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Written By Joscelin

April 19, 2019, 9:22 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Joss was excited about the ice gathering on the rain barrel, in the garden. He snapped off an icicle and put it down the back of my tunic. My shriek set off a giggle fit that when, accompanied by my frantic 'wiggle-dancing', as he called it, set him to cackling so hard he snorted. I made him scrub the dining area floor. He did it grinning, cheerfully chirping that it was 'completely worth it'.

What did I do to deserve this. Honestly.

Written By Sparte

April 19, 2019, 9:19 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

I don't know what to think of the circumstances of his death. I fought alongside Prince Luca. I bled with him, we laughed in the face of the same danger. I am at a loss for words for how you passed, but there is a sort of grim humor to it. He died doing something unbelievable, I expect he is proud of that. I hope we fight side by side again in another turn of the wheel.

Written By Joscelin

April 19, 2019, 9:10 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

I love my family. I do. I love them so much. They make me who I am and grant me a foundation of being, they enrich my life, they let me feel that love we share.

And sometimes they make me want to throw things, other times they make it so I can practically feel my hair go white.

I love them. I do. Fuckers.

Written By Bliss

April 19, 2019, 9 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Sometimes there are people in your life who, though they aren't often there, you know are important. Prince Luca Grayson was one of those for me. I only ever really ran into him in the context of the Champions - either in duels, or on trips, or bantering after events. But I can tell you that he had a major impact on me. Early on, he felt like a kindred spirit, someone whom I could immediately understand, and who could immediately understand me. We talked, we bantered, we watched each other, and I think in the end, we both decided the other one was alright.

But it was when we fought that the world really made sense between him and me. No one else ever pushed me as hard as Luca did. He matched me rhyme for rhyme, driving me further with the wordplay, rising to the challenge. He would beat me in the swordplay, but it never felt like a loss I was bitter about - because I got to face off against such an exceptional talent. I have an 'L' that he carved into my leg, and it will stay there for the rest of my life.

I stood side-by-side with him, or back-to-back, on a few occasions, and I would have been happy to do so again. He would do the best to protect us that he could. So would I.

And when the call came, he volunteered just as readily as any of us. Now he's gone. But the memory will stay with me forever. Caught up in the thrill of the evening, the rush of a life on the edge swirling him higher, the music and the dancing and the clapping as we all found our place. And then he was gone.

"You've got to be kidding me," he said.

There's something fitting about that. I'll miss you, Prince Luca, but we should all be looking forward to whatever your next Turn on the Wheel brings - even if we won't remember you, ourselves, it will be something spectacular. I'm certain of it.

Written By Ilmia

April 19, 2019, 8:09 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

When I first came to Arx, Prince Luca was one of the most friendly and warm people to greet me. We sat in the Assembly and spoke together in quiet voices and realized that we had a bit in common. He also liked adventure. I had just came to Arx from a few of my own adventures. He told me of ruins and of the ghosts in them. We exchanged a few messages, mainly him saying he would write me more or that we'd speak in person. He was such a busy and popular person. I waited for that letter though.

Hearing that he is dead is something that is heartbreaking. If you find someone in your life that can spark such joy in such a short amount of time, be sure to tell them. There's nothing to be ashamed of. They might not be around tomorrow to be told.

Written By Skye

April 19, 2019, 4:59 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

May you wake sweet prince upon the shrine
Of the Queen of Endings, greeted warmly
And be sorted swiftly by the Wheel turns.
May you rise with the soft chirps of birds
Hearkening your return. Giving life, love
Another chance.

Written By Helena

April 19, 2019, 4:38 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Prince Sunshine,

Words fail me. You brought light to those whose lives you touched, and I count myself lucky to have been among them. I only wish it had been for longer; a year of knowing you was not long enough. But I am not sure I would count any length of time “long enough” with such a friend.

I will miss you. The world is a darker place without you here.

Written By Marian

April 19, 2019, 3:44 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

News of your death have touched my ears. I can't even begin to process what it means to live in a time where you are not there drinking and laughing in the pub. You have always lived life with such vigor, such energy. You brought me smiles even in my darkest moments. Even got me to laugh at myself a little, and that my friend was no easy feat in the beginning. If anyone ever finds my sense of humor too irreverent, it is totally this prince's fault.

When you look past the layer of bravado, there lies a heart just as true. You accepted me when others did not. When my naysayers tried to pull me down, you didn't stand there doing nothing. You told them to shut it when they called me a 'dirty shav' in whispers behind their fans in the salons. You taught me etiquette that you didn't bother with most days so I didn't make a fool of myself in social situations. Most importantly, you let me call you friend.

I am still here because you have taken blows for me, watched my back in battle. We have sparred many occasion for the joy of the blade. There are many stories I could share on this amazing champion. The one that jumps to mind is the time you entered a group melee with not a stick of cloth on your body and beat us all to a bloody pulp to come out the winner. I sat there in the sand, seeing way too much of him, marveling at his skill with the sword.

Yes, the steel one in his hand. Damn it! Stop laughing. This was supposed to be a nice send off.'s all your fault.

Written By Elgana

April 19, 2019, 2:57 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Time has flown so fast. The seasons have changed. Some things remain the same and yet, there is change as the dance of life continues. The late autumn sunshine is a bit dimmer for me today, not quite so brilliant even if it lacks true warmth.

