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Grayson Planning to Help Kennex

Crown Princess Lark Grayson calls for any Grayson family, vassals, and allies who wish to meet and put together economical minds on how to help House Kennex. And for her military leaders to attend to advise on how to help the violence spurned by the changes. Publicly, she commits to helping Kennex; she asks now for help on determining how this help will be shaped.


Nov. 5, 2017, 3 p.m.

Hosted By



Nicia(RIP) Samantha Aislin Cristoph Wash Esoka Calarian Mia Alarissa Reese Alis Corban Ford(RIP) Denica Leola Alaric Tikva



Arx - Ward of House Grayson - Grayson Mansion - Library

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

3 Laurent Guards arrives, following Nicia.

Painbow, a militant pygmy goat, Nicia arrive, following Cristoph.

Princess Lark Grayson arrives slightly late, but side-by-side with Marquis Ford Kennex, each of them flanked by a massive mastiff. Her lips lift into a smile as Aislin bows to her, waving her fingers softly in gesture to invite her onto the couch that she settles onto. She clears her throat, her gaze sweeping for a moment to Alaric and tipping her chin respectfully before she drags a studying gaze over those who have come. "Let's get to business, then. I'd rather not waste any of our time with beating around any bushes," she starts easily. "All of the best economic minds estimate that Kennex needs 13 million silver to stay afloat. I recognize that not every House can spare much, but perhaps there are ways to mitigate this."

Alis smiles politely to those she knows, and just gives Alaric a nod after that. 13 million silver, however, certainly catches her attention. That is quite a lot of silver. And she doesn't even need to be of economic mind to wince.

Leola slipped in with Lindsey; a dipped curtsy to Alaric, to Lark, a nod to the rest, and she remains quiet, stood back, her hands clasped demurely at waist height. Aislin gets a small smile, but her eyes stay on those talking.

"Fifteen." Alarissa speaks up. "You'll find the sum is likely in truth, fifteen million."

Cristoph enters the library, casting his eyes around at the impressive volume of books before finding a place to take a seat. He arrives with Nicia besides him and gestures for her to sit before him. His attention goes from Lark to Alarissa before finally settling on Ford himself.

Captain Reedy, a Telmarine military aide arrives, following Corban.

Ford finding a seat after entering with Lark, he pulls his leather bound book'o'fun out from under his arm and sets it in his lap. As he lifts his leg and drapes it over the other he looks up at the mention of the substantial amount.

Nicia gives those present a nod of quiet greeting before she settles herself in a seat, hands smoothing her clothes out before carefully folding in her lap.

Nicia has joined the Couch of Splendid Gryphons.

Cristoph has joined the Couch of Splendid Gryphons.

Alis has joined the Couch of Splendid Gryphons.

When Mia arrived, it was as she almost always did -- at a brisk pace, with enough speed and enough purpose to kick up the hems of her skirts. She promptly smoothed them as she sank down into a seat, but only after offering a curtsy of greeting to the King, to Lark, and those generally assembled. "It is a small sum, Your Grace," Mia began in answer to the Crown Princess, "but as I've already informed the Marquis, I intend to give fifty thousand silver from my own personal accounts, additional funds from Riven's House accounts, made trade concessions regarding our lumber to keep the shipyards operational at a lower cost, and are currently examining our capacity to place an order for additional ships to see as much paid labor offered immediately to the commons as possible."

Samantha inquires, "Would the Crown be willing to consider some manner of tax relief on behalf of Kennex, or any other Thrax domain for that matter, that chooses to free its thralls? It's the rest of the Compact that has called for this change - albeit not so suddenly, but it seems to me that we all could afford to give a bit more if it means Kennex and other domains that fall in their footsteps have less, or even naught to give while they recover. It would be for a limited amount of years, and require oversight, but it would make things easier."

Lark's ink-dark gaze slides to linger on her sister, before she gives a simple nod to Alarissa. "Indeed. That may be a closer number. I must have remembered a more conservative estimate from one of my reports," she allows simply. Her attention pulls away at Mia, a smile of approval touching her lips. "Every bit is a good start. I still need to speak with Princess Cara, but I intend to give a million of Graysons' funds to Kennex. I would also like to greatly reduce tariffs on Kennex imports into Grayson lands, till they are at a minimum. Marquis Ford Kennex has a proposal for the peers of the realm, to support his businesses, as well."

