Written By Piccola
Nov. 17, 2020, 9:13 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
There are things I shall never have: things that I desire and should justly have. There are things that I may have: things I have rejected and discarded. And there are things which I shall have: things that are neither desired nor rejected, neither possessed nor discarded.
I wonder as I stare into the candle as to the things I have seen and the mysteries I am to chase.
Written By Monique
Nov. 17, 2020, 7:11 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
And I meant every word I said.
Written By Rysen
Nov. 17, 2020, 7:10 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Svana
Written By Damiana
Nov. 17, 2020, 2:47 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
Written By Orland
Nov. 17, 2020, 2:43 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
There are contingency plans in place in our society, that when a great person falls, another person is eager to fill their boots, and leads. It might be a shock, the change, but change is constant. Besides, there are titles that pass generations for no other reason than blood ties or wars. So why fear? Why get angry? Why? There will always be someone leading the rest. There will always be someone with a greater agenda. There will always be someone contesting that agenda.
Losing a crown, losing power, losing a life? Someone else will always come after these great changes. The world will always shift and change and fold. The only thing to fear would be, not sewing the right seed to grow after yours is withered and dried. Maybe that's the difference. Tyranny and peace, from the histories I've read this week, are in a constant cycle.
If people stopped trying, if they stopped doing whatever it is they do to obtain power, money, wealth, fame, glory, health, survival, legacy... I wonder what the world would be like then. I can't seem to find a time in history, not that I've looked all that hard yet, when all great things stopped. Where all breath held. Where no one did anything. No man nor beast moved.
Would that be Elysia?
Written By Sorrel
Nov. 17, 2020, 2:40 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
Hope in dark times, a reminder that things will always change, thanks to the hand of Lagoma. Strength to create, to build and rebuild, to innovate and excel, thanks to the guidance of Jayus. The wisdom and understanding of the technology of architecture, thanks to the knowledge of Vellichor.
Thanks be to Petrichor for the land to build upon and the lumber and stones to build with. Praise to Mangata for good weather for building, for fresh air and cool breezes and clean water for laborers to drink. Glory to Gloria for the honor and prestige of creating something holy, and glory to Gild for the ability to further civilization with this structure. Thanks be to Limerance for the faith and devotion of the people to the Pantheon, and a promise to the Sentinel of order amidst chaos.
But it is an old hymn, and there is no mention of the Triad of the Lost. Still, it is something that many have heard sung throughout their childhoods, growing up in the Faith of the Pantheon. Nonetheless, though it may be committed to memory, few are likely to have seen it written out, particularly with the musical notation.>
Written By Svana
Nov. 17, 2020, 12:33 p.m.(5/26/1014 AR)
I am sorry for the things I have said and done to my rose, my petals. So delicate and kind is she; so sharp are her thorns at times.
I am ugly both inside and out.
Written By Lucita
Nov. 17, 2020, 10:57 a.m.(5/25/1014 AR)
Written By Yuri
Nov. 17, 2020, 10:37 a.m.(5/25/1014 AR)
Written By Preston
Nov. 17, 2020, 9:13 a.m.(5/25/1014 AR)
Tradition of the Faith is that the Carnifex shall be appointed when an existential threat shall arise against the Faith, that this vote shall consist of the Dominus, the Legates and the Grandmaster of the Templars. Given that he does not question my appointment by Most Holy Aldwin to my office, nor does he question Legates Cassandra, Bianca or Ailith, nor does he question Most Holy Orazio, and as he stakes for tradition, I do not know how he can say that I was appointed in anything but the proper ways of our tradition.
I am an Orthodox priest - I have never hidden that from anyone, I have worn that as a badge on my sleeve. I have steeped myself in the traditions of the Faith and of the Church. I was raised in it, almost born into it you could say. I was raised in the Rectory itself, ward of a Legate who would become Dominus, a Valardin. I was squire to the Grandmaster of the Templars, the bastion of the Orthodoxy in the Faith. I wield Crusader, the ancient blade of our order, one which most represents our traditions and our strength, recovered by my hands with a band of fellow devotees. I have led the Orthodoxy into battle, as we smashed the Shav tribes of the Northern Oathlands, ending the Reaper of the Oathlands. I led the Templars to Stormwall, into the Grey Forest, to the Lodge, to Maelstrom, to the Fournier Pickets, to Artshall...against shavs and enemies of the Faith by the dozen, by the hundreds, by their thousands.
