Written By Alexio
March 29, 2020, 9:43 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Mara
March 29, 2020, 9:42 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Raja
March 29, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Raja
March 29, 2020, 9:36 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Kedehern
March 29, 2020, 9:31 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Jael
Written By Shae
March 29, 2020, 9:31 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Kedehern
March 29, 2020, 9:26 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Shae
March 29, 2020, 9:25 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Kaia
March 29, 2020, 9:20 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Kaia
March 29, 2020, 9:11 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Written By Viviana
March 29, 2020, 8:59 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Oh, the adventures we have ahead of us, my sweet beauty.
Written By Hamish
March 29, 2020, 8:03 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Written By Philippe
March 29, 2020, 7:52 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Written By Domonico
March 29, 2020, 6:33 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Still she achieved far more in her time than most can ever dream of.
Written By Domonico
March 29, 2020, 6:33 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Still she achieved far more in her time than most can ever dream of.
Written By Domonico
March 29, 2020, 6:33 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Still she achieved far more in her time than most can ever dream of.
Written By Domonico
March 29, 2020, 6:27 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
I also believe that Rowenova and Ras should be commended for their tactics used to defeat me. Unorthodox but highly effective. I was most impressed.
Written By Esme
March 29, 2020, 5:46 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
I loved Arcadia as she was my friend, my sister in heart. I don't even recall the first time we met, but I'm sure one or both of us were intoxicated. We spoke of our hearts and the people that resided in them. I love her children as mine. She introduced me to a man I would fall in love with. She watched as the relationship shifted in ways that others did not have insight. I have seen her tears. I have seen her anger. I have seen her happiness. I was not ready to hear of her death.
It is strange not to have a person to send a missive to and let them know a trail of gossip I might have heard. Or to listen as we debated out marriage and love in a way that we could. Or to know she would allow me to hug her too tight. If there is a regret it is that duty pulled us further apart lately. She has left her mark on all those she touched. It is safe to say that she will not be forgotten.
Written By Rysen
March 29, 2020, 5:31 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
Arcadia sent me a letter, and wrote that she hopes she will find me on the Wheel, that true friendships last forever. It will be so, yet still it is the cruelest and most painful wound to lose one whom I love and cherish, for even as the legates and archlectors tell us of the Wheel, I've no memory of my friends from previous turns. All before my early years is darkness, and when I pass, only the spark of my being will live on. What of the memories of this beloved friend? They will haunt me until I die, never being fully expressed, nor having coalesced into all our lives could have been had she lived longer, or had I been the one to fall to prove how much she meant to me.
I met Cady at a party for Lady Willow Nightgold's birthday, where, in my cups, I said we were so close to the Black Hall, that I could throw my whiskey glass and hit our estate. Cady dared me to try it, and I did - probably almost killing Rukhnis, who had no doubt been shuffling soberly back to her quarters from a long shift in the clinic.
When the apostate Ivan Helianthus sent the Undrowned Sons to raze the Northlands, it was Arcadia who joined our forces under Princess Marian with hundreds of archers and light infantry from House Leary. She fought in that battle herself, and sent many barbarous mercenaries to the Abyss, who'd otherwise have slaughtered innocents in Graywater Bay.
Though she never spoke of it herself, Arcadia was a deadeye with bow and crossbow. I heard that she shot an arrow out of Lord Michael Bisland's hand, and it was her arrow that saved my life in Gray Forest. She took down an Abandoned champion, and granted me time to reach Lord Ian and Lady Brianna.
She was also a merciless prankster, who was constantly harassing me with stink or glitter bombs, or some other torment she'd invented. Once, some hours before Princess Tikva Grayson held a birthday party for one of her children, Cady sent me a message that puffed a horrid cloud of glitter all over me the moment I opened it. I bathed, and scrubbed furiously, but I could not get rid of the glitter. So I went to the Great Gray Hall, looking like a complete glittery fool. It was the only time I met His Majesty King Alaric, and among the most embarrassing moments of my life.
But it's the quiet times I'll miss most. We used to walk in the Redrain Gardens, or she would sit beside me in the grass while I played my lyre. Or we'd talk in the stone pools of the Golden Hart about big things and small, about what we hoped for and what we came to regret. She danced with me once in the Black Hall, just the two of us. There was no music, just a slow dance of friends on a quiet winter evening, illuminated by white starlight on the snow outside the window, and the warm glow of the fire in the hearth.
She passed from the Dream in my arms, and I will carry out her dying requests. Never will I be able to put into words what she means to me, and I will remember her until the end.
Farewell for now, Beloved Friend. You have laid a strong foundation for your House, and sewn seeds of friendship that will live forever. Even still, I wake up to write to you, and fall into tears knowing my words will not reach you, nor will I receive a reply. I walk past The Spirits and do not hear your voice. I miss you, and I always will.
Written By Riagnon
March 29, 2020, 5:02 p.m.(1/8/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Arcadia
I will always look back and recall our adventure with Prince Artur with fondness.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.