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Written By Myrinda

Oct. 13, 2016, 2:05 a.m.(10/28/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

It really was the most ridiculous commission. If the man hadn't overpaid me by so much, I wouldn't have even taken it. I still likely shouldn't.

The man may have more money than he knows what to do with, but he has no sense or fashion taste.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 12, 2016, 12:35 p.m.(10/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Iona

As Duke Gabriel served to be a surrogate father, Duchess Iona was my mother in much the same way. If one were to point at the most influential person in making me the person I am today, it is her. By her example, I found my voice to speak for the people. I hope she is proud of me, and I hope I never do anything to destroy that sense of pride.

Written By Calypso

Oct. 12, 2016, 12:26 p.m.(10/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Prospero

Clever Lawyer. I'm going to need to watch my mouth around this one. Less is more, I imagine. But all that aside I was grateful that Prospero had no reservations about inviting me in to his home. The first steps in letting bygones be bygones where Tor and Southport are concerned. He seemed to share my same thoughts about the strengths in our differences. I know Eos thinks very highly of him and that says a great deal to me. Prospero is someone I how to keep on my side. A man with skill in the law is one you should always keep in the good graces of. He mentioned something about taking in orphans towards the end of our conversation. As long as they are willing to pick up a sword and fight I see no reason why House Malvici couldn't spare some room and food for them.

Written By Calypso

Oct. 12, 2016, 12:21 p.m.(10/26/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

It was so nice to see a familiar face here in Arx. Kima and I while in Southport never really spent much time together, she with her family and I with mine. But here in the city of Arx one must keep their friends close. I was delighted at how easy it was for her to step up and step in to help the Malvici name and even more so, to help me. She is bright and clever... though perhaps a little too clever for her own good. I wonder if in the long run she will be an aid to me or if she will be absolute trouble. Perhaps a bit of both I imagine. Either way, I am glad to have her at my side here.

Written By Cicero

Oct. 12, 2016, 9:16 a.m.(10/26/1004 AR)

Neutral she is not
Master of the silk worm's gift
Bright orange was a no

Written By Silas

Oct. 12, 2016, 1:56 a.m.(10/25/1004 AR)

I enjoyed myself at the gala with the company of Samantha, Mistress Joscelin, Mistress Ianthe, and later Lady Kima. Completing the task I was given proved to be a difficult undertaking for me: I'm not naturally verbose and I found myself enjoying the conversation too much to knowingly use the less logical word choices, but I managed to pull it off right before I left. The boutonniere I received as a prize was beautiful, though not quite my usual style!

I had to leave before the event officially concluded, but I hope Lord Valkieri and Lady Isabeau get good use of the mirrored chests I crafted.

All in all, a great night.

Written By Silas

Oct. 12, 2016, 1:50 a.m.(10/25/1004 AR)

Two bedroom sets. One done, one to go! I think Callum and Jon should get some sleep tonight, though.

I think I saw one of Prince Gareth's kittens when I was busy delivering the pieces. That is an adorably evil feline.

Written By Natalia

Oct. 11, 2016, 9:42 p.m.(10/24/1004 AR)

I have arrived!

I must admit that I am most put out by the state of my arrival. For surely, they knew that I was arriving. However, much to my dismay there was not a fawning of adoration. I had expected a grand feast or a ball. Surely, with the arrival of all the fashion in this town, they would do something to see to me. It pains me to think that my great family could error in such a tragic way. I will, of course, have to not speak of this plainly in front of others. It is just such a burden on me to have to be so delightful when my family is so wanting already. I suppose we must do what we must do for our family. I will simply tell them that I wished no fanfare. Surely, that will explain it to the masses why there was not a celebration in my honor. My family may thank and praise my goodwill and fast thinking later.

Now, this room. Oh this will never in eon of ages do. Sweet Gods. They have me sharing a room. This is just no. I think tomorrow I will have the servants relocate the others from this stateroom. It is to be understood. I mean I deserve such a suite to myself. It is hard to be me and in that moment, I find that I must have moments to myself. Also, my gowns need room to breathe and be seen. Could you imagine if one of the other children got something on my dress? Oh, this is just another oversight.

I do not blame my family though. It is just so hard to trust messengers sometimes. I know they must earn their wages and I'm sure that they were just beyond themselves with my selecting of them. This too will pass. Soon, I shall offer my vision to the city and it will bring the very touch that is needed.

Written By Valkieri

Oct. 11, 2016, 8:27 p.m.(10/24/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

I am a fucking idiot.

*released black journal as stipulated by the will of the deceased*

Written By Gabriel

Oct. 11, 2016, 5:04 p.m.(10/24/1004 AR)

Returning to Arx is a mixed blessing for me. Certainly, I get to see all of the young Lords and Ladies that I helped raise, but it means wading out into the midst of politics again. Some people would call it a fair trade-off. I see it as a problem with a solution. As people realize the incredible merit of the men and women leading them, who they have become, stability will reign, and politics will recede to its usual annoying buzz rather than a dull roar. My family hardly needs my assistance in this, but if I failed to lend it, I would hardly be worthy of being family.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 11, 2016, 2:15 p.m.(10/23/1004 AR)

Just so it is clear:

You need have little to no experience in archery to compete in the tournament! While it would help, it isn't certainly not necessary.

