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Written By Sorrel

April 20, 2019, 2:05 p.m.(12/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

It's a very strange feeling, the pain of grief for one of your dearest friends, knowing that he died as he lived, facing challenges head on.

I am not okay.

I am too young for follies, and probably always will be, but it's terrible to find out the way I found out, and my heart just has a hole in it. I feel right now that I may never dance again, although I know that isn't true. There's something in my soul that reacts to music, after all, and I know I'll dance again, thinking of my dear friend the whole time.

Written By Leta

April 20, 2019, 10:49 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

The story I hear about how Prince Luca doesn't make any sense at all. Odds are I didn't hear right or it's got to do with things that are beyond my understanding. There are a lot of those, truth be told, and that goes for just about anything having to do with Death. So it happens that I don't rightly know what to think about it.

He was always kind to me. We beat on each other a few times, for practice and whatnot. I think he had fun with that. He always won, though I came close to beating him when we fought with no weapons, once. He was a funny sort, but he was always kind about me and Serafine and such, so that's something.

Well, I hadn't even seen him, not properly, not so as to stop and talk to him, in a while. But I reckon I feel a bit lonelier now. Everyone dies, don't they? Not counting maybe wizards and such, but us normal folk, we all die. It's just some days it feels more like it than others.

Written By Preston

April 20, 2019, 10:10 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Death is a difficult thing for us to handle. We are mortal, our vision is from below. Our understanding is that a person we love was here and then is gone - we will never see them again. It is understandable that we grieve, normal we feel that loss. We should express that grief. But we should also have faith in the Gods and know that they shall pass on to the shining lands, to wait for their time to return to the wheel - or perhaps if they are most beloved, they will spend forever in the company of the Gods in Elysia. While they are in the shining lands they will give wisdom to the souls that must follow. Our fight may be done, but our service to the Gods is undying, our service to our people never ending until granted entrance to Elysia.

Written By Edward

April 20, 2019, 9:10 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Another mentor, another friend, returned to the Queen.

You were sometimes the best of us. Sometimes the worst of us.

You sometimes were the epitome of honor and sometimes had no care in the world for the whole concept.

You were as Luca as only Luca could be.

Until next we meet, my friend.

Written By Rook

April 20, 2019, 8:26 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Another matter seeing to since returning to he city, is an update to the liaisons and representatives to each House within the Silver Consortium.

Jeeves, the trusted valet of mine, will be due a reward of some sort when he returns back with the letters.

Written By Ida

April 20, 2019, 7:33 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I did not know Prince Luca well enough, I regret to say now very much. He seemed to like my work and as the Sword who most recently carried Elvesbane, that gave me a touch of pride, I admit. I watched him in melees and as a Champion, like most, and I would have liked to have fought him in a ring, I think. One on one, even if I know he would have surely handed me my ass before too long into it. I find myself missing what I might have learned from him in these, my laterish years. For all the bravado, to me he was becoming a mentor of sorts; someone who helped me make sense of things that didn't. Much as I want to honor him with some weapons, profiting from loss is not my thing. Maybe a statue of steel, though? If so, I know exactly where to put it.

Written By Evaristo

April 20, 2019, 7:09 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I see great potential in Joss! I take full credit for the ice down your shirt, though I admit he was very clever using ice instead of waiting for the snow. He will go so far, this one.

Written By Oswyn

April 20, 2019, 6:26 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Nox'alfar follies are certainly aptly named. Prince Luca was a help during dark times, and I will always be grateful for that.

Written By Brigida

April 20, 2019, 5:35 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

It seems that all I need to do is complain loudly enough in the whites and it happens.

Perhaps now might be a good time to ask the world whatever possessed me to take residence in the Crown Apartments, which is not only filled with annoying has-been courtiers, but I have a room on the sixth floor. My knees can't handle this anymore.

Written By Dariel

April 20, 2019, 4:11 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jophiel

Happy days! My brother has returned to Arx! I wonder if he'll want to stay this time?

Written By Mirari

April 20, 2019, 3:54 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

Get well soon!

Written By Shard

April 20, 2019, 2:58 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

You were the best warrior I've ever seen, anywhere, if not quite the craziest. I know that doesn't stack up much against what other people who knew you better will write, but it's what I have. I'm glad to have fought alongside you against monsters, human and otherwise. I'm glad to have learned something from you, and that you were willing to teach. I'm glad that there will be people who will tell your story long after you've gone.

Written By Morrighan

April 20, 2019, 12:19 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Well, here's to another year, another birthday. Time to celebrate with more whiskey.

Written By Lorenzo

April 19, 2019, 11:34 p.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I heard the news that my dear cousin Luca returned to the Wheel. He lost a duel or perhaps made a misstep in a dance, I'm unclear on the circumstances. But I know the world is poorer for having lost his light. What kindness and good cheer he always showed, what loyalty, echoed throughout tributes made here to him. What exceptional company he always was when we had the chance to speak. How delighted the Queen of Endings must be to take him back into her embrace.

Written By Wyatt

April 19, 2019, 10:36 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

I just wish to write, to any and all dockworkers through Arx, that whatever I did to offend you I'm deeply sorry for and willing to atone for my misdeeds, and that it is completely unnecessary to throw crates at me in the future.

Written By Alexio

April 19, 2019, 10:35 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirella

So, yeah, I got 3rd place at that Wagon Run!

What did you get?
A good look at my behind?!


You owe me a drink, Fiorelli!

Written By Alexio

April 19, 2019, 10:32 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Braith

You are a sneaky and mischievous one! You almost had me fooled!

Written By Alexio

April 19, 2019, 10:30 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gregory

Thank you, Brother Gregory, for sharing with me your religious wisdom. I look forward to more of your teachings.

Written By Alexio

April 19, 2019, 10:23 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

I stepped into a most interesting gathering today by the Commons Square!

Even if it was half chance, half accident, in the end it seemed worth it!

I came 3rd place on 'The People's Tournament - Wagon Delivery Run'!!


Mirella was there! I've certainly //must// absolutely rub this small victory on her face later!

Also, I met this woman! Whom, mind you, almost got run over by my wagon. She pretended to be a Mistress! Turns out she was a Lady -Lady Braith!

She was nice, we had a few drinks to celebrate my third place; and, also that we didn't die on that wagon crash.

Written By Sophie

April 19, 2019, 9:48 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Have you ever felt as if the entire world is busy telling you what you cannot do and you feel the hope start to drain away? You start to question yourself. You start to wonder if you're capable of less than you thought you were....

And then a few words with someone changes all of that. It fills you with hope anew that far surpasses anything you felt before.

Lagoma has a way of showing me to the people I need to keep hope alive, and today it was my cousin Reigna. What a remarkable woman. Together we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.

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