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Gala of Grief's Reflection

A Lyceum Gala, in memorial for the Archduchess of Flowers, celebrating the end of the mourning period, and celebrating her light. Come join the Velenosa family in an evening filled with light, joy, life, and community as we embody the reflection of grief itself. Dancing, drink, and drama are sure to abound. All are welcome to partake of Velenosa hospitality, honoring the love the Archduchess had for the whole of the Compact.


Feb. 26, 2017, 5 p.m.

Hosted By

Isolde Talen Eleyna Niccolo(RIP)


Leta Valkieri(RIP) Samantha Mydas(RIP) Margot(RIP) Blacktongue Valencia Felix Donella Hadrian Tristram Luca(RIP) Dagon Edain Alis Serafine(RIP) Deva Julea(RIP) Octavia Caelis Alistair Magden Reese Sudara Abbas(RIP) Juliet(RIP) Acacia Lianne Dafne Jaenelle Belladonna Darren Cassius(RIP) Max(RIP) Eirlys(RIP) Valerius(RIP) Ferrando



Arx - Ward of the Lyceum - Velenosa Estate - Ballroom

Largesse Level


Comments and Log


Just as any celebration within the Velenosa estate, it was met with light, laughter, and lovely conversation. I am sure Esera would have spent the night dancing with friends and strangers alike before retiring to her throne to gaze out at those she loves and protects. The Gala was truly a celebration of life, of hope and the future, and of sending off someone with appropriate Lyceum tradition.

Hadrian has joined the The Immorality Couch.

Fidelia Fidante, A Lady-in-Waiting arrives, following Juliet.

2 Pravus Honor Guard arrives, following Sudara.

2 Pravus Honor Guard have been dismissed.

Cassius arrives beside Belladonna, easily allowing his wife to lead him in. The big duke is dressed just about as he's always dress - in that light grey Knights of Solace uniform, with his peace-knotted swords at his waist. He seems perpetually ready for a fight, and surely he shows no signs of 'joy'. Still there is a nod of greeting to Isolde. "Princess Isolde," he says, his tone unfriendly, just as it always is.

When Valkieri enters, it is in black: even if the Velenosa family's mourning is over, his is still ongoing. His head dips in reply to Isolde's greeting, but he remains quiet. He finds wine first, because that is the most important, and he scans the room.

"Of course, Your Highness." Mydas smiles to Isolde before turning to salute Darren with a respectful bow. "Your Grace, a pleasure as always." He glances towards the entrance where more and more guests enter. "I believe I should get out of the way." he remarks, and the golden-eyed man steps aside towards a shadowed alcove, content with waiting, though giving a smile and nod to Cassius and Belladonna as he moves towards the alcove.

The Prince of Sanctum enters the Velenosa ballroom, look very out of place. This is the one place in the world where his more subdued appearance makes him stand out rather than blend in. Still though his clothes are modest, obvious care is put into looking his best. His hair is neat, his beard is groomed. His old fashioned tabard, is pristine white and blue, and was obvious freshly stratched and laundered before he came here. Lingering for just a moment at the entrance, the Prince of Sanctum draws in a breath and then starts to cross the room to greet Princess Isolde.

Hadrian eases his frame into a seat, an expression solemn and gaze, now torn from Isolde, contemplative. His stare centers on the Throne of the Grand Duchess mournfully.

Deva's steps into the ballroom and slow and steady, an effort not to make her look like a baby fawn just learning to walk in the high heels she has opted to wear this evening. It's a struggle. She is looking a great deal more dressed up than usual, in shimmering seasilk, and she must have even sat still long enouh for someone to do her hair. It is braided intricately, looking very much like a flower at the back of her head, with the rest of her vibrant red hair left to spill down her back in loose curls. "Hi," she not-so-quietly whispers at Edain, arriving just a beat after he does, and moves to follow him toward the hostess.

Alis arrives, accompanied by her future sister-in-law, on the heels of a large crowd of others. So many people! She takes in the sea of faces, and looks over at Eirlys to say something quietly. And whatever line there is to see Princcess Isolde is the one she leads her friend over towards. Conveniently right behind her brother. Hi Edain!

Serafine arrives, Leta on her arm, dressed in a dark blue dress that's sheer and beaded, leaving her back bare, a train behind her with the skirt split down her hips to show off her muscular thighs. The dress is, obvious to most Lycenes, an homage to Esera. There's even a crown of flowers on her head, her hair bound up in intricate braids.

When Isolde greets her and Cassius, Belladonna smiles that way. She dips her head. "Thank you," she says quietly. She tips her head to Mydas when she sees him, then looks to Cassius's way before tugging him to where she can find something mild to drink.

Rohm the Blackguard arrives, following Caelis.

It seems that this event is sufficient to draw Sudara Pravus out of seclusion. Somewhat thinner than usual, her pallor is highlighted by the black she wears - though the cut is provocatively Lycene, the Voice of Pravus still adheres to the mourning garb she has worn since the death of her husband. Upon entering, she hesitates momentarily, surveying the throng before moving in search of both a seat and a fortifying drink.

Reese arrives while holding gently onto Luca's arm. The Grayson princess is adorned in a bronze silk dress that clings artfully to her figure. She looks toward Isolde, having a gentle smile for the Princess that touches her blue eyes. "Oh, kind to Prince Luca?" She says, looking upon the prince at her side. "Oh, I will try to be, but I don't know how to dance, so I might be cruel to his toes despite all my efforts." She turns her gaze back to Isolde a moment later. "It is nice to see you, your Highness."

Arrow, a raven arrives, delivering a message to Reese before departing.

Juliet enters followed by Fidelia, the Lady Fidante having chosen to wear her mirrormask garb today, covered head to toe in shimmering seasilk, the reflective dye and champagne-silver threads pooling, the fine fabric stretching against her frame. Face kept blank and entirely mirrored, hands held close to her chest. She gives polite nods, in turn, to the Archduke and Princess Isolde. To the other High Lords and then following a simple order of rank. Pausing briefly to raise her hand in a supportive wave to Sudara. Which may be slightly incongruent with her garb and demeanour.

Quiet and unassuming, Eleyna threads her way through the gathering crowd to place herself at her cousin's side, leaning in to murmur to Isolde before straightening and viewing those that approach Isolde with an even, steady gale of pale blue. She's dressed in dark violet silk and lace that reveals swathes of alabaster pale skin. Her pale blond curls are gathered haphazardly with silver and amethyst combs, looking as if one stiff breeze or good tug could send the entire mess tumbling down.

Darren takes a moment to speak a few quiet words with Isolde before he glances aside and chuckles at something she says, looking mildly amused. He will part afterward, noticing Cassius enter the room and coming over to give him a firm pat on the shoulder. "Duke Cassius, how nice to see you. It looks like your time in the South hasn't changed you very much," he remarks with a grin, before dipping his chin to Belladonna as well. "Nice to see you, Duchess." Then his attention drifts to Deva, and his brows loft as he takes her in, coming to step alongside her. "Deva, you look.. Very nice," he sounds surprised, but pleased all the same.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Caelis before departing.

Niccolo steps into the ballroom, along with his retinue of guards and Acacia on his arm. The guards walk a short distance behind the archduke, allowing for some privacy. Once they enter the ballroom, he continues forward, and smoothly unlinks his arm from his companion's. His features are schooled as ever, but there is a softening to his expression when he studies every detail that has been crafted to remember his daughter. He finally comes to a stop, not far from Isolde, and lets his eyes linger on her. He approaches then, and kisses his daughter on the cheek. "My dear Isolde. This is beautiful." He looks around once more.

Mydas watches the new arrivals from his place in the shadowy alcove. Leaning against the wall, the wolf eyes observe, but do not seek to engage yet, letting the series of introductions and greetings take their proper course.

Isolde smiles warrmly, embracing Edain as he approaches, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for coming, darling. Even if this signals the end of our mourning... we know differently." She squeezes his arm gently, before moving to Deva, kissing her on the cheek. "Darling... you still look ravishing. Remember... battlefield." She laughs warmly, offering Alis a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Congratulations, my friend. Hopefully tonight we can celebrate your joy as well." She offers a laugh to Reese's quip, nodding a touch. "That is his burden to bear. It's lovely to see you." She nods to Juliet, offering her a warm smile, "Lady Juliet, that outfit will never not be striking. It is good to see you." She kisses Eleyna on the cheek, nodding a little, smirking slightly. "I figured as such. Wherever you like, darling." She nods and looks up to Niccolo, her bright smile only warmer. "Thank you, Papa. I think she would have liked it very much."

Cassius can't help but spare a glance over at Deva. Deva the pretty princess. His look flashes amused, before he nods his head along to Belladonna, and moves with her, off to find a drink. He does pause, to look to Darren. He gives a snort, and then holds a faint smile. "Not too much," he agrees. "Believe I smell nicer, and hard to say much beyond that."

Valerius steps into the ballroom with his helm strapped to his side, his Thrax-styled armor gleaming as if it was recently polished. He wears a broad, happy grin as he takes in the state of the ballroom, his gaze darting from one set of decorations to another. He may be a Thrax, but he seems just as comfortable in Lycene environments as he might the dreary Thrax Estate. His gaze turns a moment, taking in those gathered to celebrate the life of the Archduchess, but upon spotting Darren, the Prince immediately makes his way towards his cousin, doing his best not to immediately interrupt, but still leaning in to speak quietly to the man regardless.

Samantha makes her way in on her own, her dress bright despite the fact that they are mourning a death, perhaps because she thinks it might be better to celebrate Esera's life. The floral motif of her gown is meant to honor the Duchess, and with a hand smoothing out her skirt, takes a moment to dip a curtsy to Isolde and Niccolo in acknowledgment of her hosts before proceeding deeper into the ballroom.

There's a smile flashed up Darren's way, and Belladonna dips her head to him in greeting. She remains quiet, though she does chuckle for Cassius's response to the man.

In superbly forged bright steel, Talen arrives alongside the Black Widow. The Sword of Lenosia's helmet is tucked under his left arm, his right looped with Eleyna's. As the pair proceed through the double doors and into the midst of the crowd, his steely hued gaze roams the banners. With the group of Velenosa - from Isolde to Niccolo - in his and his partner's vicinity he bows to each, a careful motion considering the weight of armour. "Your grace, your highness," he manages before giving a direct look to Acacia; commoner to commoner. "You look weird," he tells her bluntly, as she's dressed in silk.

Leta arrives, Serafine on her arm, in a robe of crimson and violet silk brocade bound by a golden silk sash and her sword belt. It's all a bit excessive by likely commoner standards, but it allows her enough confidence to keep some swagger to her stride as she walks in, swallowing in dryly, and takes a wide-eyed look around, squeezing her companion's arm ever so slightly tighter towards her side. She glances over, and leans in to murmur something.

Eirlys stands beside Alis, she is for once in a fancy dress for once and her hair is done in an intricate braid. She says something back while waiting with Alis. She has her hand on Alis's shoulder though she does look a little like she isn't sure what she is supposed to be doing. She does give a small wave to Edain.

Hadrian stands in order to make bold, long-legged strides toward the Archduke, "Niccolo," he says, once the other has finished words with the mirrormask, dropping the formality as the normally theatric duke solemnly speaks. "She was loved very much."

Acacia's respectfully held arm detaches from Niccolo's at the same time she'd fallen back to more of a poise than a shadow. Stripping from her leathers for this event alone, there'd been a singular survey of the crowds and then a rather immediate theft of two glasses of red wine. The first is sipped and delivered to Niccolo's hand thereafter, the second is swiftly consumed, before she appears towards Isolde's left shoulder and murmurs gently, "You look well, your Highness." She bows afterward, skirts or not. Talen is provided a very subtle jab of her elbow towards his armored side -- once which prompts a half-frozen wince afterward.

Reese peeks over to Cassius, having a smile for her cousin and his duchess. Her attention is then upon Deva. Reese's blue eyes wide as she takes in her lovely seasilk gown. "Oh, Princess Deva, you look amazing, like a sea goddess."

Alis returns Isolde's embrace, and flashes a quick smile at her. "You've done an incredible job this evening. And thank you. I am sure we'll talk later when things aren't so .." Crowded. So crowded. With a quick kiss back on the Velenosan' princess cheek she moves along in the line aside Eirlys to incline her head respectfully at Niccolo. "Your Grace." is offered politely, though her eyes then dart around to see a place where they can sit and watch the goings on.

As Darren approaches her, Deva just stares at her brother for a long moment. A hand lifts in an obvious gesture indicating she is about to punch his shoulder, but for some reason she lets her lightly clenched fist drop halfway through the swing. "Thanks," she finally says, giving Darren a small smile. She leans to embrace him briefly instead. Catching Cassius' look, she rolls her eyes and waves him off. "So do you. Nice choice," she tells Isolde, giving the shoulder of her amethyst gown a quick pat. "Thank you," she adds, a little more softly so, before straightening to greet the other hosts. "Princess Eleyna, Archduke," she bids, bowing her head politely before she quickly steps out of the way of the receiving line. Reese's words trigger a fleeting smile for the Grayson princess. "Bronze suits you perfectly, Reese," she says, before beginning her search for a drink.

Looking up from the vital task of securing some liquid fortification for this trial of her recovery, Sudara catches Juliet's wave... and offers a smile of open gratitude, inclining her head to the mirror-masked woman. Moving to sink onto a chair amidst a silken rustle of skirts, she sips, listens, and watches - hoping that the frenetic swirl of activity will die down a little. Or at least that the floor might feel a little steadier underfoot.

Edain waits for Niccolo to greet his daughter before he bows to her and Isolde... It is mid bow that Isolde hugs him and kisses him on the cheek which brings color to him. "This is a beautful gala Princess Isolde. I know that Archduchess Esera would have wanted people to celebrate her life. There could be no finer way to remember her." he says, returning Isolde's hug, chastely before stepping back to allow her to greet others. To Niccolo he bows, "Thank for opening your home to us today." he says briefly before stepping back. As he mingles back into the crowd he gives a way to Alis and Eirlys, having seen them in the receiving line just behind him.

Serafine looks amused, looking at Leta and shaking her head, saying something softly in reply before looking about the ballroom, spotting her sister Eleyna. Taking Leta by the arm, she leads the blonde sellsword to Eleyna. Serafine leans out to embrace the Ice Princess, going so far as to scandalously kiss her cheek.

Alis has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

Cassius lifts a hand, making a small wave towards Reese. Then his attention shifts back to his wife, and he murmurs to her.

"Princess Isolde. Thank you." Juliet curtseys. "Her grace deserves everything we have, and so I felt it fitting for a gala in her memory." Canting her head to the side, in a gesture that, for those who know her as well as Isolde does, is usually accompanied by a smile. Presumably there is one under the mirrored fabric. And presumably nobody's soul will get caught in-between the reflections dancing between one mirrormask and the next, endlessly repeating. Even as she glances to the throne, and Esera's likeness. Raising her hand in greeting again, giving a little wave to Edain, Eleyna, to Niccolo, to Acacia and Alis as they all stop by Isolde. Offering the Redrain delegation of Darren and Deva a curtsey as well. Looking over to Sudara again, and giving her another incline of that blank mask.

"And here I was expecting you to teach me, Ribbons." Luca's quipping aside to the young Grayson on his arm about dancing. Then to Isolde as he leans in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Though you shouldn't make it sound as though the lost bet's a terrible ordeal, Issy. There's worse things certainly I'd hope than accompanying me as a date." The lazy Velenosan duelist-prince is dressed tonight slightly more upscale than his usual lack of caring in the least for appearance, perhaps having gotten warned his date wasn't coming in armor as she teased she would. Supple black calfskin pants tight enough to be like second skin, knee-high boots, a flowing silken shirt of Velenosan purple with a waist-length elaborate brocade jacket marked out with Velenosan purple on black, the buttons bearing the Fox in silver. He's bearing only a single diamondplate blade at hip tonight rather than usual pair he's borne on back so often of late, and while he looks somewhat grim, he's in slightly less Mourning Prince mode than he's been for weeks. After the greeting of the hostess, he's letting Reese draw him over to Cassius, and at the Grayson girl's compliment to Deva, a small agreeing nod is given her way, albeit without words of greeting beyond the nod's given. Cat's got his tongue clearly.

Lianne drifts in quietly, eyes wide as she takes in ever face and every detail. All the light suffusing the ballroom catches the violet highlights of her plum black gown where it clings to this curve or that, belying the apparent modesty of a dress which keeps so much covered. She turns a few bright smiles this way or that, but drifts off to the outskirts, intent on observing all the introductions and pleasantries rather than participating in the fuss herself.

When Alis greets Isolde, Eirlys gives the woman a respectful dip of the head. Niccolo also gets one as well though Eirlys is trying so hard not to bring attention to herself with him other that the bow. After that she moves with Alis almost as if she were a fancy dressed body guard

Eirlys has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

"Princess Samantha... thank you for coming. It's lovely to see you." Isolde greets, and she keeps greeting each in turn, the deluge of people getting a warm smile and a invitation to come in and join the throngs of people. ((I'm so sorry for all I missed, I've totally lost track OOCly.))

Darren braces for what he expects to be a punch, only to seem pleasantly surprised by the lack of one. Deva's embrace is returned warmly, and followed with a kiss to her cheek, before he leans to pay attention to something Valerius says to him quietly. They exchange a few words before he gives Valerius a warm pat on the shoulder. "I'm glad that we're seeing more of one another, cousin," he says to Valerius with a small grin, before he reaches for two glasses of wine. One is passed to Valerius, before he lofts the other to his lips for a quick sip.

Pariah, The StormCrow, 5 Redoubt Buccaneers arrive, following Maximilian.

Belladonna shakes her head lightly to Cassius's quiet words, offering him a reassuring smile. She murmurs a quiet reply, and then she's lifting a hand to wave to Sudara when she catches sight of her, sending a smile that way.

Caelis arrives quietly, the raven haired woman in a sheath of silvery lace with pale blue sheer fabric gathered over it and belted with a mixture of blue beads in a wave patter. The sheath dress and sheer fabric over it are slitted high up one leg to allow for movement. She looks to her guard Rohm and sighs since she was unsuccessful in slipping him. Shaking her hair over her back she joins in the line of people waiting to greet Isolde.

Valkieri draws in a slow breath from where he stands, wine held in one hand while the other is set at the small of his back. He watches the entrances with a close gaze, noting everyone's arrival and greetings with the hosts of the event as he drinks his wine. For tonight he seems to be without his ducal counterpart.

Talen smirks when Acacia's elbow crashes into the steel, not even nudging him out of stance. "Please, if you want to break your arm on my suit go right ahead." There's a lower remark to her, before he notices Serafine and Leta's approach. "Princess Serafine, Mistress Leta. Between you, you have every colour under the rainbow. Cute," he adds, a shared amusement moreso for the mercenary woman than the rest in his vicinity. Without wine and use of his arm, he turns his head slightly in search of it, yet does not abandon his place. Alis' presence within the chamber catches his eyes, however, to whom he calls: "Princess Alis, I hear you're getting married. I'll offer you my congratulations, if you'll allow me to be disappointed," he jests, within earshot of Edain undoubtedly.

Eleyna offers nods and smiles in return to greetings and seems about to say something to Talen, likely a scold in response to his comment about Acacia's dress, but it stopped short by Serafine as she folded into a hug and her cheek is kiss. She laughs lightly and pulls back to look at Serafine, brow lifted. "Glad you made it. And the lovely Leta as well." Eleyna offers a pale gaze to the sellsword before looking to her sister again and murmuring something to the slightly shorter woman as she nudges her in Isolde and Niccolo's direction.

Lianne has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Jaenelle arrives, following Felix.

Edain stars to mill out of the receiving line, hoping to find his way to one of the couches, but as he does he spies someone in the receiving line, and approaches them as they wait for their moment to greet the hosts, "Lady Caelis," Edain says bowing his head to the woman. "I wanted to thank you for responding to my message the other day. I appreciate your willingness to answer questions about nautical matters about which I have next to no understanding."

Cassius gives a small nod in response to Belladonna's words. He flags down a server, easily taking one glass of sparkling wine. He lifts it, sniffs it, tastes it, then hands it off to Belladonna. He takes the second glass, and takes a sip of that one, as well.

