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Dec Grayson Family Dinner

The next installment of the Grayson Family Dinner is scheduled for December 15th! Grayson family members are of course welcome, as are any vassals or anyone somehow connected to the family. It's just a way for everyone to all get in the same room and catch each other up on what's going on. Attendance is not required, but strongly encouraged and light guilt trips may be arranged for those who can't make it because family comes first, right? None Greater Than Grayson At Attending Family Gatherings!


Dec. 15, 2019, 9 p.m.

Hosted By



Zoey Arcadia(RIP) Ian Magnus(RIP) Ailys Gabriel Iona Niklas(RIP) Michael Macda Reese Thesarin Anisha



Arx - Ward of House Grayson - Grayson Mansion - Dining Room

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

The dining room is already bustling by the time the guests start arriving with servants milling about here and there with trays of finger foods and glasses of sparkling things to drink. Princess Sabella stands by the door to greet everyone, beaming as she always does, "Welcome! Please come in and help yourself!"

Zoey enters at Ian's side, eyeing open beverages warily. She still greets Sabella with a warm smile though.

2 Bisland Guards arrives, following Iona.

2 Bisland Guards, Iona arrive, following Gabriel.

2 Grayson House Guards, Max, an emperor tamarin, Rosalee, The Champion arrive, following Ailys.

Arcadia steps slowly into the hall with the support of a cane and her possibly part giant of a husband. She gives Magnus's arm a pat pat, since he looks a touch nervous. "You'll be fine. The Graysons are mostly harmless. Though, I've been warned to never ask Prince Niklas about his lute. It's a danger to us all."

Ian looks worn down and a little bit haggard as he leads Zoey into the dining room. A little more haggard than usual. There's tension around his eyes and in his jaw, and be bears that grayish cast that comes from too little sleep. His electric blue eyes are focused and alert, though, as serene as they ever are. He makes sure she's settled in a chair before taking a seat, himself.

Magnus grunts as he lumbers along slowly at Arcadia's side supporting her with one arm, etching furrowed across his brow and lips pursed. "It's the things that look harmless that warrant being careful around, as like as not.", he contends in a wry, drawling bass rumble to his wife, seeming almost like he'd rather be squaring off against a bear than worrying over which utensil to use for a square meal.

"Coun--Marquessa!" Sabella catches herself, brilliant smile turned on Arcadia, "And Marquis of course! Congratulations! I cheered for you at the Assembly but you probably did not hear it over all the other acclaim people were heaping on you. Do sit, there's a little of everything! And Lady Zoey, so nice of you and Lord Ian to join us! Do you think you'll be leaving with just the two of you tonight or will it be three?" She asks with a large grin, clapping her hands together in delight as more people arrive, "Well wait a bit to see who else arrives before playing our game so until then do try the roast boar, I've been told it was caught just this morning!

Ailys arrives by herself, and looking fairly well-rested! She pauses when she arrives, looking around at which family members have gathered this evening before moving to the table and settling herself down into one of the chairs. Her hands lightly smoothe out the front of her skirt as she settles, hands clasping together to rest in her lap.

"It will still be just two!" Zoey laughs as she takes a seat and settles in. "We still have a couple of months to go." She rests a hand on her growing belly. When Ailys arrives, Zoey gives her cousin a smile and a wave.

"Marquessa. Marquis." Ian greets Arcadia and Magnus in a dry tone of voice, then shifts his attention to Sabella. He seems puzzled by her question, and looks like he's about to ask her for some kind of clarification before Zoey answers her. "Oh," he says. "The baby."

Arcadia beams and turns a little pink. A laugh escapes "It still sounds so weird to be called that." She carefully sits down and hands her cane off to an attendant. "Thank you though. It's exciting to see how things change. We have so many crazy big plans." She then peeks at Zoey's belly and then back to Magnus. "Oh babies."

It has been some time since the Duke of Pridehall was seen in society, which likely isn't all that surprising given Gabriel's station and general temperament. Or really, mostly his temperament. Recent affairs have necessitated a return of his attention to the center stage. He arrives with his wife, with a great familiarity for these halls, stopping first to make the appropriate greetings to Sabella. "Princess," he says, "it has been far too long."

Niklas has joined the Throne of Pena Stormryder.

"Duke Gabriel!" It should be impossible for Sabella's smile to get any brighter, but it nears blinding levels when Gabriel comes in, "It has been far too long! Oh, I'm so glad to see that you've returned to the city! Your timing honestly couldn't be better--I'm sure Liara will want to speak to you. And Lou. And, well, everyone really! Does everyone know Duke Gabriel?" she turns to survey the room, expression entirely hopeful that someone will say no, "If not, I'll do some introductions!"

Niklas has left the Throne of Pena Stormryder.

"That voice..." Zoey turns in her seat, and her eyes grow wide when they fall on the Duke. "Uncle!" she grins broadly and starts to climb to her feet again.

Ever a perfect rhyme of her husband, Duchess Iona arrives holstered with her infamous, cold-dunk presence: tall and lean like a blade, dressed in Bisland's sunset colours, and wearing her favourite accessory: the uncompromising set to her mouth. Some women are sculpted sweetly; this one is not. Whatever may be weighing down on her, it does not burden her bearing overmuch. Her face locks with patient friendliness, and her mouth upturns to her husband's greeting. Perhaps surprised around the edges; Gabriel and social niceties... "We are honoured to receive your invitation," she concludes to Sabella, a shine in her pale eyes.

