been waiting for our turn for YEARS, so you definitely do not get to set up front, buddy!"

Titania checks charm and diplomacy at easy. Titania is successful.

Caspian was ready to fight.. but how do you strike at a god? instead..he struck at the aspect of him! "we have created wonders here! we have bested your army, and carved a history that can never be forgotten no matter how much you eat! we shared our stories and brought allies to this land that have not been here for centuries! in your atteito eat our history and silence us, you have given us a story and legacy that will never be lost! you have failed!!"

With the current.. situation, Dame Katryn Blanchard was more or less guarding the Assembly of Peers when... Well, Azazel, and his many, many mouths appeared. "Everyone who's able, get out! Anyone sticking around, keep your eyes up! Who knows where the next mouth will appear?!" Katryn draws her sword, but she's taking the time to organize anyone that's -here-, first.

Jael was passing the Assembly from outside, and dashes in when she realizes what's going on inside, only to skid to a halt right at the doorway. She's a Laurent, born, bred, and well taught, and We Do Not Run In The Assembly. We also Do Not Eat The Assembly. "Well this is a disgrace," she says, in a voice that's not mad, but disappointed.

Lady Oriana Inverno is one of many nobles who sought safety, or something like it, in the Assembly of Peers. With that safety no longer in the offing, she's forced to... well. Help direct evacuees, but at the same time, maintain the peace. "Yes, my Lord, I'm certain that the Lady did not /mean/ to... did you say 'hot foot' you...? Ah, yes, you, Dame, you are a Dame, correct? Would you mind -- yes, giving them a hand, thank you, let's not have anyone be trampled, not even our political enemies..."

Remus holds a big axe on his shoulder as he frowns immediately at all the mouths appearing. He looks at those here speaking and then to the mouths with a lift of a brow in confusion, "The problem with mouths is you're supposed to have one of them and two ears to listen. Go on, get the hell out of here."

Titania looks to the group, "I spend my younger years her learning, watching." she says looking as the mouth comes, "I saw amazing things happen here." she moves to start to pull her sword, "I will not let you have it or take it."

One of the maws roars at Insaya, "WOULD YOU STOP BEING SO FUCKING DIPLOMATIC! YOU INSECTS CANNOT POSSIBLY..." And then it explodes from a spell, while another maw rages at Jael. Many of the maws are so irritated they begin flying into each other, or walls, and one quivers near Oriana in such irritation it just pops like an overly ripe fruit. Other maws are now trying to burrow into the floor, while a great many continue trying to eat peers, which on the whole is not the worst of outcomes.

((These are preeeeettty fast events. Another round of checks, and based on that will be how much of Azazel is getting to the thinnest point for tomorrow.))

Oriana checks dexterity and small wpn at hard. Oriana fails.

Jael checks dexterity and medium wpn at hard. Jael fails.

Caspian checks charm and propaganda at easy. Caspian is successful.

Dominique checks command and diplomacy at hard. Dominique is successful.

Remus checks dexterity and huge wpn at hard. Remus marginally fails.

Insaya checks charm and diplomacy at easy. Insaya is successful.

Katryn checks command and leadership at easy. Katryn is successful.

Dominique is here showing an elderly man around the city. "And this is where we assemble, to pass the laws of the city," she explains diplomatically to the graybeard. His beard is really long and silvery white. "Those who are particularly heroic also are recognized here sometimes. A great deal of our governence goes on here." She's quietly showing him around when things happen. "Oh dear!" she says, and puts herself in front of the wizened old man, drawing her sword as she sees the stupid maws. She doesn't attack yet, however. "Are you able to fight right now, or should we take the better part of valor and get you out of here?" she asks the graybeard.

[MAGIC 1 (failed) FURYBORN RAGE] Actually, Jael is BOTH mad and disappointed. Mostly, though, she's mad now. When the mouth rages at her, she bares her teeth and roars right back. In the heat of the moment, however, she has forgotten that her sword is peacebound, which leads to some inelegant, furious flailing, because she's too angry now to want to bother with knots.

Titania checks charm and diplomacy at easy. Titania is successful.

Caspian breaks into a laugh. "insects? insects are we? then what does that make you buy the dung the beetle pushes be beaten back and thwarted by insects, how it must gal you.. behold Azazel, eater of all but cast down and stopped by a gaggle of bugs. oh how forgettable they much make you. after all that eating, you are naught but a stomach ache to be endured and forgotten "

Being called an insect isn't too offensive, but the weird mouths trying to consume and bite everything aren't cool. While some try to talk, he lifts the axe off the shoulder and tries to chase a few mouths to cut them down to size. The little mouths go in and out, darting away as he nearly cleaves a few.

Insaya yoinks, vaulting a bench as the mouthes just... straight up start flapping like crazy, spraying at her. "Um, point of order here..." she throws the inkwell, too, and the blotter. "Clearly, we are not insects, and even one of THOSE has more right to be here than you do! You didn't even," she pops up onto the central table. "-address the high table. You're a mouth, but you don't get a voice! Unless you're here to stand trial, and be subject to law and order, get out, get out, get out!"