Reese blinks and then blinks again when Luca says he was expecting her to teaching him dancing. "I would think that Prince Nimble could dance super good." She says, having a warm smile for the champion that touches her blue eyes. "I mean, you would kind of expect a little tank to be all toe stompy, but not you." She glances over the room, trying to keep a pace with the gathering guests. A happy smile of greeting is given to Serafine and Leta. "I can't wait to see them dance." She says aside to Luca

"I think so too," Niccolo speaks in agreement with Isolde. His attention then turns to those immediately around father and daughter or approaching with greetings and acknowledgments. Catching Samantha's curtsy, Niccolo inclines his head. The archduke's ducal vassals are each spotted and offered respectful dips of his head to those present. "Hadrian," he greets the duke verbally, when the other man addresses him. Alis garners a faint smile from the Velenosa High Lord at her greeting. Then his eyes find Deva and there his gaze lingers, "I believe Princess Reese is correct," he offers, with an incline to the Grayson princess. "You do look amazing, Princess," that is said to Deva with a smile. He turns to Edain and dips his head to the prince, "It is our honor to have you here, but really, my daughter gets the credit for putting this together," he gestures around. "And it is a certainly a fitting way to remember her sister," he offers with pride in his voice.

"Charming as always, Sir Talen, when we don't have our swords in one another. I'll graciously allow your disappointment." Alis quips back, a briefly amused smile on her face when she inclines her head towards him. Obviously, she will wave towards her brother to invite him to sit with she and Eirlys if he likes. Though she then also waves a greeting towards Juliet and Deva. And Darren.


Maximilian moves into the ballroom and - you know - the sailor stops short. He's seen some shit on the waves. He's been to LEnosia and to Setarco and Sactum. But still, for all of that travel, he really is still a sailor. And this? Is pretty fucking stylish. "Whoa." he declares inarticulately.

Valerius' smile broaden dramatically at Darren's words, and he accepts the wine glass with a ready dip of his head, immediately taking to sipping at it as he responds to his cousin, "Agreed, Darren. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've mingling to do, and important people to talk to." He caps his words off with a wink, and readily he steps away, his gaze panning the crowd until he eventually spots Edain. Making his way to the Valardin Prince, he pauses nearby, a smile on his face, "Excuse me, Prince Edain, I was hoping to have a quiet word. I'll keep it very brief."

"Lady Juliet -- were the roses from you? You look striking as ever," Acacia compliments, her reddened elbow held gingerly tucked to her side. His audible remark went unheeded, but the lower phrasing had her inclining her head to him once. The appearance of Mistress Leta has her providing a bit of a broadened grin, but she provides an additional bow towards Princess Serafine. Detaching herself once more from the group, she hesitates only briefly before idly requesting of one of the servers to bring wine to Talen and Eleyna. She leans just slightly towards Alis, upon passing, remarking casually, "... I'm sure we could furnish other inventive things for you to stab Talen with, your Highness, if you feel inclined as the evening goes on."

Belladonna sniffs the wine carefully and looks relieved, sipping from it cautiously before she relaxes entire. Okay, good. The sparkling wine is not going to bite her. She curls her arm back through Cassius's, starting to drift off with him towards a quiet corner. Oh yes, so very social.

Valencia enters quietly, and a little late. She slips through the crowd like a little shadow, nodding polite hellos as she goes and offering little kisses and hugs as appropriate. She scans the crowd looking for those safe harbour.

Belladonna has joined the Shadowy Corner.

Darren dips his head to Valerius as he parts ways, and Darren himself steps over to Niccolo. He raises his glass up to Alis when he catches her wave, flashing her a warm smile. "Evening, Princess Alis," he calls over to her, before he comes to touch Niccolo on the shoulder in a friendly pat. "Your Grace. It's good to see you. Isolde did a fine job," he gives another look around before he settles his attention back upon Niccolo, murmuring quiet words to him.

Cassius has joined the Shadowy Corner.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Samantha offers to Isolde, and upon receiving acknowldgements from both the host and hostess, moves further into the event.

"Ah, Prince Edain." Caelis curtsies to him and smiles brightly. "I appologize, with tournament yesterday I found myself quite swept up. I shall be happy to speak with you at any time." She offers and looks to Valerius. "But I shall not keep you. Please." She offers with a gesture.

Hadrian steps back as others swing in to speak to Niccolo, a respectful dip of his head given. As he passes Isolde, he murmurs softly to her at her back, before fluidly resuming his gait toward the Inmorality couch.

Serafine looks amused at Talen now, only to grin. "Oh, I'm sure cousin Esera would love it. She helped me design this gown, whether she knew it or not. Inspiration or something." She looks to Eleyna and arches an eyebrow at her, but her smile is warm and she nods. "Remind me to find you later," she comments to her sister, before grinning at Acacia as well, giving a small, if graceful curtsy. She moves to Niccolo and Isolde, gives them both much deeper, respectful curtsy, bowing her head. "Uncle. Cousin. You've out-done yourselves," her husky voice intones, the twin to her sister Eleyna's, remarked to be the only thing the sisters have in common.

"Thank you, your grace," Deva replies to Niccolo with a bow of her head. "I think everything looks perfect tonight," she adds, casting one more look Isolde's way. With one last fleeting smile for Reese and Luca, she exhales and retreats off to a refreshments table. Her steps are slower than usual, so she doesn't snap an ankle in her heels on the way. She spies Alis and waves brightly at both her and Eirlys' vicinity.

It's been years of practice to get that nonchalant swaggering strut right, and Leta is just barely managing to keep to it as she nods to Serafine and tags along to where she's lead. She halts in front of Eleyna and bows her head, "Your Highness. Good to see you." she offers a friendly smile, just a little taut at the edges, then nods to Talen as well, "Sir Talen. Do we now? Well, close enough, just barely." she admits with a glance at herself and Serafine, and a slight widening of her uneasy grin.

Sudara manages to catch another gesture of recognition aimed in her direction, and raises her goblet to Belladonna in response - mustering a slightly shaky smile to accompany it. Then her Duchess slips away to a shadowy corner, and she's left searching the crowd for another face that might be considered friendly as well as familiar.

Alis does laugh brightly at that, winking at Acacia for her offer. "That's quite kind of you. I will keep it in mind, of course. And never let it be said that you don't know how to keep a party entertaining." She must have snagged glasses of wine on their way to a couch, since she lifts one up in toast now towards the other woman.

Upon noticing Niccolo's attention, Reese has a smile of greeting for the Archduke. She then looks over to Prince Darren and echoes his greeting, sort of anyways. "You Grace, thanks for having me." Reese then notices Talen, the dark knight and Eleyna, being hard to miss. She has a smile for them as well.

Maximilian has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

"You're too kind, Princess Alis," Talen returns with an effort to bow. "Though, I don't actually recall the last time you did me the pleasure of letting me stab you with my sword. Perhaps you'll permit me another day, sometime soon. The Scholars of Vellichor tell me you've been writing about me in your journals, as I have you. It's all flirting until you permit me the actual opportunity." Acacia is given a quick glance, noting her to be the source of his sudden goblet of wine that he is forced to exchange his helmet for. "Princess "Ribbons" Reese Grayson, how do you do. Luca! Did I get it right?" he shouts, over the heads of about thirteen different court notables.

"Serafine, it's delightful to see you. Will you introduce me to your companion?" Isolde smiles warmly, offering her cousin a kiss on the cheek, squeezing her hand lightly. She flits, her attention in a thousand different directions with the frentic energy that will end in an epic crash at some point, but, for now, she keeps greeting, barely stopping for small talk. She exchanges quiet words here and there, before pausing by Niccolo.

Edain bows his head to Caelis and says, "I am sad that I missed it, I heard it was quite the spectacle. Gods bless you this day. I hope we get a chance to speak soon." And that said he slips back into the crowd and lets her move on to greet people.

Cassius retreats, with his wife, to a small, secluded space. Social, indeed. He does stare out as he speaks to his wife, but after a good sweep of the room, his eyes are back on Belladonna.

"My formal garb when I serve the Thirteenth does well as mourning garb, I find." Juliet offers to Acacia, giving another exaggerated nod of her head. "The Fidante Bouquet looks suspiciously like the ones I tend to send out," She muses, looking over the floral arrangements. "But I think the credit must go wholly to Princess Isolde in this matter. Symbolic, in a way - taking the best the Lyceum has to offer and bringing it together to make the sum more than its parts."

The Mirrormasked Fidante bows her head in respect to Isolde and Niccolo, and then draws back. Another nod to Alis, to acknowledge the wave. And, upon spotting Valencia, raising her covered hand to greet the Northern Fox as well.

Leta turns after that and tags along Serafine once more, this time to Niccolo and Isolde, focusing on getting each step there just right. It wouldn't do to trip over anything. It ends up slightly stiffer than she'd like, but just barely so. Coming closer, she bows, however awkwardly. She's clearly practiced strutting about more than formal greetings. "Your Grace. Your Highness." she says, and leaves the rest of the talking to Serafine entirely, offering a measured smile to the hosts.

Ferrando proceeds through the receiving line and bows precisely to Isolde when it's his turn. "Your Highness, we all are very appreciate of House Velenosa's hospitality tonight. I am sure that this event shall celebrate Her Grace in the most befitting way," he says softly before smiling. Niccolo gets a respectiful nod and bow as well, and then he's off into the room proper to not hold up the line any further.

Nodding to her Uncle Niccolo, Valencia dutifully joins her family, taking her place with the others, returning Isolde's wave with one of her own. She ofers a little smiles to Luca, Serafine, Elyena and even Talen, as well as a nod to Prince Darren and the beautiful Juliet. Her expression is calm, though there is a strange tension in her.

Edain turning then to Valerius as the Prince asks for a word, Edain says, "Of course, Prince Valerius. How may I help you?"

Felix arrives in the ballroom wearing his deep crimson shirt, leather breeches, and black boots. While not the peak of finery, everything is laundered and made to look as nice as possible. It's quite a contrast to the company he's currently keeping. He's walking with Jaenelle and the two of them seem to be having a good time chattering back and forth and sharing a laugh. As they cross the threshold into the ballroom, Felix quiets himself and looks sidelong to the comparatively diminutive blonde princess and lifts a brow, offering his arm to the woman. "Wow," he murmurs in comment, looking around slowly at the decor of the place.

6 Thrax Guards, Margot arrive, following Dagon.

"Natural grace doesn't make up for utter lack of social capability. My dance instructors hated me worse than my war instructors. Neither managed to teach me a thing that stuck unfortunately." Luca manages to unstick his tongue to offer back to Reese, even while subtly guiding her off to mingle a bit more amongst others, angling specifically for Serafine and Leta as she mentioned them, leaving him to murmur to her with faint half-smile. "They do make a great couple indeed." As he's going, there's a tense, brief glance over to the high-heeled Deva, but shaking headful of unruly dark hair sends strands of it veiling his eyes and whatever's in them, and as he's approaching family, he's grinning to them, offering up. "Sera, El, Leta, even Talen, I'll admit you all look great. You all know Ribbons, of course?" Meaning Reese on his arm, and Luca can't help smirk at the name, looking toward Talen's reaction to it.

"Please, I do apologize for interrupting, My Lady," Valerius states to Caelis, his entire upper body bowing towards her readily as an accent to his apology, "It's very improper of me, and to accidentally snub a woman of such beauty is an insult that I can't readily let slip. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, I will." When Edain turns back to the Thraxian Prince, Valerius smiles and leans in, his words quiet for the Valardin man.

Maximilian steps to the side, out of the way and into the shadowed alcove. GOTH CORNER.

Eirlys looks up and smiles at Acacia. "Hello." She offers not sure if she should introduce herself or not. She is trying to keep up with everything that is happening. She leans to listen to something Alis says then nods and says something back. She looks up and around mostly trying to see who all she knows.

Smiling at Isolde, Serafine squeezes that hand back and returns the kiss to the woman's cheek. She turns aside and gestures to Leta, dark eyes focused on the sellsword, her smile at the blonde woman warm before she says to Isolde, "This is Messere Leta Broadbent, a member of Audric's Valorous Few, an invaluable companion to me," Serafine introduces. "Peacock Prince of the lower boroughs, but that's my title for her; her taste in color and clothing is starting to rub off on me, I'm afraid." She grins at her cousin. "I promised her no one would get poisoned this evening."

Acacia's own glass, stolen first and foremost, was lofted with a certain respectful amusement towards Alis. Her dark eyes attend to Juliet, before her lips broaden into a grin when she looks towards the roses. "Well, perhaps you can take credit for the splendidness of them, then. Or at least the insight to see that, your Highness. Astute. Enjoy yourself this evening, will you?" The arrival of Ferrando has Acacia watching him for a bit as she sips off her vintage, but she inclines her head towards him amiably enough.

Eleyna offers Reese a smile and says, "Princess Reese, I didn't get a chance to tell you how well you did after the duel. You look absolutely lovely today." She slants a glance at Luca, murmuring, "If you can manage a to tear yourself from your lovely companion, I want to steal you for a dance later. I'm not sure Talen is up to the challenge." She looks pointedly at the Sword's armor before gazing at her cousin, almost pleading before she shifts her gaze to Niccolo as asks just as sweetly, "Perhaps my uncle the Archduke will indulge me as well?"

Serafine eyes Luca. Ribbons? And tries not to smile at him.

"Valencia, darling! Thank you for being here. It's a great relief to see you." Isolde greets her one of a million cousins, evidently. She nods to Leta as Serafine introduces her. "Darling, it's lovely to meet you. Any companion of my cousins is a welcome sight in these halls."

"Guest right ensures that nobody will be poisoned, at least with any intent to do them real harm," Talen stipulates to Serafine and Isolde before before leaning in to press his mouth far too close to Eleyna's ear when whispering a shared utterance. Of course, the comment about his dancing? It fetches a mild growl. "If you're manipulating me into dancing, it has worked. Once I have escorted his grace and his daughter to the thrones so they might watch, you will be the first on my agenda. How's that?" To Isolde and Niccolo he looks, checking on their state of addressing the incoming traffic, murmuring: "Father, sister; whenever you're ready." The terminology sits on the air almost awkwardly despite it coming from his lips without too much of the same foreign quality.

Tristram arrives in the ballroom, and the Prince in Purple has changed his fashion--slightly. In honor of the occasion, his hat, which normally holds a plumed feather, holds a long-stemmed white rose. He has also improved his style in Valardin fashion--his formerly finely-stitched cuirass has been replaced by something which appears to be made out of an exotic, pebbled-texture leather of some sort. He approaches the crowd curiously, and heads to pay his respects first to the Velenosas, bowing slightly but not interrupting their preparations.

Caelis smiles and waves off the apology. "Think nothing of it your highness." She murmurs to Valerius. "If anything, consider a dance later and we shall call it even. I see my cousin though and am due to greet him." She offers and leaves the two princes to talk as she approaches Hadrian. "Cousin! You look fine! I fear I shall be greatly in Princess Isolde's debt for her aid last night. She's a fine healer as it should happen." She beams and loops an arm in with his lightly.

Jaenelle has taken Felix's arm as he escorts her into the ballroom. She has perhaps seen the ballroom before this moment, the flowers and other decorations being brought in throughout the day, and is not quite as surprised with the way its been decorated as those who do not live within the estate. She shares a few softly spoken words with the smith turned knight before motioning towards the gathering of Velenosas, which probably takes up an entire many of them!

Valencia, obviously the BEST and most foxy of all Isolde's cousins, smiles sweetly up at her. "A relieve? How so? What is wrong?" she asks as he approaches.. Offtering hugs and and little kisses to those present.

Margot enters with her husband to be, looking around the light filled room. "I believe the Velenosians have taken our own words to heart..."

Serafine points at Eleyna. "I recall one dinner as a youngster where -she- put laxitives in the cake."

Luca has joined the Libertine Table.

Deva has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Sudara has joined the Decadent Couch.

Valencia has joined the Libertine Table.

Eleyna just looks coolly at Serafine and says with a shake of her head, "I think you've taken too many blows to the head and are misremembering. I would never."

Reese smiles warmly as Talen calls her Ribbons, the girl not seeming to mind the nickname. She allows Luca to guide her closer to Serafine and Leta, while keeping a gentle hold on his arm. She then looks to Eleyna, all flattered at her words. "Oh, I would be honored to dance with you, your highness."

Ferrando has joined the Libertine Table.

Dagon arrives, escorting Margot upon an arm with a slow gait. And as they enter the ballroom properly, that walk slows to an outright stop. "It's so... bright," he tells Margot. His own clothing, dark and black and violent reds, is in stark contrast to the torch lights and the smiling faces. "It looks that way. Isolde's doing, no doubt. As good a celebration of life as of death." The barely-prince looks a little lost in all the proceedings, and the fancy crowd.

Juliet has joined the Libertine Table.

Leta winces slightly at the introduction, growing rosier by the word. And then she panics briefly, turning wide eyes upon Serafine, then to Isolde, hastening to clarify, "I never said - I wasn't really worried about any poisonings, truly. That's - that's in jest with Princess Serafine." The haste makes her Lower Boroughs' accent thicken slightly, though she's trying to keep it down. So she shuts it and bows her head to Isolde once more, "It's a pleasure to meet you, your Highness."

Gaius, a Thraxian Confessor, Balanar, a shadowy Confessor arrive, following Alistair.

"Lady Eirlys," Acacia acknowledges with a rather formal bow, with only the hint of a flourish therein. "I don't think we've had the pleasure to meet. Acacia Culler, protege of Duke Niccolo. -- Did you care for something to drink while you're getting settled?"

After speaking quietly with Valerius for a few moments, Edain bows to him and says, "Thank you, Prince Valerius." And he steps back so they can go their seperate wasy in the crowd. Edain for his part seems to be searching for the refreshment table. Tryiing to sneak a handful of olives when he thinks no one is looking.

Luca grins slyly aside to Eleyna's talk of dancing, and actually gives a low laugh to Talen's talk of manipulation. "Be it on pain of your toes, cousin, but sure." He offers up to the dance offer. Glancing behind him with a grin briefly to something Acacia says in passing, murmuring reply to her. Reese's interpretation of the words as dancing with her brings up Luca's dark eyebrows to glance back and peer at Eleyna for clarification, or perhaps just with wry amusement and expectation of how she'll take that.

Caelis has joined the The Immorality Couch.

Niccolo takes a sip from the glass of wine provided to him by Acacia. He dips his head to Darren, and faintly grins when the other man gives his shoulder a friendly pat. "Your Grace," he greets the Redrain prince and then listens, his eyes widening some, looking pleased. He slowly nods to Darren, "That is a very good sign indeed," he agrees. "And certainly a good way to start this gala," he points out. When Isolde pauses by him, he exchanges a few quiet words and he inclines his head to her.
    He reaches for Isolde's hand and lightly squeezes it, stepping forward then and lifting his glass up. He offers a smile at Valencia's arrival and hearing Eleyna's words, he offers a dip of his head in affirmation. "If I could have your attention, for just a quick moment." He pauses and waits, letting his eyes take everyone present. "First of all I want to thank you all for being here. It is a testament to how loved and respected my daughter Esera was," the archduke says. "Today we remember her, not in sadness, but rather to celebrate her life, her dreams and to celebrate the Lyceum that she loved so much. So as you mingle, as you eat and drink, as you dance, think of her. Think of the good memories you have of her, and let this celebration of life set us moving forward, to the future. To the Arduchess of Flowers, let her spirit and love for her people be remembered by all those that speak her name," he lifts that glass even higher in a toast, and inclines his head to Isolde.

Calis' request of a dance has Valerius turning away from Edain then, a small laugh escaping him as he presses his hand to his chest and bows once more, "I fear a dance will be more of a punishment than a means of making it up, but if you'd like the opportunity to watch a Prince make a fool of himself, I'd be more than pleased to share one with someone as radiant as you." When she steps away, he turns back to Edain once more and bows readily for the other man, "Thank you for your time, Edain, it's been a pleasure." Never one for etiquette, the Thraxian Prince turns away and goes to find a place for himself to stand.