Ian doesn't rise to greet Gabriel or Iona, but he does bow his head respectfully in the wake of Zoey's much more enthusiastic greeting. "Duke Bisland." It's hardly a greeting at all, the way he says those two words. He could just as easily be commenting himself that hey, look, Duke Bisland is over there.

Dionne, a Mercy Novitiate arrives, delivering a message to Iona before departing.

Niklas has joined the Throne of Pena Stormryder.

Ailys gives Zoey a small smile and lifts one hand, wriggling her fingers in greeting towards her cousin. While waiting for others to arrive and introductions given (or not), she picks up her glass and sips its contents slowly.

There's a snort from the enormous (and let's be honest here, not at all complimentary to the decor at all, I mean, no gryphons?) throne of Pena Stormrider, followed by a confused noise. Finally Prince Niklas Grayson, wearing a slightly rumpled aeterna gown which would be quite smashing on someone with a somewhat curvier figure, but still looks pretty good on him, all things considered. He runs his fingers through his hair, eyes momentarily widening in alarm. Niklas disappears again, muttering, "where is it, dammit" before finally popping back up, adjusting a coronet of stygian and iridescite in his ash blond hair, which is styled in that just-woke-up-look, but mostly because he just woke up. Finally he notices everyone in here and says, "Good... evening?" he glances to a servant who gives a slight nod, then continues, "everybody! The new Marquis and Marquessa! Ian! Zoey! Princess Ailys!" He sits back in the throne and yawns. "Everyone come here for hugs when you get a chance. I need to hydrate." So he grabs a glass of brandy off of a passing server.

That quirk to Iona's mouth should not have been seen by Gabriel, facing Sabella and engaged with her as he is, and yet somehow he catches it from the corner of his eye. And knows exactly what it means. Blame two decades of marriage. "I manage the dance /sometimes/, Iona," is Gabriel's dry repartee for his wife, before his gaze returns to Sabella. "The excellent timing is quite intentional," is his response for her, slow and measured, each word carefully selected. "There are a great many people to whom we must speak, it seems; those which you mentioned being merely the first of a long list. We should speak as well at a later time, for that matter." His gaze crosses the room afterwards as Sabella turns for introductions, an inclination of the head given for Ian before his mien softens slightly at Zoey's greeting. "Niece," is his acknowledgement. "You look well." Gabriel does NOT look inclined to go hug Niklas.

Sabella does not wince when her husband snores and wakes up. Absolutely not! She just smiles more and gestures to the table, "Duchess Iona! A pleasure as always! I was just telling your husband how happy I was to hear that you were back in the city! Do help yourself to anything and everything you see. And yes! I am always available--well, partially always almost available sometimes," she amends cheerfully, "For I think last I counted I now have three different positions between Grayson and the Crown, not counting the fourth expected one of entertaining everyone and bringing the family together like I am now!" She glances at the door as if she'll be able to tell how many more people might stroll in, "I think we'll start up our sharing game in a moment!"

Ailys looks over towards Niklas when he arrives, hearing her name. Her eyebrows rise sharply as she sees his current... elegant?... garb. She blinks rapidly a few times, staring at him. She slowly lifts the wine glass to her lips again and takes a long, slow drink. There are questions. So many questions. They can be asked later.

It really isn't Michael's fault that Gabriel has returned to Arx. Really. He was doing things fine enough, Grayreeve was mostly handled. Michael...isn't betrothed, but thats neither here nor there. Not a Ducal Father attention needing situation. All of that aside, Michael makes it point to attend a Grayson Dinner that Mother and Father have decided to come to.

So the man attends, dressed in a tunic and trousers instead of hose or leggings. Comfort over such things. Brightroar at his side. The receiving line is quite thoroughly dodged so Mikey can pluck a glass of something to drink before his gaze sweeps the room. And he'll wait instead of intruding on anyone just yet. "Ailys." Side-whispered to Princess Ailys Grayson.

Ian's attention snaps to the throne at the unexpected snort from thereabouts, but whatever he was expecting to see emerge, it is not... this. His initial reaction is surprise strong enough to, you know, get a reaction, a widening of eyes. Then, somewhere in the middle of Niklas' waking up process, he seems to realize who he's looking at and what's going on, and makes an 'oh' sound to himself. Not that Niklas-in-a-dress-and-a-bangin'-tiara makes a whole lot of sense, but since he's related to Niklas, it apparently seems to make enough sense to him. More than whatever he initially thought. Despite being related to Niklas (or maybe because he is), he doesn't seem inclined to go hug him, either. Being related means he's got some idea of where his cousin has been.

Zoey leaves her seat to curtsey in front of Gabriel and Iona, though it is shallow so that she does not lose her balance. "I'm so glad to see you both returned to Arx," she tells her aunt and uncle with a warm smile.

Magnus offers a polite bow from the shoulders toward Sabella, agreeing "If anyone deserves the acclaim for the effort, it is Arcadia." A smile shifts in his wife's direction before a mellow, measured reply of "Lord." to Ian, then another mostly-bowed gesture toward the newly arrived Duke and Duchess. Niklas's greeting gets a blink and a cant of his head, though after a breath he manages the same response. Aside to Arcadia in her seat while still standing beside her, and not quite low enough to be a proper whisper, Magnus asks "Should I go give hugs?"

