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Brown Nute Ale is Superior

Price Klaus Thra is tossing down the gauntlet in saying brown nut ale is the superior drink, and better than Thrax rum, and invites anyone to prove him wrong. this is an impromtu fun event.


March 15, 2021, 7 p.m.

Hosted By



Demura Catriona Cecilia Coraline



Arx - Ward of House Thrax - Ebb and Flow Inn

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

The atmosphere is thick, and the bartender, while not looking surly at the person directing things, he is a bit apprehensive. There seems to be a few barrels of various drinks put about the room, but by far the most number are what looks to be barrels of ale. There are also large trechards of food, roated beef in savory stew with platters of fruit, cheese and bread. The host of this so called challenge is setting with a plate of food, bread, fruit, and cheese and talking with Demura, their tankards full of brown nut ale, the two starting early it seemms.

Klaus smiles. "It does but I will admit I am happy with most things, and if one wishes to be honest, rum is not bad of a drink. I do not have a near religious bond with rum and think my ale is better."

Demura has some of her body covered in thick cloth to protect her from the winter. Still, she's making sure to enjoy both drink and appetizers, trying out some of the cheese now. "Rum isn't bad indeed, but if I'm going for something harder. I'd rather drink whiskey."

Catriona enters the room, gliding in front of her entourage towards Klaus and Demura. She stops near the two, smiling warmly.

At the entrance of others, Klaus smiles and moves to his sister, the twin of his wife in apperance, if not temperment. He kisses both of her cheeks in greeting and gestures to a seat. "Sister! Do join us and tell me you will at least try my ale. This is Marquessa Demura Lyonesse." He returns his attention back to Demura. "Ah but there are times when hard liquer cannot be paired well with a meal, such as..." He gestures to the large trenchers on the table. "...roasted beef."

Demura lifts her tankard in greeting to Catriona, "Pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." She says, studying the features of the Princess for a few seconds, before turning to agree with Klaus. "Indeed, food such as roasted beef and game requires a more refined drink, like wine or ale."

Catriona gives Demura a deep nod and smile before sitting down. "Wonderful to meet you, Marquessa." She pours herself some ale. "I prefer rum in spring and summer. It does not warm one in the winter and fall like ale or mulled wine do."

A red furred squirrel squeeks and rushes to Catriona and chitters excitedly, and circles about her sniffing before stopping in confussion, then turns to chatter at Klaus. He chuckles and picks the squirrel up. "She thinks you are Coraline, and is made there are no treats." Klaus puts another slice of beef on a plate and holds it up towards either woman to see if they want. "I fine wine at times to be too sweet and no thick body to it."

"I couldn't agree more." Demura tells Catriona with a smile, following the squirrel with her eyes. "As for wine, it really depends on where you got it. Some wine can be quite acidic and taste just like vinegar." She shakes her head, "But drinks are just half of the fun. They're made better by the stories that come along with them."

Catriona takes a thoughtful sip of her ale. "It's the same with food. Some is hearty enough to fill your belly on its own. Other foods, well, they need something else to make them worth while."

Klaus smiles at the mention of the stories with drink. "Oh this is true. In fact this small little impromtu affair is not the first time I have made such a challenge. I did this upon some tavern at some port when I was meeting my wife. I think we both ended up both drunk and the common room trashed."

"Contests like this have a tendency to end up wonderfully." Demura states with a full smile, "I've had my share of them in the past, specially during long marches. Do you remember who won, my lord?"

Catriona smiles broadly before grabbing some cheese. She takes a bite, look at Klaus expectantly.

Klaus smerks a bit. "It was a draw I do believe. It was me against my wife, and I managed to hold my own, then as the drinking wore on, she remembered it had been months apart, and thus the draw. We had to pay for the damage to our rooms as well I think."

"I have a friend who could do just that, except she's too righteous to break down rooms." Demura smirks at her own memory, standing up from her seat. "I'll concede that your ale is quite tasteful, my lord. I should get going, though, there's a place I need to visit now." She mentions, dipping her head politely and turning to Catriona, "And hopefully we'll meet again soon to chat more, Your Highness."

Catriona gives Demura a friendly smile. "I look forward to it, Marquessa. I hope the rest of your day goes well."