Esoka arrives striding a little behind Mia. A low bow is dropped to all Grayson and sundry, and she finds a spot to observe the meet relatively unobtrusively.

Wash sits quietly and listens attentively.

Aislin considers Lark's gesture, and then moves to join her high lord at one of the couches. "Ashford will offer a million silver as well," she assures the other woman.

Lark has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

Samantha has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

Tikva has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

Alis glances between those speaking, and then settles her gaze on Ford. She's interested in hearing the proposal, apparently.

1 Grayson Guardsmen, Peaches, a lovely white war filly with a peach saddle, Justice, an elegant hunting falcon, Stormy, a silvery gray hunting hound, Baby Badger arrive, following Reese.

Corban has joined the Couch of Splendid Gryphons.

Peaches, a lovely white war filly with a peach saddle have been dismissed.

Justice, an elegant hunting falcon have been dismissed.

Ford looks up at those gathered with a nod, "While the sum of fifteen million is considerable, that doesn't mean I expect bags of cash to come my way. More than money, the men and women who are suddenly free and out from under a debt need work. Jobs that they know they can be paid for. Rather than flat sums, investing your pledged amount into the economy itself would be vastly more beneficial, sponsoring businesses new and old, developing housing centers for displaced former Thralls, work programs, things that will get these men and women into a stable living and working environment."

Corban slips into the library and makes his way over to the contingent of Valardin, joining them on their couch. When Aislin and Lark speak of /one million/ silver, his eyes go wide. And he settles in.

Leola parts her hands, and gently lifts one, stepping from the wall, and speaking quietly when the chance presents itself "If I may, your highnesses, lords and ladies. Providing money will be only a temporary solution. To bring stability to Kennex - and arguably, to reduce the amount of money they will need - Kennex will need to be placed on a solid footing going forward, with the released thralls being able to provide a living for themselves and to provide support to Kennex for the future, as any not among the nobility will" She nods to Ford "I hope to offer the Lodge's help in this. To set up proper agriculture on the Isles, to provide themselves, as well as the wood they need for shipbuilding. The foundation on which all can stand"

Aislin has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

2 Thrax Guards, Stojan, the assistant arrive, following Denica.

Reese arrives at the meeting and quietly makes her way over to a couch. She looks pensive.

Reese has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

"The sustainable efforts are exactly the kind of thing I want to hear about," Tikva says with a slight smile in Ford's direction, lifting her chin as she adjusts the fall of her skirts and leans back on the sofa. "I had heard that the Faith was primarily interested in those efforts and I'm glad to see Leola here for that. I also think that the Twainfort has a remarkable untapped resource in manpower expertise -- culturally, that is." She widens her gaze in Mia's direction. "The Twainfort absorbed an entire tribe of prodigals and much of the work Kennex has to do in terms of adjustment is actually quite similar, considering the nature of war debt, yes?"

"The Crown's Ministries are at work considering our options for effective assistance," Alaric declares. "The Crown does not collect any taxes directly from House Kennex, however, and so tax relief is largely an issue between themselves and House Thrax. Should House Thrax wish to issue such relief and petition the Crown for reciprocal relief, I am sure we are willing to see if an accord can be made."

Denica arrives perhaps a touch late, looking to join a seat quietly to listen in, for the moment.

Lark's gaze slides along to Alarissa at Alaric's response, studying her sister.

3 Grayson Guardsmen, Philip, an overworked assistant, Crown Observer Barcus arrive, following Calarian.

"Does Kennex have land where crops typically grown in the Oathlands might take hold? We could send some agrucultural experts to help those who need a new trade learn to grow and cultivate some new foodstuffs. And I imagine we could also assist through lowered tariffs on wood." Alis offers, as some additional ways to assist economically.

Esoka smiles slight at Tikva, dipping her chin in her direction. "I would be much gladdened to offer advice to any former Abandoned thralls who are integrating because of this. I am sure many of my fellow prodigals who now belong to House Riven would say the same."