1 Grayson House Guards, a small twilit kingsnake, Thistleton, an elderly and devoted manservant arrive, following Macda.

Ailys pulls her confused look away from Niklas to turn her focus instead to Michael as he leans in to speak to her. "Michael," she counter-greets softly, tipping her head towards him to listen as he whispers. One brow arches curiously at his words and she turns back to whisper softly towards him.

Sabella takes a moment to get a plate together for herself, which is mostly desserts honestly with a little side of meat and potatoes and some honey glazed carrots. After tucking in and ensuring that the guests have had a chance to at least have some bread and butter before everyone starts talking, she gives a sunny smile from her place at the table, "Now for those of you that haven't joined us before or maybe just haven't for awhile, we always play a little game where people are asked to share something interesting about what they've been up to lately or what they're planning on being up to! And then once you've shared you pick the next person to do so! For instance I will start by saying that recently I was named as Foreign Affairs Minister to the Crown in the newly created Foreign Affairs department, what with us having a few foreign interests in our harbor right now, and I was also re-appointed as Voice of Grayson and Minister of Loyalty for Grayson as well. So! It's been quite busy. And as the Foreign Affairs Minister I am putting together a Foreign Affairs Committee and thus far have about fourteen people in Arx that are interesting in joining, one of which is Lady Zoey here, so I'm very excited for things to calm down a bit so that things can officially be kicked off there. I think that's about it. So..." she looks around the room, "Princess Ailys! What have you been up to?"

"I wouldn't," Ian supplies to Magnus in a dry tone of voice.

Arcadia encourages Magnus naturally. "Yes. A big bearish one." She cants her head to the left and mutters something in Shav for Magnus.

It is a coronet and definitely not a tiara! Once he's got a few swallows of brandy in him Niklas perks up and gets to his feet. That smashing gown is paired with a set of umbra slippers and honestly it just looks great, guys. "Oh! Duke Gabriel, Duchess Iona! It has been far too long since you've graced our halls!" He glances first to Zoey and then to Michael, doing the mental math to try and remember which one of them is Gabriel and Iona's kid. Then, deciding he can definitely fake it if it comes up, he gives the Duke and Duchess a broad smile and a quick bow. "Welcome to Grayson Mansion. I would introduce everyone to everyone else, but honestly, that's my wife's specialty. I don't try because I'm easily distractable." His attention is grabbed by a passing server. "Oh, are those canapes?"

Arcadia says in Northlands shav, "I told you they were slightly insane. Do you wish to wear a dress to bed? Please don't rip mine in your attempts."

A rare half-smile crosses Gabriel's features for Zoey's greeting, the expression fleeting. "Matters at Pridehall have been squared for the time being," he says, circumspect, "and it seemed to us we were needed more here. But please," he adds, noting her careful balance, "be seated."

He lingers at Iona's side as Sabella exchanges her pleasantries with his wife, though his gaze returns to taking the measure of the room with the automatic watchfulness of an old soldier. He takes note of Magnus, his gesture returned with a slight inclination of his head.

Then he notices Michael sneaking in. Gabriel says nothing about this, for the time being, particularly as Sabella is speaking -- and Niklas is saying hello. Niklas, and his gown. Gabriel's eyes attempt not to travel downwards. "Prince Niklas," is Gabriel's cautious reply. "Far too long, indeed. I see little has changed in our..." And there's canapes. "...absence."

Late. That's Princess Macda. And judging by the dark circles under her eyes and then extra frizz to her blond hair, quite possibly hung over. She walks gingerly, squinting, towards the table.

Ailys jumps as she hears Sabella call her name, her head snapping around to look a bit owlishly at her. Blink blink. "Absolutely nothing, really," she notes with a small shrug of her shoulders. "Nothing remarkable, at least. Exchanged letters with friends, enjoyed the snow while it lasted, and uh... didn't get a dress as nice as that one." A gesture is given towards Niklas in his throne. "Where DID you get that marvelous piece of handiwork, Prince Niklas?"

With a loud and aggressive -HONK- a truly awful goose arrives, delivering a message to Sabella before departing.

Zoey returns to her seat beside Ian and fills her plate while she listens.

Ian is related to Porter and Aethan (from the days before he stopped drinking) and thus has more than enough experience to recognize a hangover at a glance. After Macda sits down, he leans over and nudges whatever strong liquor there is on the table in her direction. If there is no strong liquor on the table, he'll straight up offer his flask. Especially after the goose.

2 Ashford Archer, Bethany, 1 Ashford Ranger, Faustus, the feisty, fluffy, three legged kitten arrive, following Olivia.

Sabella blinks a bit as a goose wanders in, being chased by a couple of servants who immediately stop when they realize the room is occupied and then stand there awkwardly like they know they should chase that goose, but it seems undignified to do so in a room full of nobility, but also a goose shouldn't be mingling with that crowd and it's a real dilemma for them! Thankfully it waddles up to Sabella, honks loudly, then drops a rolled up bit of parchment and waddles on its way. But not before it takes a silver salt shaker from the cart and then waddles faster under a table and towards a door across the room.

