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Bastion Planning: Noble District

The Princess of Bastion invites those involved in efforts to reclaim Bastion to attend to discuss issues relating to the city's noble district. The agenda shall include: arrangements to ascertain what was being sought inside the district; any relevant information to prevent the continued operation of organised looters within the Crownlands; any suggestions about the retrieval of stolen items; and any views on the best way to secure the district, although it appears at present to be safer than the rest of the city. Those who cannot attend in person are invited to make written submissions.

(OOC: all PCs can assume they are invited! I don't anticipate the event being very long. One of a series to determine courses of action relating to Bastion. Will run follow-up events as necessary.)


Nov. 8, 2021, 7 p.m.

Hosted By



Eirene Fairen Lucrezia Lou Ian Tovell Pasquale Kiera Raven Cesare



Arx - Ward of House Grayson - Grayson Mansion - Great Gray Hall

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Alberico, the Malespero aide, Louis, a Malespero Armsman, Mar, the Magpie arrive, following Pasquale.

Liara Grayson rises to her feet, at the top end of a large table, as the meeting comes to its beginning. A brief smile is offered to those in attendance - sparser than the previous meetings - before she begins. "Thank you for coming. Today's meeting will address the noble quarter of Bastion and the issues arising there. They are perhaps somewhat unusual in that there is, at a glance, little to oppose us simply strolling back in there, it seeming unlikely to me that a band of thieves will decide to oppose an army. It may consequently be the case that only scant consideration is required here, with the majority of matters relating to the thieves to be resolved here in Arx by agents of the Crown."

A considering look around the hall. "Before delving into the details, such as they may be, I invite anyone who might wish to present further, potentially fresh information to do so now."

Eirene scowls as she settles into her seat, shaking her head. Nothing new she can report.

Winter, A Highhill Puppy, Angeline arrive, following Kiera.

Already having staked out a seat at the map table, Fairen shakes his head briefly at Liara. A piece of paper and pen sits before him, gaze fixed over the top of his spectacles at the others in the room before returning to the Highlord.

Willen arrives, following Lou.

It may be a surprise to find this particular Pravus Princess here, regardless, she has claimed a seat in a near indolent sprawl. At least it's only one seat this time and both of her feet are on the floor, a near miracle. Of new knowledge of this area she has none for she shakes her head and waits to hear more.

A touch late to this particular meeting, Lou makes her way down stairs and settles at the bottom to see where everyone has settled before finding a spot for herself.

Ian arrived early, and thus has already plunked himself down in a seat and settled into a deep and comfortable slouch that does nothing to alleviate the sense of seediness that the summer heat has bestowed upon him. He has the appearance of someone who has come to listen, rather than contribute, but that might just be his taciturn disposition. Either way, he says nothing now.

Having trailed in but moments before the meeting's initiation, Tovell minds place near the rear of the room. He's stood off to the side, shoulders to the wall---he appears comfortable there, postured with hands folded in an idling rest behind his back. He drags wondering greens across the folk who sit and sprawl at the map table proper.

Pasquale offers Ian a brief nod as he takes a seat nearby..

After giving a moment to see if fresh information is forthcoming, Liara gives a small inclination of her head. "Very well. We shall focus on matters relating directly to Bastion for the moment. Per the information received, there is little to nothing of the Traitor's leavings in the noble district. The only thing of note at all were these looters, these members of the Silver Harpies, a group of criminals based in Arx itself. They shall be dealt with in full in due course, I have no doubt."

A brief purse of her lips, and she continues, "Of some concern is the apparently systematic search that they were conducting of the district. Although taking an inventory is probably not quite what anybody had in mind when reclaiming the city is concerned, it may be useful to interview residents of the quarter to see what unusual thing might have prompted such interest."

Ian has joined the silver seasilk sofa of superb repose.

Pasquale has joined the silver seasilk sofa of superb repose.

Kiera walks into the room wit a frown on her face

Eirene smirks a little to herself, muttering, "Getting someone to admit to having Grand-mamma's ancient relic will probably not get very far. Not unless we offer some kind of compensation for its loss - with proof of what it actually is. You say you had a medallion owned by Alarice herself? Back that claim up and maybe you'll get paid something for it."

"Are we sure they're not just stripping the place bare?" Ian asks from the couch. "I'm guessing a ring of thieves are more efficient than looters would be."

"The Silver Harpies are mercenaries and kidnappers," Lou puts out to Ian. "I expect they were either finding things they could use or sell to pay their people."

