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Written By Frederik

March 20, 2017, 11:51 a.m.(2/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Orathy's one of the Culler men that Frederik happened upon in the market one day. Curious as to why Orathy had men following him and what Orathy's profession was, Frederik believes they established a somewhat shallow rapport. While Frederik has no love for soldiers of fortune, Orathy presented a fresh view of the smallfolk that earned him Frederik's respect.

Written By Alis

March 20, 2017, 10:20 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Lest anyone think it is all doom and gloom out here, however, I have several camp observations.

Thank the Gods, old and new, for Stone Mountain Whiskey

Ditto for Black Mountain Coffee

And campfires

Also, I need stilts as part of my next set of armor. Have you seen how tall some of these people are? :(

Written By Alis

March 20, 2017, 10:17 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

It is only the first few days here at the camp, and already we suffer losses during the scouting missions; may Lagoma hold them in her loving embrace as they pass to the other side. For some, it is the first loss under their command. I have no recriminations for how anyone handles that loss, as I keenly remember struggling to handle it myself not so long ago. And I still struggle, though I hold it all at arm's length until the battle is through. I've learned that much.

Without our healers, we would have even more loss. So I humbly thank them for their service, most especially Lady Eirene who I know worked hard to save the life of an Oathlander just last night, and any who aided her.

As I pray each night, I hope only that the Sentinel grant us the means to bring to justice those responsible for killing our people. And that Gloria help us remain honorable on the field of battle so that we do not become that which we fight against.

Written By Clover

March 20, 2017, 6:40 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

*There is a sketch at the top of this entry: Loose lines, wobbly and quickly drawn form the image of a man and a woman standing in each other's arms. The woman has a sword at her hip and the man a quiver on his back. Behind them the sun seems to rise up from the horizon-- or perhaps it is setting.*

I awoke from that dream again.

The last time I saw my parents together. My mother seeing my papa off for his trip to Sanctum. The memory is burned there. So sharp. I see my mother touch his cheek, the love for him clear on her face. In that smile she's only ever given him. I see his own goofy smile-- so much like my own. They embrace and I wake up.

I think, maybe, I force myself to wake up. I force myself awake so that I'll dream again and see that smile my mother only gives papa.

Today, I'll pen a letter to my mother. I'll tell her of how I met Lord Percephon soaking wet and missing a shoe. I'll tell her how a handsome knight and a high lord both tried to catch me when I tripped near their table. I'll tell her how I accidentally shot the Lord Commander in the back-- actually, maybe I won't tell her that story. Instead, I'll tell her how I've made several friends already here-- including Silas. How I met Sir Magnificent again, and Lady Pathfinder.

I'll tell her how I am researching Aion.

And end the letter with how I tripped on my skirt when I met Prince Edain and tried to curtsy to him.

Maybe when she reads, she'll shake her head and laugh at my misfortune. Her laughter is almost as rare as that smile I see in my dreams...

Written By Talen

March 20, 2017, 6:24 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Blacktongue

"Whelp". Really, uncle? I'm not a puppy. I will bite you though, if you keep that up.

Written By Reese

March 20, 2017, 4:37 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

I went on a mission with Prince Luca, Lord Michael, Lord Killian, Mistress Zhayla and myself.

We came across several children one with a broken arm who were trying to flee from a bringer and several abandoned.

The abandoned had blank stares and seemed possibly mind controlled.

We got the children into as safe a situation as we could, considering there was a bringer heading our way.

Lord Killian guarded the children, fighting the shavs who tried to hurt them and keeping them safe. He sought the intention of not killing the shavs, but with interest in defense when possible.

Mistress Zhayla, Lord Michael, Prince Luca and myself fougth the bringer. It was a very large bringer and it took us all to bring the creature down.

Zhayla and myself were hit in the battle. I cracked a few ribs, but should be okay and I was seen by Lady Eirene.

I almost got hit a second time and not a glancing blow, but would have been a very directed and brutal hit, only Prince Luca grabbed me and spun me out of the way. I probably am still alive right now for that very reason.

Once the bringer was dead the Shavs stopped fighting us, but their eyes still seemed a bit too vacant. We let them escape into the forest. Was that the right choice? i do not know. Killing mortal men under mind control seemed wrong and yet if they return to hurt compact once more maybe than maybe it would have been wrong not to kill them. They vanished into the Gray Forest to live another day. I hope I made the right call.

Princess Reese

Written By Simone

March 20, 2017, 3:30 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

A dream.

Inside a still forest. The kind of stillness where the flutter of bird's wings sound like shattering glass. So, remain still. Keep quiet. Hold your breath. The sound carries so easily.

Glance up. The tall trees stand strong, holding the starry sky in their uppermost boughs. Keep quiet. Hold your breath. Each leaf pauses when you do. The outcome will be out of your control. Tremble, shiver like the leaves if you must.

Do not -- do not slip. You will fall into the gully. Surrounded by so much green. You will have to be careful. Cover your mouth if you cry. Keep quiet. Hold your breath. Reach toward the ever lightening sky, the last traces of night flee.

Feel the warmth of dawn chase away the sinking night. Explore the morning, aware but no longer afraid. Take a step. Another. Each step takes you farther into these woods, lovely and deep. Keep quiet. Hold your breath. Listen closely. The maddening silence breaks like a wave. The trees sigh. The birds sing.



And wake.

Written By Valencia

March 20, 2017, 12:11 a.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Protect our home from all that is dark.
Protect those who well here, too.
Protect the people who hold our hearts.
And let good and light shine through.

