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Written By Helena

Sept. 23, 2019, 9:32 p.m.(11/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elgana

Sweetest sister of mine,

I am not sure what I did to deserve such public praise today, but if I am any of what you say I am, it is because I have followed in your footsteps and learned from you along the way.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 23, 2019, 8:43 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

What does it mean to be a good person?

I think many folks, myself included from time to time, tend to apply that to paragons. We raise those we agree with up to an unquestionable status, placing them on pedestals where in our eyes they can do no wrong. For if they can do wrong, if they are merely mortal with all the same flaws and foibles as the rest of us... then we lose some of the cachet that comes with agreeing with these paragons. For if they are flawless, then we, by dint of agreeing with them have reflected divinity.

I think this does a disservice, not only to ourselves and our own pursuits towards greatness, but even more so, is does a disservice to those we so admire. The pressure, even unmeaningly applied to their shoulders to be so revered, must weigh an unbearable amount. We strip them of their humanity and isolate them on high.

Our heroes, I think, should be flawed. For it is the flawed soul that fails and still tries again to be better that should truly inspire us. To be more than human, to be without flaw... where is the effort needed to do the right thing? Where is the cost, the pain, the sacrifice made to prove how much you mean to do the good you seek to do?

So if you are out there and you think you could not possibly be a hero because you have failed, or that you cannot be a good person because you have done things that you are not proud of -- I counter you with this:

If you struggle and you try and you continue to move forward, you continue to reach towards the light, then you are a hero. Then you are a good person. We all make mistakes in judgement. We all have flaws. We all succumb to vanity or envy or pettiness. To be human is to be flawed. But if despite those failings, despite those flaws you strive to make this world a better place, if you bleed, figuratively or literally, in your attempt to honor the gods and do what is right? Then you are good. Remember that, when your body aches, and fatigue makes your limbs too heavy to lift. When it feels as though your heart is breaking and darkness clouds your sight. Remember that even then... especially then, you are good. You have the choice to pick yourself up and move on. Being good is a choice. Just as doing nothing is as well.

Written By Bhandn

Sept. 23, 2019, 8:32 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

I woke in the morning as I have done for more days than I can count, and found myself not seeming to mind the cold of the autumn morning, with the sun no longer rising with me. The lad was asleep, as he usually was at that hour, and I didn't disturb him, but instead threw another blanket over him. How he can stay warm and asleep with only the one I still do not know, but it was a kindness he showed me during my troubles this past week and I could not help but do the same for him.

The morning was spent as it usually was, working myself into a heated sweat with a run, then other drills to remind my body of what I expect of it should I have need of my blade. That's become harder, the older I've gotten, and I can remember days of frustration over not being able to do certain exercises quite as well when I was younger, but that was not the case today. Today, I was determined to continue despite the slight aches that came from those simple warmup drills. I managed to finish them all completely, without stopping, and as I sat with the waterskin and its icy contents thinking on it, I couldn't help but smile. This morning, I felt younger by years, even though I knew I really wasn't.

I can still feel that grief that comes from Valena's death, with that desire to uphold that promise I swore to her grave, yet I no longer feel myself wishing she was standing next to me still, or that I need the taste or willowbark or some other foul thing on my tongue when considering what words to say. I can think of the words she would say to me, and instead of wistful bitterness, I found a smile instead. I will miss her. That feeling will never change, but the way I /perceive/ that feeling has changed. /I/ have changed, and I have a reminder of /why/ I have changed, what it means to change, and every time I look upon that reminder I think on the meaning of that change.

When I chose to come to Arx to stay, I was aimless, grief-stricken, and the sight of the roads nearly revolted me. There was even a time when I thought I would do the unthinkable, but I didn't. I came to Arx, and perhaps that was the beginning of that change, a seed that was meant to sprout but instead found itself lacking for nourishment and care. Perhaps in this metaphor it was merely winter, and I needed to wait until spring had arrived with the sun's warmth and the clouds' rainy depths. Whatever the reason, I can feel that warmth now, along with those drops running down my face, and now it feels like what it is that was lying dormant within for so long has at last begun to emerge from the soil and greet the world as it was meant to be.

I feel whole.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 23, 2019, 6:37 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Olivia

Thanks again for the book you lent me. It's proven invaluable time and time again.

Written By Brianna

Sept. 23, 2019, 4:58 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Things are not perfect. They are never perfect. However, I feel whole for the first time in a very, very long time.

Written By Esme

Sept. 23, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

So much … muchness today.

Have you ever had a day or two where everything comes out wrong? Like you rehearse it in your mind and all the words are wrong? That's today. I've smoothed over things but still ugh.

If you are reading this. Know that you are still the perfect you. Days get better and you matter so much.

Written By Amari

Sept. 23, 2019, 12:57 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

I've set out on a pilgrimage from Arx to Duskshire, and maybe even Sanctum if the weather holds. I've vowed to stop at every shrine, no matter how minor, and pray to Gloria.

It turns out there are a tremendous number of roadside shrines.

I've also been tasked by Baron Norwood to do good deeds and help those in need on the way. This morning (with the greatly appreciated help of Lord Quintin Ashford), I felled my first tree for a very frustrated woodsman and his friends. We definitely earned our breakfast, especially Quintin, who would have died if I hadn't saved him from being squashed.

