Written By Selene
Jan. 17, 2020, 11:26 p.m.(8/2/1012 AR)
As the starlight fades,
And the crimson tinge is gone,
The weary soul sings
As hope on golden wings
Alights with the coming dawn.
Written By Mirella
Jan. 17, 2020, 10:08 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
I'm not good with words when it comes to these situations, but I can say that Messere Arcuri lived well and with kindness, and her legacy is a grand one.
Written By Lenne
Jan. 17, 2020, 9:21 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
I don't know the exact circumstances of her passing, either. But I know enough, of the periphery, and from the Whites, to see that her passing was in the highest standards of honor, benevolence and heroism. It was a refutation to those who think that such things are the province only of us nobles, to be sure. When it comes to be our time to move on to our fate, or be spun back into the Wheel, we can do it no better than she did. She struck a great blow against evil and darkness. She protected all of us. She died for friends, and strangers. Highborn and humble. The Compact, and the Gods.
When my time comes, I can only hope it is in such a manner.
May the Queen give her the reward and rest she deserves.
Written By Selene
Jan. 17, 2020, 6:50 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Written By Preston
Jan. 17, 2020, 6:48 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
Even as we mourn, if you know the manner of her death there is comfort in that too - perhaps even envy. Each of us might hope to have a death so rich in meaning. To end an evil. To save others. To honour our loved ones. There is sadness, there is sorrow. Yet even in this, as with all her works, there is beauty.
Written By Cassandra
Jan. 17, 2020, 6:03 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
In that moment, I believe Gloria walked with her hand in hand. I have seen knights and warriors whose courage has faltered and failed when the moment came. It is sobering to know that while we say we do not fear the dark, it is perhaps something else when confronted with it. When you know what your choice will bring. Josephine made her choice, almost gladly, and strode with a sense of purpose I have not seen in years. Now that I have time to collect, I know now that I was humbled by it.
And yet, I feel as though I have failed her. Losing good men and women is not something so foreign to me. I know that feeling having led armies in battle and number of casualties after. Perhaps this cuts so much more deeply as I could do nothing but watch it happen. If my focus were to slip, it would put others in danger who I was already assisting in combat. I could not go to her aid nor rush to her side, I could not defend her. I was her Legate, and I feel, in that moment, I have failed one who I looked upon as a friend.
The fault is mine in that I did not spend as much time with her as I wished I could've. Few was our opportunities to speak, but the times we did, we relished the projects that we would work on, once we had the time. She was a staunch supporter of the Guild and the Faith. We spoke of finding the history of the Guild and how best to guide it. Now, while those goals may yet still be achieved, it feels as though it will be missing something.
I should celebrate, as I know she is not truly gone, only to be spun once again upon the Wheel. I feel I simply mourn the loss of possibilities and opportunities I could've had with her. I mourn the loss of a face I will no longer see in this life. I will mourn the wisdom that I cannot look to when I seek advice. I feel many people will feel the same way.
I could not say these in the proclamation that I wrote, speaking personally. But in this one instance, I have no desire to hide my personal feelings on the matter. I have lost a friend.
I will miss you.
Written By Martino
Jan. 17, 2020, 2:44 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
A loss to the Compact but a gain for the Wheel.
Written By Sydney
Jan. 17, 2020, 2:33 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
Your heart was beautiful.
Written By Hamish
Jan. 17, 2020, 2:09 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
Written By Sparte
Jan. 17, 2020, 1:36 p.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
She was an incredible person, full of inspiration and emotion. Her gifts were as unique as she.
Months we worked together, and I still have a sense her full measure was deeper than I know. I mourn the loss of a friend, I mourn that I will never see the full of her, I mourn the projects she will never have opportunity to complete with her own hands. A burden and a blessing, that others must now decide if they will lift and carry to their conclusion.
I will be taking leave to spend a day within the Shrine of Jayus to pray upon her passing.
Written By Sabella
Jan. 17, 2020, 11:06 a.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
I think we ought to all hold out loved ones a little closer today and be thankful for the tiaras we have.
Written By Lucita
Jan. 17, 2020, 10:58 a.m.(8/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
She lived an admirable life and your death leaves a void that will be hard for anyone to fill... no, that is wrong, no one can be expected to fill such a void, they will have to create their own place.
I pray Josephine will find peace and know she left behind inspiration, a good example for others to follow and was appreciated and respected. That is something all of us could hope to leave behind them.
Written By Lisebet
Jan. 17, 2020, 10:21 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
She has always been generous, kind and fair. All my interactions with her have been positive.
I have no words.
Written By Lisebet
Jan. 17, 2020, 10:17 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
I am feeling much better now, but I definitely do not recommend being shot by an arrow at any time.
Written By Ophelia
Jan. 17, 2020, 9:07 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Luca
Written By Ophelia
Jan. 17, 2020, 8:49 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
Thank you for all that you've done for us in this realm, Mistress Arcuri.
Written By Tyrus
Jan. 17, 2020, 8:31 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
She did not expect to survive.
A parent should never outlive their children. It was said, that night in the shrine. She had come there to tell her sons they may see her sooner rather than later.
I hope she had her wish. It is the least the Dream can grant her.
Written By Miranda
Jan. 17, 2020, 8:10 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
She was generous and hearty and a fighter in all respects.
Without her, I would have lost my beloved friend and aide, Brenlin, to the monster The Butcher.
He and I are both so very grateful for all she did to help protect and, ultimately, save others from his evil.
I wish I had the words, some poignant phrase that would encompass all that I'm feeling at her loss. Instead, I am grief-stricken and honored to have known such a brave soul.
May the Queen of Endings find her worthy and give her another spin on the wheel - we need more like her in the world.
Written By Otto
Jan. 17, 2020, 7:42 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
Written By Ashur
Jan. 17, 2020, 7:26 a.m.(7/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Josephine
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.