Assistant Philip and Crown Observer Barcus were already in the room when Calarian entered. The two servants were listening and taking notes, and when their patron enters the library, the quietly join his vicinity to pass along their notes. The Prince stands with an upright, lordly pose, reaching for the notes with a tanned hand and reading them over quickly before he bends into a bow for the room as a whole and moves to the couch where Lark, Samantha, Tikva, Aislin and Reese are at.

Calarian has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

At Tikva's question, Mia looked up to the Princess, nodding once."The Greenwoods, yes. And we are in the process of absorbing ten thousand more, from a number of tribes throughout the Gray Forest and the riverlands, the we recently brought under our banners and into the Compact. It is far more involved, culturally speaking, than simply insisting they 'bend the knee', but has longer-lasting and less expensive effects, in terms of both silver and bloodshed, than forcible conquest."

Since Sam has put her Big Idea out into the universe, she turns her attention to other things. "My Lord," Samantha looks to Ford. "Can you advise us as to the most critical areas of need as a result of the economic crash? Imports you might have to go about for lack of funds, or might be necessary to sustain your own exports?"

"Would that it were quite so with regards to taxes, Thrax does not collect directly from Kennex. Thrax collects from Grimhalla nd Tyde, who in turn collect from those below and so on and so forth. So Kennex would need to speak with their direct superior and so forth until it came to Thrax. Such conversation have not been held yet." Alarissa offers when Lark and others turn to look at her. "But Thrax will make itself available to such conversations with Grimhall and I am sure Grimhall in turn will do the same. Thrax stands at the ready to ensure that things do not get further out of hand, otherwise we do not interfere in the runnings of the individuals lands and titles unless it is deemed necessary." The pregnant voice states.

Jessamine, the innocuous shop girl arrives, delivering a message to Reese before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Reese before departing.

Denica has joined the Couch of Noble Gryphons.

Mia has joined the Couch of Majestic Gryphons.

Cristoph listens quietly as the matters are discussed, waiting until Alis speaks to offer words of his own. "Artshall isn't large, but is fairly well off in terms of crops. We'd be willing to offer assistance in regards to either helping developing more revenues of that in Kennex lands or trading at discounted rates until such a time as it was no longer needed." He listens to Alarissa with a carefully neutral expression on his face before leaning over to speak quietly with Alis. When he sits back again, it's to lean comfortably close to his wife again.

Lark tips her chin in agreeent to Alarissa, suggesting, "I am sure that your voice of reason and our cousin, King Alaric's voice, will work to see what can be established in regards to this." Her attention is drawn back to Samantha, the corners of her lips quirking barely, before the crown princess draws herself up to go pour herself a drink, for a moment. There's a lot of talking to be done, after all!

"Grimhall are staunch traditionalists who have voiced their displeasure at every opportunity to the merest notion of abolition." Samantha points out politely. "Are you entirely certain a petition for relief to them would be successful?"

Leola smiles a touch to Cristoph and Alis, bowing her head before she speaks "Petrichor's aspects include agriculture; the Lodge has been gathering information on agriculture since before the first Blight. Her Highness, Princess Reese will confirm how effective our methods are; we secured the means to recover your damaged lands in the Grey Forest, after all. I hope to offer whatever help and advice our disciples can, and to direct any efforts needed myself, if at all possible"

Wash stands and slips out of the room.

"The biggest trouble spots right now. The critical areas, as Marquessa Deepwood put it, are the businesses, farms, mills, textile plants that are suddenly without people to work them. That and the riots in the streets. We don't have enough city guard to manage the angry people. But, I think if we start offering these angry people a means to make money, to guarantee payment for work, that we'll see a drop in the angry people in the streets. I have to impress upon you that getting jobs and businesses to make a consistent and steady flow of money on their own, so they're able to pay wages is paramount." Ford says, above the chatter of the room.

Calarian's hazel eyes flit towards Mia as she speaks of her efforts towards the tribes, giving a slight inclination of his head that notes his approval. His fingers lace atop his lap, covering his notes with both sandy-brown palms, and he can be seen commenting something to his couch.

Reese looks toward Leola, giving the Dame a somber nod of greeting at her words.

