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ID Name Date Location Level
5380 The Diamond Dalliance March 27, 2021, 7 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Pravus - Pravus Estate - Palestone Manor - Art Gallery Extravagant
5405 Igniseri Family Dinner XXIII March 26, 2021, 8 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Lyceum - Domus Igniseri - Great Hall Grand
5020 Raconteur Beer Festival March 26, 2021, 7 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - Kismet Enterprises - Serendipity Square Grand
5318 Valardin Fealty Paint Night March 25, 2021, 8:30 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Valardin - Valardin Manor - Dining Room Extravagant
5417 Impromptu birthday party March 24, 2021, 6:50 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - Traders Tavern Grand
5411 Limerance: A Sermon March 24, 2021, 4:30 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - Shrine of Limerance Small
5398 A Lecture On Logistics March 23, 2021, 3 p.m. Arx - Upper Boroughs - Seawatch Sanctuary - Lecture Hall and Classroom Grand
5277 Vale of Swallows pt 3 March 22, 2021, 5 p.m. Outside Arx - Lyceum near Saikland Greens - The Vale of Swallows Small
5382 So You Think You Can Fight? March 21, 2021, 4 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - The Training Center Refined
5374 Duel — Princess Deva vs. Duke Cristoph March 20, 2021, 3 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - Tournament Grounds Grand
5392 Come All Challengers March 19, 2021, 11 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - The Training Center Small
5389 Scholarly Tutelage March 19, 2021, 3 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - Vellichorian Academy Small
5237 Eswynd Feast - Sea Shanties! March 18, 2021, 8 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Thrax - Eswyndol - Main Hall Small
5352 Honor Duel: Prince Noah Grayson vs. Duchess Consort Isabeau Telmar March 18, 2021, 6 p.m. Arx - Ward of the Compact - Judgment Green Grand
5339 A Thief in the Night Cont. March 17, 2021, 4:30 p.m. Outside Arx - Duskshire - Duskshire Keep - Clement Lands Small
5355 Redrain Banquet - Guessing Games March 16, 2021, 8 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Redrain - Redrain Villa - Great Hall Grand
5340 PRP:Raid on the inn March 15, 2021, 8 p.m. Arx - Lower Boroughs - Cemetery Row Small
5377 Brown Nute Ale is Superior March 15, 2021, 7 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Thrax - Ebb and Flow Inn Grand
5351 A Birthday, Michael Bisland March 14, 2021, 2 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Grayson - Bisland Manor - West Tea Gardens Small
5366 Impromptu Birthday Dinner March 13, 2021, 8 p.m. Arx - Ward of House Valardin - Valardin Manor - Dining Room Grand