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Written By Corban

Nov. 24, 2019, 4:58 p.m.(4/5/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Gwendolen

The Hundred grows stronger with every knight we welcome to our ranks.

Welcome, Dame Gwendolen, as our newest sister in arms. May you do honor to King and Compact.

Written By Gabriella

Nov. 24, 2019, 4:11 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The change to spring, at least, brings with it some heartening news: my comrades return from the Chains conquering heroes. I truly could not be more proud of them and their accomplishments; I but wish I could have been there, to aid them in their push to free the world of yet more slavers and their filthy fetters. Regardless, this is a strong and exemplary step forward -- for Pravus, for Grimhall, and for all of Arvum.

To all those who braved the unknown in the name of the Compact, you have my undying respect.

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 24, 2019, 3:21 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The Midnight Ball of Death was a great success, if I may say so. People played the games, danced, and partied all night. Princess Berenice Velenosa - the most splendid of gems, the legend of all successful parties... She is truly the most amazing hostess. Good thing she kept those games in order and didn't let ME handle that part, because as talented as I am in many OTHER things... organisation is not one of them.

The King and the Queen came, and took part in the games and the Queen stayed and danced and I got to dance with her - what an honor and blessing!

Thank you to all who made it such an enjoyable night. One that I shall never forget, forever etched in my mind.

Written By Amari

Nov. 24, 2019, 3:17 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Princess Alarissa's event to honor the former Archduchess was lovely, and I was glad to have helped her see it realized. The butterflies were wondrous, though I'm still not entirely sure where all the silver winged ones came from.

My only regret was not participating in the cutlery toss with Legate Cassandra. It looked fun!

Written By Elgana

Nov. 24, 2019, 3:06 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

As always, Dame Ida produces genuinely excellent work. I commissioned two pairs of hairpins inspired by the Northlands from her for my raffle basket, and they are perfect in every single way. Not that I'm surprised by this as I own more sets of hairpins forged by her hand than I know what to do with sometimes. Each one is a treasure, and I know that these will find the right home.

We are blessed to have so many amazing craftspeople in our fair city. I only hope they know how sincerely appreciated they are for supplying us with such beautiful things.

Written By Elgana

Nov. 24, 2019, 3:02 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

There is no uncertainty in my mind that Apollo is blessed by Jayus when it comes to his craftsmanship. The snow-bear coat and gloves I commissioned from him for my basket for Princess Sabella's raffle are utterly breathtaking. I am almost sad to let them go, but I know that whoever comes to own them will be as enchanted with them as I am.

I cannot thank him enough for his hard work and exceptional skill. He is by far the leatherworker of choice for me and I always look forward to seeing what will come from his shop in the future.

Written By Belladonna

Nov. 24, 2019, 2:42 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Goodbye, winter!

You shall not be missed!

Written By Nurie

Nov. 24, 2019, 2:27 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The feeling that captures my soul when I rush to his crib in the morning, before even the nurse awakes, and his eyes light and he kicks and laughs and reaches out his little chubby arms for me is almost the best in the world. Maybe that's why I've been so drawn to making more cuddly things than fashionable things these days. It's hard to not feel at least a little like crying when I realize how quickly he's growing, and it won't be long at all before he isn't a baby anymore. All of my family is so easy to love. I can't ever think of a time that I didn't adore my sister. And Cosi is still so cute I have to be careful to not ruffle his hair when I see him. But it's hard to not want to set the moon and stars just so they delight my little nephew. There's so very little that I can give to him that others can't do better. But I hope being cherished and adored in addition to all the other things he must have in order to one day rule will only make him stronger. We didn't have that, from the ones who created us, though I think that's not their fault at all. But at least I can make sure that he does, right from the beginning. And I can take care of my other beloved ones, as much as they'll let me.

Written By Felicia

Nov. 24, 2019, 2:10 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The Midnight Ball of Death was utterly marvelous, and our Queen positively radiant. All in all it was a fantastic night for which its hosts should be commended.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:46 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Coming up on the second, I should have noted! Thank you scholar for the reminder!

Written By Ephrath

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:45 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Once, Absalom told me that he always knew it was going to rain because my eyes would darken to the color of dulled metal just hours before the storms rolled in.

I don't know if he was telling the truth or not, but as spring arrives and brings with it the rain, I do find myself wondering.

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:45 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The basket raffle is coming up!! If you want to donate a basket and are reading this, please contact Princess Sabella Grayson!