"Your words are very kind." Juliet replies to Acacia. "And I am sure I will have a most enjoyable evening." She sketches another curtsey, then muyrmurs an apology, drifting to leave Acacia to handle other guests, and slipping towards the table Valencia went towards.

Reese has joined the Libertine Table.

Valerius has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Margot nods to Dagon, holding lightly to his arm as she looks around the space thoughtfully. "Do you see Princess Isolde?" She asks the man beside her. Her lips press together slightly, what a contrast to the wake they held only a night before for Donrai.

Whatever Talen has to say to Eleyna makes her bite her lower lip and close her eyes briefly. Her voice is just a trace higher when she looks at Luca and Reese, smirking, "I'll dance with both of you at the same time. Then you can step on -my- toes." If there were to be a response to Talen, it is lost as she grows quiet to listen to Niccolo.

Serafine is quick to snag a glass of something, pressing it into Leta's hand as Niccolo raises his in toast.

The Inquisition arrives to party. Except they don't. The Inquisition does not party. In fact Alistair and his goons likely create a void of no fun or enjoyment around them as most of the smart guests of the Velenosa likely keep their distance. At least they don't have their hoods up while creeping in the shadows. Alistair's gaze sweeps about the party slowly, perhap slooking for someone or something.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Acacia, sorry it is under these circumstances." When asked about a drink she looks at her glass realizing she drank it all. "Some wine I suppose?" She asks. "If that would be ok. You don't have to." The young Greenmarcher makes sure to let the other woman know.

Maximilian from the shadowed alcove, lifts his glass.

Alis gestures towards the empty places still available at the couch she and Eirlys claimed as refuge. "You are welcome to join us, if you like." she offers, towards Acacia. "Though if you wish any olives at some point you might want to take them first. Before my brother finds them all." A sweetly innocent smile is cast towards Edain. Since whether he can hear her or not, she's enjoying being a bratty younger sister. It's when Niccolo speaks that she quiets, lifting her glass in toast as response when he's finished. A quick wave is given towards Margot and Dagon when she spies their entry from the corner of her eye.

Darren lifts his glass at Niccolo's toast, before taking a long sip of the wine. He weaves through the crowd to find Edain, placing his hand warmly on the man's shoulder in greeting. "Your Grace," he says, offering quiet words to him as well, before straightening a bit. "I didn't know you were a fan of olives," he notes, chuckling a little to Edain.

Samantha seems content to meader through the ballroom, taking in the view of the silk throng and for the moment, keeping to herself. Drinks float by and she liberates one, opting it would seem, for wallflowerdom and and raising her drink to Niccolo's toast before sipping.

Cassius remains standing with Belladonna, tucked away in a far corner, the two intimately close as they casually speak and watch the gala. His attention focuses when Niccolo begins to speak, and he silently lifts his glass for the toast, then takes a sip.

Hadrian stares at aforementioned Inquisition group.

Lianne's glass, yet half-filled with something terribly dark and red, in toas to Esera at Niccolo's words. In the shadowy alcove, conversation seems lively, smiles and laughter and general ease among those gathered.

Deva has joined a darker area of the room, apparently eager to withdraw from the hustle and bustle. But she does listen as Niccolo speaks, and raises her glass to join the toast.

There's a glass? There's a glass. Might be tricky to drink from it with that shroud and no Darkwater waxed reeds, but at least there's a glass of wine to raise in toast. It may not be Juliet's.

Luca moves to the table with Reese on arm, seeming more than just overwhelmed, but little desperate to find a defensible position. Valencia's talk gets a wide-eyed emphatic nod, while Ferrando's greeting get's a polite nod back and a quick. "Rando, you know Ribbons, right?" meaning Reese by the glance aside to the bronze-dress-clad girl. At mention of toast, Luca's pulling from his jacket a hip flask of volcanic glass with Darkwater imprint, popping the top and raising it up in lieu of a glass, seeming to somber a bit at reminder of Essie, but still eager to be drinking to her. Or maybe just eager to be drinking period.

Mydas turns to listen to Niccolo's speech, local conversation momentarily forgotten.

Reese has the grace to blush when she looks between Eleyna and Luca and realizes her mistake. "Oh." She says and smiles, a warm smile that touches her Grayson blue eyes. "Maybe, dancing with us one at a time would be safer." She says, peeking down at Eleyna if trying to check out how delicate her feet might be, like she doesn't want to hurt them or something. "Dancing can be dangerous, but maybe not as dangerous as dueling, maybe."

    There's a quiet smile as Niccolo steps down from his place, and Isolde dips her head in quiet reverence. She steps forth, looking over the crowd of people. "Thank you all for coming this evening. We have been in mourning for a long time? many of the Lyceum have fallen in the service of this Compact, and our hearts break every time. These are not the first, nor shall they be the last to come. But they are honored in the Velenosa Halls, heroes and patriots. Vassel houses of Malvici and Gemecitta have given us some of the greatest patriots, and it is cruel tragedy that they be taken from us too soon. They are inscribed in our hearts, and will receive the honors they deserve. For as we are many Cities bound together, so is the Compact many Houses bound.
    "Tonight, however, Velenosa ends its mourning period for our Archduchess of Flowers, the light and beauty and strength of my life. We end our mourning, dry our tears, and revel in companionship, beauty, light, and celebration. Today, we dance in the reflection of grief, and know only joy, rapture, and the new journeys that are to come. We celebrate, hold her memory close to her hearts. So, family, friends, compatriots, guests high and low, we welcome you this evening. Enjoy the bounty of the Lyceum, and find joy in her name, Esera, Archduchess of Flowers. May her light never dim and shine as stars and sun for all days to come." With that, Isolde holds up her glass, drinks deeply of the wine within, and settles on one of the chairs at the front, allowing herself a quiet moment before her hostess duties resume once more.

Isolde has joined the Grand Duchess Throne.

Belladonna lifts her glass as well, then takes her own drink. She stays tucked away in that corner with Cassius, at least for the time being.

For a moment after Niccolo's speech, Dagon is silent, head bowed. His lips are a thin, grim line -- relaying a brooding that's worn with equal ease as the garments he wears on his body. But that's not who he is, and soon, at Margot's question that somberness fades into a faint smile while he looks over the crowd, standing on tiptoe. "I... oh, there she is," he gestures, as Isolde makes herself quite obvious, in the givings of a speech.

Niccolo has joined the Grand Duchess Throne.

"There's always plenty of wine at these Galas, my Lady," Acacia poses towards Eirlys with a slim grin, polishing hers off so she can similarly enjoy a fresh one, "There's no trouble at all to encourage more drinking." She'd gone silent only briefly when her dark eyes caught sight of Niccolo's announcement and she ensured that fresher wine was lofted up in time to accept the toast. Sipping from it, her nose wrinkles slightly to reply to Alis, "... You know, your Highness. I kind of despite olives. I always have. I had no idea Prince Edain was so fond of them. I thought he was fond of... um... honey-- something? It was some kind of sweet." Turning back towards Eirlys, she wonders, "You don't like olives too, do you?"

There's a small wave to Alis, as well, from Dagon.

Hadrian lifts his wine from one of the couches as his surname is spoken, in gratitude and respect.

Between the words Niccolo speaks and the speech Isolde gives, Valerius' grin explodes into a bright beam. Lifting his glass of wine in the air as a toast, he looks between the two from his spot in the corner, apparently quite ready to celebrate in memory of those lost.

Though Valkieri is looking rather removed and antisocial where he stands, he does lift his glass respectfully when Niccolo calls for a toast.

One stares at the Inquisition, they tend to stare back. Alistair gaze's settles upon Hadrian for a little longer then most, though the staring contest is lost as he turns his eyes away to regard Niccolo and Isolde as they give their respective speeches. The man leans to the side to whisper to one of his confessors.

Leta accepts the glass of something, gives it a look, another to Serafine, another to see what everyone else is doing, as she listens to the speeches with interest, nodding at times. Then she does as she sees others do, and raises it for a sip.

Margot lifts her hand to wave to Alis when she spots her. "Congradulations," she mouths to the petite princess before she quiets to listen to Niccolo and Isolde both speak. "Indeed."

Talen has a smug, punchable look of satisfaction and victory on his face upon finishing with Eleyna. The toast is heard first by Niccolo and then by Isolde, a goblet is lifted and then he drains a goodly half of it before swishing and staring at the legs of the liquor. Joining Isolde, he steps up towards the balcony where the twin thrones are. Taking his place on one side, he leans over and down to speak beside her ear, a gauntleted hand to her shoulder. It squeezes, then he points down to the ballroom floor below.

Jaenelle finds a glass of wine to lift in toast to Niccolo and then Isolde's words even as she frees her escort to go do whatever he wishes to do now that he has walked her the block from the Hundred Cities to the Estate. She moves forward, towards her sister in law, to take one of Isolde's hands in hers if it is free, leaning upward to kiss her cheek in a simple gesture of unity.

Reese finds a glass of a pale wine and she lifts such in response to the toast. She follows along with Luca, joining him in his defensible fortress of table.

Perched alone, pallid, and clad in black, Sudara does not exactly look as if she's here for a wild celebration... but she does raise her goblet in response to Niccolo and Isolde's words, conjuring up a smile and murmuring a toast to the departed before she takes a drink.

"Maple syrup." Alis supplies, immediately. "Definitely maple syrup. Honey is Duke Laurent." Her nod there is almost solemn. "Though I will say, in my brother's defense, he does not like olives dipped in maple syrup. That is reserved for bacon." Thankfully. And she is fortunately paying enough attention to be able to mouth a 'Thank you' back at Margot, accompanied by a smile.

"I feel... out of place, prying her time like a vulture," Dagon admits to Margot. That doesn't stop the prince from taking an arm around Margot's waist and leading her through the crowd though, the black blade at his hip absorbing all the joyous light and giving very little back. Eventually, they make their way up to Isolde -- and Dagon gives Margot a slight nudge forward, an 'encouragement' that maybe she might do best to talk first.

Tristram lifts a glass which he takes from a tray of a passing servant and drinks to Esera's memory.

Valkieri has joined the The Impropriety Couch.

Tristram has joined the Libertine Table.

Felix grins at Jaenelle after a short and quiet conversation before he slips away and starts walking towards Niccolo. As he's handed a glass for Isolde's toast, he stops and raises it. Listening to the toast intently and with a small smile on his face, the large smith finally speaks up in his naturally loud baritone. "Hear, hear." A sip is taken then and he pauses just a moment longer before continuing his trek towards Niccolo. "Your Grace," he greets and gives a respectful bow of his head. "thank you for having me." He then leans forward a touch to speak a touch more quietly to the man.

Eleyna lifts a glass of wine that a servant has so conveniently pressed into her hand in response to the toast as she watches Isolde and Niccolo on the thrones. The expression on her face is thoughtful and distant for a moment as some thought overtakes her, but a deep drink from the goblet seems to cure her of whatever stole her away for the moment as she turns to look at Reese and Luca, still smiling, "I think I'm safe enough, though perhap I should have thought to wear my boots when I decided to offer dances all around, hm?"

Hadrian pushes himself up from the couch, finally, in order to smile with full charm that does little to belie the permeating impression of calculating, cold intelligence and cunning, as he makes an apparent and indiscreet beeline with a casual gait toward Alistair & Co. "Welcome! Alistair, if I recall correctly?" Every word is intoxicating like mulled wine, yet sharp like a poisoned blade, "It is so nice of the Faith to come and pay their respect to dearest Esera's memory."

Eirlys stays quiet for the speech, her head bowed slightly till the speech is over then she looks at Acacia and smiles. "More wine would be a good thing. I appreciate you being willing to get it for me." Then the talk turns to olives. "Honey something? We have a honey something?" She looks at Alis trying to follow the conversation obviously and by we she means Valardin. When Alis clarifies she ohs. "Syrup that makes more sense." She grins then whispers something to Alis before saying. "I don't know that I have really eaten olives."

Isolde smiles warmly to Jaenelle as she squeezes her hand, turning her kiss for the cheek and returning one of her own. "It's good to see you, darling. You look magnificent."

Acacia's eyes had watched Isolde throughout her speech, smile warming significantly by the time she'd finished. She had toasted once more, too eager the first time to drink that wine and then tilted her head towards Alis with a firm nod. "That's right. That's what it was. Forgive me, your Highness. It's admittedly been a very long time. The Maple Syrup was kind of hard to forget, but honestly, thank the Gods he doesn't eat his olives like that." Providing a bow towards Eirlys, she adds, "It was good to meet you, Lady Eirlys. Feel free to be social to all, I imagine. I certainly would if I were in your shoes. -- And they're very nice shoes at that. Maybe Prince Edain can convince you to try olives. I'm sure they're around here /somewhere/. Terribly tasting things that they are."

Tristram also meanders towards Reese's table and sits next to her, if there's room. He says, "Good evening, Princess Reese, Princess Valencia, Prince Luca, Lady Juliet, Prince Luca, Master Ferrando."

Talen presses a kiss into Isolde's cheek where on one side the mask fails to keep it hidden, in answer to her words. There's a mild touch to his arm given, then he starts back down the stairway toward the others gathered. On his way his attention drifts over the bannister, a good view of all from the higher vantage point. On the way down, he bumps into Dagon and stops briefly to give both he and his companion - Margot - a look over. "Your graces, Duke and Duchess Tyde," he greets prematurely of their titles. "House Velenosa hope you have a good time tonight. It's good to be alive, isn't it?"

When Edain is caught redhanded by Prince Darren he quickly hides the handful of olives he is still working on behind his back, "What olives? Oh... I just thought I would try them on a whim!" he says almost protesting too much. And then of course Alis busts him out. "Well.. yes.. ok.... I don't like them covered in maple syrup yes..." He clears hist throat oh Acacia, Distraction, "Yes Goodwoman Acacia, there is a dish right over here. And it is good to see you again. It has been some time.."

Isolde smiles a bit brighter as Margot and Dagon approach and she stands, moving to offer each of them a kiss. "It is good to see you both. I hope you are enjoying yourselves. This is a day of elabroate celebration."

Alistair has turn to regard another of his goons when Hadrian approaches so boldly. The Prodigal Inquisitior glances to the Duke sidelongs before looking back to his Confessor. Finishing the brief conversation Alistair turns to regard Hadrian fully, slowly bending forward to offer a bow to the man. "Duke Hadrian Malvici..." he responds easily with lack of any Shav accent or hold overs from a past life. "Careful, I feel the faith not appreciate being grouped in with us." This is clearly ment to be a joke, but it is more dry then a mouth full of dust. "We are the Crown's Inquisition."

Margot lets dagon steer her, her gaze seeking out Isolde's as the pair come closer, a sympathertic smile across her lips. She pauses when Talen addresses her and nods, "It is very good to be alive Sir Talen, so long as there is life there is hope." She moves closer to accept the kiss from Isolde, gripping the woman's arm lightly as she returns the affectionate gesture.

Niccolo listens to Felix's quiet words and dips his head to the man, offering a hint of a smile. "Thank you, good man. That is most generous of you," he says in response to him. The archduke rises then, and extends his hand to Isolde. "I think we might as well get everyone started with the dancing," he says, "if you would join your father for his first one of the night."

Eirlys smiles at Acacia. "I don't know many people, I don't want to bother anyone. I know Prince Edain is caught up with things, I actually know him." She explains then she looks down at her feet. "I honestly forgot I was wearing the shoes. It is a new outfit." She explains. She looks a little embarrassed and tugs on the dress a little then puts her hands around any glass she has. "You seem really nice."

Serafine watches Niccolo and moves towards Eleyna, Leta tugged with her. She looks to Eleyna and arches an eyebrow. "I didn't expect it to be quite this busy," she confesses to the slightly-taller and much-younger sister.

Isolde nods to Margot and Dagon, chuckling softly. "Excuse me a moment." She nods, putting her hand in Niccolo's standing slowly, letting her lead her to the dance floor. Her smile never changes, always warm, always bright.

"You always say that" Jaenelle tells Isolde in teasing accusations as she begins to leave to allow nonfamily to greet her, "And I am grateful each time." Perhaps because of the toasts, and the emotions shared by Isolde as a grieving sister, when Jae catches sight of the wiggling fingers in greeting Valerius gives her, she heads directly towards him. She wraps her arms around him, regardless of all the steel he is encased in, and squeezes. "Hi" she says, not letting go of her baby brother just yet.

"Some time indeed, your Grace," Acacia furnishes for Edain, providing that requisite bow upon his attention. There's a sly grin provided Alis aside, before she steps away only to steal a silk napkin from one of the servers. Waving it a bit with one corner pinched, she offers towards Edain casually, "... Do you want a napkin for those-- well, that handful? You know, Lady Eirlys was just saying she's never had an olive. So if you were so inclined to torture her--" An extra wink is given Eirlys, before she sways her way and imparts, "You look lovely, my Lady. Large groupings typically involve tons of people-- hence the large. I think you'll find most people quite approachable."

Dagon pauses in his trip to Isolde's chair, stopping to consider Talen in a purse-lipped silence. For a moment, he doesn't respond. Then those lips break, into a small, but sincere smile. He passes by Talen, clapping a hand to the Sword's shoulder. "Better here, than on the other side," he agrees with a small nod, before passing the man by -- his face still wrinkled in some introversion. But when he reaches Isolde, that seeps away, and he stands -- a quiet reassurance behind Margot.

Darren utters a low chuckle at Edain, his eyes brightening with amusement. "Yes, what olives indeed," he grins, and shakes his head. But he reaches for one of the olives himself and pops one into his mouth with a wink over to Edain. "They are better dipped in honey," he remarks, before he nods over to Edain. There are a few quiet words exchanged, before he heads over to the sofa where Alis is sitting, inclining his head to her. "Might I join you, your Highness?"

Talen times the descent of his final few steps past the Tyde duo toward Eleyna, even as Niccolo prepares to extend the offer of the opening dance to Isolde. "So, your highness," he speaks from behind and over one shoulder of the so labeled Black Widow, "would you do me the honour of having your feet pulverised, so that when you do eventually dance with her highness and Luca, you're almost as bad as he is?"

Hadrian winks at Alistair, "Or you, the faith, currently, huh?" His hand waves dismissively of the mixup but his words, although calculating and intoxicating all the same, are genuine enough in their apology, "Forgive me, Faith-Crown-Inquisition-What-have-you, I fear I feel as if a commonor attempting to decipher them sometimes," he plays the role of clueless Duke, though there is a hint of knowing subtly concealed in his cold, harlequin gaze. "The Crown is generous to pay its respects to our dearest late Archduchess. But I'm afraid you all don't seem dressed for the part. In fact, my stalwart friend, you almost look as if you're on business."

"Gross," Acacia murmurs, without title, as she watches Darren depart from Edain's side after the olive quip. She tacks on towards Eirlys, helpfully, "... Don't eat them with honey, my Lady."

Alis makes a face at Darren. "Really? You.. you know what, I am just not going to continue that thought. Feel free to join us, of course." she agrees, gesturing in turn at the empty spaces that are still there. "Thank you, Acacia. Pleae Eirlys, do not torment yourself like that. Plain olives are good though."

Darren has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

Eleyna turns to Serafine and says with a faint smirk, "You know how it is when the Velenosa throw a proper party. Everyone shows up. I'm glad to see it. Esera deserved a turn out like this." She nods to herself, setting some of those perilously perched curls to bobbing. She glances over her shoulder as Talen approaches, her smirk widening and her narrowed eyes glittering, "With an offer like that, how ever could I refuse?"

The archduke leads Isolde to the dance floor, and once they reach it, he sets a hand on her waist and takes her other hand in his. Niccolo smiles to his daughter, as he deftly leads her through the steps of the current piece of music. Nothing to scandalous, although he does throw in a daring spin and dip between some of the steps. Quiet words are exchanged with his daughter as they dance.

Jaenelle has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Margot watches Isolde depart for the dance floor and tilts her head to Dagon's to speak to him quietly.

After enough time standing like a shadow, Valkieri eventually finishes his first glass of wine and plucks another from a passing server. And then he begins to make his way over to Belladonna and Cassius where they stand in their shadowed corner. He does not intrude entirely -- there is not really enough room -- but he does draw near enough that it's clear he's there for a word with the Duchess.

