Written By Eirene
Sept. 11, 2020, 9:59 a.m.(1/3/1014 AR)
Welcome new year. Be better than the last. But let's face it, it won't be. I'm sure of it.
I have a feeling something is going to drop; the sword over the head just dangling. Honestly, that's a dumb metaphor. The axe at the neck is more apt. Fighting in winter may be difficult for a desert peoples but I doubt they'll wait three months for a thaw. They'll need to raid for supplies soon enough because your hardtack only lasts so long before bugs set in and fresh water becomes rare.
Written By Lucita
Sept. 11, 2020, 9:52 a.m.(1/3/1014 AR)
Written By Aine
Sept. 11, 2020, 9:10 a.m.(1/3/1014 AR)
Written By Monique
Sept. 11, 2020, 1:34 a.m.(1/3/1014 AR)
Written By Svana
Sept. 10, 2020, 11:56 p.m.(1/3/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Jules
Written By Rosalind
Sept. 10, 2020, 7:07 p.m.(1/2/1014 AR)
Why do I like the snow you ask? Especially the first snow? While you contemplate the adventure...Sure! I'll tell you! The world looks untouched and new! There is something fresh and calming about it. It's just--IT'S BEAUTIFUL!
Written By Sunniva
Sept. 10, 2020, 5:57 p.m.(1/2/1014 AR)
How many things do I do every day simply because it is habit, not because I enjoy it, or it helps someone, or it improves something? Habit can certainly be a good thing, but it can also leave one oblivious to other ways of doing things.
I will have to consider my habits.
Written By Gael
Sept. 10, 2020, 2:44 p.m.(1/2/1014 AR)
As I hold this quill now, my hand can't cease shaking, discomfited by the haunt of holding something so delicate and as dangerous as a feathered object. I've always feared having my thoughts shaped and used in the long future where I've evolved past them; to be judged for whom I was, to who I am now. But I'm told it's good to record one's thoughts, find some escape from the self, as if it can't be courage it can at least be prudence. And one shouldn't feel too much shame to whom we were before the now, as it was stepping stones to where we've arrived? I don't know. Foundations? I guess.
Gods, it's strange. For the thousands of criminal reports and investigations I've done, it feels as if this is the first time I've eked out anything on paper in years.
I like birds. Purchased one, finally, a blue little bird. Sings like a canary, and is very tiny. I'm told it won't grow any bigger itself, only its feathers will lengthen, so it'll only get chubbier. This is nice.
Written By Ida
Sept. 10, 2020, 2:38 p.m.(1/2/1014 AR)
Weapons, and the few pieces of armor I've done, always feel like they /should/ be a tale, in a way. They always have, throughout my career. I'm not wholly sure why, but that inspiration has always been there. What does this blade say about the person who holds it? What will the archer see and feel when this bow is pulled at an intended quarry or enemy? What story will this TELL? Maybe it was from growing up in the Oathlands and all those stories Austen and I were told as children, before bed. The great knights and their great weapons. Tales from after the Reckoning where the blades were as famous as the heroes who used them.
I'm not always sure that I serve those who commission pieces from me as well as I might, though I hope I've come as close as might be possible. Sometimes I'll just have a thought - something that sticks in my mind to the point that I have to make it. Like Oath and Path and Truth. Not all of those daydreams end up as something as, perhaps, as meaningful as those - just bits of whimsy for hairpins in the shop. Cats, birds, shields - things that I want to portray in metal for whatever reason.
Seren Walker's recent entry just kinda got me thinking on this, and the things I've crafted since coming to Arx. No few times have I wrestled and struggled to take a story and make it shine in metal, but hopefully I've served Jayus well, and those who trust their lives to those weapons I've been trusted to put in their hands. And no matter how often I struggle, or stress over getting something /just right/ - the joy when it is complete and the wielder is happy? It is beyond describing.
Written By Aine
Sept. 10, 2020, 11 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Written By Harlex
Sept. 10, 2020, 10:17 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Gabriella
That would be the only way to justify someone being in a position above their fellow man.
False superiority. If they demand celebration for themselves, if they believe they are superior to others for intangible things such as lineage or blood, this is the most damning.
Written By Eirene
Sept. 10, 2020, 10:08 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Symonesse
Speaking of the Queen, Symonesse told Mihaly and I we're having a boy. Mihaly was almost as silently stunned as when I first told him he'd be a father. She also invited the twins to go spend time with the Royal Twins. I can see the four of them getting into trouble exploring the palace and that delights me. I want them to make friends and have connections in the city for when they're grown. The Compact is only as strong as our bonds, and I want the twins to have strength and allies for the fights to come in the future.
Written By Piccola
Sept. 10, 2020, 8:44 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Those who are free are not accustomed to follow the orders of commanders and experts. Their strength lies in an ability to improvise, which is the exercise of one's free will against the constraint of tried ideas. Although such freedom is necessary to flow with the changes occasioned by circumstances and terrain, it is anathema in situations where brothers and sisters in arms must advance or retreat in and out of engagements on the battlefield.
Remember therefore that it is easier for slaves to be organized for war.
Those who know no freedom are accustomed to follow the orders of their masters. Their strength lies in a lack of individuality and an absolute devotion wrought from abuse to march themselves into the face of certain death and fight as they are instructed. Although such uniformity makes them easier to command, it is anathema in situations where their opponents are able to invent new strategies to defeat them on the battlefield.
But always remember this: war remains between people.
There are no masters without slaves, and slaves without masters soon learn that without the veil of lies they are trained to believe that they are free people. Free people will always fight for their homes, but so too will masters always fight for their throngs without which they would have no power. Consequently, in a war against the free and slaves, the purpose of the war is not to break the slaves' bodies or will -- indeed, these things do not belong to them -- but to liberate the slaves and bring to them taste the sweetness of the liberty promised by Skald.
Once that happens, the masters will lose their homes and thereby be utterly crushed.
Written By Seren
Sept. 10, 2020, 6:07 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Written By Sydney
Sept. 10, 2020, 3:59 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Gabriella
The knife cuts both ways.
Written By Sydney
Sept. 10, 2020, 3:57 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Svana
While it's more convenient to submit these writings as black, there are few among us who hasn't transcribed their feelings to paper and then had them delivered in their rawest form.
I had some especially choice words to say about my first employer. I'm thrilled that I was so insignificant at the time that word never got back to him about it - or if it did, he was gracious enough never to bring it up to me.
We learn our measure by our mistakes. Regret them, but do dwell overlong.
Written By Medeia
Sept. 10, 2020, 2 a.m.(1/1/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Ysabel
Written By Gabriella
Sept. 9, 2020, 9:51 p.m.(12/28/1013 AR)
What is the single most important quality of the best of rulers?
And what, then, is the single most damning quality of the worst of tyrants?
Written By Svana
Sept. 9, 2020, 8:31 p.m.(12/28/1013 AR)
Sometimes I let my emotions overtake me. I know that there are people who would regard this as a weakness. It is not about controlling emotions so much as it is about controlling one's words. My own issue is that I tend to keep things inside. Things that should be spoken to ears which should only hear them sometimes are the last to do just that, and it's my own stubborness which allows this to happen. It is something to work on in the future.
It is a night I wish I were home in the Bonespire again, watching the snowfall while I drink spiced mead and try to figure out what is in the stars for me. My heart aches for the Bonespire more and more. I wish to take the babes but they are still so little, and only used to our weather. I wonder how much of me runs in their bones.
Written By Thea
Sept. 9, 2020, 7:27 p.m.(12/28/1013 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.