Vassal of Velenosa
Words: "Neither by chance nor by fate."
Sigil: A gold hawk on a split red and black field.
Nickname: Raptors.
According to legend, House Malvici's ancestor was a brilliant general during the Reckoning, a master of deceptive warfare whose small army's distractions, feints, and traps delayed the demons' advance on Arx. Historically, House Malvici has fielded a larger standing army and a larger, better-trained militia than its competitors in the Lyceum and been unafraid to use them. The family that believes in making its own luck avoids leaving anything to chance. Although the records are largely lost, there's a belief that House Hawkmour was a cadet branch of Malvici that split off many centuries ago, explaining the similarities in their sigils.
Name | Rank | Title | Description |
Martino | 1 | Ruling Duke | Duke of House Malvici & Quaestor General of Southport Bank |
Kaia | 2 | Voice | Duchess Consort and Voice of House Malvici |
Fiora | 3 | Noble Family | Lady of House Malvici |
Caelis | 3 | Noble Family | Lady of House Malvici & Princess of House Valardin |
Enyo | 3 | Noble Family | Returned Malvici |
Sierra | 3 | Noble Family | Diplomatic Malvici |
Morven | 3 | Noble Family | Finances Malvici |
Waldemai | 4 | Trusted House Servants | Master Smith |
Alexio | 4 | Trusted House Servants | Survivor of Southport Docklands |
Irisa | 4 | House Minister | Knight of Swords & Quaesitor of Southport City Guard |
Artorius | 5 | Noble Vassals | Count of House Magnotta |
Lucita | 5 | Noble Vassals | Baroness Consort of House Saik |
Neilda | 5 | Noble Vassals | Lady of House Saik |
Desma | 5 | Noble Vassals | Lady of House Magnotta |
Mikani | 5 | Noble Vassals | Countess Consort of House Magnotta |
Kia | 6 | Servants | Voice of House Magnotta |
Akamos | 6 | Servants | Commoner of House Magnotta |
Leola | 7 | Known Commoners | Whisperer of Animals |
Faye | 7 | Known Commoners | Investigative Aide |
Ariella | 8 | House Allies | Naval Master & Boat Owner |
Eirene | 9 | Married Out | Lady Riven and Emeritus Member of the Phoenix Brigade |
Thea | 9 | Married Out | Countess Consort of House Wyvernguard & Mesiteuontes of Southport Health & Census |
Mihaly | 9 | Married Out | Lord Riven & Friend of House Malvici |
Drake | 9 | Married Out | Count of House Wyvernguard & Friend of House Malvici |
Kima | 10 | Unknown | |
Noelle | 10 | Unknown |
Ruler: Martino
Minister | Category | Title |
Alexio | Income | Quaestor General of Southport Bank |
Kaia | Productivity | Tribounos of Southport |
Thea | Population | Mesiteuontes of Southport Health & Census |
Irisa | Loyalty | Quaesitor of Southport City Guard |
Caelis | Warfare | Strategos Militos of Malvici's Admiralty |
Land Holdings
Description: Southport is one of the few cities whose entire population trains for war. Under House Malvici, the City of Swords is a regimented military meritocracy, the birthplace of the Lyceum's dramatic fencing style. Its gardens and terrariums supply herbs for medicines and poisons alike, while its strategic harbor is the midway point on the Arx-Sanctum trade route.
Landmarks: Constructed in mid 1007 AR, Southport boasts the Training Academy of Gloria, a frequent visit for templars and all the martially minded to pay their respects to Gloria while on the Pilgrimage Path.
Established in 1/21/1009 AR, the Goldhawk Naval Base offers excellent shipbuilding facilities, as well as an armory, barracks and a command post. This gives Southport superb logistical support to oversee the Empyrean trade route.
Creators of Southport Steel.
Trends: Since the construction of the Training Academy, perhaps no city in Arvum has more Rites of Gloria performed routinely, with duelists frequently traveling to the city to hone their skills. This in turn has made it extremely popular with the Champions' Guild, and Oathlander styles of honor duels are becoming the norm.
Lady Thea oversaw a project to increase the land defenses around the city in late 1013 AR.
Megaris is a new coastal town, where the former Clan Brass Hawk is settled.
Founding member of the Empyrean Trade Route.