Klaus stands and bows his head again to Demura. "I thank you for your time and will be sure to meet with you again. I so do miss jousting." Klaus sit down again and gets himself another slice of beef. "How are you sister? It has been some time since I saw you last. In fact I believe it was my wedding to your sister."

1 Kennex corsairs, Wyatt, a large Kennex Laika Hound, Mary Lucennia, an alluring lady's companion arrive, following Cecilia.

The atmosphere is thick, and the bartender, while not looking surly at the person directing things, he is a bit apprehensive. There seems to be a few barrels of various drinks put about the room, but by far the most number are what looks to be barrels of ale. There are also large trechards of food, roated beef in savory stew with platters of fruit, cheese and bread. The host of this so called challenge is setting with a plate of food, bread, fruit, and cheese and talking with Catriona, their tankards full of brown nut ale, the two enjoying a meal of roasted beef, savory meat stew, bread, cheese, and fruit.

Catriona nods to Klaus. "It was indeed. I've been distracted for some time with other things, most of which seem rather silly now." She sighs, taking a sip of her ale. "I hope you and Coraline haven't been destroying too many rooms since." She gives him a teasing smile.

Cecilia enters in with her usual nonchalance. Her eyes look about the room and smiles as she sees the food and drink about. "Oooooo food and drink!" She coos as she moves to go get herself something to eat she continues to look about at the people gathered.

Klaus laughs and then he thinks, and has to bring out another hand to count on before he shrugs his shoulders. "I think I lost count. You know your sister. Also you are soon to be blessed to, sister mine. News which came as a suprise to both of us." At Cecilia enters, Klaus stands and makes a gesture to his table. "Free food and drink, even if you do favor rum over the far superior brown nut ale. I am Klaus Thrax, and this is Princess Catriona Thrax, among others here."

Catriona smiles and nods in greeting to Cecilia. "Welcome. Please, join us." She motions to the seats at the table.

Cecilia bows her head. "Pleasure to meet you both. I'm Lady Cecilia Kennex." She says with a grin before she takes a drink of vodka staying away from the ale. It looked questionable.

Klaus sees the Kennex woman's choice and then says. "At least it is not rum, so I will claim it as a victory." He takes a knife to his roast and then turns back to his sister-in-law. "Now you are here, sister, do you have any grand plans like ny wife does?"

"Wonderful to meet you, Lady Kinnex." Catriona turns back to her ale, looking thoughtful for a moment. "I will never claim to know Coraline's mind, but I am sure we can align some of our aspirations for the future." She smiles at Klaus. "I am sure you also have plans for the tiny Klauses and Coras that will soon be roaming."

Cecilia looks curious. "Will Coraline be joining us?" She hopes. "I haven't seen her in an age and would love to get reacquainted!" She sips her vodka as she takes a seat by the pair.

Klaus smiles. "I hope soe, Lady Kinnex. I mean I made certain I was hoasting this event as loud as I could to draw her. Now the weather might be keeping her. Hard to ride a horse in snow I hear, and last I knew she was at the Order of East Light." At the mention of little children, Klaus cannot help but blush and drink, neither confirming nor denying the comment.

Catriona smiles mischievously at her brother-in-law's discomfort before turning back to Cecilia. "I am sure she will be here. If not, you should come and visit us sometime. Any friend of my sister's is someone I would like to get to know."

Cecilia smiles and winks at Catriona. "I will have to do that. How as the ocean this time of year? Was your trip in uneventful?" She asks before she starts to eat some of the food.

Catriona smiles back at Cecilia. "It was calm and quiet. A bit boring, but that is preferable to some of the trips I've had." She selects a piece of fruit. "I almost wished for some excitement. I feel like my life has gotten a little stale lately."

Cecilia nods and laughs. "Oh I get that." She murmurs as she finishes her vodka. Anne then gets her attention. "I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm sure I will see you both around." She smiles and slips out.

1 Kennex corsairs, Wyatt, a large Kennex Laika Hound, Mary Lucennia, an alluring lady's companion leave, following Cecilia.

Klaus stands and inclines his head to Cecilia. "It was a pleasure and I am certain it will not be the last, Lady Kinnex." With her leaving, Klaus returns his attention back to Catriona. "Well, as you say, yes, there does plan to be a little one, in the very near future."

Catriona waves to Cecilia as she goes. She smiles happily at Klaus. "That deserves a toast." She lifts her mug. "To the little Klaus or Cora that will soon be here."