Eirlys sees Edain getting busted and she grins then whispers something to Alis then asks. "Ok, do olives taste bad or something? I have no context as to why olives and honey is a bad idea." She explains. "And no I am not trying them together." She states.

Isolde has left the Grand Duchess Throne.

Isolde has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Niccolo has left the Grand Duchess Throne.

Niccolo has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Isolde isn't the greatest of dancers, by far, but with a decent partner, she follows along with her own ethereal grace. For once, her bright clothing doesn't seem all that odd, even as the thousands of candles glitter off h er mask. She dances, following Niccolo's lead as they start the dancing off. She murmurs back to him, her smile becoming a brighter, truer thing and she dips her head.

Reese turns her attention to the dance floor, watching the Archduke and his daughter with interest. She has Luca's flask in her hand and takes a sip. She then murmurs something softly at her table.

"I'm just of the opinion that most things are better dipped in honey," Darren remarks with a smirk to Alis and Acacia, giving his head a little shake. He chuckles over to Eirlys, grinning broad at her. "Olives are an.. acquired taste, I think. To some. Olive haters," he winks over to Alis.

Balanar, a shadowy Confessor have been dismissed.

Gaius, a Thraxian Confessor have been dismissed.

Alistair motions to one of the Confessors who steps away and out of the Ballroom. "I am always on business, Duke Malvici." Alistair responds flatly as his eyes once more scan those who are enjoying, or at least trying to enjoy, themselves. He slowly watches as couples start to filter onto the dance floor, and considering it is a Lyceum party... he wouldn't be surprised if there was some odd threesome dance attempted. His gaze soon comes back to Hadrian. "But if you are worried I will be dragging someone out of here for questioning, worry not." Another Confessor is dismissed.

Their greetings had and their appearance noted, Dagon leads Margot off through the crowd and back towards the door, just as the dancing begins.

Watching Hadrian with a worried expression, Caelis looks to the drinks circulating and rises to find a glass for herself with a hand cluched in her skirts as she walks. She furrows her brows, tracking down a server and collecting a glass of wine to down hastily.

"You simply could not," Talen answers to Eleyna, a gentle bump of his hands to the small of her back, pushing her towards the edge of the dance floor. They encircle her waist-- clad by gauntlets as they are-- to stop her from broaching the edge of it until Niccolo and Isolde are finished, his face swapping sides to continue a low remark to the other ear with a growing, half-formed smile as he stares ahead at the Archduke and his daughter.

Maximilian slides out of the shadowed alcove, screwing on his game face. With a confident step, the Saffron Pirate in the shadowsilk at odds with the Aeterna, makes his way over to Valencia. "Princess." Asks Max, dropping into a bow... "Can I interest you in a dance? I promise to step upon your toes only twice, perchance thrice."

6 Thrax Guards leaves, following Dagon.

Cassius remains standing with Belladonna, intimately close. His arm is tight about her waist, and he holds his wife close. And though they are so clearly standing in their private corner, Cassius still offers a nod to Valkieri. "Duke Valkieri," he says, in that rough voice of his.

Alis shakes her head. "Maple Syrup. Maple Syrup is always better. Eventually we will convince you." she laments, with a sigh in her voice. "Prince Darren, this is Lady Eirlys Greenmarch in case you've not met. Lady Eirlys... Prince Darren."

Leta seems quite content to allow Serafine to lead her around the room, though she still appears mildly apprehensive. But that can be taken care of, and she quickly goes through the wine in her glass with a few hearty sips. She'll be a lot more relaxed in no time at all. Turning, she watches Niccolo and Isolde take to the dance floor, then glances about to other pairs doing the same. The sellsword winces.

Samantha finally pushes off the wall, and decides to join the crowd. It's in Leta's direction that her steps take her, moving toward the warrior woman and her companion quietly so as not to interrupt any conversation they are already having.

Acacia's grin broadens considerably in regards to Darren's words, before she simply ends up laughing more purely. The glass of wine is toasted towards him, before she adds towards Eirlys gently, "If you ever feel out of place, my Lady, I'll always be willing to speak to you. I'm just a messenger away. Enjoy yourself. And your olives." Alis, Darren and Edain receive that bow she presents lightly, before stepping off.

Valencia chuckles at Juiet's comments about companions when Max arrives. "I was just thinking the same thing, myself....," She looks up surpised and blinks. "Yes, of course, my lord. I would be very honoured to dance with you." The little raven-haired princess offers the Thraxan Count a delicate hand.

Felix offers another smile to Niccolo and dips his head once more to the man. "Anytime, Your Grace," he says to him with a warm and sincere smile before he backs away. A warm look and a respectful bow of his head is also conveyed towards Isolde, but he doesn't wish to interrupt any further for the moment. Instead, he wanders back over towards where Belladonna and Cassius are currently to bother them a moment. He does cast a look back over towards Jaenelle as she showers her younger brother with affectionate hugs. A short snort of laughter is given, but he eventually turns his attention more fully to Bella and Cassius. "My Lord, My Lady. How are you faring this evening?"

Luca looks up from where he's near to Valencia to grin at Maximilian's talk of stepping on her toes. "It sounds like someone needs to arrange dance lessons for all of us. There's a lot of talk of toe-stepping tonight. Good luck with her though, Max. She's got a Velenosan's temper with a NOrthern princess's ferocity when angered." He winks to Valencia at the teasing.

Belladonna is laughing brightly as she turns to look Valkieri's way, flashing a smile at him as he approaches. "Duke Valkieri," she greets, tilting her head at him, the humor in her expression rapidly fading away. "You are well, I hope?" Oh, and there's Felix. She lifts her glass to him, as well. "Master Felix," she greets. "We are well. It is good to see you here."

Eirlys grins. "I agree about the syrup so I am with you Alis." She turns and gives a respectful nod. "It is a pleasure to meet you Prince Darren." When Acacia offers to speak to her when she feels out of place she smiles, her dimples showing. "Thank you Acacia and please feel free to call me Eirlys." she offers to the young woman.

Darren cants his head to Eirlys as she is introduced, the woman given a quick study before he flashes her a warm grin. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Eirlys," he says in a friendly voice, before he nudges Alis with his elbow. "Maple syrup is decidedly too sweet. You'll never convince me otherwise."

Reese has a gentle smile for Valencia and Max. "Oh, can't wait to see you dance." She says in their direction. "The best part about balls is watching everyone." She adds more softly Luca.

With Max approaching, Juliet offers a bow of her head - and turns to look at Valencia, reflecting her in silhouette, then rising. "Well, if you insists, Princess Reese, then I shall be happy to oblige you. Which one of you wish to molest my toes first?"

Valencia shoots Luca a look. Perhaps hes' not that wrong about the fierceness of northern vixens afterall.

There's an amiable inclination of her head towards Eirlys, even as Acacia's already departing to manipulate her way through the crowds and perhaps acquire a new glass of wine by the way. Very carefully, does she round near Alistair after he had relieved some of his confessors and murmur something idly.

As she is pushed toward the dance floor, Eleyna tosses an apologetic grin to Serafine and Leta before looking forward so she doesn't end up tripping over anyone. With her eyes out on the dance floor, an affectionate smile curves her lips as she watches her cousin and uncle dance. She leans against the armored chest at her back as she watches, tilting her head to murmur in response to Talen's low words against her ear before she focuses on the dancers and says, "They look perfect, don't they? It's all perfect. Just for a moment."

Maximilian has left the Shadowy Alcove.

Maximilian has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Reese looks over to Juliet and her blue eyes are gentle. She then peeks back to Luca, giving him a smile, a questioning smile, suggesting she is letting him to decide who gets to dance with the lovely Juliet.

The gaze of the tall, broad-shouldered and harlequin-colored-eyed Duke is sharp as it flicks from Confessor to departing Confessor, without entirely leaving Alistair's solemn frame, like some mischievous sentinel or otherworldly ne'erdowell. It is all the better that the rest of the party doesn't seem to notice Duke and Inquisitor breaching words, likely for either of the two, as the Malvici's voice drops somewhat, "A precarious event to have business in the midsts of, isn't it? Perhaps, my stern friend, you should simply enjoy yourself, and conclude your business after the end."

Deva laughs about something in her corner, a merry, genuine noise. Clutching a whiskey glass in hand, her shoes have already been slipped off underneath her chair, with her legs bent to keep her bare feet up and off the floor.

Niccolo continues the dance with Isolde, throwing in a twirl here and there. He moves with the grace that comes from the many balls he has had to attend in his life. The quiet conversation continues.

"Duke Cassius," Valkieri says in a similarly just-civil-enough reply. He watches the fade of Belladonna's humor with a tightening of his jaw. "I am perfectly adequate," he says a bit blandly, his gaze flicking over to Felix as the other man approaches. His lips purse for a moment, and then he looks back to Belladonna. "I won't ruin your mood," he says in sudden decision before turning to go.

Tristram laughs at Max. "Are you insinuating that Princess Valencia or Princess Reese are bad enough dancers that they'd step on your toes, Count Darkwater? Or are you referring to your own poor skill? For I would've thought a man used to balancing on a deck in stormy seas, might learn to be a fine dancer."

Valencia gracefully follows Max to the dance floor, lifting her head with practice poise as he takes her in his arms.

Maximilian thusly takes Valencia's hand, leading her off to the dance floor. There's a moments pause as he shifts into the beat. To figure out here in the dance to start. Then smoothly, the Darkwater Count slides into it, the woman brought with him. "I speak to my own skill, Prince Tristram! Theres a lot to be said for a deck and hw to move, but I cannot in truth claim to be an excellent dancer, anymore than thee a sailor!"

And then Valencia has his full attention.

Isolde spins, and for a moment, the crowds forgotten, and she's just a little girl, dancing with her father once more, her laugh a carefree one that has rarely been heard since her days in Lenosia, and it's pure, simple joy, letting herself embrace the dance for what it is meant to be.

To what might be no one's surprise, Valerius stands in the corner near Deva as she laughs, the Thraxian Prince bent over as he kisses Lianne's hand, no doubt gushing over the woman even as his sister Jaenelle joins them.

Alis has now been convinced to set up a monthly delivery of maple syrup flavored or dipped items to Darren. "We'll see about that." His elbow nudge is returned playfully, as she fails to reveal her nefarious plans to convert him to maple syrupology. Her tone of voice should be warning enough really. But then she calls out towards Tristram, having caught snippets of his conversation. "Please cousin, I beg of you. Do not get Count Darkwater started on things that require balancing while on ships!"

Continuing to search the throng for friendly faces, Sudara spots Jaenelle. Perking up a little on her perch on the sidelines, the pallid Voice of Pravus attempts to catch her favourite Thraxian's eye, raising her goblet in salute - though her expression suggests that she thinks it's a forlorn effort.

Reese smiles brightly over to Tristram. "Well, I am a bad dancer, I think. But I do intend to have lots of fun dancing regardless." She says.

Abbas arrives, following Julea.

Cassius dips his head head to Felix. "Felix. How goes?" he asks. "I'm well enough. Have a few matters I'll need to review with you," he says, to the big smith. Then his eyes shift back to Valkieri. "Please, my lord, there's no mood to ruin," he says. "Tell me, will be observing the upcoming duel?"

Tristram's coment gets a look, "Be careful, my prince or I shall insist on a chance to step on your toes next,"Valenci calls playfully before turning her full attention to her dance partner. "Hello, Max."

Leta murmurs something to Serafine, and tries to keep track of what's going on. A frown passes over her face for a moment, almost indignant really, before she smiles. Then, turning, she looks to Samantha and inclines her head in a nod, "My Lady. D'you know - um - Princess Serafine? Knight Serafine, even." she glances to the woman at her side, "And this here's Marquessa Samantha Deepwood." she nods back and forth, trying her best to do it properly.

Edain takes Acacia's suggestion and wraps his remaining olives in a napkin. He looks to Darren and pats his shoulder, "It was good to see you your grace. Enjoy the Gala." He stops by the Misconduct Couch so he and bow to Alis and and Eirlys, "It was good to see you both too, Lady Eirlys, thank you for keeping Princess Alis company" and then he leans closer and whispers just a bit too loud, "And for keeping her out of trouble."

At Leta's murmur, Serafine looks to Samantha's approach. Serafine, warrior that she is as well, manages to curtsy gracefully to the Marquessa. "My Lady Marquessa," she says quietly, her smile warm. "Knight or Serafine, it matters not to me; call me what you're comfortable with," she assures the Marquessa, offering another smile, a different one, to Leta.

Wandering over to the refreshments, Caelis considers the table, occupying her time with studying the food and sipping from a glass of wine as she watches the dancers and keeps an eye on Hadrian.

There is a moment of blank staring after Valkieri as he reacts as he does and then turns away. Belladonna just...stares, really. Then she's shaking her head for Cassius, breathing out a quiet sigh and turning back towards him entirely for a moment, leaning close but not quite burying her face in against him.

Jaenelle releases Valerius from her hug, turning to curtsey towards Mydas as she greets him quietly. Sudara is spotted after the greeting, and she beams at the woman. "Sudara!" she says excitedly, as if she had not seen the woman in some time. "It has been ages! Years! Forever. You are well?"

Niccolo finally slows the steps of his dance with Isolde, and leads them both closer to the edge of the dance floor. When it ends, he bows before the princess and then rises, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Thank you for the dance, my dear daughter," he says to her with a glance around the ballroom. With another incline of his head to Isolde, he goes to reclaim his drink, taking a sip from it and studying the people in the room for a few moments.

It's odd to step away from an Inquisitor with a slight smile upon one's face, but that's precisely what Acacia manages to do. She thoughtfully regards the dance floor, a natural warming provided when she looks towards Niccolo and Isolde both. Afterward, she tracks Valkieri once more, before unhurriedly heading in his direction and stealing an additional glass along the way.

Alis lifts up her free hand to squeeze Edain's arm lightly. "It's always good to see you, brother. Nobody can ever keep me out of trouble, though."

Valencia has left the Libertine Table.

Valencia has joined the Ballroom Floor.

"For longer than a breath, one can hope, all is perfect," Talen concurs and replies, continuing to watch Isolde and Niccolo until their conclusion. Letting his heavy hands roam upward the hourglass shape of Eleyna's middle, shielding her ribs with steel, he dares let a look of wicked amusement cross his features then he says something lower.

Isolde squeezes Niccolo's hands and offers him a curtsey as their dance concludes. She says nothing, taking a deep breath, before slipping off the dance floor to get a drink and catch her breath a bit.

Isolde has left the Ballroom Floor.

Talen has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Eirlys reaches up and pats Edain's hand. "It is good to see you and of course I would come with Alis but what she said. What makes you think I keep her out of trouble?"

Even without his 'goons' or 'thugs', as so some might call them, Alistair loses none of the cold and precarious disposition that comes so natural. He stares at Hadrian, "You seem oddly interested in my business, Duke Malvici..." Alistair responds, as if his business has suddenly turned upon the man. "I have informed you I have no intention of disrupting the party outside of my meer presence, and unless the Velenosa request my depature, my presence will have to be tolerated. As I understand Lyceum events are sometimes known for illicit activites or even unfortunate poisonings. And I have never liked to rely on hearsay." His gaze turns to Caelis, "THough people looking upon us with worry. Should they be worried, Duke Malvici?"

"Thank you, Leta." Samantha says, visily grateful for the introduction as she turns to Serafine. "I think it might be that I have hoped to meet you for some time, Dame Seraphine. May I be informal? I've been so with Leta for some time now." She looks to Leta with an easy grin and a slightly inquiring lift to her brow - is this in fact, the lady in question?

Eleyna has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Despite her question to Reese and Luca, it is in fact Ferrando whose arm Juliet weaves her own into - letting the man lead the way.

Ferrando has left the Libertine Table.

Ferrando has joined the The Scandal Couch.

Felix smiles brightly to Belladonna, giving a nod of his head to her. "Glad I could be here," he says, nodding his head once to Belladonna before his attention is captured by Valkieri. The man is given a curious look, but Felix looks more concerned than he does upset by his rather cold greeting. "My Lord," he greets him in return, though he doesn't speak up. Instead he turns to Cassius and smiles again. "Hm? I'm doing well. Patrols have been...fairly smooth. But yes. We'll get together when its more appropriate to be handling that sort of business." He leans over then to speak in a low, conspiratory tone to the both of them then.

Ferrando has left the The Scandal Couch.

Ferrando has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Caelis has left the The Immorality Couch.

Juliet has left the Libertine Table.

Juliet has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Luca has left the Libertine Table.

Luca has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Ferrando gets up and offers his arm to Juliet. "Well then M'lady, shall we?" he asks brightly, smoothly escorting her to the ballroom floor.

Reese has left the Libertine Table.

Reese has joined the Ballroom Floor.

"I'm not sure, my lord," Valkieri murmurs to Cassius, offering one last quiet look to Belladonna before he turns and leaves. He stops only when he's interrupted by Acacia, and he listens to her for a moment before offering a quiet reply.

Niccolo makes his way to Cassius and Belladonna next, inclining his head to both of them respectfully. "Duke Cassius, Duchess Belladonna," he greets them. "Would you mind if I steal my niece for a dance. I promise it to be only one, and I'll return her promptly," he says to the man, but looks between him and Belladonna both.

Warlord Abbas Thrax arrives in the company of the newest Thraxian subject. He is clad in the polished steel of his armor. The man is clad in his steel armor. His manner of high dress that of his military station; his beard has been braided and oiled while his long dreadlocks have been decorated with fetish items picked up from his time in the field. Bits of finger bone and other hard won trinkets are woven into the clumps of long hair that hangs over his serpent stylized Thraxian breastplate. The silken dress clad Julea is upon the arm of the Prince. Her hand grips the inside of his left greave and he carries his helm in the crook of his right arm. The pitch eyes of the man peer curiously around to see what exactly a 'Gala' is. It had been the subject of conversation for some time before they arrived. It is evident that perhaps Julea and Abbas rushed to get her because sweat breaks the brow of the man. And evidence of such also adorns the woman. "Is it proper to be late to these?" Abbas wonders to Julea with a look.

Luca checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 19, 4 higher than the difficulty.

Sudara looks quite frankly shocked to have actually been *noticed* by Jaenelle. Indeed, there's a momentary pause, before she laughs, rising from the 'decadence couch' to sink into a curtsey as she smiles to her friend. Holding out a hand, she invites the blonde princess closer. "Somewhat better than I have been," she says. "If you lack more important matters to attend to, I would be both honoured and delighted to snare you for a chat, my dear."

"Please," Juliet replies to Ferrando - and once they reach their location, drapes herself against him, the better to keep her shroud out of the way.

Juliet checked dexterity + performance against difficulty 15, resulting in 31, 16 higher than the difficulty.

Dafne slips in late. Time? What does time matter in the face of eternity? And death and all the things little goth girls contemplate in their free time. She's wearing black, if fancy black this time, and pauses near the door, glancing over those present.

Eleyna watches until the end of Isolde and Niccolo's dance. The expression on her face is as close to sentimental as many are likely to see, especially when she hears Isolde's laugh. She barely restrains herself from clapping when the two move off of the dance floor, but her eyes linger after them. She turns her head to look at Talen then, brows lifted in a strange expression before she murmurs something in response and starts to tug at one of the Velenosan Sword's gauntleted hands to urge him on to the dance floor.

Cassius turns his attention to Felix, and nods, then murmurs a few words. His gaze shifts back to Valkieri, and his brows furrow as he watches the man leave. There's a moment of consideration, and then a shrug. Cassius' eyes turn back to Niccolo. He gives a faint laugh. "Of course, Your Grace," he tells the man. Then leans over, to whisper a few quiet words into Bella's ear. It's followed by a squeeze of her waist, and then he releases his wife.

Reese reaches for Luca's hand while rising to her small slippered feet and heading in the direction of the ballroom. Despite all her talk of not being able to dance, she sure walks with a good deal of grace. She then notices Felix, having a brightly friendly smile for the smith. "Master Felix." She says, as if happy to see him. She then turns her focus back to Luca, her smile gentle and eager. She seems like a girl who wants to dance.

Ferrando checked dexterity + athletics against difficulty 15, resulting in 22, 7 higher than the difficulty.

Jaenelle has left the Shadowy Alcove.

Talen checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 35, 20 higher than the difficulty.

