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Written By Leo

Sept. 4, 2016, 8:05 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Edain has grown into a fine bearer of the Valardin name since the tragedy. We work well together and I can only hope such cooperation continues into the future.

Written By Sudara

Sept. 4, 2016, 8:04 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

Where to start? Here in Arx, at last... and I find myself more than a little overwhelmed. I have a retinue, of course, most ably led by Tenebrae – but I must chart my own course through these particular waters. Thus far, I have been met with considerable warmth, and have been truly gratified by some of the kindnesses shown to me. But I must seek to find one or more roles for a widowed amateur scholar of little influence. At the least, it should be an intriguing challenge.

Written By Leo

Sept. 4, 2016, 8:02 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

There is something of a simmering idealism in her that colors her conversations. Perceptive and charming, she does House Grayson proud.

Written By Sudara

Sept. 4, 2016, 7:50 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Prospero

An acquaintance from embarrassingly many years ago, who was flatteringly pleased to see me and gratifyingly gracious in his dismissal of my long-overdue apologies for past clumsiness. Of course, as Lycenes of different houses, we might be expected to dissemble and wear masks - but I find myself hopeful of future cooperation. After all, it is not as if we bookworms and 'spare' cousins do not have a certain amount in common.

Written By Aurora

Sept. 4, 2016, 7:46 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Mistress Culler is a charming woman, who Hammar has informed me has hair like my own. She came to see me about a few commissions, which have proven vexing as I had no idea there was such a cry for pockets. Pockets, who would have thought that this would be the next fashion statement. Quite helpful. Acacia, not the pockets.

Written By Aurora

Sept. 4, 2016, 7:38 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaine

Evaine is the lead actress with the Mummers, and the one who employed me as the troupe's seamstress. Without her aid, I am not sure where I would be. I owe her a great deal, and will prove my worth.

Written By Rainier

Sept. 4, 2016, 6:45 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

I attended the Grand Melee organized by milady Dawn Grayson. I need to meet with the good Lady again for more but before that happened I thought to revisit the city's elite and see with my eyes what the world looks like from behind their own.

I could not. What excitement they felt, the trepidation of clashing against their own numbers, the support and the abject worry that they felt does not match what is in my own heart; one of those young swordsmen complained that the numbers were unfair, and that the opposition were vagabonds for it. Briefly I debated engaging them in conversation, perhaps even afterwards, but would I have to say to them? Are they wrong or is it my own mind warped now, my hands stained too deeply, that spectacles of the sort no longer seem the same?

I saw nothing. I did not even see a melee - I saw steps, forms, technique and styles but I saw no spectacle. There was no order to be maintained, no chain of command or strategic elements to gain an advantage from. Athleticism, yes, and some had quick hands and rapid minds - yes. But I do not know it is what I was supposed to have been doing there.

Liv was present, too. I should catch up to her. I owe more than I will be able to repay her before the end.

Written By Rainier

Sept. 4, 2016, 6:44 p.m.(6/26/1004 AR)

I caught up with Liv - one Olivia Ashford - again. It has been a great long time it seems if one does not measure such things in months or years, which probably means it was recent enough; I should look into my older journals to see, for what is the purpose of committing pen to paper if I shall not use it to look back and marvel at the degree of foolishness I possessed each time?

This shall be no exception either, future friend. I know I have failed you.

She looked well, of course, and spoke prudently as is her lot in life. Some of us are blessed with such luck of no loss for virtue, yet appear cursed as well with not recognizing them for what they are; perhaps as a small repayment I could help her see that if only I knew how.

Healers ought to be above the rest of us and held to that lofty state by all who know them. She shall change many lives above and beyond merely those that she saves during her own, but I have a task to do. It shall not do to become distracted.

Remember. The price of duty was honor.

Written By Hammar

Sept. 4, 2016, 6:16 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Lady Dawn want fight Hammar, she say she want see him use new Warhammer she give. Lady Dawn not good fight, She no guard, no attack good, Lady fall down and make grunt noise after Hammar hit 4 time. Her chest sweat in armor. She say she not mad at Hammar. Lord Victus look mad at Lady Dawn for fight Hammar.

Written By Olivia

Sept. 4, 2016, 6:12 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

The tourney was amazing. It astounded me how vicious warriors can be for no other reason than sport! In any case, no one was awfully hurt, and it gave me a chance to practice. I still wouldn't wish another any time soon.

Written By Olivia

Sept. 4, 2016, 6:10 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rainier

My cousin. The last time I saw him, he was... well, let's just say it's good to see him again, and better to see him so hale and hearty. At least in body. The rest remains to be seen.

Written By Olivia

Sept. 4, 2016, 6:09 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlan

Bumped into my brother today. So wonderful to see a familiar beloved face. And he's exactly the same, it brought a twinge of homesickness that I'd managed to bury to the forefront of my mind! Still, it is good to have family about, and good to have someone so firmly on your side. He said wonderful things to Lady Dawn about me, and championed my cause to see the King.

Written By Rook

Sept. 4, 2016, 3:36 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Do you know how many times I hear jokes about my name? At least thrice daily, I insist you know. /Three/ times. Do you know what I do when it first happens? I smile, I laugh. The second time it happens, I smile and nod. The third? I just smile.

Honestly, it's rather tiresome. My name is playful homage to the fact I'm a chess piece, you see. That wasn't awfully hard to figure out, was it? Yet, everyone seems to be so surprised. "Oh, your name is Rook?" they say. "Like a the board game?" they query.