Michael has settled in nicely beside Ailys. Mhm. So his presence is obvious when she gets asked that question. And he watches her to see if he is next. But he isn't. More conversation once the attention is directed away her towards Niklas. The man's glass, unsipped from, lifts towards Gabriel and Iona Bisland across the room. "Oh. Sir Struttington is outclassed now." Because of the goose. And more whispering towards Ailys.

Magnus glances between Ian and Arcadia, a small conflict of indecision etching across his features on whether or not he's supposed to actually go hug the fellow in the pretty dress. The dry Thrax seems to have been the sounder course, and Magnus eases his large frame down into the free chair beside Arcadia. The fly-by honk gets an involuntary wince and a shift of his gaze in the bird's direction, (along with an involuntary rubbing of his palm against his ear) then he wonders toward Sabella, "Are questions allowed about what's mentioned? I may write you about the foreign affairs effort later, if you don't mind."

2 Ashford Archer have been dismissed.

Bethany have been dismissed.

1 Ashford Ranger have been dismissed.

Faustus, the feisty, fluffy, three legged kitten have been dismissed.

Ailys tips her head back towards Michael as she listens to her cousin speak. She's quite content to divert the next bout of questioning on to Niklas, lips curving into a small sort of smirk at something Michael says. Her head turns back towards him, her words kept hushed for his ears only.

Macda buries her head into her arms at the table, reaching out blindly with blinged out knuckledusters on her fingers, seeking the booze Ian is offering. There's a mumbled 'thank you' that's trying to be polite, but half-groaning as well. "Goose for dinner?" she asks, too, though it could be something else, given it's mumbled from the crook of her elbow.

"Is that your way of choosing me for the game, Princess Ailys? Because if it wasn't, then too bad, because you've just invited me to talk about the single most interesting and endlessly fascinating subject in all this wonderful world. Me!" Niklas smoothes down his very fancy gown. "This old thing? Talia Baseborn made it for me. She's quite in vogue these days, you know. Unfortunately there aren't a hundred ingots of platinum along with a hundred and sixty nine dragonweeps, thirteen for each god, as she has done with her last few dresses. Still, it's rather flattering, and I must say, the breeze is quite cooling! I may have to stop wearing trousers." Looking to the others, he says, "Well, I just debuted a new opera to celebrate the opening of their auditorium. I do not generally do work on commission, but I couldn't help but help Lord Rysen when he paid me in my favorite currency. Flattery, and lots of it. If you missed it you can buy a copy of the score somewhere, probably. I don't know. That's up to my publisher. There was only the one performance, though, at Lord Rysen's suggestion. Not that he needed that to make the night novel, given that assassins tried to kill him halfway through. And now I'm working on various other projects, but hopefully my latest play, a comedy about a dinner that goes awry, will be ready for the stage at the Bard's College sooner rather than later." He looks around the room, then aims a finger at Ian and bangs a tag his way. "Your go, Ian. You look like absolute shit. Fatherhood, right?"

"Hm," is Iona's lofty answer to Gabriel. That good-humoured 'sure but I highly suspect you're full of it.' Allowing that humour to remain a haunt at the corners of her features, she answers Sabella's greeting with her familiar, reserved affection. "Your graces warm me, Princess Sabella," she says. "So soon do I already feel I am home again."

She turns her head to Zoey's curtsey, eyes turned down, widened -- with pleasure -- at how heavy she is with child. She waves off the action patiently, her hands outstretched as if to kindly motion her niece to sit. She remembers those back pangs. "Do not tire yourself for me, niece. Sit and stay rested. So good to see you."

There is also Michael, out of the corner of Iona's sharp eye -- oh, but there is Niklas first! What does a mother choose, her first-born son, or a man wearing a gown?

"All... manners of hospitality weigh equally to me. Thank you, you sparkle well," Iona answers Niklas.

Ian is in the middle of supplying booze to Macda, and is thus caught offguard when Niklas, at the end of a long stream of whatever it is that Niklas just said (he was listening, promise) says his name. "What?" He looks up and blinks across the table at his cousin. "Zoey hasn't had the kid yet." Just in case Niklas thought she'd suddenly gotten morbidly obese or something.

"I think you need to play now," Zoey tells Ian. "It's your turn."

Niklas rolls his eyes at Ian. "I cannot in good conscience choose someone who has already forgotten he already has a child just because the new one is coming. I didn't forget my children until I had at least four of them." He frowns. "If you give me a few minutes I could probably name them all." So instead he points to Zoey. "You go, Zo-zo!"

Sabella gives Macda a smile, "It looks like you have a story to tell of a fun night, but I'll wait to see who Lord Ian picks before I call on you to tell it. And Duchess, please do know that Bisland always has a seat at our table as do all of our vassals. I'm always quite thrilled when it's not just the Grayson-proper people who show up. And when friends and other family do," a smile to Arcadia, Magnus, Zoey, and Ian. "But of course I am always happy to see the family I don't get to often entertain for," and that's a smile for Ailys, "Princess Ailys, did you ever connect with Sister Juniper about that hospice? That seemed like something that might interest you."