Reese checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 39, 24 higher than the difficulty.

Donella arrives just a little behind Abbas and Julea, darkly dressed, and joins the line to approach and greet the bereaved hosts.

"I would love it if you would," Belladonna tells Niccolo, leaning up to brush a kiss against Cassius's cheek before she slips back from him once he's loosened his arm. The quiet words he murmurs have her laughing and glancing down briefly, a touch of color rising in her cheeks. Her husband gets a Look, and then she's turning towards Niccolo, offering a hand out his way. She does glance after Valkieri, but nothing more than that.

    Walking on bare tip toes, Julea arrives in what would be a modest dress of shimmering silk, except for with each step that she takes, it exposes a daring length of the right leg. The hand that doesn't clutch at Abbas' brings fingers to the hair comb, adjusting the fit of it and without her usual tricorn hat on, the ebon locks not brought up in a knot seem to be prone to curl about her nape. "I do not know. I can't say I have ever been at one before." She admits to the Warlord, blue eyes scanning the crowd for a familiar face, and upon seeing Donella arriving shortly after them, she's quick to offer the woman a broad grin.

Leta nods to Samantha, then takes a look at Serafine by her side, and adds after a brief pause, "Less formal than I am, Dame Serafine." she comments with a small smile, then turns back to Samantha. After a pause, and noticing the raised brow, she replies with a brief nod and another, brighter smile. "How are you?"

Talen relinqushes his hold on Eleyna's torso to instead let her take him to the dance floor, his heavier steps trudging in a slow march. When he turns aboutface and steps in front of her, he falls into traditional lead and waits for Eleyna to perceive the dance style he's proposing. As he takes her about, they become lost in the ballroom floor, their business clouded by those nearby rather than the entire room. He does not, however, break her slippered feet.

Darren's attention drifts from his conversation at the couch to squint through the crowd, his attention focusing on someone in particular. His smile brightens, and he rises, offering apologies to Alis and Eirlys. "Your Highness, Lady Eirlys. Please forgive me. I need to go see someone," he says to the two of them, before he departs the sofa to go weaving through the crowd and step beside Donella. He flashes her a bold grin, and offers nods to Julea and Abbas as well. "You made it," he says to Donella, before whispering smoething quietly to her.

Darren has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Jaenelle allows her brother to go back to what he does best, causing international incidences. It is best if she has plausible deniability. Kissing his cheek, she departs to move closer to Sudara. "I only have one person who wishes to dance with me, which of course is always a matter of great importance and as it is repaying a debt, I must dance." Very important stuff here.

Eleyna checked charm + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 23, 8 higher than the difficulty.

Caelis looks away catching Alistair's glance and snacks lightly. Holding her glass in one hnd, she drapes her fingers about her waist and finds a spot on the wall to lean and consider her glass.

Isolde lifts her glass to her lips, watching the crowd from the fringes, a quiet, sadly satisfied smile on her lips, mostly hidden in the goblet and behind her mask.

Hadrian does lose any of his own calculating impression, nor the lace of his poisonous charm much like an allegory for serpent and temptation, causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle with laugh lines and his face to grin with the mischief of some bold and sly trickster. "Worry? It is not the time for worry, my friend," he says as his gaze breaks from Alistair to slide over the crowd of people, "Your business is the Crown's business, and a good sovereign is always interested in the business of the Crown, wouldn't you agree? Would you like some wine, Inquisitor?" His eyes flash a moment, like amusement in some implied joke, "Or perhaps a dance? I could introduce you to one of the fine Lycene women present." A pause, before his gaze drifts toward Princess Isolde, "Excuse me, if you would, Inquisitor. And don't get too inebriated, I know how you folk like to enjoy themselves." He's pushing toward the Velenosa mirrormask then.

Alis lifts her glass towards Darren in farewell when he rises to leave, and obviously follows his path to see where it lands him. So she raises her glass to Donella in greeting when she woman is spied. A bright smile appearing there.

Serafine arches a dark brow as Samantha speaks to Leta without words, smiling a little as she suspects much. "It is good to meet you, Marquessa," she agrees, watching Leta again before returning her dark gaze to the Lady Deepwood. She sips from her glass, lsitening.

Niccolo takes Belladonna's hand and leads her to the dance floor. One hand slides to her waist, the other takes her hand in his. Ballroom experience once more comes on display as the archduke leads the duchess through swift steps, the dance a lively thing that one might not quite expect from the usually serious archduke. He leans in to speak quietly to the duchess.

Despite all her talk of not being able to dance, Reese seems to be holding her own. She makes up for a lack of formal dance training, with the nimble grace that some warriors possess. She weaves about with Luca, not stomping on his feet and murmuring something softly to him.

Belladonna checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 39, 24 higher than the difficulty.

Up close, Sudara looks thinner and paler than when Jaenelle last saw her... and in contrast to the festive purpose of the ball, the Voice of Pravus is clad in the sable tones she has favoured throughout her time in Arx. Still, she offers her younger friend an unabashedly warm smile. "Should you wish to add a second dance partner to your list, I would be honoured to double your popularity," she teases gently. "But I would simply be happy to snare your company for however long I might be permitted to enjoy it."

Max checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 25, 10 higher than the difficulty.

Belladonna has left the Shadowy Corner.

Belladonna has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Isolde watches the exchange between Hadrian and Alistair, mostly as Hadrian approaches her. She offers a smile, motioning to the drinks table. "Care for some refreshment, Duke Hadrian? Is everything all right?"

Alistair's eyes follow the Duke as he departs, no reaction given to the prospect of wine or dancing with beautiful Lycene women. The man continues on as if the conversation never happened and moves about the outskirts of the ballroom as he watches people in silence. The red and black leather of his long jacket mark him rather clearly, a sufficient warning though one that might be missed depending on how drunk one is.

Valkieri has left the The Impropriety Couch.

Positioning her free hand up against Niccolo's shoulder, Belladonna follows him through the steps quiet easily, attention fully focused up on him and his quiet words for the time being. That's definitely a pleased smile on her face, though.

With an empty glass in one hand, Deva struggles where she sits to slip her heels back onto her feet. Then she takes to wandering across the room, managing not to collide with other attendees or servers. With her drained whiskey exchanged for a fresh one, she sneaks up behind Darren to murmur a few words to him.

Samantha beams in turn to Leta before returning her gaze to Serafine. "I would like very much to extend an invitation to Deepwood Manor to the both of you for supper some evening soon." she says. "Leta, you did tell her I offered the invitation, didn't you?" There's a look between the two ladies. "I've been so glad of Leta's company, and I would very much like to get to know you as well."

    Spotting that nod from Darren, Julea is quick to bring her right hand up in a bold wave that her shimmery silk dress is probably not designed for. The hand lowers, but not before it does another touch up tuck of her curls into the hair comb that she wears. "Your Highness," She greets in a manner that isn't quite a shout once he approaches Donella, the words accompanied by more of a bow of her head than a curtsey, despite the fact that she's actually in a dress for once. And then a second bow of her head to Deva.

Deva has left the Shadowy Alcove.

And there is dancing, laughter, there is celebration as people remember a woman that touched all their lives. Among this, Prince Edain slowly makes his way to the entrance of the ball room and lingers there for just a moment. A gentle smile creeps across his features as he watches everyone. Finally he says something softly. Too soft to be heard by anyone but himself. And so Edain turns, that peaceful smile still gracing his features and at a moment he hopes no one is watching, he slips out into the cool evening.

Minus one wife, Cassius steps forward out of the shadowy corner. He just stands, idly, beside Felix.

Donella raises a hand to wave to Alis across the way, wearing a smile. She bows her head to Darren, and says, "I did, Your Grace-- though I think it was a near thing. I took an unfortunate spill into an icy puddle. I couldn't show up dirty to such an occasion." She nods to whatever it is he says. She twists round to greet Julea with a smile, "You look lovely. I hope my cousin lifted you across the deeper hazards..."

Frowning a little but far from put off, Serafine looks amused between Samantha and Leta. "Invitation? And aye, I'd like that as well," the inked, scarred woman returns to Samantha.

Hadrian smiles a distinct and unperturbed smile that curves his lips without worry or care, "Of course," he tells Isolde, "Just the Crown's Inquisition deciding to make sure the Gala doesn't experience any wine poisoning or illicit activities," the last part is said with a final break in his composure to a roll of his eyes and derisiveness, "Might as well be a circling vulture." His hand waves dismissively, "It is of no matter, he isn't intending interruption, so he says. How are you, dearest Isolde?"

Deva actually laughs at something Darren says, with a glance over her shoulder toward the ballrom. It is then that her attention shifts to Julea, her smile bright. "You look amazing, Julea. How are things settling for you? Well, I hope?"

The Inquisitor's gaze tracks the departing Edain, watching him closely as he lingers at the entrance to the ballroom and then departs without a word. A creak of too much leather sounds out as the man idly clasps his arms behind is back and watches those who dance. He would make a good judge, as he doesn't even blink.

Octavia is perhaps a bit late - call it fashionably late. The tall woman steps into the ballroom and to one side of the door, looking around briefly to see if she spots anyone familiar, either to talk to or avoid.

Alis is whispering quietly with Eirlys as people come and go, until eventually a messenger arrives and hands her a note that she scans quickly and nods once to. "Looks like it's time to go. At least for awhile. You can stay if you like, but I need to duck out." she murmurs, before rising and finishing off what was in her glass.

Abbas is rather lost at sea when it comes to events like this. The military emphasis of his dress does not seem to be the style of the night. Yet it fit the Reaver Prince. When in doubt in social situations 'W.W.D.D' - and so Abbas guides his way readily with Julea towards Donella to queue up in line toÂ… (he peers around the line) greet the hosts apparently. A grin is flashed amongst the sea of his dark-grey beard. "Of course I did." Abbas answers his cousin. "Good to see you." He offers Donella. He bows his head to the nearby Darren in greeting. Letting Donella do the speaking at this time.

Felix bids both Belladonna and Cassius a quick farewell before turning to meander through the ballroom in search of Jaenelle. Drink still in hand, he offers a smile to Sudara first. "M'Lady," he greets her with his trademark warm cheeriness. "I'm Felix Meadson. I don't believe we've ever met in person." That warmth is beamed towards Jaenelle then and he inclines his head to her again. "I am also free to resume those very important escorting duties, though I see no reason that they can't be shared with a dear friend. Aside from that, I believe Lady Pravus here..." he indicates Sudara, of course. " probably a better dancer."

Maximilian has left the Ballroom Floor.

Eirlys stands when Alis does. "No it is ok I will head out with you. I don't want to intrude to much." She murmurs quietly.

"I am certain the Crown's Inquisitors are also people that may enjoy a celebration from time to time. I, for one, am glad for their representation." Isolde laughs, warmly, nodding a little. "Be kind, darling. Everyone here is a guest, and welcomed warmly." She nods a little, glancing over the crowd. "I am well. It appears the celebration is delighting most everyone. She would be pleased by this, I think."

Alis has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Eirlys has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Eirlys leaves, following Alis.

Caelis glances over the crowd again. Quietly, the young Malvici sets down her glass and walks hastily from the room herself. Head held high she gathers up her skirts and all but runs to get out of the crowd.

Rohm the Blackguard leaves, following Caelis.

Leta blinks at Samantha, and quickly shakes her head, voice catching in her throat a moment as she looks back to Serafine, "No. 'Cause I sent that last letter, didn't I?" she turns back to Samantha with a slight smile, eyebrows raised, "And then there's this, and I've been, you know, worrying a bit." her eyes flit to the rest of the gala as she draws a deep breath, and she gestures.

Jaenelle frowns as she looks over Sudara upon closer expection. "I am afraid if you danced you might fall over. Even though a part of me selfishly wishes to accept your invitation, you shall have to be content with good conversation and perhaps a gentle tapping of toes" the small Princess looks towards the Pravus Voice as if that is that and there is no room for debate. That look is swung over towards Felix as he tries to change her mind. As he introduces himself, she is off etiquette hook.

Darren smiles at his sister, giving Deva a kiss on the cheek before he straightens back up and crooks his arm out to Donella. "I'm sorry to hear about your near accident. But you clean up rather well," he says to the Thraxian princess with a grin. He looks over to Julea after and smiles some to her as well. "You do look very pretty, Julea. I like the hair comb."

    Bare toes curl and Julea's eyes briefly divert down towards the ground, and there's an embarassed flush on her cheeks when her eyes rise back to Donella's. "Thank you. I meant to get shoes, but I just kind of forgot." She joins the queue with Abbas, though she looks a bit bewildered as to what it is she's queuing for, and she asks Abbas with a nudge to his side. "Is this the line for the wine?" Before her focus returns back Deva, and she admits. "It's taking some time to get used to. I'm still staying at the forge, haven't yet.. packed everything up. This week has been a bit crazy with preperations.. for things. And admit, I am not quite sure how I'm going to sleep without the sound of it." Fingers rise up to touch at said comb, and she nods to Darren. "It was a gift, well, not the comb, but the shell. I just... made it into a comb so I could wear it." She explains.

Hadrian glances toward his cousin's departure, before softening his expression, "Ah, you're right. It wasn't the Crown that hurt her, I shouldn't be so... irritable." Grin returns slowly, "She would've loved it, I know. She loved to dance. Would you like to?"

"As is the fashion, certainly, as long as you don't mind me being rather unremarkable." Isolde laughs quietly, shaking her head a touch, taking his arm. "After you?"

Alistair then appears next to Samantha, as he is to do. Crowds are easy to move about, especially if they are properly drunk and distracted. "You did not respond to my messenger. Marquessa Deepwood." The Inquisitor declares with his soft voice as he settles his gaze upon the Grayson vassal.

Deva just claps Darren on the shoulder, her expression for a moment uncertain. But she nods, peeling back a step to give Donella a quick smile. "I imagine it is. It's a big transition. I hope that, with time, you are able to sleep just as easily," she tells Julea hopefully. There's a glance toward the door, as if tempted, but instead she withdraws to find a snack and another drink at the refreshments table.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Samantha before departing.

Valencia winks playfully to someone as she stands by the edge of the dance floor, dark eyes moving from dancer to dancer, a little smile on her face.

"For a blonde beauty, I am sure that I could manage at least one turn around the dance floor," Sudara playfully assures Jaenelle. "And perhaps a second, for one who is keen to learn about barbarian swashbuckling. But I would not wish to worry you, so we can most assuredly sit." She gestures to the 'decadence couch' behind her, then looks (up) at Felix, slightly arching a brow at the unfamiliar man. "Sudara, Voice of Pravus. Widow of Trogen of the Truesworn; now Truespeaker of them in his stead," she offers by way of somewhat-formal introduction, marginally inclining her head. "It would seem that introductions between the two of you are unnecessary?"

Dafne drifts toward the refreshments. The little Zaffria looks a little lost in the middle of so many people, like she is drowing in the sheer mass of society. Still, her gaze sweeps the room, paying keen attention to the various conversations about her as she heads for refuge in the wine.

Octavia circles around the edge of the room, sober and attentive, her hazel gaze alighting on lord and lady alike for mere moments. She offers respectful nods, though no words until she reaches Valencia. "Your highness, a lovely gala is it not?" she muses... though she doesn't seem to be partaking in the revelries at the moment.

Donella takes the offered arm, leaving Darren to steer while she tries to to get her bearings. "Princess Deva, forgive me if I am staring, but I have to know from where you got that gown and jewels-- its stunning. I love those colors. And I never get to see people using sea glass."

"It's alright, I understand. There's so much to occupy one's thoughts these days, and I - " There's a pause, and Samantha's conversation with Leta and Serafine is disrupted. "Excuse me, ladies." she says, simply turning her head to address Alistair. "Master Inquisitor. I read and received your letter, but as there were no inquiries made within it, I simply took it for what it was and had not realized you expected a reply. My profound apologies."

Serafine stands with Samantha and Leta, looking at Alistair as he interrupts what was a promising conversation. Instead of pointing this out, the Shav'arvani Knight greet Alistair with a smile, tattoos shifting as she turns a little to face him.

Hadrian easily, fluidly, leads Isolde on to the dance floor, his cold gaze in a contrast of brimming brightness and life. In his own mind, everyone fell away, and they were once more alone in the ballroom with the orchestra, and his silly masquerade costume -a vision that brings a playful grin to the Duke's face as he murmurs to the Velenosa.

Hadrian has left the The Immorality Couch.

Hadrian has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Jaenelle has joined the Decadent Couch.

"Oh, um, I just asked for help from someone with a better eye so I can't really say..." Deva admits to Donella with a sheepish smile, a hand lifting to tuck a loose strand of red hair behind an ear. "I've grown more fond of the ocean, as of late. It's not a sight we see in Farhaven, obviously," she gestures toward Darren with an upturned palm. "Thank you, I can try and get that information to you if you like. I tend to steer toward less bright hues-- they go with everything, but are so sleek," she gestures toward Donella's gown.

Leta looks to Samantha with a smile, but on Alistair's arrival she arches an eyebrow and stares at the moment for a moment in concern. She nods to the Marquessa, then turns to Serafine at her side and leans in slightly, while her gaze roams across the area once more.

Belladonna has left the Ballroom Floor.

Valkieri still stands with Acacia, having made his way through most of his glass of wine. He does not exactly look warm as he converses quietly with her, but he's not -- you know, openly hostile.

Isolde has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Valencia turns and smiles up at Octavia as the strking woman comes to speak with her. "It is, very much so. I am so glad you joined us. Thank you so much for coming," the litte princess smiles sweetly at her newest asquaintence. She glaces back on the dance floor. "Do you dance, my lady?"

Alistair looks to Serafine and Leta, realizing he has interrupted a conversation. The flow and sound of the Ball hiding their voices from him when he only identified Samantha. He inclines his head deeply, "I apologize for the interruption." he declares, "I had thought it would invite curiosity... but it is a matter we can discuss another time when I do not impose myself." A glance is given to the fellow 'Shav' though there is little recognition given to Serafine. No tattoos on his woody skin and the Inquisition leathers show he holds little allegance to former lives.

Darren's eyes glint with amusement at something Deva says. "Well, you do look beautiful, Deva," he comments, giving Donella's hand a squeeze as she takes his arm. To Julea, he simply tilts his head. "You'll find your bearing soon enough, Julea. And do quite well wherever you land," he says with a smile, before he offers apologetic looks. "If you all will excuse us, I have to impress Princess Donella here with my dancing feet. I did put them on just for her tonight." And assuming there are no objections? He will lead Donella to the dance floor.

Acacia, in direct contrast to Valkieri, seems to be quite enjoying herself. Perhaps she's exhilerated at the lack of an openly hostile state. Perhaps it's her third glass of wine.

Abbas looks lost and turns to Julea and shrugs. "It's the line for something." He asserts with utter confidence that they are in fact in line for someting. Be it the bathroom, greeting the hosts, the wine... or what he is unsure. "I hope it is the wine." He admits. And then the Warlord sends out hsi lost at social sea beacons. And laser eyes settle on Samantha. He clears his throat to catch her attention. The bones and bits of fetish stuff in his dreads clank and bang against one another. And the armored and beard oiled Thraxian head gestures her towards them and gives a dark-eyed save me and steer us in the right direction look.

Pariah, The StormCrow, 5 Redoubt Buccaneers leave, following Maximilian.

Octavia looks down at Valencia, and then out to the dance floor. "I try to avoid it," the tall woman admits. "I've never been terribly good at it, or terribly inclined to let a man drag me around the dance floor."

"I'm the weaponsmith of House Pravus," Felix offers in return to Sudara, a bit at a loss for anything particularly fancy to add onto his name. His silver-grey eyes cut left and then right before briefly settling on Jaenelle. They once again return to Sudara and a smile of warmth crosses his features. "It's good to meet you, Truespeaker." Another look is given over towards Jaenelle before he answers Sudara. "Yes, we're acquainted. You wouldn't mind my joining you, would you? I'd hate to intrude on catching up between old friends."

Juliet gives a little curtsey to Ferrnando, then moves towards the edges of the dance floor, to stay out of the way of the dancers, waving to the couples still left. Pausing on her way out by Octavia and Valencia. "Well met," She offers to the former. "Valencia, would you be a darling and introduce me to your friend?" The mirrormask cants her shrouded head again, looking from Valencia to Octavia, as evinced by which one of them is reflected on her face.