Klaus returns the toast. "She tells me it is all my fault, but do not believe her. I was not the one who ruined the tea the last port of call. She got it wet with rum, which is why brown nut ale."

Catriona almost chokes on her ale from laughter. "I'll make sure to ask her how rum tea tastes when we are in a more private setting." She giggles. "I am glad you two found each other. I like seeing Cora happy."

Klaus smiles when he leans back. "I like her happy too." He then gets a shrewd look. "Perhaps you can help me with your sister. She is most insistant I attend the next family dinner, because rummor has been said I will only be allowed to eat live octupi and squid. Pure persicution I swear. You can convince her to let me avoid it, yes?"

Catriona chuckles. "Come to the dinner, but I'll make sure you have edible food without tentacles." She takes a drink, chuckling again. "The more you try to avoid the Thraxian dinner, the worse it will be once you're there."

Klaus hems a bit. "But there is an issue here. You see the Princess Consort bought this stunning and beautiful goldenwood table. It can fit most of the family. It cost the princess a pretty silver, half a million in fact. Now this table was deface, in a place where it cannot be seen, but still. This was done by the heir to Thrax, using a dagger she ummmm assumed she could borrow from me. I tried to tell the Princess Consort I lock my daggers up, and it may have come out I accused her daugher being a cutpurse, which she is the best one I have ever seen, but still my truth was not well received."

3 Thrax Guards, Freja the long suffering, Dame Cupcake, the most elegant, Behemo, a towering man with humble eyes, Ergon, the disparaging Volkav blue cat arrive, following Coraline.

Catriona chokes on her ale, breathing carefully for a moment before looking at Klaus. "Maybe you do need to eat some tentacles."

She gets up as her sister enters, rushing to give her a hug. "Cora! I am so happy to see you." She look meaningfully at Coraline's middle. "Both of you."

Klaus stands when his wife enters and looks perhaps a bit chagrined...only a bit. "You were not supposed to be here yet, we have not announced the winner!"

Having just arrived rushing in from her latest meeting having heard her sister was in Arx! Cora is hugged and is blissfully unaware of much but her twin in her arms for a long moment until the ball drops and she leans back for a moment. "Wait, wut? B..both?" her eyes follow her sisters and then turn slowly, and dangerously to Klaus, "Beloved," she says in a voice that the denizens of the Abyss would likely envy, "Care to tell me why Cat knows?" The travesty of the very idea of ale being better than rum not even worth considering.

Klaus points to Doreen, who was still eating the pile of cheese before her. "She made me drink too much and it slipped out. Besides, it is your sister, and I only told her, no one else...well possibly no one else, I swear I was using my quiet voice not my general's voice."

Catriona gives her sister a mischievous smile. "Don't be too mad, I did bait him into telling me. If you were not with child by now, I would be hearing about my betrothal before long." She leads Cora over to the table. "Maybe you should punish him in private."

Cora rolls her eyes and Klaus is just incredibly lucky Cat is there to talk her down, "Oh he will be." she mutters darkly, to Klaus she notes, "You told her in a pub love, a public location. Softly or no, there are no secrets in pubs." She sighs and shakes her head, "Doreen at least would understand that." A wry look is leveled on Cat even as she lets herself be lead, "So, you are using me to avoid getting married hmm?" From the amusement in her voice she doesn't hold it against her twin, "and I well believe you baited him."

Doreen makes her position known, and is quickly on Coraline's shoulder, chittering angerly. Klaus looks at the squirrel. "Traitor." He drinks more of his ale and then points to Catriona. "See she tricked me, I cannot be held to blame when there is trickery afoot."

Catriona laughs as she sits back down. "Cora, you should have prepared him better for when you and I are in the same city. And you need me single a while longer for...reasons."

She gives Klaus a reassuring smile. "I'll make sure you don't end up with raw tentacles, maybe just a few cooked ones. Anything she does to you though is out of my control." She lowers her voice conspiratorialy. "Have you seen her axe?" She gives Cora a brilliant smile.