"Possibly," Liara concedes to Ian, upturning a gloved hand in a light gesture. "In which case, the whole affair is simpler still: we form a cordon of soldiers to prevent escape, search through the quarter, and capture or kill anyone found in it."

Lucrezia cocks her head, interest piquing at word of an Arx-based criminal group being involved. "Catch the thieves. Make them talk." The hungry glint in her eyes when she says the last promises it'd be in ways entirely different than what Eirene was suggesting.

Pasquale asks "Do you know where the items are going after being retrieved?"

Fairen glances over at Lucrezia and nods in agreement. "Yes. Make them talk however it must be done. They can't simply go about looting the nobility of Bastion and think they can get away with it."

Eirene clarifies, "I meant asking the Silks what treasures they may have had worth stealing, but make 'em prove it so we're not chasing false leads." She is a silk, true, but one dressed in leathers instead.

Liara gives a little nod to Lucrezia and sort of answers her, Pasquale and Fairen at once. "The Inquisition is questioning one prisoner, but I have my doubts that a single prisoner will yield much actionable information. More will surely be found, although whether they are or not, that will take time, and the move back to Bastion must proceed. I might reframe my specific consideration somewhat: is there a requirement for a more elegant plan than scouring the quarter and disposing of looters?"

Kiera hm "Nothing jumped out from the documents that we recovered. At the time we thought a ring of particular significance which Cesare inquired about directly to be met with blank stares. we didn't get impression something specific was being looked for. Coin and loot devided among the group. Some appeared to be sold but there was no consistent paper trail to suggest efforts were on behalf of clientele abyssal or otherwise

"Faster to find someone's breaking point than their sell point," Lucrezia nods to Eirene that she had understood, just was targeting different people. Looking back to Liara he said, "With the information given the solution seems appropriate. Can only go forward if it is discovered they were looking for something that is too dangerous to allow our enemies to keep."

Liara gives a light nod in assent to Lucrezia. There's a brief pause on Liara's part, and then she ventures, "I might take it that there are no dissenting views on that account. That would certainly make this the simplest step of the planning process as far as just Bastion is concerned. Of course, it would be much preferable if looted items could be recovered, but one imagines that the Silver Harpies have them already hidden away, if not sold."

"We'd need to allow families back into the district so they could catalog what was lost for us to know what was taken though," Lou points out from the sidelines, "but otherwise yes it seems pretty straight forward."

"There's going to be questions if you're going out of your way to get nobles their stuff back, and nobody else," Ian observes in a dry tone of voice.

"It does seem much more straightforward than what we've discussed before," Fairen notes to Liara after some furious scribbling, agreeing to Lucrezia's logic with a point of his pen and a nod.

Lou has joined the a regal sofa with green silk cushions and silver accented carvings.

Eirene shrugs at Ian. "Again, how do you prove who had what? Folks'll come up with all kinds of crazy lists of 'Oh this was mine and it's missing'."

"We can hardly go scrabbling about looking for everyone's possessions. That would be rather a pointless exercise in futility. At least in the noble district we have a good chance of finding things that can possibly be proven by their owners and a relatively small parcel of geography," Fairen replies with a shrug of his shoulders and a nod at Eirene.

"Just be ready with answers, because people'll have something to say about it." Ian replies, his inflectionless tone maybe disinterested, but generally just difficult to read.

1 Iron Guardsmen, 3 Black Fleet Reavers, Moonsilver, the pale-feathered raven arrive, following Raven.

"Indeed, though I see the point to Lady Eirene's concern, in case there is anybody unscrupulous. One would certainly hope not," Liara replies to Lou. Then she goes on to remark, "As for restoration of belongings, there is sufficient untouched wealth in reserve here in Arx that the House can facilitate a great deal. I dare say people will be pleased enough."

Raven has joined the silver seasilk sofa of superb repose.

By the look on her face, a mix between someone who just stepped in shit and someone about to kill someone for it, it's probably best Lucrezia's thoughts aren't voiced about the concept of finding lost belongings let alone bothering to return or otherwise recompense them.

Eirene shrugs at Ian. "Do what you can for as many as you can. If people got information about something that's missing, let 'em give us what we're supposed to be looking for."

Following a gentle clearing of her throat, Liara observes, "The return of belongings notwithstanding, this meeting has certainly been by far the most straightforward so far. I do welcome any specific points of concern about the matter immediately at hand, namely, the reclamation of Bastion."