Ian shifts his gaze to Zoey for a moment, then he looks back at Niklas. "I thought you meant... Wait." Something seems to occur to him. "Did you just threaten to stop wearing pants?"

Arcadia stares at Niklas, "Four?!" She gives Magnus serious side-eye, "We're not having four."

Dionne, a Mercy Novitiate arrives, delivering a message to Gabriel before departing.

Peaches, a lovely white war filly with a peach saddle, Rascal, a hyper terrier, 1 Grayson House Guards, Deliverance, an albino falcon, Stormy, a silvery gray hunting hound, Rosalie, a lady in waiting arrive, following Reese.

Zoey puts down her fork. "Must I, Nik?" Zoey asks pleadingly. "Other than speaking to Sabella about joining her team, it's been a very trying month."

Reese arrives at the family dinner and maybe is a bit late. She is adorned in her pink and ivory and has a blade at either hip. She quickly peeks over the room and makes a beeline for the food.

Oura, a white-tailed eagle, Valor, a juvenile male Oakhaven Bloodhound, 2 Greenwood Tribe Blood Warriors arrive, following Thesarin.

"I'm not sure it was a threat, Ian. More of an offer made to the world." Niklas walks over and drops back into his throne now that big piles of food are being set out for everyone, but mostly for him. To Zoey he says, "If you'd rather feel free to just say 'met with Sabella, which was excellent because she's the most delightful woman in the whole of the Compact and beyond' and then point at someone to go next. Probably Michael."

Ailys shakes her head at Sabella's question. "I haven't yet had the opportunity. I believe that project is a little way's off yet, though, if I'm remembering right?" Her brows rise slightly, inquisitively. She gives a small shrug at the mention of remembering children's names. Not a problem for her.

Magnus returns a mild smile in Sabella's direction before replying to Arcadia, "Unless you heal up well and full, we're not having any more. It is a -wonder- you are on your feet at all after what happened." The smile might not remain after that remark, something not quite a full frown but suggesting at least some measure of frustration on the topic.

Macda cracks an eye at Sabella and gives a slow, infintessimal shake of her blond head. "Just practicing," the princess murmurs, lifting that head enough to take a swallow of the booze before her. "He's right though. You are delightful."

Reese gets her plate piled up with some berry tarts and some savory tarts too. She then finds a glass of white wine and goes to take a seat a the dining table. A smile of greeting is given to those gathered here, one that shows her dimples and reaches her blue eyes. She seems not caught up with the current topic yet.

Thesarin makes his way into the Dining Room, looking... well, grim is a fair descriptor. But, then, the Prodigal Marqus-Consort rarely looks any other way. The man's dressed up slightly for the occasion, all silks and fine tailoring, although the effect is still of a shav warlord dressed up like a Crownlands lordling. He lifts his chin in greeting towards the hosting family, and claps a fist to his chest while giving a nod toward Gabriel and Iona.

"Do remember to pick the next person after you share," Sabella calls out helpfully, grinning at Macda, "You have to say that because we're related and I know where you sleep! But I appreciate the compliment all the same. And while I adore my children, I have to say four is a little much! If one isn't crying another is hungry and two more want a story while the last is trying to nap," says the woman who has no children in sight, likely due to a fleet of nannies. "Motherhood is so exhausting!" When Reese comes in she brightens again, "Reesey! Do come in! And Count Thesarin--all right, all right everyone give me a moment and I'll make proper introductions. Do continue with the game in the meantime!" she actually stands, straightening her gown like she's going to give a big speech here. She certainly takes in a large breath, which is never a good sign.,

Arcadia gives Magnus one of her serious, I'm fine. look. This may be something of an hourly argument at home. She takes a good measure of whiskey and asks Macda with increased curiosity, "Where is good to go drinking? I'm getting a bit bored of the spirits. Not enough bar fights these days."

Sabella then says, "MARQUIS Thesarin! My apologies, I did the same to Marquessa Arcadia earlier!"

"We'll go with something like that for now then," Zoey replies to Niklas. "I was pleased to have Sabella agree to have me join her team, and very much look forward to working with them going forward," she tells the table with a smile. "And I think that next I will choose... Princess Reese! What has the Knight of Ribbons been up to?"

Reese gives Sabella a gentle smile. "Nobody is as talented at introductions as you, Princess Sabella." She says softly in her direction. She then looks to Zoey. "Oh, me.." She says and seems about to say more.

Tamorin, a bubbly Whisper apprentice, Evensong, a twittering songbird arrive, following Anisha.

Anisha totally arrived alongside Reese, on the Princess' arm, and settled near her. Dressed in her floral garments, the Whisper has for once eschewed her Mirrormask, and remains quiet alongside her Princess for now.

Reese seems thoughtful. "I have been shopping for lots of pink things. I have two recent proteges who are both very impressive, Brother Felix and Whisper Anisha. Brother Felix offered a discount at his shop to all in the Grayson family. And Anisha is very charming and talented. So that is very good." She says, sounding happy about such. "I have been spending more time serving with the Templars and traveled with them to defeat the Reaper in the Oathlands and to defeat a pretender of the Faith. Been thinking of adding gallery room to my tower. I went a pirate hunt with Lord Ian." She says to Zoey with a smile. "And we defeated Eurusi slavers and freed several slaves."