Jaenelle modestly blushes at the compliment given by Sudara, finally stating "thank you" as she moves to join her upon the couch for Sudara's own safety. "Actually Master Meadson and I just met, we had a touch of business to attend to and he was a gentleman and escorted me home. He works for your family" she adds that small piece of information after the man himself does. She doesn't seem to mind the man joining them, inclining her head towards one of the empty seats upon the long couch.

Niccolo returns to Cassius with Belladonna and inclines his head to the Pravus duke. "Here you go, safely returned," he tells him, before turning to the gathering once more. Those dark brown eyes of the duke linger briefly on Valkieri, but seeing him engaged in conversation has him moving on to others. Finally, they come to find Deva. He makes his way to the Redrain princess. "Princess," he tries to get her attention. "Would you join me for a dance?"

Ferrando has left the Ballroom Floor.

Leta raises a hand and bows her head to Julea, spotting the woman across the dance floor, though it seems a simple gesture of acknowledgment, and an interested look over the smith's attire. But she returns to the conversation in her immediate vicinity, offering Alistair a brief, polite nod, before taking another uneasy look around, weight shifting from foot to foot.

There's a warm smile offered up to Niccolo as she steps back to Cassius's side; Belladonna takes her husband's arm again, leaning on him for a moment as her free hand comes up to hide a small yawn.

Belladonna has joined the Shadowy Corner.

Darren has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Serafine has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

Donella murmurs to the other Thrax, "I am not entirely sure that I will ever be at ease in a room like this one. Surrounded by beautiful things, and powerful people. I'll let you know if ever it happens. I think it might be part of the mystique. That there's danger in what seems glamorous, and that you may enjoy yourself, but you must never lose your head." Excuse me...

Cassius stands by himself, looking mostly like he's at military rest stance. When Niccolo approaches, with Belladonna, he offers a faint smile and a dip of his head. "Thank you, Archduke," he tells the man. Then, he accepts Belladonna's arm and steps back into their corner.

Donella has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Sudara blinks, then laughs softly, inclining her head to Felix once more. "I do apologise. I only became Voice once in Arx, and had precious little to do with weaponry before then." She gestures an invitation for the smith to join herself and Jaenelle on the 'decadent couch', before taking the chance to converse a little more quietly.

Hadrian checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 23, 8 higher than the difficulty.

Valerius lingers in the corner, his gaze flitting between Lianne and Mydas for a few moments before a messenger arrives, weaves its way through the crowd, and somehow manages to find the Thraxian Prince. Greeting the woman, he offers the pair he's with one last smile before he turns about and accompanies the new arrival past the dance floor and off, out of the Ballroom.

    Julea doesn't look much less lost than Abbas, and she holds firm to him with one hand. She encourages both Donella and Darren to take to the dance floor with a wave of the other hand. The Thraxian Warlord's eyes are followed across the room, settling on Samantha briefly, and then she's scanning more faces, some more familiar than others and spotting Sudara across the room, her gaze lingers on the woman, just for a few seconds longer than others. When Niccolo draws near, she offers the man a polite bow of her head. Leta's raised hand is spotted and she's quick to draw to tip toes, offering her a wave. And she's about ready to shout out a greeting, when she thinks better of it, and settles heels against the ground instead. Donella's words get an understanding nod.

Felix has joined the Decadent Couch.

Valerius has left the Shadowy Alcove.

With Darren whisking Donella off to the dance floor, Deva is busy getting a refill of her whiskey. It makes standing around in those shoes easier to cope with. She seems genuinely surprised as she hears Niccolo's voice behind her, as indicated by the startled way her shoulders move upward, and she turns around to give him a wide-eyed look. "Um-- sure, Your Grace," she replies, lips twisting into a small, polite smile as she hands off her glass and bows her head to the Archduke.

Valencia takes a deep breath and then looks up at Octavia. "Come one.... let's drink." She turns and links arms with the woman, "This way," she grins playfully, as she guides her through the crowd.

Ferrando having finished dazzling the dance floor with Juliet rolls over to grab another glass of wine and look for familiar faces. Apparently the first one that hits his notice is Leta, so over to the group including her he proceeds. "Admiral, how's it going," he declares amiably with a friendly smile for everybody else as well.

Valencia has left the Ballroom Floor.

"Of course, Inquisitor. I look forward to receiving you." Samantha says politely, and then starts to turn her regard back to the ladies...but wait! There's a large Thraxian Reaver headed her way! So she offers an apologetic smile to Leta and Serafine. "To be continued, ladies?" There's a darted look at the incoming colossus named Abbas headed toward her. She's amicable with him approaching, she

Glass in hand, Dafne flits among the couches with flutter of her silvery-black skirts.

Dafne has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

"Of course, Inquisitor. I look forward to receiving you." Samantha says politely, and then starts to turn her regard back to the ladies...but wait! There's a large Thraxian Reaver headed her way! So she offers an apologetic smile to Leta and Serafine. "To be continued, ladies?" There's a darted look at the incoming colossus named Abbas headed toward her. She's amicable with him approaching, she's just juggling a few conversations.

Darren checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 28, 13 higher than the difficulty.

Niccolo reaches for Deva's hand, inclining his head to her. "Come then," he says to the Redrain princess. Seeing Julea's gesture, he smiles in her direction and offers a small dip of his head. He continues with Deva towards the dance floor and once they arrive, one of his hands comes to rest on her waist while the other takes her hand in his. He leads the princess through the first steps, slow ones that have the couple moving in wide circles across the dance floor.

Donella checked charm + performance against difficulty 15, resulting in 29, 14 higher than the difficulty.

Luca checked composure against difficulty 15, resulting in 16, 1 higher than the difficulty.

Deva has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Smiles brightly at Juliet as she approaches, "My most beloved Juiliet, please let me introduce, the lovely Lady Octavia Kennex. Lady Kennex, please meet one of the most beauiful, and delightful, women of Arx." Valencia smiles always happy to introduce wonderful people to each other. "Now, ladies, I think I need to drink and be very silly tonight. "

Reese checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 31, 16 higher than the difficulty.

Talen checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 25, 10 higher than the difficulty.

Talen checked dexterity + small wpn against difficulty 20, resulting in 58, 38 higher than the difficulty.

Leta turns to Samantha with a bright smile and a quick nod of understand, "Of course, m'Lady. Bit too much, isn't it? I'll - well, I'll write and maybe we can visit sometime? When there's proper time for it, anyhow." she offers, with a quick glance to Serafine at her side, and a quiet squeeze of the hand in hers. She starts stepping off, but pauses by the couch when she spots Ferrando coming her way, and flashes him a broad grin, "Just - just fine. Should drink more wine, I think. But it's fine. How are you, Minister?"

Deva assumes what she observes from the others as a standard dancing pose, with one hand on Niccolo's shoulder as her other is held. She follows along, taking each step with care, at first. "I'm going to opt for more practical footwear the next time I get pulled into a dance," she muses with a laugh. She follows his lead, attempting nothing fancy or fast just yet.

"Ah, Lady Kennex." Juliet offers another exaggerated nod. "Well met. Older sister to the Marquis, no?" A cant of her covered head, to the left. "It is a pleasure to meet you. And yes, drinks would be nice, although I was thinking of cooling off a little in the gardens." She admits, to the pair.

The Reaver Prince grins over to Samantha and with Julea on one arm he looks to the helm he holds in the other. He changes his grip and the greave covered arm opens as he offers the woman an embrace at the other side of him. "I assume you two are familiar?" The man inquires of them both. "Marquessa, it has been too long since we have had the chance to break bread together." He offers the woman with a meaty flash of his feral whites. The offer of an embrace probably is not proper but Abbas was not one to dance away from the comfort of his rum and salty sailor brethren. He looks to Julea, "I did not say so..." He dips his head to the woman on his arm, "But you wear the dress..." He breathes through his gritted teeth a moment. "Without compare." He offers up the compliment and then looks to the Marquessa, "Please, I implore you. Help us wet ourselves in copious amounts of wine. I hear these things are filled to the brim with them and there are many flavors squished by all sorts of different types of feet, no?"

Abbas also offers a respectful nod to those with Samantha. "Good evening. You all look splendid."

Leta has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

Ferrando has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

Octavia wrinkles her nose a little bit at the description of her as lovely, looking down briefly to see if she accidentally wore a gown or something. "Lady? Juliet, I presume? A pleasure," she offers, "And yes, the marquis' older sister." She looks around, spotting the table of drinks, and muses, "I suppose I might have something, if they have anything worth having. I can be very picky when sober."

Alistair shifts away from the crowd of dancing nobles of the Lycene to confirm a horrible rumor about himself. He sits. Thankfully the couches do not have plaques designating their chosen names, otherwise the man would feel cross having to sit upon the Immorality Couch.

Alistair has joined the The Immorality Couch.

Hadrian laughs, brimming with liveliness as Isolde keeps up the growing pace that begins to flourish like a blooming flower with twirls, twists, spins, and dips, on the Ballroom floor.

Luca checked dexterity + dodge against difficulty 15, resulting in 44, 29 higher than the difficulty.

"Lady Juliet Fidante, Lady Kennex. My apologies." Juliet replies, as she moves alongside Valencia and Octavia, towards the drinks table.

Juliet has left the Ballroom Floor.

Valencia laughs softly, "My lady, this is the house of Velenosa. We have everything, and if we do not have what you wish, we will get it. We are Lycean and guests are treasures to us, yes? Come, let me find something that suits and perhaps we shall take a tour of the garden and get some fresh air." With a swirl of silk, Valencia assumes a the familiar role of gracious hostess, leading the ladies and any others that may join to obtain much needed libations.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Octavia before departing.

Mydas has left the Shadowy Alcove.

Mydas has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Lianne has left the Shadowy Alcove.

Lianne has joined the Ballroom Floor.

"Prince Abbas." Samantha greets warmly, and dips a curtsy to him and Julea. "I do not believe we are acquainted, though my lady, if you will indulge me one brief familiarity.." Samantha steps up to Abbas, and while she has some height to her, she still has to rise on tiptoe to kiss the man's cheek. Settling back on her heels and assuming a more polite distance, she suggests, "I hope you're pleased with the trade agreement arranged by myself and the Princess Donella. It should result in many more ships for the mighty Thraxian Navy." She looks to Julea, offering, "Samantha Deepwood. A pleasure."

Leta was moving to the couch. But there's Julea approaching alongside Abbas, just as Leta steps away to give Samantha room. There's still time to turn and nod deeply, "Your Highness. Firesmith." she says, inclining her head, a grin breaking across her mouth as she catches a bit of what Abbas is saying. Her eyes travel between Julea and Samantha for a moment, and she looks thoughtful, but she inclines her head once more and turns to the couch, leaning against the side of it, by Serafine's side, with a shake of her head.

    With Abbas leading the way, Julea approaches Samantha, and dips her head politely towards the woman, her eyes briefly shifting to Abbas before she offers up an introduction. "I do not think we've met, at least, not properly. I'm Julea. One of the newest members of the Thrax fealty." She says with a small grin. The compliment from Abbas catches the young smith by surprise and she's quick to bring one of her hands down to touch at the shimmery silk, considering him for a moment to see if there's any kind of jest there, and then she nudges him with her elbow. "Thank you. I find myself seeing some benefits in wearing a dress, and the silk feels nice on my skin. You might yet see me in it again." And then, she gives a dimpled grin to Samantha. "And yes, help. I believe we're both in need of a drink and I couldn't find anywhere to stash my flask on me."

Niccolo checked dexterity + athletics against difficulty 15, resulting in 50, 35 higher than the difficulty.

Deva checked dexterity + athletics against difficulty 15, resulting in 14, 1 lower than the difficulty.

Reese crouches down, bringing bronze skirts to pool about her even as she starts to gather up the caltrops. It seems as if the Grayson princess doesn't want an unawares dancer to mistaken step upon them. She peeks up toward the dancing cousins and then over to Talen.

    Realising belatedly that Leta is near Samantha, Julea adds a more familiar grin to the woman. "Silk becomes you too." She compliments, and then adds a nod and greeting towards Serafine. "Your Highness."

Octavia moves over to the drinks table with Juliet and Valencia, looking around for something involving the fruits she's familiar with on her tropical island home. Maybe a mango or some pineapple? She'd even accept citrus fruit in her booze right now.

Niccolo checked dexterity + athletics against difficulty 20, resulting in 46, 26 higher than the difficulty.

Mydas steps out from the shadowed alcove, his arm held by Lianne as the pair move to join the other dancers at the Ballroom Floor. At once, with the music and the other dancing duos surrounding them, Mydas takes the lead. He does not dance like a professional, nor like a man possessed with amazing natural agility, but it's clear the steps are not only known to him, but very much practiced. He never strays too far from his dancing partner, nor is he ever so close as to stumble into her. To those looking, they may catch glimpses of whispered conversations as the dance goes on.

Deva is just dancing along with Niccolo, mostly avoiding the other dancers as they engage in light conversation. She looks the wrong way, which means she nearly collides with him. In an effort to avoid doing so, she takes a very wrong step into the caltrops on the dance floor. With those stilettos strapped to her feet, wobbly already, she doesn't stand a chance. Down the Redrain princess starts to fall, eyes wide in absolute horror.

Luca checked dexterity + athletics against difficulty 15, resulting in 45, 30 higher than the difficulty.

Talen is heard saying, "It wasn't me," immediately, pointing to Reese who has a handful of caltrops.

Alistair is watching Deva start to fall... already hes marking key witnesses and suspects. But, he doesn't rise up from where he sits.

Niccolo dances, and rather than avoid the caltrops, which he didn't notice until the very last moment... he actually starts to land his steps between them. Finally, he sees Deva going down, and pulls hard on her arm to him and into a very deep dip, holding her and him in perfect balance. Barely.

Something that Acacia says to him has Valkieri's jaw hardening and a flash of temper lighting in his eyes. He manages to restrain the volume of his response.

Ferrando half-turns to regard the ballroom floor over the back of the Misconduct couch. "Are those... caltrops?" he asks blankly before looking at his wine glass. He hasn't had THAT much, has he?

Octavia turns just as Deva trips and Niccolo catches her, noting to Juliet and Valencia, "And /that/ is why I don't dance. I don't even need the... wait, are those caltrops?"

The bearded cheek earns the kiss and Abbas offers a fond grunt to the Marquessa. "I will put those ships to good use." Prince Abbas asserts firmly and with a firm look of his pitch eyes cast towards Samantha to deliver his belief in that statement. "The Thraxian Voice has brought more power to the Leviathan with the deal and in the coming years I shall ensure the Serpent Banner remains feared through the Isles and into the fathoms of the darkness that stirs below the turbulent Salt." Abbas then answers Julea, "I believe I will look forward to seeing you in it again." He reaffirms to ensure there is no jest delivered in his words. Abbas looks towards the falling figure and he grunts, "I don't need shoes like that and I would likewise fall. Were the dance floor rolling upon the waves of the salt it would be a different thing." The man shrugs though and grins to look to Samantha with pleading hook up the wine eyes. If there were caltrops Abbas did not notice them.

Darren tilts to catch his sister's near fall, and he just barely holds back a laugh. Really. It's very hard. "Good catch, your Grace!" he calls out while he dances with Donella, making sure to hold her just a little closer. Because of the caltrops, of course.

Reese peeks up toward Talen while still gathering the caltrops up. Her blue eyes are wide and she doesn't seem to know quite what to say. Reese's lips pout open in surprise "What..." She says, like she just can't quite summon any words. Then Deva is falling and Reese looks worried, very worried. "Princess Deva!" She says, but she is too busy couching and holding caltrops to try and break her fall. Then Talen is pointing to her and Reese looks mortified! Oh, no, everyone will think it is her, her expression suggests, she is thinking. " wouldn't."

"Those are caltrops." Juliet offers. Deadpan. "Newest craze. Brings a little spice to the dance. I'd imagine Thrax would use those shocker eels in a similar fashion." Thankfully, keeping a blank face is rather easy.

Acacia's response to Valkieri had consumed nearly all of her attention, until there was that call of 'caltrops'. Almost immediately, her dark eyes go skittering across the dance floor and riveting upon Talen in the most unsubtle of ways.

Poor Niccolo. Deva grips onto his arm for dear life, nails digging tight. Her expression remains one of frozen shock, except for the furious red color rising to her face. But the Archduke saves her perfectly with such a stylish dip, and she stares up at him wide-eyed. "You're fast," she blurts, first. "Thanks," she adds a beat later, and finally takes a moment to catch her breath. "What the fuck?" she asks the others on the floor, in general, flailing her other arm toward the caltrops she nearly landed on.

Lianne is overheard praising Niccolo for: A deft rescue.

Niccolo checked stamina against difficulty 10, resulting in 26, 16 higher than the difficulty.

"How could you!" Talen says again, to Reese, before he steps backward off the dance floor even as Acacia eyes bore into him. "Wine," he calls to the nearest server, before snatching it, drifting toward the couches.

Talen has left the Ballroom Floor.

Talen has joined the The Scandal Couch.

Alistair checked dexterity + stealth against difficulty 15, resulting in 36, 21 higher than the difficulty.

Alistair has left the The Immorality Couch.

Donella has a thing about being dropped on sharp things, so doubtless, she appreciates Darren's consideration. Princesses be getting handled all up here. Chaos!

"I believe there's wine in circulation." Samantha lifts her own glass, and catching the eye of a servant, beckons them over to offer libations to Abbas and Julea. A apologetic glance is offered to Leda and Serafine once more, though Samantha suggests, "Perhaps we might all sit?" A glance at the dance floor. "It does seem to be safer."

Octavia is overheard praising Niccolo for: I hear they call him Dances through Caltrops.

Ferrando looks at Juliet. "Sounds daring. What a shame that we missed it," he deadpans right back at her before settling back down into his seat.

Luca tenses as he saw Deva falling, almost as if he was about to dive forward himself with all that viper speed he's famous for to try and save her. But thankfully he's spared that need as Niccolo saves the day. Luca's left raising his eyes skyward as if thanking some gods or other, and then moving to spin Eleyna back towards Talen. He's fluidly passing her off to the Sword with one hand, while the other reaches up to slap the back of the man's head. Or try to at least. Murmuring something to him, Luca then makes way for Reese to take up her hand and whisper something to her in turn.

Donella has left the Ballroom Floor.

Then Alistair is behind Reese, peering down at the Grayson Princess. "Caltrops... Princess Reese...? I believe you already won the duel, you do not need to further best Velenosa..." he says deadpan as the Inquisitor looms above her.

Deva is overheard praising Niccolo for: My hero!

Tristram has left the Libertine Table.

Valencia raises both her eyebrows and shrugs. "Huh, well then. Just so." She offers Juliet and Octavia their drinks, not partaking in any libartions herself at the moment. "I suppose they add.... excitement to what may other wise be a dull dance. At lest it was not vipers on the floor. That is never pleasant."

"It wasn't her, Alistair. Leave her be." Luca grumbles out to the Inquisitor as he settles in beside Reese almost protectively, arching a brow at the taller man and waiting for him to either deny it or try to question him about it further.

Something in Acacia's response seems to soothe Valkieri's anger considerably, before his attention is drawn by all of the /drama/. He stares at the ballroom dance floor.

For a few moments, all that Niccolo does and really, can do is hold onto Deva. He even manages to smile as she tears at his poor arm, protected only with silks, with her digging nails. "When it counts," he responds to her praise about being fast, flashing a faint grin and then pulling her to him against his chest. "I think we'll slow down our dancing a little," he says, with amusement. He lifts a hand and gestures, and servants spring to action to remove the caltrops from the floor. No more accidents, thank you.

Octavia turns and looks at Juliet, her gaze once again trying to bore through the mask to see if she's serious or not. It's obviously a fool's errand, but then she sees the inquisitor moving and steps out onto the dance floor, calling, "Inquisitor... that hardly makes any sense. If the princess had scattered them, why would she be gathering them up? A criminal mind would be to move as quickly from the scene as possible."