Eirene frowns a little before asking, "What can the Physicians Guild do to help? Refugees, yes. That we can do. But reclaiming the city? Best we can do is deploy alongside any armed forces sent to retake it as medical support alongside the army forces, to ensure any rescued citizens we may liberate get their shit tended to."

Raven listens quietly, occasionally speaking softly to Ian.

"The only group that we are aware of to be rescued is those held by House Blacktree, my lady," Liara mentions to Eirene. "There would certainly be call for one to accompany the main force, and potentially the rescue party, which Princess Denica has volunteered to form."

"There are probably pockets of survivors still in the city," Ian remarks, looking up from a conversation with Raven and Pasquale. "We didn't get nearly the whole population evacuated when the city was sacked. A lot of the people left behind will be dead by now, but not all."

Raven's eyebrows lift, "Survivors. After all this time?"

At that, Eirene mutters "Fuckin' Blacktree. I was with the princess on the scouting mission to the district they held, but that's another plan for another day..."

"You should write to her," Ian suggests to Eirene. "She's putting a team together."

Liara taps her fingers at the edge of the table, then supposes, "Looters notwithstanding, the noble district is one of the more intact. Survivors are possible."

After Raven asks about survivors Pasquale asks, somewhat rhetorically. "You would still be alive wouldn't you?"

Eirene nods back at Ian. "Figure I'll send word when we're done..."

"Or, people who think it's safe enough to return or to reclaim their stuff before it's stolen?" Lucrezia asks. "If the criminals were so thorough, I would not count on survivors before they went through. Hiders would have been discovered and killed or chased off. Stripped of guards, most nobles won't survive those conditions."

Raven says, "No. I barely survived the initial seige and Lord Haakon almost didn't survive the scouting. It's not ability. It's about odds. About Food, access to drink. Perhaps there are non-prisoner survivors but I would be VERY wary around anyone claiming to be such. Nothing's impossible, I suppose." She studies Lucrezia and bows her head "Good luck your highness."

"I'd look below ground," Ian postulates, once again looking up from his conversation. "I'm assuming there's a below ground. Probably connects up to cellars and basements. That's where I'd go."

"Not entirely sure what I would be good at for this, to be honest. If you need something researched or looked into or the like, sure. Again, if there's maps..." Fairen's gaze turns from the paper to drift toward Lou.

Dolente, a mourning dove, Dolce, a collared dove arrive, following Cesare.

"The place shall need to be scoured to root out any looters in any case, and the same search will presumably uncover suvivors," Liara observes. She goes on to note, "The rather small specifics notwithstanding, it appears that we have a straightforward plan then: enter the district with substantial force and search it. The Silver Harpies are a matter for another day. Unless we have particular further additions, I may move to wrap things up, or, considering that we did not take too long at all, I am happy to welcome any other business people wish to raise."

The Softest Whisper is late to the meeting, and, to be frank, looks like he's had a rough day. Not in any overt way; his outfit is lovely, as always, his hair is as neat as it can be given the summer humidity, and his expression is perfectly neutral. But he's a bit red around the nose and eyes. Nonetheless, he quietly takes a seat, conferring with a scribe who has been taking notes, and then blinks when Liara announces the meeting is just about finished. That'll serve him right.

Raven looks around to see if anyone else has business, she doesn't look as if she has any herself.

Liara's motion to adjourn is enough for Tovell. The wall-flowered greys-clad Knight shifts tidily forward a step, pivots, and departs at the fore. Those folded hands of his don't lose, retaining that over-under fold behind his back as he makes way out.

Eirene shakes her head. "I got nothin else. I'm working with the guild to raise more refugee funds, so just tell me what needs to go where for what we got out of the city safely already." She shakes her head otherwise. Nothing new.

Liara gives a small incline of her head to Eirene. "Thank you, my lady. I shall let you know if specific needs arise, and we can all hold hope that they will not be refugees for much longer."

Winter, A Highhill Puppy, Angeline leave, following Kiera.

Raven rises and bows politely to the highlord before quietly slipping out to the exit.

Raven has left the silver seasilk sofa of superb repose.

1 Iron Guardsmen, 3 Black Fleet Reavers, Moonsilver, the pale-feathered raven leave, following Raven.

Lucrezia glances sideways at Raven's odd comment of wishing her good luck, replying with a shrug. Looking back to Liara, she says, "I have nothing to add, either. I pray that those going it will be this straight forward." Did things ever turn out that way for them when the Abyss was involved?