Giving Doreen her usual tithe of yummy things that Cora keeps just for her she says to the Queen of Acorns(tm) I know, he still needs so much training." She tries to hide her smile even as she dramatically sighs, "True I should have warned him what to expect when we are together. To be fair I haven't been around much for a few years so, any training would be gone by now. Klaus love, this is Cat, it is understood you will spill your guts within half a second of meeting her without preparation. I've told you about her." She can't help the laughter flowing beneath her words.

Her attention back on Catriona she quirks a brow, "Reasons hmm? Perhaps we soon must relocate to a location that isn't public where everyone can hear the conversation," she pointedly doesn't look at Klaus as she says this, "and you can elaborate on that hmm?" At mention of her axe she beams in joy, "I have a new one. It's named Indomnitable. Its the symbol of my office in the Order and I have an alacite one being made for me personally," a moment of grief crosses her expression as her fingers brush Amare, "It is time to set the past behind me I think." Her words are somewhat distant as she says this before she shakes herself free of it.

Klaus almost turns green. "Unless it is fried in oil first, it is near better to eat them raw and that is saying something." However, Klaus does look a bit chastied by his wife's words and takes another long drink, then back to his beef. It might be the last he has for a long while.

Catriona looks serious for a moment. "A few pieces and you'll have paid what ever penance the family is going for, I promise. If you look like you suffered a little, even better. It will be over faster that way."

She eats a piece of fruit, looking between Cora and Klaus for a moment. "Cora, have you thought about give Amare to Klaus? Make sure a bit of you is protecting him when you're not there."

"You know Alarissa won't allow you to eat it cooked in any way, it must be live or she won't be satisfied." Cora notes with amusement. Catriona's question cause Cora to go still for a long moment, her eyes sad, "I'm not sure Klaus would wish to carry it, and I.." she pauses ans swallows hard, "while I think it might be right to set it aside, I don't think I could give it to another. The.." another pause as she struggles to shove emotion down, "the one who gave it to me would be hurt were I to give it to another...... if he still lived." Taking a slow breath she forces a smile onto her lips, clearly trying to keep the happy reuinion happy, "I think I could happily make him one however, but I think he prefers the sword. Or do you want an axe love? I do like the idea of making a weapon for you."

Klaus perks right back up. "Something better then Truth's Sting? I am one never to argue when someone else is spending money on me." he does stand up and move behind Coraline, pulling him into an embrace to give her warmth and safety, and to let her know he does not judge her in anything and he always has his love, and support.

Catriona frowns into her ale, a look of deep contemplation on her face for a moment. She empties the mug, the frown replaced with her usual smile when she sets it down. "Why did Alarissa choose raw tentacles for this punishment?" Cat's eyes gleam with curiosity.

One eyebrow begins to raise as Klaus suddenly becomes extremely affectionate. "I think perhaps we might be able to give you something somewhat better than Truth's Sting perhaps. I will need to have a closer look at the blade to know what to make." She rolls her eyes even as she leans back into the man who somehow managed to steal her heart, "It's because he hates it. Which makes it an exceedingly good punishment as he won't want a repeat, the problem is he keeps finding ways to get into trouble so I don't know that the punishment system is working truly. Then again, if it satisfies her it suffices."

Klaus snorts. "All I did was tell the truth. I think once we move into our only place, they will come to realize what a future great leader of Thrax has on their hands as I swear she is the best cutpurse I have seen of any docksnipe. Perhaps it is comparing her daughter to a street rat her Highness objected too."

Catriona tries to suppress a laugh only to have it turn into a snort. "That would most definitely do it, Klaus." Her lips twitch as she tries to compose her face. "Maybe you should not tell Alarissa about her daughter. Some mothers like to be in the dark about the true nature of their children." She pours herself some rum. "Besides, you don't want to ruin the poor girl's fun by telling on her, do you?"

"I already told you, truth changes depending on perspective and calling the future ruler of Thrax a cutpurse to her mother was not a truth perspective that was ever going to bode well for you." Cora notes, "He is also in trouble for letting said child be able to steal his knife in the first place which allowed her to carve into a half million silver table in the great hall. So he was already in trouble for that. Our dear future ruler claimed her father's chair at said table." She is trying very hard not to laugh. "I fear for the future of our own children." She notes dryly.

Klaus takes a sip of his own ale, reaching over top of Coraline to do it before speaking again. "The little minx sold me out first. All it took was the future heir of Thrax writing a thousand lines. The others feel right in behind her. And I thought they loved me."

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