Reese has one hand filled of caltrops, the blonde Grayson princess looking very guilty. Her cheeks are flushed so very brightly and her breathing is elevated. She allows Luca to take her other hand, now rising to her slippered feet. Her attention is then gathered by Alistair, the girl seeming only further concerned. "Inquisitor, I'm sorry, I didn't drop them. I um..found them there."

Lianne's attention strays rather promptly toward the trouble on the dancefloor, the conversation she may have been engaged in with her dance partner put on hold as she watches the stumble, catch and confusion with wide eyes. Luckily, Mydas has the grace to lead them away from the caltrops. When it seems disaster is averted and Alistair's drawn up to investigate the trouble, she returns her attention to safer territory, returning to the conspiratorial conversation she's conducting with her companion.

    Unfortunately bare feet isn't without it's risk, and one passing gent ends up stepping on Julea's foot, and after a momentary yelp, she's quick to draw it back, resting it top the other bare foot and is quick to agree with Samantha's suggestion. "Yes, please, let's sit before I lose my toes." She looks around them for a likely seat, one of her hands tightening on Abbas' arm as she watches the near fall from Deva, and lets out a whistle as the woman is caught.

Isolde nods to Hadrian with a warm smile and a nod of her head. "I appreciate it, Duke Hadrian." She gives him a look, then offers a smile to Darren, nodding her appreciation. She picks her way carefully across the dance floor, swats Talen on the back of the head, and without missing a beat, makes her way to a quiet place, snagging a drink from a passing server along the way.

Isolde has left the Ballroom Floor.

Isolde has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Jaenelle continues to speak quietly with Sudara and Felix, though her eyes scan the dance floor, watching as it appears her cousins are being killed by shoes and caltrops and all sorts of torture devices. Some have all the luck.

Talen checked composure against difficulty 15, resulting in 22, 7 higher than the difficulty.

Once upright once more, Deva takes a hand and slides it down the front of her dress to help smooth out the unfortunate wrinkles that resulted during her near-fall and daring rescue. She takes a deep breath, squaring her shoulders, holding still a moment as she looks to Niccolo. "I hope I didn't rip anything," she slides a glance to his sleeve. "Thank you," she adds, the rush of color finally drifting from her cheeks. "Slow would be fantastic. I could not agree more, your grace." With an overly prim lift of her chin to grasp onto what little dignity she has left, she resumes their dance. Slowly.

Once spun out of Luca's arms to stand before Talen, Eleyna crosses her arms over her chest and just stares at him, brows lifted as she murmurs, "Really?" Eleyna smiles brightly as Isolde walks by and swats at Talen before fixing her eyes on the Sword. Waiting.

"Never try to understand princess. That way lies madness," Valencia replies, partily joking and now only half listening as her thoughts drift. She blinks and smiles apologetically to her companions. "I think I will be departing soon. I never like to overstay my welcome," she winks playfully.

Hadrian has left the Ballroom Floor.

"You found them." He declares as if to say 'A likely story, criminal scum!' The Inquisitor's gaze slips to Luca and he furrows his brow, and then a Judge calls out to him! But what saves Reese are the Velenosa servants disposing of all the evidence. He turns to regard Reese and Luca, "Enjoy the rest of the Ball, Prince Luca Velenosa. Princess Reese Grayson..." he remarks and turns to levies his gaze upon Octavia. Departing the dance floor he stops next to the woman. "You give criminal minds to much credit."

Leta has grabbed herself a glass of wine and seems to going rapidly through it. Serafine's seated, but Leta's standing against the side of the couch, leaning on it with a sort of nonchalant poise, allowing a hand to rest briefly on the Princess's tattooed arm. She looks over to Samantha and shakes her head, flashing a careless grin to dismiss the apologetic look.

Hadrian has joined the The Immorality Couch.

Reese checked composure against difficulty 15, resulting in 9, 6 lower than the difficulty.

Luca's thwap to the back of the head garners a snarl, full teeth and a flash in the Sword's eyes, then he regains his composure as quick as he can with a thirsty drain of his cup. When Eleyna is deposited before him, he stops on the way to the couch and is -just- about to address her imperious prompt before Isolde lands the second smack. For a moment, he's catatonic, stock still and staring forward almost through Eleyna. When he refocuses, he adds: "I don't share well," he finishes. In peace offering, the goblet of wine is given to the princess before he looks after the Mirrormask, narrowing his eyes. "I see you skulking, Princess Isolde Velenosa. I see you." Then, he takes Eleyna by the wrist and hauls her towards the scandalous couch. Yoink.

Talen ^

Eleyna has left the Ballroom Floor.

Eleyna has joined the The Scandal Couch.

Juliet rests a hand on Valencia's shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze. "I find it hard to believe you could ever overstay your welcome, darling." Giving Alistair a nod of greeting, as he steps by them. Then, giving another shrug to Octavia. "At any rate, noww that the prank has been handled and we have drinks in hand.. I think I will haunt the gardens a little. You are, of course, welcome to join me."

Octavia's hazel gaze doesn't even flinch, and in the heels on her boots she can easily look Alistair in the eye. "Do I, Inquisitor? I dare say I have as much experience in sorting out their thoughts as most, and even a five year old child knows better than to stand around and get caught."

Hadrian grasps his own wine fluidly from the tray of a server, likely meant to be delivered to someone else, by the stem of the glass and without breaking stride in his graceful gait toward the Immorality couch. It is thereupon that the tall, slim-waisted man sits.

Luca stared down Alistair right up until he backed off from the accusations, giving the man a brief thankful look then and murmuring. "And you, Inquisitor. Enjoy Velenosa hospitality." Mind the poison and caltrops! With that, Luca's murmuring something to Reese, taking up her hand in his, and swiftly making his way towards the exit with her. Perhaps too much excitement for the Lazy Prince.

Abbas has joined the The Impropriety Couch.

Valkieri tips his head to Acacia in a gesture that looks like it's something of a farewell as he lets the woman slip away. He exhales a slow breath and moves off to find more wine.

Julea has joined the The Impropriety Couch.

With the dancing finished, Darren leads Donella off the dance floor and lets her go run off to wherever people run off when their connection is shady. He fetches a glass of wine from one of the servers and heads over in the direction of the shadowy alcove, shadowing said alcove so he could have a few quiet words with Isolde. The stolen glass of wine is passed to her fluidly.

"And?" Isolde looks at Talen, lifting a chin, defiantly. She drinks deeply of her wine, leaning against the wall, closing her eyes. She starts as Darren approaches, opening her eyes, then relaxing a touch, nodding to him.

"You have never heard of Criminals going back for their tools? They generally are not the richest of folks. Or perhaps going back to the scene of the crime to enjoy the sight of their acts?" Alistair inquires with a slightly raised brow, "Regardless, we engage in in a discussion of hypotheticals. As you said, the Princess is innocent..."

Darren has left the Ballroom Floor.

Darren has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

The rest of the dancing with Deva happens slowly, really with absolutely no risk for the Redrain princess to go tumbling thanks to a forgotten caltrop let behind by the house's staff. When it ends, the archduke smiles at Deva and bows before her. "Thank you for the dance, Princess," Niccolo says to her, holding her hand up. He then leads her out of the dance floor. Once he's escorted her back, he bows once more and walks towards Talen and Eleyna. "Your Highness. May I ask you for a dance?"

"Share well? You don't share at all!" Eleyna begins in a scolding tone as she's pulled to the couch where whatever else she has to say is lost in a heated hiss to the dark knight, but involves pointing at her dainty little slippered foot and then at Talen, scowling.

Abbas looks to the person that steps on Julea's foot. And the sneer that breaks his mouth is near-violent before words about sitting bring the Reaver back down. This was not the Salt after all and there were enough duels going on at the moment to satisfy Thraxian and those sworn to them (pour one out for Max's duel here) to satisfy the quota. Abbas guides them to a couch and he leads Julea to sit. And he follows in next to her as he finds wine arriving from Samantha's helpful guidance. He catches a roaming servant and lays a fat stack of silver on them. "A variety if it pleases you. And in a steady stream." He grunts.

Juliet moves along, not terribly bothered by the Inquisitor. She offers little wiggles of her fingers at various tables and people she knows, before slipping to the doors. Sans any drink, mind.

Fidelia Fidante, A Lady-in-Waiting leaves, following Juliet.

"The act could be seen from where I stood, inquisitor. There was no need to be right in the midst of it, picking up the caltrops," Octavia notes, yielding absolutely no ground to the inquisitor. "And the tools could be retaken at a later time without risk of being caught. A princess of Grayson is at least educated enough to know these things, I would submit."

Mercifully, Deva avoids any further incidents. "Thank you for the excellent save, Your Grace," she bows her head to Niccolo as he escorts her off the dance floor. It is then that she returns to, very eagerly, finding something she can chug to wash any lingering traces of shame away. The whiskey appears to be too far for her tastes, so she settles for a glass of wine and drains it quickly.

Deva has left the Ballroom Floor.

Talen has dropped into the couch and essentially drawn Eleyna overtop him, a cascade of purple silk over his silvery-steel metal. It's not the most comfortable positions, considering there's couch cushions. When Niccolo approaches, one of his arms busy encircling her waist tightens a little then he looks up at the Archduke. Even then, only the closest might see an olive bounce off his pauldron from somewhere in the distance and roll over the floor. The source? He never quite finds. "God damn it, I will find you!" he shouts to the nameless one, while Eleyna is left to answer the high lord.

Reese looks upon Alistair as he expresses doubt relating to her finding of the caltrops, the color draining from her cheeks and the girl looking frightened. She murmurs softly to Luca, but probably not as softly as she intends. "The Inquisitor, thinks I am a criminal, this is isn't good." The caltrops are handed off to Niccolo's servants, Reese seemingly more than eager to get rid of the evidence! "I would actually throw down spikes at your family's ball." She says to Luca, sounding a rather unnerved by this all. She might be all tough on the battlefield, but these sort of games seem to confuse the Grayson Princess. She seems ready to leave with Luca. Summoning her manners, she has a polite smile for the Archduke host, the Princess Isolde and Eleyna. "Thank your so much for having me, your Grace and your highnesses, wonderful gala." She says, secretly worried or maybe not so seretly worried that will think she trapped the dance!

    Julea reaches down and wraps fingers around the toes in question, giving them a quick rub between her fingers, though the arrival of the wine has her soon forgetting about the injury and she's quick to take a glass and bring it to her lips, inhaling the scent of it. She turns towards Abbas, but she keeps a close watch on the people, seeming to be enjoying the coming and goings and every now and then pointing out someone, or some fancy dress, or pair of shoes to the Warlord. It isn't every day that a girl from a nothern village is in a Velenosa ballroom and she's more than a bit in awe of all the fancy things and people.

Another olive is flung from a different direction at Talen.

Talen shouts from nearby, "I HAVE A PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS"

Ferrando checked composure against difficulty 20, resulting in 5, 15 lower than the difficulty.

Hadrian snickers at the dark knight's rage.

Isolde looks over from her conversation. "Please note this is not a Redrain gathering. Please keep the food fights to a minimum. Thank you." She smirks at Darren before returning to her quiet conversation with him.

Ferrando starts snickering uncontrollably at something Serafine says for a few moments on the couch, then happens to look at Leta as soon as he composes himself and starts laughing even harder.

"It wasn't me, your Highness," Acacia lightly informs Isolde as she passes by, hands held upwards to emphasize that professed innocence. "If it were, I'd have to immediately go back to pick up my tools."

Eleyna looks up at Niccolo and smiles gratefully, taking his hands to lever herself out of Talen's lap, especially since the olives are flying and she might kill someone if she gets olive juice on her silk dress. The princess loops her arm with Niccolo and says with a smile, "Gladly. Please."

"I have no intention of dragging the Princess off for questioning. Her innocence is confirmed..." Alistair responds, the statement directed to Octavia, but Reese given the benefit of hearing it as she moves to depart. "And no one is harmed... thus no damages that demand restitution or retribution." He declares with a glance to the departing Luca and Reese. Talen's shouting, surprisingly, does not bring any response fromt he man.

Leta stands by the couch, and just stares at Serafine, mouth hanging open, hands thrown up in a flabbergasted gesture while her face turns the color of her crimson brocade.

Deva hears Isolde, and can't help but laugh out loud. She blows a kiss to the mirrormask, a mischievous smile on her lips as she heads in that direction. In her hands, she carries a freshly refilled glass and a brand new bottle of wine she stole from a server.

Serafine, on the couch seated somewhere between Dafne and Ferrando, is the image of melodramatic sorrow. If only the corners of her mouth would stop twitching.

Valencia looks like she is about to have a fit of giggles. She coughs several times to regain compsoure then smiles up at Octavia, "I am afraid I must go. I do hope I will see you soon. Please come see me at the Golden Hart. We will be opening soon." She takes another look around, offering poliete nods to her family members, and begins to depart.

Hadrian lifts his tall frame from the couch, waves toward Isolde and Darren, and moves toward the exit. On his way, he passes Niccolo, murmuring softly to the Archduke with a pause.

"Talen?" Jaenelle calls out sweetly from her couch, doing her best to gain his attention. "Oh Talen!" she says again, "you are supposed to catch those with your mouth. It is large enough."

"Don't worry Reese, Ali's just like that with everyone. He doesn't really suspect you...well, more than everyone." Luca's words to Reese are cool, but comforting, as he's drawing her out, and he gives Isolde a brief pained apologetic nod before fleeing from all this, poor worried Grayson girl in tow. Wait...did he just call the Inquisitor Ali?

Luca has left the Ballroom Floor.

Alistair checked composure against difficulty 15, resulting in 19, 4 higher than the difficulty.

Alistair does not react to being called Ali. But somewhere, a Confessor loads a crossbow.

Reese seems relived when Alistair announces his belief in her innocence. She has one last smile and then follows after Luca.

Niccolo lets Eleya loop her arm around his. "Don't worry, I'll bring her back soon enough," he assures Talen, just as he leads Eleyna to the dance floor, slowing down only when Hadrian speaks to him, and replying with some quiet words. There, he sets his hand on her waist, and takes her hand in his. With no caltrops to risk sending them to the floor on their faces, the dance is a lively one, steps deft and graceful. He speaks quietly with the princess as they dance.

With Eleyna stolen away and his couch being besieged by olives, Talen leans backwards and reaches for wherever that second pitted fruit had found itself. In reply to Jaenelle, he holds it up, pointedly saying: "If Isolde hadn't banned throwing it, I would so aim for you right now."

Reese has left the Ballroom Floor.

Octavia nods to Valencia as she departs, though she doesn't take her eyes off of the inquisitor just yet. She seems pleased with his answer, at least somewhat. "Then I see no further reason to discuss the issue, Inquisitor," she replies, before offering a wry smile, "You have a perceptive mind, and I appreciate your devotion. I am sure I will see you testify before me at some point soon."

Hadrian glances back toward Niccolo, and nods slowly in both appreciation and confirmation, before he is moving on.

Jaenelle laughs lightly, giving Isolde a look of thanks for her banning. "I know where you sleep, Talen. You throw that against Isolde's wishes and I swear that I will fill your room with something horrible. Something worse than what your room already contains." Totally meaning him.

Hadrian has left the The Immorality Couch.

Serafine has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Leta has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Serafine has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Abbas casts his gaze downward for a time. A smile breaks his lips as he looks up briefly. He drinks the wine. He does not sniff or swirl or any of that fancy stuff. He drinks it like it's sweet tasty rum. He seems to be enjoying himself in all his armor and glory as he converses with Julea.

Ferrando waves a bit carelessly after Leta and Serafine. "Careful for traps!" he advises brightly.

Eleyna and Niccolo dance together in an easy manner, as if they've done this many times before. Each seems to match the other's motions so that the entire dance looks graceful and fluid. The princess murmurs something to the Archduke, an affectionate smile on her face as she smoothly follows his lead, pale eyes on his.

Serafine, laughing, is quite suddenly dragged from the couch and taken to the dancefloor... by the tall, broad-shouldered Leta Broadbent.

Leta, face burning red at some sort of conversation taking place at the couch, grabs Serafine's hand in hers and tugs the Princess firmly towards the dance floor, though she slows down on the last few steps to inspect the floor ahead of her feet. She's frowning and flustered, though she does allow a very small smile for her dance partner. Then she just stands there, head turning to watch others dance, looking unsure of herself.

The Inquisitor idly adjusts his jacket, an ominous creak of leather sounding out as he does so. "One would hope so... not many opportunities for a trial these chaotic days..." he remarks, despite there plenty of opportunities for such... just something always seems to get in the way, be it a duel or perhaps the accused being snatched up and away. The Faceless brooch of the Sentinel on his chest shimers slightly as the man inclines his head towards Octavia, "Long days and Pleasant nights, your Honor."

Serafine checked dexterity + etiquette against difficulty 15, resulting in 15, 0 higher than the difficulty.

Octavia notices the brooch as she steps backwards, replying simply, "May the faceless god keep your hand true, inquisitor." Well, that may be the most pleasant farewell an inquisitor has ever gotten.

With the floor clear of caltrops and the way they match each other motions, Niccolo throws in a series of twirls and spins. He sends Eleyna rolling away from him, just to pull her back to him. He again speaks to her quietly, with a faint smile to the young woman.

Talen tucks a hand to his side, fishing buckles and straps out from the gap between breastplate and backplate, to undo them. Even as he speaks, he comments aside to Acacia-- who is probably slinking against a wall to get closer-- voice low. When he dislodges the armour at his torso and sets it onto the floor, he fishes a pouch and begins to roll a joint of haze on his cuisses, Inquisitors be damned. "Jaenelle, I'm moving rooms," he alerts her, as if this might be an indication of his disatisfaction with such a threat - or fact - who can tell? "Oleander, the tarantula fits under doors, however. I also know where Caprice keeps your silk stash."

New wine acquired, Valkieri simply makes his way over to one of the empty couches and sinks down onto it. And drinks.

Valkieri has joined the The Immorality Couch.

Deva steps closer to where her brother and Isolde are, gesturing toward a place to sit with a glass in one hand, and offering a bottle of wine to them with the other. It is, of course, Isolde's wine already.

Luckily, Serafine is dressed for such things, her inked spine bare, showing off the expanse of marked, copper skin. She takes Leta's hand in hers and moves the woman to face her, her smile warm. She draws one of Leta's arms about her, settling that hand that's as callused as her own at the small of her back, Leta's fingers brushing skin. Serafine reaches up to squeeze Leta's shoulder, taking her other hand. "Simple dance," her husky voice reassures the blonde.

Leta checked dexterity + performance against difficulty 20, resulting in 37, 17 higher than the difficulty.

Isolde offers a warm smile to Deva, nodding, holding out her glass with near desperation to it.

Darren grins up to Deva and beckons her to sit, taking the bottle of wine to pour everybody a glass.

Deva has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Eleyna moves into every spin and twirls as gracefully, almost as if anticipating each of Niccolo's moves even before he makes it. As the Archduke tugs her in lose and murmurs to her, her smile fades and an expression of concern, almost panic starts to transform that normally coolly arranged face as she whispers in return.

"A miser thought to keep his gold, as keep against the coming cold, but what cared death for mortal gains? He smiled at the miser's pains." Blacktongue is heard to recite in an aside to a guard he passes, the young man having made some comment about silver to his comrade. The Harlequin is dressed in his typical head to toe black, from his gloves to his boots. The man has opted for motley facepaint, a silver patch over his left eye and a black over his right. Shading to the cheekbones only mananges to accentuate his cheshire grin, making it all the more unsettling if one catches sight of his namesake.

Acacia tracks her gaze across to Niccolo, or certainly tries to. It comes just before she picks up not a glass, but an entire bottle of her favored and ridiculously expensive choice of wine. Keeping it comfortably bound in her hand, she waves it to him lightly and then bows once. Just one bottle, though. She'd swayed a bit in posture in avoidance of any mischeviously loose buckles or leather straps or whatnot that might've been flailing from the sides of Talen's armor, and then returns to her previous position if only to murmur back to him.

    Julea's talking quietly with Abbas at the couch they share, a glass of wine that she holds making frequent trips to her lips, though she's drinking it slower than her Warlord companion. The conversation seems to be a serious one, but it doesn't stop the young smith's eyes from straying every now and then to follow some turn on the dancefloor, or a passing silk.