Ian gives Macda a sympathetic look when Sabella takes a deeeeeep breath. "You told her about the note," he reminds Reese, when she mentions the pirate hunt. "She asked me to show..." He stops himself a couple of words too far into that thought, and coughs.

Reese looks over to Anisha, giving her a smile. "Oh and Anisha is here. Everyone meet Whisper Anisha who doesn't know her yet." She says, not quite having Sabella's flare for introductions, but her blue eyes are wam. "I choose..Countess Cady, if she hasn't gone yet." Reese then looks to Ian and her cheeks are very pink. "Well she is hard to keep things from, Lord Ian!"

"I'm rather sure everyone knows my husband, Prince Niklas Grayson, but Duke Gabriel and Duchess Iona I don't believe you were in town when he became known at The Playwright for being so amazingly brilliant at, well, the title rather speaks for itself and even if it doesn't, he will tell you all about it at length if I don't get to it first! And everyone, if you don't know Duke Gabriel and Duchess Iona you certainly have not been paying attention for Duke Gabriel was regent when most of us were children, especially Alaric, and I'm sure he'd love for people to ask him about stories from those days, and his lovely wife Duchess Iona is perhaps even more skilled at talking than I am, which is quite a feat! And she's also got a sharp sense of humor that I'm rather sure I only catch half of and perhaps I'm glad of it and they're parents to Lord Michael over there, who if you haven't met him yet it's only because he's so busy building up Bisland to the greatness it is today! And Princess Macda of course, is the life of any party and could perhaps give anyone here a run for their silver in the ring with or without a sword, and Princess Ailys is possibly the most patient physician I have ever met and if you have a charity that is in need of help she has never turned me down! Possibly because she's too polite! And hten my sister, Princess Reese of course is the best champion in all the realm and that's my completely unbiased opinion as her older sister, then Lady Zoey there used to be a Bisland but she's now a Kennex and she's married to Lord Ian there and they're expecting their second child! And Marquessa Arcadia and Marquis Magnus were recently raised up at the latest Assembly, which is no small feat, as Marquis Thesarin there knows! His wife Mia started up a university not too long ago! If you haven't checked in on it you should and..."she looks around to make sure she hasn't missed anyone, "Ah, Whisper Anisha! Thank you for joining us at the most perfect moment for now you know everyone!" And then she finally takes a breath and a drink. A long drink.

Macda looks over to Arcadia, summoning a squinty smile. "I've been at the Traders Tavern a bit. Then drinking in my room a bit. Preparing. Can't let Aindre win." She too looks over as Sabella sucks in air, and braces herself with arms against ears.

Oura, a white-tailed eagle have been dismissed.

Valor, a juvenile male Oakhaven Bloodhound have been dismissed.

2 Greenwood Tribe Blood Warriors have been dismissed.

Reese's cheeks warm with a pink hue at Sabella's words, but she does seem flattered. She then turns to Macda. "I hope you win." She adds. "I will try to watch the contest, if it is open for watching."

When she's introduced, Anisha rises, and sketches a curtsey. Shooting a bright smile to Sabella. "Your introductions are very handy, your highness, and I am most grateful. Thank you." She shifts her glance, to the gathered nobility. "As my Princess said, I am Anisha Whisper, a pleasure. I am a tutor of many skills, a companion and confidante, and happy to help with events and to make various arrangements to ease the life of the nobility, for I know you have your duties weighing heavily upon you and a people to look after."

Arcadia should of paid more attention. She got Sabella'd. She gives a brief gape at Sabella and then gives Magnus's arm a brief pat. She should of warned him about that. She takes another drink of whiskey and contributes to the game. "Oh. Well. Yes. We became a march and been building some shrines and trade routes and all that boring stuff. I um, oh! I went to westward point to help with some unrest around a dying shaman. Though. I wasn't much help since the spirits sort of got angry at me and threw me off the top of a mountain." Another sip and she reiterates "I'm fine."

"That's... quite the telling, Princess." Thesarin lowers himself slowly into one of the chairs, lifting a chin toward Sabella as he does. He gives a grunt and a nod toward Reece, and another to the Bislands, as he starts to settle into the position of a man who couldn't tell you which fork goes with which course if his life depended on it.

"Who did you pick to go next?" Zoey asks Reese.

Reese looks over to Anisha with another gentle smile and tries to hand her half her raspberry tart even though are plenty more. She looks over to Arcadia at her words and her blue eyes widen. "Congrats on being a March and well I am glad you are okay." She says, looking her over her once more. She then looks over to Thesarin, having a smile for the Count. "Good to see you." She adds to him before adding to Zoey. "I choose Marquis Cady, cause I figured she is always up to stuff."

Ian eyes Arcadia. "How'd you piss off a spirit?" He may or may not be asking to avoid some future mountain tumble, himself.

"In turn," answers Gabriel to Sabella, "know that Bisland is ever faithful to House Grayson."

The niceties exchanged, Gabriel guides Iona to a seat, in order to absorb the news others have to relate. Particularly any from his beloved son. He does take note of Thesarin's entrance, his head inclining in answer to the man's greeting. Perhaps he takes note of more than just the greeting, because as Thesarin settles and contemplates the excessive forks, Gabriel leans over and advises, "Start from the outside and work your way in."