It's not that my name bothers me, not in the slightest. It's that people are so terribly /predictable/. It's why I refuse clients, from time to time. It's why I charge exorbitant rates to those who would hire me. I am a Whisper, not a common fop you'll find in the boroughs.

If my dear men and women of this city cannot appreciate quality when they see it, then why bother hiring an elite courtier with years of training to attend the courts?

Written By Rook

Sept. 4, 2016, 3:31 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

The Arxian courts are rife with intrigue of late, what with the turn of events that have become known as the King's Rest. It's really quite a very lucrative time for one such as I and though I feel a tad guilty capitalising on his majesty's sickness I must simply look after myself, mustn't I?

As a vassal to House Grayson my family has been sending me piles and piles of missives seeking ways to pledge further aid to our liege and his proxies in this time of great horror. Our merchant vessels have even begun reducing their fees for transport goods in hope that the further income will satisfy the coffers of the royal family during their investigation into the truth of this tragedy.

Yet, I know my father's games and my mother's manipulative motions. They're priming themselves for a possible transfer of the throne and seeking the graces of those who, unlike King Alaric, are still awake. I can't really blame them either, though I wonder if they couldn't a little less obvious about it.

What next, will they send my siblings here with bows tied around their necks?

Written By Rook

Sept. 4, 2016, 3:22 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Let me start by saying that I'm terribly sorry for this here lackey hanging around in the hallway-- he's not even here by /my/ doing, dear scribe. Hell, if I could, I'd outrun him but he's so terribly, terribly fast.

You see, there's a lady-- her identity confidential, you understand-- who just wishes to ensure I'm "safe". Apparently that means sending this stalking, dour faced sentinel my way in hopes I'll never mis-step. It's simply not acceptable, really. I'm due to see the Radiant this very afternoon, in fact, to stop this nonesense. No Whisper ought be treated this way.

If only this were the first strange thing to happen to me. Occupational hazard, I'm afraid. Sometimes you only need to spend an evening with someone and they're falling head over heels for you. Everyone just wants a little bit of attention and that's more than alright-- but others? Well, they want /all/ the attention, /all/ the time. Sometimes not even your weight in silver is enough.

Anyway, I digress... let's move on, shall we?

Written By Harlan

Sept. 4, 2016, 3:13 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Olivia

My sister is in the city! I spotted her today on the Grayson grounds. Already she is pulling up weeds and cataloguing them.

I am hopeful that she may assist Lady Grayson with the mysterious ailment of the King. More importantly, it is good to see her again.

We miss the friendly faces of home.

Written By Talen

Sept. 4, 2016, 3:03 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Marcas

During an underground brawl hosted in the lower boroughs I had the satisfying pleasure of fighting this man in the rough. I would upgrade my opinion of the Redrain captain from a dog without bite and only bark to a beast with a talent for unadulterated brutality. This, I can respect. I shall have to reach out to him, to speak with him another day and learn more of him. Somewhere commonplace, however, so he doesn't dirty the finery. The Unkindness, perhaps. They'll likely serve the slop and ale he prefers to the wines I would. Tehom give me strength.

Written By Talen

Sept. 4, 2016, 2:56 p.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Lady Dawn Grayson held a tournament recently-- 'They Shall Rise'-- an event of legendary largesse. It was my duty alongside Prince Luca and Duke Niccolo to represent our family, the Great House Velenosa.

We won the event with some small amount of tactic; a rather common choice of stratagem, admittedly. I stood in front of Luca to keep him unwounded and without armour he was hardly fatigued for much of the fight while I kept everyone at bay. Duke Niccolo called our targets and served as a floating danger. It worked well, as expected, leaving our prince to mop up at the end.

I am ever surprised at the talented warriors in Arx, though I confess they are rather disillusioned. Should I ever face many of these men or women in a true fight, rather than his ridiculous pretense of a show, they won't last very long.

Lord Victus Thrax was outnumbered as one can expect any famed fighter to be and was felled despite his good showing. High Prince Edain and his partner the Lord Fidante both took fancy with me and it proved to be my undoing.

I won a sword, emerald, gold and steel; another trophy that I care very little about. I sent it to Princess Jaenelle as I have done with the others, hopefully to be hoarded by her like a great white dragon would until she chooses to smelt them for something pretty.

Written By Deva

Sept. 4, 2016, 11:32 a.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

There wasn't much time to decide in the melee held by House Grayson. With a whole team piling onto Darren, that's where my focus went first. Much of the rest of the fight was spent on defense. I had hoped we would win, of course, but I've learned not to expect anything. I'll happily take fourth, and continue to insist my preference is ranged fighting anyway. Overall, I had so much fun, even with all the blood and bruises in the aftermath. The whole field was filled with such fierceness and skill from every competitor! I'm glad to have fought alongside my brother and Brianna. I think, with some further practice, we'll make an even more formidable team. And since it couldn't be us in the end? I'm glad it was Luca left standing. He's an absolute whirlwind with that blade. It's very attractive.

Written By Victus

Sept. 4, 2016, 10:36 a.m.(6/25/1004 AR)

Don't much care for losing, and never have. Nobody with any self respect and desire to improve should be comfortable with a loss. That said, you can't fear it either. While its always preferable to win, a loss provides you with an opportunity to look at what you did, and what you could've done better, and then improve.

And when the stakes are nothing but pride and silver, which means the stakes are nothing at all, you'll never get a cheaper opportunity.

And I got an excuse to tell everything business related to fuck off while I recuperate with hot baths and a lot of booze. Its medicinal, you see, when my whole fucking body aches.

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