"Your snake already killed my rabbit" Jaenelle says to Talen regarding his animals coming into her bedroom. "If anyone is to move, it is I. Between Blacktongue depositing apples all over my bedroom, and your dangerous animals slipping beneath the door, I would be much safer living outside in the maze." Whatever is said on the couches by the people she is sitting with causes the Princess to react, brows lifting in both confusion and curiosity.

Leta nods to Serafine, "Better be simple." she agrees quietly, and draws a deep breath, then frowns for a moment as the Princess steers her hands into their proper positions. Hesitating, she takes the lead, and begins to steer the shorter woman about the dance floor, trading murmured words. Leta's obviously not familiar with any former, proper ballroom steps, she's just vaguely imitating what she sees others do. At least she hasa sense for rhythm and her footwork's light and easy. It's just a matter of pretending Serafine's trying to stab her.

Blacktongue plucks a stray wineglass from an unattended tray. The man apparently has no fear of rogue wineglasses, in House Velenosa of all places, the way he tosses it back. There is a lift of one brow as he opines to Jaenelle, "Such problems can be solved, or partially all of them, by locking your door?"

Octavia looks around the party, seeing no one she knows anymore at a brief glance, and then nods once to the inquisitor before she takes her leave.

6 Thrax Guards arrives, following Dagon.

Dafne has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Serafine seems at ease in the strong frame of Leta's arm, following the flow and direction o the woman as she does more than a fair job of dancing; if Serafine looks -surprised-, it's mostly for show. Her smile is bright, head tilted and turned to catch anything Leta might say. She catches on quickly to Leta's movements, understanding enough to adapt, her motions smoothly reflecting the other woman's.

"It was a love bite," Talen promises to Jaenelle of Hiss' antics, "that broke its heart." As he finishes with his rolled joint he lifts it to his mouth, pats himself down and finds an ember stick to strike up and light. When he leans backwards and takes his drag, his attention drifts to the dance floor and then ultimately the sudden appearance of Blacktongue. "Uncle, good of you to join us. Always on time when your name is called."

"Blacktongue," Acacia very simply acknowledges with a cheerful lift of her unopened wine bottle.

Dagon returns to the ballroom, same black leather, same reserved brooding air about him. His guards follow behind him for a moment, but they disperse to move to the edge of the crowds, taking up a spot of watchful observance with all the other retainers. His fiance has been left behind upon his return, and he pauses within the crowd to look at the remainder, midnight blues picking Abbas out of the crowd, and Isolde.

Ferrando waves from over the back of the the Misconduct Couch where he's apparently confabbing with Lady Dafne. "Watch out for the caltrops Uncle Don--er, Blacktongue!" he calls over brightly before drinking the last remains of his current wine glass.

    Spotting Dagon's arrival into the ballroom, Julea lifts her hand up in a wave to the Thraxian Prince, and she gives Abbas a nudge with her elbow, drawing his attention to the new arrival with a dip of her head.

"Were you just speaking of me? Only the best, I know." Blacktongue places his gloved hand over his heart with a nod of greeting to Talen. "You are too kind and generous to me, nephew." He lifts his empty wine glass in a toast of greeting to Acacia when he catches sight of her. When he hears Ferrando's shout out, piercing blue eyes flash in that direction but the expression is wholly void of emotion - startling for a man who makes an occupation of being a caricature.

Abbas sits at a couch with Julea. The man is next to her and they share what seems to be a serious conversation. Abbas does look up and spots his cousin. And the reaver lifts a hand and motions him over with a welcoming gesture. He finishes his first glass of wine and the servant that wanders brings another new sort to consume. He grins and the armored Warlord has one procured for Dagon as well.

Niccolo continues the dance, slowing it down with each step. He notices her worry, and his features soften. He lightly shkes his head, before he speaks quietly. There's one final spin, and with it, the steps come to a close.

Jaenelle blinks at the sudden pooping of Blacktongue. "You own me dinner" she reminds him pleasantly. "And I have started to lock my door, but some how I still think you would find a way to enter it, both of you" her gaze shifts to Talen, "if you had the desire to. And yes, a love bite" she repeats with a nod, "for they could never truly be, and the rabbit simply could not stand it."

Eleyna is left gazing up at Niccolo as their dance ends. She leans in to press a kiss too her uncle's cheek and whispers before she pulls back and reaches for his arm, her smile back in place though there is a sudden distance in her eyes.

Ferrando waves a hand from the couch reassuringly. "They're probably all picked up by now, but they might have missed one or two," he adds helpfully.

Magden slips in -- slender in blue silk, bare feet, and the worst haircut of all time -- then quickly ducks out again.

"I will make my finest apples." Blacktongue promises Jaenelle concerning their dinner. "I have no interest into forcing my way into locked doors. It is far easier to simply convince the occupant to open them."

An Unremarkable Associate leaves, following Acacia.

Dagon's somber features lighten into an easy smile that sparkles in his eyes as he cuts a path through the crowd, and towards the couch where his kin sits with Julea. "Full sails, cousin," is Dagon's greeting as he takes the wine between two fingers, with an inclination born both of respect and thanks for Prince Abbas. "Very bright, in comparison to our own celebrations," he notes, looking around at the others in the crowd. "And Miss Sanguine. Who won the melee, in the end?" His left arm isn't in a sling, but he still favors his other arm entirely. He's likely still very fucked up from the fight.

Talen laughs a sudden, harsh bark of a sound, at Blacktongue. Then he offers his roll up of haze so very graciously and glances towards Eleyna where she closes out her dance, gauntletless fist curling under his jaw and elbow propping onto the arm of the couch he's occupying.

Niccolo leads Eleyna back to Talen and whispers one last thing to her, before he lets go of her and dips his head to his ward. "She's returned to you, unharmed, my son," he offers to the younger man, with a faint smile. There's a glance to the exit, and a single chuckle. He looks back to Talen and Eleyna and dips his head to them. He steps away, and towards one of the servers with drinks.

Dagon has joined the Grand Duchess Throne.

Leta gradually relaxes, and lets her motions flow a little more freely, and draw Serafine's body closer to hers, though it's obvious she's unaccustomed to some Lycene fashions and finds hand placement problematic. She murmurs to the princess, and takes some lazy turns floor, before her hands shift down the other woman's inked harms to grasp her hands and tug her into a whirl that's more usually seen at far more common dances, with far worse wine.

Dagon has left the Grand Duchess Throne.

Dagon has joined the The Impropriety Couch.

    "It was, I think, a man called Roland, but I did not catch his title so I do not know whether to call him Prince, or Lord, or whatever the fuc---" And then Julea realises belatedly that the word 'fuck' is probably not acceptable in ballrooms and she clears her throat with an apologetic look to Dagon. Belatedly she greets him with a sheepish grin, adding, "Your highness." Julea is seated next to Abbas, and for once, she's in a silk dress which is modest until you take in the slit that runs up the right leg enough to expose the blade sheathed at the thigh.

Niccolo has left the Ballroom Floor.

Blacktongue's laughter soon follows Talen, whatever has been shared between the pair bringing a cruel twist to the Jester's lips. The haze is taken with a flourished bow of thanks before the Artiglio manages to speak with the joint held between his teeth. "Have I missed much or has this been the typical affair?"

Pariah, The StormCrow arrives, delivering a message to Niccolo before departing.

An Unremarkable Associate arrives, delivering a message to Niccolo before departing.

Cassius and Belladonna have been off in their little corner, mostly out of sight of the rest of the ball. Anyone watching would see the pair quite close, speaking softly as they enjoy their solitude. But, finally, Cassius takes a step away from Belladonna, and snags her hand as he does. He leads his wife towards the dance floor.

Cassius has left the Shadowy Corner.

Cassius has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Ferrando has left the The Misconduct Couch.

Belladonna has left the Shadowy Corner.

Belladonna has joined the Ballroom Floor.

Eleyna bows her head at Niccolo when he releases her and she offers a smile in return before turns her pale gaze to Talen. With eyes only for him for a moment, the Velenosan princess assumes a spot next to the knight. Still watching Talen, she murmurs offhandedly to Blacktongue, "Hello, Blacktongue. Good of you to join us. You missed the caltrops."

There's laughter from the dance floor as Serafine expresses her delight as she's spun about, not caring if it's scandalous. She -does- know this particular step, she does know the lowers rather well, given she patrols it now and spent her youth hiding in it now and then. So Serafine matches Leta's moves and gestures, skirts swirling, bare skin peeking from sheer fabric and glinting beadwork, her crown of flowers not budging, though a flower might flit to the floor.

"Thank you, father," Talen returns with a degree of solemn appreciation for Niccolo as Eleyna is 'returned', his lips quirked. "Princess Reese Grayson threw caltrops on the dance floor and nearly left Deva cracking her skull open on the marble. It was quite funny." The man has a warped sense of entertainment. "I mean," he corrects, looking down toward Darren briefly, then back to Blacktongue. "Not funny at all," he lies. At last, he asks his uncle, while focusing on the Black Widow and her proximity. "Do you have any ribbons?" he inquires of his uncle.

Belladonna lets him take her hand without protest, certainly. She's got a pleased little smile on her lips right now, happy to follow Cassius out to the dancefloor and settle into place against him to let him lead her in the dancing. Finally, getting to dance with him while he's *not* wearing armor.

Ferrando gets up from the Misconduct couch and stops by the Scandal on his way over. "Your Highness, Uncle, Cousin," he says amiably before squinting at Talen half in puzzlement and half in accumulated wine. "You didn't happen to catch -why- she dropped them, did you?" he asks.

*on his way over to pick up another glass of wine, even

Darren glances up when he hears Talen's words, and flashes a broad grin over to the man. "Actually it was terribly funny," though even as he says that, he braces as though he's expecting a hit from Deva. He flashes her an innocent grin.

Talen points his thumb at Eleyna, "She said 'that bitch' stole 'her man', in regards to Luca."

Mydas has left the Ballroom Floor.

Mydas has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

Talen says, "Reese did, I mean."

Lianne has left the Ballroom Floor.

Lianne has joined the The Misconduct Couch.

The armored and war-decorate Thraxian stands from where he sits next to Julea to receive his cousin and the former heir. The man grips at one shoulder and forearm clasps his cousin in the way blooded soldiers who have spilled life together ought. Abbas smiles warmly to seeing Dagon, "Somber nights are Thraxian dawns, my cousin." He offers up, "The Salt knows no peace but that of the death rattle of our foes." It passes for cheery in Thraxian Warlord speak. "I have missed you, Prince Dagon. I hope that as I venture into the Salt I shall count on you among the fleet's finest butchers. We have a lot to do and tumultuous sea holds still for no Reaver."

"That's the point to miss them; I rather like my toes where they are." Blacktongue leans back in his seat and stretches out his legs, wiggling his toes in his boots pointedly before moving to sit with his right heel resting on his left knee, hands folded behind his head in his lean. "Yes, I do. Apples too. Why?" He inhales sharply, blowing out two plumes of smoke from his nostrils before offering the party favor back to Talen. Ferrando's approach has the Harlequin in a lull of conversation, running his namesake along the bottom row of teeth before he remarks, "A good evening to you, Nephew. May the gods smile on you as they have me with all kindness they can afford."

Niccolo has joined the Shadowy Alcove.

Mydas and Lianne eventually cease their dance, with the golden-eyed nobleman bowing to his dancing partner before accompanying her to a nearby couch. His eyes as he glances at Cassius and Belladonna is definitely amused, no doubt at seeing his military cousin off to dance.

Talen gratefully takes back the haze and puts it to his lips, making 'grabby hands' at Blacktongue. "Can I have them?" he asks, half-muffled as his lips try not to move too much, as he waits for the ribbons. "I need to secure something important to me but only ribbons will do."

Leta apparently had to take the opportunity for the whirl, but then she goes back to a more appropriate style to the ballroom, though inexpertly executed, a hand returning to rest lightly on Serafine's waist as she carries on to the rhythm, leaning down to exchange quiet words and looks. She reddens further.

Sudara rises from the 'decadent couch', delivering a warm squeeze to Jaenelle's hand, before smilingly murmuring farewells to both her and Felix. She raises her goblet in the direction of the throne, bows her head, then turns to depart.

Cassius watches as Lianne and Mydas depart. There's hardly any response to that, besides there moving. Cassius then starts in, slow as promised. One foot, then the other. There's a total lack of twirls and whirls and anything at all fancy. Still, he does seem to keep his rhythm, and doesn't step on any toes. All the while, he whispers to Belladonna.

Ferrando squints and scratches the back of his head. "Such language," he observes mildly. "And, well, the use of caltrops on a dance floor. Or even carrying them around with her. To a party." He shrugs blankly. "Well, at least in the end nobody was injured," he declares before smiling to Blacktongue. "Well, thank you! I hope you've been faring well lately. I'm afraid I never get out to see you as often as I should. I've got no good excuses for being such a terrible nephew, I'm afraid. I really hope to do better in the future."

Deva is suddenly laughing hysterically behind a hand, eyes wide as she looks at Isolde with an amused shake of her head.

Eleyna reaches out to snag the 'party favor' out of Blacktongue's hand before it can reach Talen. In the wake of a whisper from the knight, Eleyna to look quizzically at him, head tilted as she takes a delicate puff from the joint and then moves to pass it along. "You need ribbons for what?"

Isolde, herself, looks like an utter defiant brat, looking between Niccolo and Darren.

"Sir Roland," Dagon offers for Julea with a grin. "A good fighter. A good knight. He bested me in the joust." He turns from Julea to receive Abbas's greetings, wincing faintly as his body shakes with the clasp and jars his shoulder. The grin he shares with Abbas is a suddenly pained, but good-natured one as he clasps Abbas's forearm. "A tumultuous sea that you may have to face without me, Prince Abbas. His Grace has deemed my sword best serves Thrax in the upcoming operations against the oncoming Bringers. But if I may steal away, perhaps I can assist against Gyre, and we can sail into the storm, together." Talk of butchering is left well alone. The blackened blade at Dagon's side shines for blood and reaving, but it's in the hands of a man who may prefer diplomacy over combat.

Two ribbons, black of course because they -are- Artiglios, are pulled from Blacktongue's sleeve and offered to Talen. When he will first reach for them he will yank them away until he gets the answer, "Whatever for?" But, alas Eleyna has claimed them. His eyes shift to the other nephew and Blacktongue says to Ferrando, "By the unending grace and generosity of the Velenosa, I am always well. I am not that hard to track - simply follow the sound of laughter. "

Serafine dances with Leta, a show of grace and dexterity that is more about a closeness between the women that's brimming with respect and an undertone of affection. Grinning at Leta, she nods; "You're doing wonderfully-" she proclaims, then tugs Leta into a spin of her own, mimicking the counter to the dance Leta's using to inspire their steps.

Niccolo chuckles, his eyes on Isolde. From her, he looks to the dance floor and shakes his head, even as amusement dances on his lips. He looks to Deva next and then Darren. With a nod to the prince he inclines his head and starts leading the other man out of the ballroom. He slows down as he approaches Valkieri. "Thank you for joining us tonight, Duke Valkieri," he says to the man, with a dip of his head before he continues on his way out with the Redrain Prince.

An Unremarkable Associate arrives, delivering a message to Niccolo before departing.

Talen looks almost hurt when he's bypassed by way of Eleyna forceful reallocation of the haze and he leans forward, down the couches, toward Darren's. "I heard that," he throws in delayed recognition. "You understand me," he informs the Redrain high lord. When Blacktongue taunts with the ribbons, he announces loud enough: "I'm going to tie Eleyna up, uncle. That way, she can't run away anymore." Ferrando's words cause him to smirk slightly, then he shakes his head, as if at a loss. When he finally gets hold of those ribbons, however, he stretches them out using his thumbs before winding the first around one of Eleyna's wrists and aims to seek the other to draw its twin together. "For this," he adds again, to inform her, since she also asked. The black silk is a direct contrast to her pale flesh, of course.

Sudara has left the Decadent Couch.

Darren has fallen into a fit of laughter, but he manages to follow Niccolo out well enough. Though, he does pause momentarily to salute to Talen, flashing him a warm grin.

Jaenelle dips her head fondly towards Sudara as she stands from the couch they claimed, departing soon after quieter words are exchanged. She looks towards Felix who remains, her words to him just as quiet.

The grunt of Abbas affirms and ends the talk of sea faring with Dagon. "Ah, the bringers no doubt shall know fear then." He offers to his cousin. The man then lowers his voice to talk to those at the couch.

Valkieri lifts his gaze with an arched brow as Niccolo pauses near him. "Of course, Archduke," he says in an even voice.

Niccolo has left the Shadowy Alcove.

Darren has left the Shadowy Alcove.

5 Velenosa House Guards, Darren leave, following Niccolo.

Ferrando nods affirmatively to Blacktongue. "I'm very gratified to hear it," he agrees before glancing at Talen. "Shouldn't he be tying up her -feet- if he wants her not to run away?" he asks his uncle.

"Thank your lucky stars she isn't a contortionist - I had no such luck with very similar ribbons." Blacktongue drawls in his rasp before a low laugh escapes. "We won't tie up her feet because Eleyna only ever flees via handstand."

Cassius watches Niccolo's exit from the dancefloor, his brows furrowing slightly before he looks to Belladonna. He nearly misses a step in his dance, but is able to continue along well enough, as slow and basic as this dance is. He continues to murmur to her, and then offers a faint smirk to his wife.

Leta spins along with Serafine, but shortly after she starts to slow down, twirling her dance partner once, pulling her closer before finally stopping entirely. She looks like she doesn't know what to do with herself as her hands fall away from the Velenosa princess, and looks around, before gesturing off the dance floor with a nod, inviting Serafine to step with her that way.

Dagon takes a long sip of his wine, lips pursing afterwards with thought. Either over the flavor, or what's said at the couch with his countrymen. Women. New countrywoman. Whatever.

Eleyna just stares at Talen, her lips moving but not quite forming words. She's docile enough as Talen loops black ribbon around one wrist and then binds it to the other. Her narrowed blue eyes are fixed on Talen before Ferrando and Blacktongue's conversation steals her attention away, likely allowing the Sword to finish the job. She starts to say something like 'aren't any of you on my side?' before realizing that she is surrounded by Artiglios so the answer to that is a flat 'no'. Instead, she just glares at Ferrando before shifting her attention to Talen and murmuring with mock sweetness, "You could have just -asked- me to stay with you."

Talen tucks his head slightly as words swirl around him, fastening the binding at each porcelain wrist until they're neatly secured. The knotwork is good enough to make an Thraxian proud, finished with a delightful bowtie that is deceptively secure - purely decorative. "Will you stay with me?" he asks the princess while stretching out the second as yet unused ribbon, considering the princess as though trying to decide where best to place it. Eventually he looks to Blacktongue, wondering: "Any ideas? I'm thinking her elbows," he says, crowdsourcing the ribbon-bondage.

Abbas is at a table with Dagon and the newest member of the Thraxian people; Julea. They share wine and are in serious conversation. A gaze is cast towards the binding.

Talen points at Abbas in a moment of distraction: "Out of ten, honestly, what'd I score?"

Zaina has joined the The Impropriety Couch.

The dancing continues for few more minutes, and then when the song draws to an end, Cassius pauses. His eyes find Belladonna's, and he watches the woman for a moment. Some more words are murmured, then Cassius leans in, to press a kiss to Belladonna's lips. It's faint and chaste, but decidedly present. Kiss delivered, Cassius takes her arm and starts for an exit.

Serafine follows Leta off the dance floor, smiling, and then her eyes fall to Eleyna and Talen. She sighs.

Serafine shouts from nearby, "Talen, my friend, if you are going to publicly tie up my sister, do be a dear and make it official and propose to the woman, first?!"

"Yes. Come on." Isolde stands suddenly from the alcove, grabbing Deva's hand, and pulling her toward the exit. "Thank you all for coming!" It's so abrupt, who knows what is going on.

Belladonna offers up a warm smile for Cassius's quiet words, and she returns that kiss l ightly. She settles at his side as he takes her arm, moving with him towards the exit. There's a smile for anyone that happens to glance her way, but they're going.

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