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Written By Dominic

Feb. 21, 2017, 10:36 p.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

Apparently, I need to talk about a couple things that I understood were common sense. If you threaten a Thrax prince with prison for wanting to ask a question regarding matters that involved us all, matters in which we need all the help we can get, expect to be called out if you do not follow through. That is what happened at the Assembly. Now, I get that there are procedures and better ways of saying things during assemblies but do not tell me, especially if you are from Thrax, that you would not have expected someone who threatens a Thrax prince with prison for something so miniscule as wanting to ask a question, to do it and when they don't, they be called out for it. Why? Because respect toward your house is respect towards you. The same applies for disrespect. The great houses are the accumulations of all your hard work as vassals. Do the same thing with a prince and princess of the Velenosa, the Redrain, the Valardin and you will get the same reaction. Or else why do you fly the banners of the great houses? If not to stand up for what they mean, their bloodline are your blood and your children's blood.

P.S I do not make veiled threats so whomever started that narrative, fuck you.

P.S.S Duchess Sylvie, I imagine you are a nice lady and did not mean me calling you out that day to be taken as a threat to your life. People now days are very sensitive when we should be focusing on important shit like our enemies surrounding us.

Written By Dominic

Feb. 21, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(12/19/1005 AR)

The Thrax fleet encompasses the mightiest of fleets in the realm. It is composed of hardy vassals who every day make a name for themselves in fighting our enemies. To perpetuate the idea that our High Lord does some how have a problem commanding this fleet as one unanimous force is an insult to the sacrifices made by our lords and princes. The vassal of Thrax do not quiver in fear, they accept their High Lord, and proudly raise their flags alongside ours. Answering the call for battle. They die Thrax, they breath Thrax, they are Thrax. We are united and if you are loyal to your own high lord, you will stop projecting that fear to us and our vassals out of respect for yourself, our enemy is coming.

Written By Samantha

Feb. 21, 2017, 6:22 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

I am part of many endeavors to secure the prosperity of members of the Compact, especially those who do not always have the fortune to be born into a prosperous family or somehow wind up as the would-be replacement of a nobleborn. The Crown as well as many noble individuals have taken it upon themselves to develop charity programs and provide aid to those in Arvum who need help the most, or even just the merest opportunity to have a chance and pull themselves out of an unfortunate circumstance.

One would think such efforts of social consciousness would be pleasing to the Faith, to witness its followers actively promoting compassion and aiding in the betterment of humanity. Wouldn't one?

Imagine my surprise to find I have recieved, or heard of messages from members of the Faith complaining that for the Crown or private individuals to create charitable institutions is to overstep into their territory.

Imagine my surprise to be given such a reason as the idea that while the Faith will never falter, but a simple regime change could remove such institutions. As if any effort of aid isn't worth offering because it might be dismantled?

I do not understand such hubris, and will continue to do as my heart and my soul guides me.

Written By Lyiana

Feb. 21, 2017, 6:02 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

(penmenship is neat and spelling perfect) It has been a long few days, but I finally managed to get the outfit I wanted to accomplish. It was a thrill to be able to do the work, even though I was cursing inside my head sometimes and trying not to scream the rest, though it was a good and wonderful experience.

Written By Orathy

Feb. 21, 2017, 4:38 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese


Written By Orathy

Feb. 21, 2017, 4:38 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Asger


Written By Sparte

Feb. 21, 2017, 1:58 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

I didn't expect so many people to read my journals, I don't know what to say. Thank you to everyone who has offered support. If people are still reading this, please come to the Shrine of Lagoma tonight. Maybe you don't care for rituals like this, that is okay! Please just care about the people and the city.

Written By Harald

Feb. 21, 2017, 1:45 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Whenever I speak with folk of any influence within the Army if the Compact, without exception they are grateful for the presence and conduct of our ships and men. Our way of war permits a strength and flexibility that is the admiration of Generals of other lands. How odd that I only ever hear scorn for our ways from the mouths of those ignorant of waging war. When such folk as we wish to be your allies, one must be foolish indeed to treat us as foes.

For only a fool undermines one of the pillars that props him up. I have yet to hear a single worthy argument as to why other folk of other lands should meddle in our succession. The only folk that need fear Victus Thrax are the Bringers, the Gyre, and those loyal to them.

Victus Thrax is Highlord of the Mourning Isles and Prince of Maelstrom. May the years of his reign be long as the list of his victories.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 21, 2017, 1:11 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

The problem with Arx is at its root it is one particular set of landers that are forcing their own views and prerogatives upon the rest of the allies. While everyone insists that everyone should get along splendidly while pushing aside their own cultural norms and embracing this big lukewarm melting pot might be nice in theory, in reality each culture should reject turning their backs on their history and we should instead celebrate all of our differences as that is what makes the alliance strong.

History, even with these sacred writings, seems to be forgotten. Could it be that the landers don't remember the great Thraxan push that took over the entire Compact? Do they think our ships can't reach Arx or the ivory towers? The fleets of Thrax are like the divine storm; dark and dangerous, they can appear and swoop across the waters without notice and leave terror and waste behind. Our strength doesn't come just from numbers.