Titania shakes her head, "We are not insects Azazel and why are you yelling? So angry, are you mad because you know this is your last ditch attempt in your big game plan? Because if you look, we kicked your armies ass." she crosses her arms over her chest, "I really thing you should just give it up and go home."

Katryn is still just doing the thing she does-- *second* best. Organizing the people trying to get out, preventing a stampede, *helping* others. She's definitely keeping an eye on those staying to 'talk', ready to leap in should it be needed before the bystanders are cleared.

Oriana checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Oriana is successful.

Despite the terrible damage, Oriana does not take a permanent wound.

Oriana checks 'unconsciousness save' at easy. Oriana is successful.

Oriana remains capable of fighting.

Jael checks 'permanent wound save' at hard. Jael fails.

Jael has suffered a serious wound!

"Oh, for-- this is HARDLY the time to--" Oriana's frustration is starting to bubble up. "You and the Lady can renegotiate the land rights /after/ we all get out of here, now /get/ out of the doorway, my Lady, before I--" A spectral mouth appears from nowhere behind Oriana and bites her right on the flank, rending her leathers and leaving bleeding teeth marks. "G--aahhh!" On the plus side, that scares the doorway-blocker enough to run for it.

Jael is angry enough at the state of her sword that she doesn't even seem to notice getting bitten hard on the leg, nor does she seem to notice how much she is now bleeding. With a roar, she draws the blade, ripping through the cords peacebinding it completely.

The good news is they are ultimately victorious, as most of the maws die, many exploding in sure outrage at the examples of diplomacy. The bad news is a few burrow into the floor successfully, heading towards Azazel's ultimate objective. The sorta-kinda good news sorta-kinda bad news is most of the people actually eaten were the more annoying members of the Peerage for hanging out in the Assembly of Peers when it's not in session. Azazel might have been doing them a service for the future, if the world doesn't end. But badly beaten, and with a few little maws hanging off of Oriana before they finally burst out of annoyance at shows of diplomacy, they are victorious.

Insaya says, "Hey, Handsome!" Insaya calls to Caspian, flinging a chair after one of the munching mouths. As the bitey opposition party starts trying to burrow, she hauls away with her writing desk. "Azazel!," she declares, "By the authority vested in me as member of the Inquisition of Arx, and with His Majesty's own authority within the Ward of the Compact, I am placing you under arrest!" Naturally, as the maws get away, she yells after them, "Resisting arrest noted!""

Oriana just finds somewhere to go and bleed in peace. She's had it with her fellow nobles for tonight.

As Jael calms down, she starts to become aware of the pain in her leg. "Oh," she says, sheepishly sheathing her sword again, with a wince.

Caspian looks to insaya and grins " well you gave it a good try! imagine if he had come along peacefully to the lockup then what wound you do?" he looks round then, "everyone all right?"

The old man with Dominique just gives the Marquessa a /look/. Then he turns and stalks out, leaving Dominique to hurry and catch up. "Yes, so as I was saying," she goes on, "next we'll visit the..." her words trail off as she continues to diplomatically guide the Great Dragon of the Heart in his human form around the city on the grand tour and all.

Remus gives a frustrated sound as the mouths dig into the ground where he can't chop them up, but he does give a few stomps of a boot where one particular mouth digs in the floor. "That doesn't seem to be a good omen." he says to himself, before taking a look at where some nobility were chewed up and consumed by Azazel.

Titania breaths deeply, she is already hurt and just so tired and cranky. The young Paladin nods her head and turns to looks at the others as she limps to rest on a bench for a moment. "We all did good."

Insaya hops down from the table, with a little stream of air slipping out from between her lips. She fiddles in her satchel for the medical tools, tossing a pair of linen rolls across the way. "Probably the same thing we did while we had a version of him in the Panopticon. Everything but walk down his gullet, anyway," she says. "Leastways, I don't have shackles for someone who doesn't have any hands. Tongue clamp, maybe? He needs a good gag..." She looks worriedly at the floor, and says, "What do we do, now?"

As quickly as it started, the many attacks around the city were defeated, with little bits of Azazel being quite literally bored to death in many cases, or more traditionally dealt with by being cut or crushed into tiny pieces. Unfortunately, a number did burrow down through the floor, as the Archfiend gathers himself up and prepares for one final battle.

Caspian looks round and runs a hand through his hair. now.. not we wait at the thinnest point for the hammer to fall. it's where he is going.. so least we think so." he grins then "so we eat and make Merry tonight because no one knows what tomorrow brings"

"Rest, keep watch." Katryn gives a little shrug. "I should report back, probably."

Insaya grins faintly, tugging a dimple. "Make merry? Is that a euphemism for something, Champ? Gosh, I hope so. Because there's not much in the larder just now to feast on. Does anyone need help getting to Solace Square?"

Titania look around the Assembly perhaps thinking back of when she first came to the city she was a simply a teen then, now she is the Paladin of waves and gone through so much. She pushes off the bench, "I should get back to the Saving Grace." she has a pretty bad limp, once and a while her foot with drag as she walks.

Remus heads out to see what other trouble might be found.

Jael limps out.

Caspian gave a broad grin then " well it means whatever you well and truly want it to mean Inquisitor" he nodded toward the door, "let's find a drink eh?""

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