On a disappointing note, I've yet to see any tree forts, but Ashford wood is indeed hard.

Written By Ida

Sept. 23, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Oaths and steel, I have never been so effing happy to see my own bed. The trip was...well, I'm not really sure, but I am grateful to my traveling companions and the grace of all the Gods that I returned at all. Battered, bruised, but alive is a gift that I don't plan on wasting.

Written By Octavia

Sept. 23, 2019, 10:59 a.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

In my experience, if you see an Inquisitor smiling you generally don't want to know the reason why.

Written By Sigurd

Sept. 23, 2019, 10:11 a.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Perception, it is a powerful thing. How we believe something to be is how it -is- in our view until our perceptions change. That perception is based not only on what we know but it is based on how we feel. What we have heard. What tidbits we have managed to gather. Even the best of us cannot say we fully understand ourselves so how can we think we know anyone else. Truly?

Perception is a combination of what we see, what we feel, what we hope, and what we desire. More often than not our perception of a thing is very far from the truth of a thing. This is especially for people.

I had hoped that it was only heightened emotions that would make such a foul and ugly attempt be made. That with time calmer thoughts would prevail. Now I see I hoped for naught.


Back less than a month and already someone tries to tear into me behind my back.

Written By Iseulet

Sept. 23, 2019, 6:28 a.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Gaston

I rarely have time to dance, but I found a moment recently to have one with a dear friend of mine. I'm glad I did.

Written By Arcadia

Sept. 23, 2019, 4:31 a.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Volcica

I can't begin to express House Stahlben's gratitude and happiness at the reception Seraphanite is receiving. It truly is the most beautiful gem and the people who have so generously spread the word on it's production. It truly warms my heart to see so many pieces of it on people around the compact.

In truth, bringing this gem to the city was all Lady Volcica's idea. She is the brains behind it all. I have been truly blessed in finding family in her. Though, her next project excites me more than gems. Be warned!

Written By Monique

Sept. 22, 2019, 11:48 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

Do you know what my sister got me for my birthday? Alaricite. Very clearly, she's winning in the battle against Marius for my eternal love and the title of Favorite Sibling.

Written By Lucrezia

Sept. 22, 2019, 11:42 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Sometimes it's eerie how much we agree, but other times it makes me so giddy. I stood out by the statue of my parents today, brooding over what father would think of me and my choices. Would he have wanted me to marry someone just like him, like I wanted to be? Or, is it just my reckless nature, greedily reaching for something I've always wanted. Maybe he would have wanted someone more temperate to moderate me. I am sure mother had despaired that this day would ever come. I wonder who they would have chosen for me. Like a child I whispered if they approved to their statue.

All I heard was that song.

Written By Mara

Sept. 22, 2019, 11:36 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

This week has been wonderful, Belladonna and Valentina surprised me with the most beautiful of dresses, and now to find a talented tailor to make some beautiful pieces to go with it.

Written By Volcica

Sept. 22, 2019, 11:08 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Grazia

I did not, in my wildest dreams, expect seraphinite to take off like it has. While I may have been the driving force behind the campaign, the idea was far from mine alone. Arcadia encouraged every step of it.

Duchess Grazia, however, was the one that convinced me to send pieces not only to friends and family so that they might more easily talk it up, but to notable fashion icons and Whispers, as well. It felt strange, sending a gift with a request to flash it about. I did not expect how amazing everyone would be. The letters of thanks back, and the lengths of promotion..

I never would have gone so far, if not for my patron. Thank you for pushing me.

Written By Fiora

Sept. 22, 2019, 11:01 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

It's lovely to see the city in a new light after you've thought about it for quite a while.

Written By Mercedes

Sept. 22, 2019, 10:29 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Months searching through mud and fog, and for what? Only shadows of what could be of use. Nothing solid. The marks of campsites long left cold in stony hollows. Ashes scattered in barns that shouldn't have laid empty. Villages that did not wake with the dawn, their animals crying to be milked, to be fed, long past the cockerel's crow. Farmers sleepless into late hours beneath the new moon's dark. Lying eyes and tongues.

Little else. To some, a failure. But the only failure is surrender. Rekindle and the flame burns bright.

I remain undaunted.

Written By Corrigan

Sept. 22, 2019, 10:17 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Ah Arx. The city that thinks inquisitors cannot smile.

Written By Monique

Sept. 22, 2019, 10:16 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

I have decided to put together a small event at the Greenmarch Lodge, with my brother Marius' blessing. I know, I know. I hardly know how to do anything in half-measures. But truly. Small, this one will be. Just an exhibition of the various types of small weaponry and what feats it is capable of.

I'll need volunteers, of course. Masked volunteers, so no one knows who they're throwing sharp objects at, lest my brother's warning of 'no killing anyone' prove justified. I could use practice dummies, but practice dummies don't exactly inspire daring deeds. Though maybe the practice dummies will be for the garrotes...

Daggers, stilettos, garrotes, small bow, short sword, knives, very sharp hairpins, short spears... what am I missing?

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