Alis inclines her head towards Leola. "Please consider me... us... at your disposal then Dame Leola, for matters of additional agricultural assistance. I believe that and military advice would be where we are usually best capable." she says conversationally. "We can at least provide resources to boost your own efforts, in addition to direct economic assistance to Kennex."

"The answer will never be heard if one does not ask, and thus far, to the best of my knowledge, and since this is a as yet still ongoing dilemma, it has not been asked. But I am sure that if all parties who are directly relevant to the situation come to a table and talk, that something can be hammered out that would make all people satisfied. But the MArquise is right. Overnight freedom, is a delightful thought, but when the weight of shackles are removed and you are not used to light wrists figuratively and physically speaking, well.." There's a gesture into the air. "They need a reason and incentive to pledge fealty. They need reason and incentive to go back to work. A change in the conditions that they were subject to before. But there will be those who will not do those, and those individuals will need to be address by as well. Shuffling those who wish off are well and fine enough, but there needs to be incentive to stay. Or all will be for naught.

Quiet, a Valardin champion, Aioni, a regal snowy white owl arrive, following Katarina.

Aislin clears her throat. "Would it be worth," the Ashford voice queries, "using some of the money gathered to offer relocation? There will be commoners who want to go to Kennex's domain to seek their fortunes -- to serve as paid labor -- could be given the money necessary to set themselves up. To help them find lodging, to obtain food, and so on, until their first wages. Passage could be provided on the boats which are going to go /anyway/ to collect the freed thralls who don't want to remain. And those thralls who /do/ wish to remain could be offered the same payment, to help them settle into a home if they choose to remain and work."

Quiet, a Valardin champion, Aioni, a regal snowy white owl leave, following Katarina.

"To be clear, it's not a lack of industry available to people, but a lack of the funds to pay them for their efforts?" Samantha regards Ford once more. "I apologize if it seems repetitive, I want to make sure that I understand. It's important to remember to attack the disease and not merely address the symptoms." She nods to this. "There are many domains who would open their borders to new vassals. Even Tyde, while still clinging to some remnants of the system, I'm sure would recognize the freedoms of those who come as former Kennex thralls."

"Of course, we need not wish to pauper Marquis Ford in exchange for his progressive steps," Tikva murmurs. "Incentivizing those who exercise their freedom to choose to remain should remain on the table. /Anyone/ will take more people if they are to be contributing citizens; it's not much charity to Kennex to do so."

Lark nods to Samantha for the question, her gaze turning to Ford. "If I understand correctly, a lack of funds to pay them, and a lack of bodies to do the work?" she clarifies simply on top of Samantha's questions. "Then perhaps Aislin's idea has merit, of bringing more people to Kennex."

The crown princess nods firmly to Tikva, her lips twitching into a bare smile as she sips her wine.

Ford nods in confirmation to Samantha, "Yes, that." Then he looks to Aislin, "I hesitate to bring more people in, as we already have a mass of people who don't have work. Offering relocation would only compound the problem, and potentially squeeze former Thralls out of jobs they could have had."

At Samantha's words, Mia's dark eyes slide over to her and linger, perhaps for a moment too long. They then drifted to Tikva, with whom she nodded in agreement. "The Princess is right. There is the potential consequence of removing so much labor at once. It is the question not only of ensuring that people are paid for their work, but that the goods they produce -- and upon which the March and its people depend -- continue to //be// produced. Repaying every held debt is well and good, but people cannot eat silver, and it does them no good if there's no food to buy with it."

"Ah, then that clarifies it. Thank you, my lord," Lark replies easily, accepting the correction from the Marquis with a tip of her chin.

"The majority of those who have supported the removal of the thrall system have also supported a gradual process." Samantha notes. "And while I'm curious as to what prompted the Marquis with regard to an immediate release, it is what it is, and we must manage what fate has placed in front of us." She muses thoughtfully. "Is there something that can be offered in lieu of coin for labor? Garunteed housing, perhaps, a common shared food supply until the economy can stabilize?" Sam's not opposed to ideas getting shot down, but she's trying to think of alternatives to 'throw money at it'.