I'm another year older and there is still so much left for me to do.

Written By Raymesin

April 19, 2019, 2:30 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Sometimes the truth isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Some knowledge is a knife that's all blade and no hilt. Sure, I could use it to cut someone else, but by then it's already drawn my blood. Is the knowledge worth the price I can feel waiting in my future? Difficult question, but at least I know why that price is waiting. Chances are it'd have come due regardless. Stuff in my life always does.

Written By Duarte

April 19, 2019, 2:28 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

It was bound to happen.

Written By Delilah

April 19, 2019, 2:22 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

A shadow passed over the sun. It will be a viciously cold winter.

The spring is so far away, it may seem to never come.

Written By Ophelia

April 19, 2019, 12:44 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

My heart is broken. Shattered. It will never mend and I will forever carry a void within the core of my being. A void that will never, ever be filled again. The amount of pain I feel is like none that I have ever experienced and I now understand what it means to feel incomplete. Because that is what I will forever be from this moment on.

I think about you constantly and wonder how I'm going to ever get through this. My mind won't rest, it won't let me sleep. It won't stop asking me questions that I will never find the answers to. Who will rescue me now? You were my hero and you could never do wrong in my eyes. You were fiercely loyal and always had my back through good and bad, and you supported everything I've ever done. You loved me unconditionally despite my flaws.

There are milestones in my life I've yet to reach and that I never thought I would experience alone. I'll never get the chance to introduce you to the love of my life when I find him. Should I ever marry, you won't be there on my wedding day, and if I am blessed with children they will grow up without an uncle. I will promise you this, dear brother, that my first born son shall be named after you and that he will know you. He will know the legacy that you left behind and what a charming, rakish, loyal presence you were to all who knew and loved you.

I feel so very lost and alone without you. I wish that I could hug you again. I wish I didn't feel this crushing pain and that you were here with me to tell me that everything is going to be alright. Without you, I feel vulnerable. The world is a much darker place without you in it and I fear that my sun has set now that we are apart.

You will forever be my champion. My biggest supporter. My loving and cherished brother.

I love you, Luca.

Written By Gunther

April 19, 2019, 12:28 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Mah Sally girl,

Reckon its time I write you again. I've been slinging around these heavy ol' rocks train'n on the cheap what it is like in armor!

My buddy, the one I been telling you about? Jeffeth. He is gonna my the fella I squire to. He is gonna make sure and get me some armor! Can you believe it? They gonna make that belly piece real wide I reckon! I bet you get real happy seein' me all shiv-a-reel-us or however you says it in fancy armor!

Gonna start training how to use one of them big pokey sticks too! But you fret none girl 'cause I'll keep my promise and won't be hurtin' good people none. Just thems that's hurting others.

One day, Sally, I'm gonna be a knight! And you can be proud of me. Ain't a day goes by I ain't proud of every minute we had together. They ain't made another like you my girl -- they never will -- I was so lucky to be the one you loved.

Forever yours,

Written By Caith

April 19, 2019, 12:24 p.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Oh Luca.

I'm sitting here with Cuddle Puddle, the kitty that I annoy-begged you for until you finally relented and gave her to me. 'We'll share custody,' you told me but we never did manage to make time to visit. After all, there was always tomorrow and we made do with ridiculous messages sent back and forth in the mean time. How I wish we had just carved out some time -- despite what we choose to believe, no life is too busy for friends.

I will miss you.
I am so mad at you.


Written By Jeffeth

April 19, 2019, 11:51 a.m.(12/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

After all the strange and dangerous things you've done.

After all the crazy places and situations I've seen you in.

I suppose it makes sense that it ends with dancing. You were a good man. You will be missed. I'm sorry for everything. And thank you, for everything.

Written By Thea

April 19, 2019, 9:58 a.m.(12/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Inigo

Found a long lost cousin today. I suppose he wasn't lost, but buried in papers. Nice to see you again cousin. My how you've grown!

Written By Brigida

April 19, 2019, 7:34 a.m.(12/13/1010 AR)

Who do I need to complain to about getting the getting the basket of free prayer books refilled at the Shrine of Petrichor? I'm fed up of people asking me about it.

Written By Domonico

April 19, 2019, 7:30 a.m.(12/13/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

I may not have agreed with the choices that Admiral Alrec made in his life, but I will say that he was a formidable swordsman and an outstanding seafarer. Hopefully that will be remembered as well.

Written By Marian

April 19, 2019, 5:24 a.m.(12/13/1010 AR)

"Momma don't go..." my little angel told me the other day as I prepared Nia for sleep with my sword and armor laid out for another patrol.

I gave her a surprised look, "Nia, it's just a patrol."

"People go. They don't come back," She told me with a look that speaks well beyond her little years. I felt a little stab in my heart as I understood that my daughter is aware of the dangers I face every time I pick up my sword.

"I'm still here," I reassured her, placing a gentle hand on her brow, "And I shall fight to return to your side always."

I wish I could offer deeper reassurance to my daughter that I shall never fall against our enemies. I don't think it's wise to lie, even if it's to spare her feelings. Instead I reminded her just how fierce her mother is. She looked back at me and told me that I was her hero. I felt as if the gods had blessed me with the most precious of gifts, my daughter's trust.

An old memory of myself having a similar conversation with my own father came to mind. And I realized that maybe, just maybe I'm doing something right here.

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