Sabella's introduction brings him back to a state of attention. His expression rests in a comfortable neutral. "Thank you for your kind words, Princess," he replies. "Though I would not venture to be half the storyteller your husband is."

His gaze turns to Iona afterwards, as he takes a glass of wine to pass it to her. "Regret jumping back into the fray yet?"

Sabella looks at Arcadia with both concern and interest, "I am certainly glad to hear that you're better, that sounds like quite the fantastical sort of tale, only here you are having actually lived it! And I am quite thankful that that last part. But truly, spirits?!" She does not look at Thesarin here, who might not appreciate the wonder in her voice, like someone talking about unicorns or dragons, "Like, ghosts? I didn't realize they could actually touch people! Or were...things that one could actually interact with outside the pages of a story, really."

Arcadia tells Ian in as breezy tone as possible, "One of the elders said I couldn't ascend the cloud stairs since I'm not a shaman and I kinda wanted to prove them wrong and well the spirits didn't like that and -" Her hands fly up in the air. "Woosh! Down I went." She then decides and points to Thesarin, "Your turn."

Anisha happily accepts the token from her princess, idly nibbling, giving little nods of approval to Arcadia's report. Well, except for the bit about angering a spirit. "...I'm - I'm glad you survived your flight, my lady," She offers. "Any fight you walk away from, I believe the saying is."

Reese looks over to Gabriel at his words, having a smile for the Duke and then the Duchess as well. "It is good to see you both again." She says respectfully in both their direction.

Thesarin freezes a little, when he's called out. He was listening rather intently to Arcadia's story, and now he's the center of attention. He leans back in his chair, swirling his drink a little before he starts to speak. "...better to ask the Marquessa. Always the gift for words." He pauses a moment, and gives a bit of a smile at something he isn't sharing. It takes a while to get to speaking. "...after the Greyreeve business, one o' Riven's banners lost their daughter--kin to my wife--to marsh-cultists. They was taking 'em for sacrifice." He pauses a moment, and lifts his cup toward Ian. "Lord Kennex were a help, at that. Hunted 'em down to their lair. Ended 'em." Another pause, and then, "...tried to take the Marquessa for sacrifice. Ain't gone well for 'em."

Having lost interest in the conversation when it moved on from him, Niklas enjoys himself by eating a little bit of everything in sight. After the first couple of rounds he pushes himself to his feet and offers a wave toward Reese. "Princess Reese, so good to have you here!" He gets to his feet and gives a bit of a stretch before going after another glass of brandy, pulling his matching cloak around his shoulders in a very fancy flourish. To Reese's companion he offers a quick sketch of a bow. "Anisha Whisper, good to see you as well."

Reese looks over to Thesarin's words, the princess sucking in a soft breath. "I am sorry for your lose." She says in his direction. She then looks over to Niklas, having a gentle smile for her brother-in-law. "Good to see you as well, Prince Niklas."

Anisha listens thoughtfully to Thesarin, and gives a little nod. "I am very glad they had you, and Lord Kennex, to ensure that those deaths did not go unavenged." A brief furrow of her brow, she glances to Reese. "Ah, on a lighter note, I've kept forgetting to give you this, my Princess. A small token of my esteem." She offers up a necklace, and then gestures to the one she's wearin. "They match, see?"

Reese quickly puts on the necklace and even arches her neck as if trying to show it off. She then tries to give Anisha's cheek a gentle kiss. "Thank you. I love it so very much." She says softly in her direction.

Sabella listens to Thesarin's story, eyes a bit wide, "I had no idea! That must have been terrifying for those involved. Well, those not involved in the saving, I suppose," when Thesarin doesn't choose the next person, she looks around the room and says, "Michael! What is new with you? Have you gone on any legendary adventures lately?"

"I have done so very much, it seems like very little. Lady Kaia is married now, that had plenty going on in the run up to it." Michael /was/ paying attention. So when his name gets called, he gets pointed out, its his turn. "I've participated in the Iron Guard recruitment efforts. I've attended services at the shrines, Queen of Endings in particular. Which is trying. But it does mean that life in the Compact as we know won't be obliterated. Which is good. I've welcomed my uncle to the manor, and belabored him until I convinced him to stick around for awhile. Lord Rafael Bisland that is. New construction at the manor since mother and father have last been to Arx. They'll discover it themselves, if they haven't already. I'm a bit busy for legendary adventures. Mostly sitting with books and getting headaches." An easy upwards then downward shrug of his shoulders before he'll sweep the room with his eyes. "Who hasn't spoken yet?"

Zoey shakes he head. "Did you hear what happened at the wedding though?" Zoey asks Michael. "I was there for it."

The Whisper leans in, to accept the kiss, beaming even brighter. "I've also picked up a few of the Pantheon symbols Guild Mistress Josephine made," Anisha explains, drawing her necklace up to show the little charms. "The Thirteenth, for my affiliation with the Mirrormasks, and then Gild, for my calling with House Whisper," She muses. Her eyes twinkle. "And I brought my anklet too, so I have one of your gifts with me." She shifts a little in her seat, drawing her dress up -just- enough to show the rose quarts rose on her anklet. "You have been a wonderful patron to me, my Princess. And I shall be glad to help you and House Grayson continue to prosper as best I can."