I hope to see everyone there! The prize is most definitely worth the risk of failure.

(OOC: Seriously, you don't need an archery stat)

Written By Aldwin

Oct. 11, 2016, 1:56 p.m.(10/23/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

It has been quite some time since I received a gift basket. Yet this morning I returned from my sunrise devotional at the Shrine of Vellichor to find a messenger standing outside the Academy with just such a thing. Duchess Nightgold has seen fit to send her regards with a fine journal, interesting quills and...admittedly, closer to my heart, a veritable panoply of teas. I have no idea where she found this red variety. I have not tasted it in a decade and none of the merchants in Arx have been able to find it for me.

Written By Cicero

Oct. 11, 2016, 12:15 p.m.(10/23/1004 AR)

Quiet morning walk
A lady with faithful hound
News most surprising

Written By Salazar

Oct. 11, 2016, 3:59 a.m.(10/22/1004 AR)

I talked with that sweet, morose-looking cousin of Sylphie Zaffria -- Dafne. And as usual, we talked stars, moon, poetry, death -- whichever and wherever, though, she mentioned the Lodestar that pointed north always. For some, the Northstar meant safety and security, but as I explained to Dafne, for a Lycene pirate, it meant death and disaster. Following the Northstar would take you to the Mourning Isles. And an old poem we recited about the Mourning Isles comes to mind:

"Men returned with shrouds of darkest night
Or not at all, for Thraxian ships reaved by right
Those men gone to the Mourning Isles will see
T'is not morning light that greets you and me."

Kind of terrible and powerful at the same time. Islander blood runs through my veins. Fancying some ancestral urge to reave and pillage neighboring isles -- sometimes I find it amusing that people assume I am the like of those of House Thrax. And then again, perhaps I am. The Stormborn have always been men and women of salt spray and sea sand. What do people see when they see me? What do they think? ... The Argento lord pondered to himself.

Written By Acacia

Oct. 11, 2016, 2:38 a.m.(10/22/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Blacktongue

There's not too many people who can successfully unnerve me by not doing anything unnerving at all. Blacktongue is one of them. Master Blacktongue? I can aggravate a lot of people, but he's one of the rare few that I'd prefer not to get on the bad side of. It's kind of a funny thing, considering he's exceptionally witty and skilled at what he does. His wordplay is phenomenal. Maybe there's just something about a mind like that that's intimidating in a way which puts him in a completely different realm than scholars or the like.

Written By Acacia

Oct. 11, 2016, 2:34 a.m.(10/22/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincere

Olives aside (even though they seem like a really big point), Lord Vincere took the fact I nearly mistook him for his brother with stride. I'm guessing it happens a fair amount, or at least that's what I'm hoping for. I think he even took it with humor. He seems to pay more attention to details than most, which automatically places him in that spot of holding my curiosity. I'm not sure how often I'll run into him, but even if I'm not quite as well-read as him, I do know that books make fabulous instruments to smack people with.

Written By Saedrus

Oct. 10, 2016, 10:34 p.m.(10/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

While lunching, without the actual lunch, with Lady Kima I had the honour, albeit brutish and brief, to have met Lord Victus Thrax. On telling me he had been sent to Axr, in part, to garner some more courtly mannerisms I did offer my services. After all, etiquette and sophistication are trades I deal in regularly. Though I left with the feeling the offer will likely not be taken up any time soon, if ever. There is no harm in trying, is there.

Written By Saedrus

Oct. 10, 2016, 10:33 p.m.(10/21/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

After all the couriered messages through the years, and even more recently here in Axr, I was delighted to happen upon by Lady Kima Saik in the flesh at long last. It feels like an eternity and yet that no time at all has passed. As bright and vibrant a woman as she was a young girl, ever quick to tease and yet there is a great deal more wisdom in her then I think she realises. I have missed her company a great deal for all the time I have been away, and I do not think I realised just how much until I saw her. There is still a great deal to catch up on between us, perhaps I will prolong my stay a while longer.

Written By Saedrus

Oct. 10, 2016, 10:31 p.m.(10/21/1004 AR)

I do normally promise to come to the Scholars the day I arrive back in Axr and as that was not the case this time, forgive my tardiness. A further change of tradition will be my saving you the hours of my regaling the truly thrilling tales of my exploits since the last visit...

No need to look quite so relieved, scholar.

Regardless, the last of my travels have seen many ships and carriages and I am far too exhausted to repeat the whole of it. I am particularly devastated that I had missed the recent gala. Truly a travesty if ever there was one. I will be certain not to miss the next. There were not too many ballroom affairs in the Isles and I do so miss them.

Which reminds me I must seek out a tailor. I have already grown bored of all the ensembles I had made in Setarco; something bright and fresh will no doubt brighten my mood. Lady Kima has suggested an apparently remarkable seamstress, but for now I feel I still require a day or so of recuperation. Do not be forlorn scholar, I will return with the details of my voyage through the Isles another day.

Written By Ida

Oct. 10, 2016, 5:56 p.m.(10/21/1004 AR)

Training is going well, I think. I am so close - SO CLOSE - I can honestly sense it. Just the way I feel when I go through the new routines I've been trying and the extra work with weights, there's definitely progress. It's a good feeling to be out of doors and working. I long to get back to attempting to work rubicund, I admit, which seems within reach, should I dedicate as much time as I have to pugilism.

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