Ian takes a drink. Whatever's in the flask has to be pretty weak, wine or maybe just water, based on his lack of reaction to a mouth full of alcohol. He's not in a big hurry to hop to his feet and go tearing out, from the looks of it. "You sticking around?" He asks Eirene.

Liara gives a small duck of her chin in acknowledgement to Lucrezia.

After offering a light smile to those about the hall, Liara says, "Thank you all for attending. The next meeting shall address the matter of the Abandoned at the western gate. I have something of a wish for more information about them before they are swept away as the army moves in to the city, so that shall be the main item for consideration."

Pasquale moves to his feet, offers a small bow to Liara, and then heads out.

Pasquale has left the silver seasilk sofa of superb repose.

Alberico, the Malespero aide, Louis, a Malespero Armsman, Mar, the Magpie leave, following Pasquale.

Cesare rises, but approaches Liara rather than immediately exiting again. "Apologies for my tardiness, High Lady. I have something, but - not related to Bastion specifically, so perhaps you'd prefer if I save it for another time."

Eirene shrugs at Ian as she stands. "You can come hang at Riven House if you want, but I was going to see about feeding my hungry brood of bratlings."

"If it might be of interest to those present, by all means," Liara replies to Cesare. "This was and will probably remain by far the most straightforward plan to arrange, and so there is time."

Fairen leans back in his chair with a push of his glasses up with a fingertip, giving Liara a respectful dip of the head. "Thank you again Highlord. I will do what I can, of course." He glances over at Lucrezia, "I'm sure it won't. When does anything ever go straightforward? I'll look at it as a best case scenario."

Liara offers Fairen a quick smile. "Of course, Marquis. Your presence and insight are always welcome."

Cesare huffs in the wryest of amusement, and shakes his head. "It would doubtless be of interest to anyone who values the freedom of the Compact, but it's a bit sensitive. I will write you a missive about it, or if you prefer, Radiant Anisha can also fill you in."

"Sensitive. Got it. That's our cue to leave," Eirene says to Ian as she heads out.

Eirene bows her head to Liara and Cesare as she exits.

Carissa, a Southport bodyguard, Planchet the Lycene maggiordome leave, following Eirene.

Ian takes a last drink from his flask and puts it back in his coat. He steels himself for a moment, and then fights to his feet. It's pretty clear there's something more wrong than usual with one of his legs; he's favoring it, which means he falls well behind Eirene on their way out.

Liara gives a small nod in understanding to Cesare. "Of course. I cannot guarantee that I will have much insight or capacity to act, but I am certainly happy to hear it out."

Papers swept up and dumped into his oaken folio, Fairen rises to his feet and gives Liara and Lou a bow, following it with a nod to the rest. "I suppose I ought to go and do some thinking on this. If you need anything, send me a letter and I will answer." Afterwards, he heads out.

Fairen has left the a magnificent map table of Arvum made of oak and marquetry inlays.

Grandt, scarred and stoically-exasperated Captain of the Leary House Guard, 4 Leary House Guards leave, following Fairen.

"I had another vision," Cesare says with a sigh, rubbing his face. "Regarding the black ring from my previous vision. It highly suggested that the Traitor will use this ring to enslave other Heralds to do his bidding. I've already located the ring - I believe - and am making every effort to ensure its safety. But I feel it important to issue a warning nonetheless; if he finds this ring, I received the distinct impression that time will have run out for all of us."

Ian pauses by the door and looks back at Cesare. "Tell me if you want help getting the thing back from wherever it is. Seems like a risk worth taking." They're all doomed. He seems pretty casual about that.

Liara draws in a short breath, a frown touching her features, before she replies quietly to Cesare, "Thank you. I do not know that there is anything of specific assistance that I can offer, but as always, if any way to oppose the Traitor does arise, I shall see it done."

"It's a matter of cooperation, not combat," Cesare offers Ian. "Though I still believe a trip to Halfblood's Woe might be in order to retrieve whatever artifacts rest there. And my thanks for your willingness." He bows his head to Liara, as well, looking very, very tired.

Ian looks skeptical about combat not being involved, but shrugs and leaves.

Ian has left the silver seasilk sofa of superb repose.

Lou stirs a moment as something occurs to her, and she whispers a few things to Willen before sending him out to deliver a message.

"Of course. Thank you for attending again. Your insight is ever welcome," Liara says to Cesare, a smile returning to her features.

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