She looks to Michael, and nods her head. "I heard about the, ah... Marriage complications. I'm glad it all ended well." She furrows her brow a little. "If you do need help with the headaches, I can speak with my friend who works with the physician's guild, and see if she has a tea she'd recommend."

Reese listens to Michael's words, giving the Lord a gentle smile. "It is good to see you and good to hear the guard is recruiting." She says toward him. She has her tart and touches the necklace without seeming fully aware of such. She then looks over to Anisha with a dimpled smile even while admiring her jewelry. "Everything looks so beautiful on you, Anisha."

"I believe your parents haven't gone yet," Sabella supplies Michael helpfully, "Or Marquis Magnus or...." she looks around, "Whisper Anisha!"

"Whisper Anisha /should/ tell us all about the...whatever it is she does other than whispering." Michael nods towards Anisha, reaching back behind him to settle a still full glass upon a table.

Sabella's voice draws Gabriel's eye. "There is not much to relate that has not been spoken of already by my son," is his remark, his dark eyes regarding said son thoughtfully. "Though I am certain that will not remain true for long, so long as we remain in the city."

Anisha blinks, and shifts her dress properly back down to cover her ankle. "...Well, I suppose if we go by importance, with the most important for last, it only makes sense that I go first." She concludes. Considering her words carefully. "I have had the pleasure of serving as a tutor to a few of the nobles in the city, for various reasons, though of course, the Confidentiality of the House of Whispers would prevent me from going into detail. I've also, ah, been aiding a client in ensuring silver goes where it's needed and goods go where it's needed, something I will continue doing. This has allowed me to act a little as a charitable soul myself, and I do so enjoy getting to aspire to Gild's generosity," She beams, looking around her. "I aid Princess Reese in her endeavours, of course. I have not been on any grand adventures, but I have been aiding Dame Leola in gathering brave souls for a quest she's undertaken. I expect I'll be handling logicists on the back-end for that as it continues, a role that pleases me well. In addition, it was my utmost pleasure to host the First Feast of Spring at the Lodge of Petrichor, and we have plans to have another event there, to give the blessings of Creation upon toddlers and newborns. I just need to coordinate it properly with the Faith and have a date set," She explains.

Having, by now, finished his dinner, Ian settles in with a (rather full) glass of whiskey and listens to the conversation as it continues.

"That sounds like a wonderful event," says Zoey. "I'll soon have one of each, so I may need to find a way to attend."

Reese looks over to Anisha, having a gentle smile for her that reaches her blue eyes. "You are up to so much and well it is so wonderful. One day I will throw some kind of party and have you host. I just need to figure out what sort of party." She says.

Reese is overheard praising Sabella: Wonderful Dinner!

Reese is overheard praising Anisha: Charming, beautiful, doing so many wonderful things and super great and beautiful!

"Have you ever known me to regret anything, husband?" answers Iona to Gabriel, with a half-hooding of her lashes. At the very least, she very much does not regret her wine in hand, and though the Duchess-Consort remains exceedingly aware of her manners -- her current posture, even seated, could give swords lessons in straightness -- she betrays her Northerner blood with her drinking. She can hold a lot. A lot.

Her son's remars on Bisland's affairs and holdings are met with her silence, though Iona appears to be listening; there's a flicker of something, there-and-gone-again, at mention of Kaia'a wedding. Barely-disguised fury, though the Duchess is well-aware there's a time and a place. Gabriel's words are accompanied by her smile. "As the good Duke says. We do hope to re-acquaint ourselves again to you all at this table. Need only request, and our time is yours."

"That does sound like a wonderful event!" Sabella echoes Zoey's praise, looking at Anisha with interest, "Is that in coordination with the Shrine of the Queen of Endings? Or are they just there for the birth? I've never been quite clear, but I imagine there's some overlap here and there. But it might be nice to include them, I'm sure the harlequins all love a good party!" As for the mention of Kaia's wedding, she pales a bit, "I was there as well. I hear she's doing better--far better than anyone that saw what happened might think. You've reminded me I ought to send them something in celebration, so that the good feelings aren't overwhelmed by those that meant to overshadow that day." And then Gabriel and Iona speak and she beams at them, "Oh, please do! Stop by at any time! You have an open invitation to all of the events here, as do you all!"

"Well, I am not the most skilled theologian," Anisha confesses, ruefully. "But I am given to understand that the Faith of the Pantheon still keeps Aion, Skald, and the Queen in their own Triad - so this would, ah, be of course, after the Birth - which is the Mother's Beginning. And more about Lagoma's growth, Petrichor's sustenance, and of course, Mangata for maintaining life itself." She spreads her hands. "...And for libations for the adult attendes, I should imagine." She adds, with a little smile. "If the Harlequins wish to attend and offer the blessings of the Mother has well, I can't imagine anyone would take an issue with that." She suggests.

Reese looks over to Gabriel and Iona, having another smile for them that reaches her blue eyes. "I would be pleased to see you both around." She says softly.

"A fine thing, blessings for the new-born," Thesarin rumbles out. A slow nod, and a slow, long, steady pull of his cup until it's gone. Not one for sipping, this man. A grunt toward Gabriel and Iona with a nod, and another toward Michael. "...ought speak, a time. Shavsbane's still a worry at the border; them'n their friends in the Peerage."

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