Written By Iona

Feb. 21, 2017, 12:30 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lyiana

The other day I was stretching my legs and catching a whiff of fresh air - I can only stomach a desk and stuffy etiquette for so long before going crazy, after all. I stumbled across a shop I hadn't visited before, and what I found inside was frankly disheartening and worrisome at the same time.

Miss Lyiana had been at work for so long that I could swear she was swaying on her feet and practically delirious. Frankly, I found it irresponsible to leave her to her own devices at that point, so I did something I probably ought to not have done: I ordered the woman home, put her to bed and took the time to clean a couple of things up in her apartment whilst one of my guards fetched a hearty lunch from a nearby bakery.

Once she woke up after a good hour or so worth of rest, she was a lot more sensible, and we had a pleasant discussion, save for a minor misunderstanding. I can only hope this young miss took my advise to heart and will watch her own health from here on forth. No matter the talent and love you possess for your craft, it is not worth wasting your life over.

Unfortunately, this little walk of mine ended up taking far longer than I intended when I left, and as such the trade agreements I had left to look at were instead delegated to become the reading material for my evening. Were it not for Gabriel's timely arrival startling me awake, I might just have slept in that chair for the entire night.

How embarrassing.

Written By Magden

Feb. 21, 2017, 11:46 a.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Roland has a new friend.

The Duke does not want my fleas.

Pie and Vincere are dead.

Home again, home again, lickety split.

Written By Merek

Feb. 21, 2017, 11:19 a.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

I have officially made it as a full Scholar. In addition to that, I proceed forward with my recruitment for the Iron Guard. I hope to make us what we once were, before the incident. Hopefully with people that will not turn so easily on the whims of those in charge, and would speak against such actions. Perhaps vet them better. That said, my wish is that we find people who will stand up when our leaders do something that is not right. Yes, we must follow the commands of those we serve, but we are smart enough to know what is right for the Compact. It was those that decided to fight the decision of the former Lord Commander who have a memorial for them. I am hopeful we can make Arx as safe as it once was.

Written By Mae

Feb. 21, 2017, 10:38 a.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

I posted up a note about needing new boots. Since I'm sure everyone was curious, yes, I have new boats! And a better cloak. I am now a warm Mae. Warm as I could hope for. It was only commoners that reached out to me. Does that mean something? I'm sure it does. Thankfully, we have a commoner as our Dominus, and he is going to take care of us!

Written By Lydia

Feb. 21, 2017, 9:55 a.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I must take a few moments to speak praise for my cousin.

Perhaps it was a fluke that Nadia promoted him to voice hours before her death, but I think of it as a blessing instead.

I feel so amazingly utterly lost, for all that I have been called "voice" for months now. Yet, for all the areas where I struggle, there Mydas shines. He's been a tremendous help in narrowing down volumes of knowledge into what I should know and what I need to know, he's taken hold of trading concerns that I know nothing about, and has been willing to advise me discretely when my ignorance about my sister's affairs begins to show.

He even made sure there was wrestling at the bonfire!

Written By Michael

Feb. 21, 2017, 12:30 a.m.(12/17/1005 AR)

I'm not a philosopher. Anyone that knows me well would attest to this. That doesn't mean that there aren't times even the least philosophical have to take account. Strange how things change and transform. I'm not entirely certain what it all means--if it means anything. Maybe some events merely are and require no further reflection.


I'm not convinced this is one of those events.

Written By Donella

Feb. 21, 2017, 12:30 a.m.(12/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

Princess Alis has a sense of humor that I can appreciate in long meetings, and at small-scale events. We both feel protective toward our brothers. I have nothing but respect. She can do her fighting with her clothes on. Take that, boys.

Written By Silas

Feb. 21, 2017, 12:10 a.m.(12/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

Prince Inquisitor and corgi spoiler

Written By Demura

Feb. 20, 2017, 10:37 p.m.(12/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Gabriel

Had a meeting with Duke Bisland and despite my fears about overstepping my bounds, I walked away with respect for the man. I'm not sure if he is always so serious, maybe he should get out more, but either way; It seems we understand each other much better and I look forward to working with him in the future.

Written By Demura

Feb. 20, 2017, 9:42 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Elrych

Seems he was having some trouble with things, but I'm glad I was there to pick him up and take his mind of what troubles him.

It's also very rare that he opens up about his aspiration and ambitions, but he did today. He even asked how I would deal with such things. With a heavy heart, I told him how I really felt regarding the situation, those obligations that I have when it comes to the state of the realm and the possibilities of settling down with someone worthy of a Lyonesse.

I hope he understands what I meant, though, I'm sure I didn't curb his wanton for a partnership. It's really a shame that Eirlys and he had different goals.

Written By Elrych

Feb. 20, 2017, 9:36 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

We decided to eng it. While we were good together... great even. It was easy to see our goals were not the same and we could not reconcile it. It was a queer position to put her in... and myself. I hope she dosn't hate me. I hope I can pick up the piece of my heart. I'm 26, my brothers, sisters, and cousins are all with children and spouces. I have yet to produce a heir in order to continue my family name... or produce more retainers for the Lyonesse who consider me family as it is. Time will tell. At least the Marquessa is there to pick me up when I fall. She always is.

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