I will not be lectured on tradition by an upstart pup of an apostate, a man who when he had to choose between Faith and Lord chose the Lord. Because that is a breach of our most basic tradition. The Faith is paramount. Our oaths to it are first and foremost, and no other oath can ever be allowed to come between that. The Seraph of Sanctum will consider things, for he is wise and acts as the Faith should - with careful ponderance. But I know he will fall on the side of righteousness with us, and I also know this. The Faith may be slow to rouse, for we are a mighty beast of great size, but our response will be swift, it will be devastating and it will be just.
And I remind Waldo, for his logic is flawed and whatever he whimpers into his bedclothes, I am the Carnifex of the Faith for now. My holy charge is to defend the Faith from its threats. In placing himself with an Apostate who has himself declared for heretics and the Eurusi, he joins those enemies. And the tradition, the one I love and the one he abuses, makes the powers of the Carnifex clear - whatever is necessary to defeat that threat and preserve the Faith. I will come for you, Waldo. And I will drag you in chains to the Star Chamber, and I will be there at your end.
For you abuse the two things that the Orthodoxy hold most dear, Waldo. The Faith and tradition. And the Orthodoxy is not forgiving.
Written By Venturo
Nov. 17, 2020, 9:05 a.m.(5/25/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Iseulet
Written By Rane
Nov. 16, 2020, 10:28 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Katherine
Written By Cambria
Nov. 16, 2020, 9:57 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
Written By Cambria
Nov. 16, 2020, 9:52 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
Never the hunted
The goal always in view
Dreaming again
To Dream anew
Written By Andromeda
Nov. 16, 2020, 9:04 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
It's called the dragon's flight.
First, you must have your target at your mercy. This is a method of execution, not an honourable death in battle.
You will cut slits beneath their shoulder-blades. If needed, you will break away their ribs, outwards, beneath. This is to create a gap. A pair of wounds large enough that you can reach in and pull their lungs out.
If done correctly, this will not kill them. But I am told the agony is uncomparable.
When your enemy has their lungs out their back, like stunted wings, they will slowly suffocate in their own blood.
So, having them thrown off the side of a cliff, to see if their new wings will let them fly...
It is a mercy.
Though, of course, through this pain, they will still have time to consider their lives, and their actions, and every moment that led up to hurtling through the air to a brutal death. If the cliff you throw them off is tall enough.
Tremorus touches the sky. Tremorus is tall enough.
I wonder,
can Ivan the Apostate fly like a dragon?
Written By Iseulet
Nov. 16, 2020, 5:47 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
Time to crack out a bottle, I'd say.
Written By Harlex
Nov. 16, 2020, 4:36 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
You can bolster a soldier with words like freedom, honor and duty but you can't feed those to starving families and you're a damned idiot if you try.
Keep that in mind. Tend to see folks get carried away with all the big words when the fighting is about to start.
Written By Rylan
Nov. 16, 2020, 4:18 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
Familiarity, that sense of knowing what is around me
Each brick and tile, each piece of furniture, each street
For all of the comforts and pleasures of this city
It is not home
Contempt, or disregarding of all I have created here
Each friendship, each routine of the day, each step
For all of the miles, maybe a hundred or more, a single ship
Would take me home
Anticipation, looking forward to where sea meets shore
Each swell and crest, each rising tide, each wave
For all the scents and sounds of the island
I'm coming home
Adoration, loving the warmth of sun and family
Each rustling grapevine, each terrace, each stone
For all the flavours bursting on my tongue
I am home
Restlesness, feeling that my feet move too quickly
Each step ten more than that of those around
For now the softer, simpler life of this place
Doesn't feel like home
Regret, perhaps even sorrow itself draws in
Each morning, each evening, each night
For all the love given to this place
This is not home
Any longer
Written By Gaspar
Nov. 16, 2020, 3:45 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Leonel
Written By Aureth
Nov. 16, 2020, 3:11 p.m.(5/24/1014 AR)
It's a small thing, but since the Carnifex chose to claim me for the role pending the Convocation, I have done the same. It is my intent, too, to be an institutionalist. The structure and authority of the Faith must continue. It must not be eaten from inside or without by small men who would try to thieve its power for its panoply, and abuse its foundation, its public trust, for their own ends.
We must protect our flock, the Faithful. We must be as shepherds. And to do that, we must look to our own house. The walls must be sturdy as the bones of the Cathedral that did not break or shatter even when consumed in flames set by our avowed enemies.
This Orthodox should rally to this. The Pragmatists should rally to this. We are a whole Faith, and though there is room for difference of opinion about individual policies, differences of theological approach, of study, of aim, we must be a whole Faith as the gods are a whole Pantheon.
We are strong as our foundations if we but choose to be. Pray with me for our Dominion and reject those who would make us small.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.