Holding breath. The city is on edge.

I am more afraid for those on the front lines, those in our city who are so vulnerable and those I care for and love than I am for myself.

Gods give us strength for what is to come, and even more for what will follow.


Written By Killian

March 19, 2017, 11:53 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

I would have, had things been different, been most thankful for the chance to test myself against the see if it was enough, what I have done, to try and strengthen myself. But, someone had to see to it that the creatures did not cross that stream, and that the children we found were safe. I am glad to have been able to stand such duty, and truly thankful, for even this handful of young souls who have escaped the clutches of our enemy.

I am not sure what will happen with these children, they are orphans of war certainly. I have suggested that perhaps the camps that Grayson has established would be the best place, and shall call attention unto them to the noble souls who have established the camps..

Written By Darrow

March 19, 2017, 11:43 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Strange dreams seem to be shared by the populace, now.

Compared to the ill dreams I've endured for years, now...its hardly going to break my stride.


Annihilation is tempting; oblivion, an end to suffering and sorrow - nothingness, but there must be something more - if only I could find it.

Written By Darrow

March 19, 2017, 11:39 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eric

Seems to be an able captain.

Written By Tristan

March 19, 2017, 11:32 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

It's quiet today.

The city's still, as if the entire world is holding its breath.

There are empty stalls in my stables, for all that most of my charges are for the use of the royal household. Some of them went with various forces. I had the stable lads clean those stalls and bed them deep. I don't know if they're coming back, but if they do, battle-scarred and leg-weary, they'll have a soft bed.

In a different time, I might have been out there too. Never been much of a fighter, my apparent skills at knocking people off horses aside, but with a good horse and a good sword, I'd have gone for the adventure.

But now my duty is here. With my horses, and with my friend, the king, who is in no state to face the world. And here I am. My sword's only steel, nothing fancy, but it's good steel and will serve if the worst happens and the walls are breached. I'll serve.

When did I get so bloody responsible?

Written By Ford

March 19, 2017, 11:28 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

I'm sorry. Am I supposed to feel pity for a girl who belongs to one of the biggest criminal families in the Lower Boroughs?

Because I don't.

You want money for food, girl. Come talk to me. You can work for it.

Like everyone else. And it's in a white journal. For everyone to see. I am offering you work. Consistent pay. Throw that in my face? Then we'll see who is all talk.

Written By Ansel

March 19, 2017, 11:20 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Dulcinea

I didn't realize how much I had missed you, dear sister. There are few who know me as well as you.

I'll be home before you know it. I promise.

Written By Reine

March 19, 2017, 11:18 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Again, I say, nobility is all talk talk talk. They wanna read that I said to go fuck themselves, they can read that. I said they can shut up about their talk of charity.

Again, that little noble wants to pick fights with commoners, very nobly, over white journals. Talking, instead of doing.

In the meantime, another commoner and the Faith, who actually cares about charity, sent me money to eat tonight.

See what I mean, Arx?

Written By Killian

March 19, 2017, 11:01 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Princess Reese is amongst the most honorable and decent people I know, and to hear that some fool may have called either her honor or decency into question fills me with a true anger. I know not the events, for certain, that transpired. I know certainly though the nature of the Grayson Princess, and I can stand resolutely firm in my belief that if she bears any fault, it is the fault of caring too much and trying too hard to protect others. Truly, no good deed shall ever pass unpunished.

Written By Ford

March 19, 2017, 11:01 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

What's that? The nobility can go fuck themselves because they distribute their money among those who need it? As opposed to just giving it to you directly?

Gods, the nerve.

Imagine, if the nobility went around giving their money to ONLY the people who need it.(read: think they need it) Or, if they went around givin-- wait a minute. I know what you're thinking, 'Why Ford, what you're describing sounds an awful lot like a charity!'

By Jove, you're right. What I'm describing -is- a fucking charity.

You're not special. You don't deserve more because you think you should. If you're truly in need, you'll get your share. Like all the other people who need it just as much as you. But if you, even after all that, think that you still deserve more. Don't complain to the nobility. Tell it to the people who also need help and assistance. I'm sure they'd love to hear how you're better than them.

But what do I know? I'm just nobility.

Written By Frederik

March 19, 2017, 10:59 p.m.(2/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

Princess Valencia Redrain is everything Frederik expects of a Velenosian fox, all smiles and pretty words hiding, Lord Steelhart suspects, ulterior motives. Still, Frederik certainly doesn't see her as an enemy.

Written By Killian

March 19, 2017, 10:58 p.m.(2/14/1006 AR)

It is strange, I suppose that I ought to feel different somehow, but yet I wake up each morning and feel much the same as I always have. Nothing seems to have changed. Nothing seems..different..except perhaps that I give more reflection to the will of the gods than I had before.

I pray that I will not be the disappointment that I have always been, yet again. That I will be equal to the task before me, and even should I fall, leave my family and loved ones safer than when the task began.

Written By Isabeau

March 19, 2017, 10:48 p.m.(2/14/1006 AR)

For one brief moment, we were all equal.

For one brief moment, we were all united.

For one brief moment, we were all bound together by a vision of Nothing. Waking or sleeping, we dreamt of destruction the likes of which we have never experienced. The horror of it was complete. No matter the outcome of the siege on our horizon, Death waits for us all. The hour may not be known to us, but the result of each life is always the same.

I pray that when Death comes for me, I am older, wiser, grayer... and ready.

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