"I thought many of the former thralls wanted to leave the Isles," Aislin observes to Ford after a moment, her tone making it into something of a question. "If they all want to remain, then I agree relocating more in is a mistake, and the money should go to helping them settle into their newly freed lives." With this, she incines her head, and settles back into silence.

"I admit I've not taken a survey of who exactly wants to stay or who wants to leave, but those who want to leave are welcome to do so as they please." Ford says with a nod to Aislin.

"Then incentivize them. Brother Wyrmguard offered such. Though it was largely lost to the dramatics surrounding it. Coin to pledge, a thousand a head. Paid at the end of a year of service. If Kennex wishes to be the forerunner of a more kinder Thrax, then do this. The coin will clearly be available. On top of a wage, and living conditions similar to that of servants and workers found across the compact. Treatment as humane. That, is things that money can buy. And for those that do not want to stay a year in service to Kennex, Thrax has ships and we have and still stand by the offer to transport them to whichever port that will bring them to those who would welcome them."

Denica speaks up from her place. "Forgive me if this was already answered, but how many freed Thralls are we looking at here? What is the number of people we need to relocate and support through this transition?"

Remaining decidedly silent through the conversation, Calarian keeps his hands laced on his lap, and his hazel eyes track speaker to speaker with his expression giving away little to nothing. Something Samantha says to the couch has him peeking at the rest to see their reactions, but nothing more.

"Will the coin clearly be available?" Lark questions with a hint of her brow upwards. "We do not yet know if Grimhall will offer tax relief. Those of us who offer our coin are already doing so to stop the bleed of their economy, which sits at a sum of 15 million to stop. Unless the incentives offered to thralls can mitigate that number." She shakes her head, unsure, before she slides a look towards Samantha and murmurs something.

"While I think the question of who //wants// to leave is an important and worthwhile one," Mia said thoughtfully, perhaps even hesitantly, "I think that when it comes to matters of transport, the question of who //ought// to leave, for the sake of the March's stability ought to be addressed first -- those who are likely to foment uprising and discontent, as they will only exacerbate any present instability if they remain too long. It is an... unpleasant topic to discuss, but the consequences of failing to address it are far worse.

"If I may, my lord?" Leola asks Ford with a small smile and deferential courtasy "Coin would be welcomed, I'm sure, but stability would be far more so. After a life of thralldom and this recent unrest, I have no doubt your people would want stability above coin. Offer them this - the farms they take up will be considered the family's, with a tithe to yourself for their crop, whatever that is. This will ... encourage them to do the work for you, instead of doing it themselves. The land remains yours, and your domain, but they may rest upon it and not to be removed without criminal charges."

"At the moment, we have to continue under the assumption that every single freedman wants to stay. Because if we start number crunching and counting heads as to who may stay and who may not, my March will burn to the ground." Then Ford looks to Leola, nodding, "That is part of the plan, yes."

"Marquise Kennex. Thrax will honour the incentive offered by Brother Caras" Alarissa counters to her sister. "As I offered to him, I still let it stand. Thrax will provide the coin, to incentivize free thralls who wish to return to work, and are willing to remain within your borders and help rebuild."

Lark clears her throat, offering, "What I think would be best, before we rush too far forward in thinking about tax reliefs, investing in foreign businesses, reducing trade tariffs, is to have our best economists of the realm calculate what the most viable solutions would be. I will lead such an effort." A pause, before she says: "It will help if we knew how many houses will use their coin for this situation, and how much."

Calarian is evidently in much agreement with Lark's statement; his head inclines very deeply, and his hazel eyes travel the room to see to the responses in the silence that seems to have taken him on the topic.

"Would you like me to coordinate the tallying of pledges and coin, Your Grace?," Mia offered with a furrowed brow.

Samantha chimes in, "As any number of scenarios have been proposed already that could be viable, the economists could also analyze their effectiveness as well. We could even appeal to the scholars of Vellichor for such review of viable solutions." She looks to Ford. "What do you think, my lord? With the obvious understanding that we are pressed for time." She adds then, "And while it need not be addressed at this meeting, we may wish to look at establishing some kind of protocol for when other domains within Thrax choose to free their thralls, suddenly or gradually."

Event logging is now on for this room.

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