And don't forget to purchase your raffle tickets!

Written By Sabella

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:44 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

One of the things I love about spring is that it's still chilly enough most nights to curl up with blankets by the fire whereas the days are warming up enough to not even need a cloak! It's like winter's last kiss, a slow goodbye of cool nights to remember it by.

Written By Aaron

Nov. 24, 2019, 1:09 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

Spring has arrived and soon work will begin. The schedule for the lighthouse over the winter was to maintain and combat the elements. With the arrival of spring progress can be made.

Written By Reigna

Nov. 24, 2019, 11:21 a.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

With springs gentle entry, my flagging hope is renewed. The constant cold, the weight of it was miserable this year. Usually I enjoy the crisp bite of winter's kiss, but this year it was hard. The children fell ill frequently, as did I, no matter how I tried to banish any trace of miasma with pine boughs and herbs. Kael, thankfully, maintained his peculiar immunity to illness, the man should be a healer, truly. His hands are steady and strong, nearly as irresistible as his legs or ankles (That was for you, Amari Keaton!)

I feel as though I am standing upon a precipice now. As the season changes, as blood flows more easily through my veins, I can feel the change coming. Several things I have been active in are on the edge of some great shift. I can feel it. I can sense it coming as surely as the snows have stopped and the crocuses are blooming in my garden.

I pray that Lagoma's blessing is not a fatal one, that her touch mends.

Written By Strozza

Nov. 24, 2019, 11 a.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The sun.

A sunshower.

The north thaws. I see a living memory now.

I suppose this will become tainted for me as well.

Written By Leola

Nov. 24, 2019, 6:01 a.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The Lodge is preparing to host Spring's First Feast; the last feast of winter. It feels good to return to warmer weather, and feel the sun that isn't just chilled by rain. After the Whispers helped me sort my wardrobe, I now just need to find something suitable to the lighter weather. And get out that waxed cloak; spring showers are dreadful so far!

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 24, 2019, 5:34 a.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

I will miss winter. It has always been my favorite season.

I do not, nor ever have I enjoyed the transition to spring. Something about patches of snow melting giving way to grass has never seemed pleasant to look at.

Or maybe it's simply that I'm not looking forward to wearing armor in summer months again.

Written By Preston

Nov. 24, 2019, 5:03 a.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

I am not someone who easily grows close to people - I will not pretend I am short of friends in the city, but two of my closest friends are Dame Esoka and Dame Thena. Dame Esoka, in her time in the city, was my right hand. She was there for good times and ill, and served the Templars faithfully. She, perhaps more than anyone, showed me the virtue of emphasising choice in our approach to the abandoned. I hope she returns soon, so she might fight with us again, and I can lean on her quiet wisdom once more.

Dame Thena though is one of those unique people with whom I can fully be myself. I remember her taking oaths, at a time when I was still a young knight trying to prove himself. I wasn't sure if I trusted her then with my Faith. I was wrong. We quickly grew to be friends, feeling like great crusaders for the Faith militant against the lethargy of others. I have told many times the story of the planning meeting while we were arranging matters before Stormwall, and where Dame Thena and I felt we were being ignored and we joked about flipping over the table just so they would pay attention. As it was gruffly barking did it. But. In that she and I were of a mind - to wake the Compact from its slumber, on the need for us to prepare. We held charity events together - admittedly I think both of us had little skill for organising us, and thank you to the many who supported us. We fought together. We bled together. When she needs help I give it, and when I need help she does. Never any questions asked 'What do you need?'. When I call her little sister, some feel it is diminutive - it was never so. She is what I imagined having a sibling might be like - that closeness, that undying personal loyalty to one another, and yes that ability at times to drives each other crazy but never to truly mind it. So, if on her travels Dame Thena needs the help of any of the Templars, I hope they will give it freely and without question, knowing she has my total faith. Without her here in Arx, we are weakened - though we are lucky she left behind a sturdy and capable successor.

So good journey friends, to wherever it is your mission takes you. You both, in your own ways, challenged my thoughts - and while you never overturned my beliefs, I'd like to hope we each learned from one another and changed for the better. And I shall long for the day when you return to Arx, no doubt riding through the gate with Thena pretending she has hardly missed but a day and questioning what all the fuss is about.

Written By Acantha

Nov. 23, 2019, 11:34 p.m.(4/3/1012 AR)

Spring is here and it means there will be more time to do things for Clearlake Hold. I am proud of our little barony. And Benny. I am always proud of my Benny.

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