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Written By Martino

Feb. 28, 2019, 1:40 a.m.(8/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Willow

I, for one, can tell you what it is. That finely woven double strand silk produces such a subtle, and beautiful, colour change in well lit conditions. One in the warp, another in the weft. The time it takes, quite worth if for a truly luxurious shirt or lining.

Written By Rysen

Feb. 27, 2019, 11:46 p.m.(8/25/1010 AR)

Some people think that art should surprise you, others, that it should disturb you, or make the familiar unfamiliar, move you with indescribable feeling, or bring you to contemplate some higher truth or beauty. Lady Willow's art does these things, and exceeds them all. I suggested a subject for her next piece in jest; I shall make it again in earnest.

For the first time in a while, I pushed my body to its limits under one of the greatest living sword fighters of our time, Princess Reese Grayson. Though perhaps I should have known better, I expected to meet the Princess in some vast estate of manicured lawns, with myriad servants, and countless breakable baubles. Instead, I was invited to her ivy covered watch tower, crowned with a training area overlooking the Seawatch Gate and the Gray Forest. Her style of teaching is a perfect balance between theory, application and adjustments, and her technique with the sword is simply unmatched. It was truly an honor to train with her, and I learned a lot.

Afterward I wandered into Lady Gretchen Moore's Serenity Spa, stiff and bruised. Not only did I leave feeling refreshed in body - but had the pleasure of witnessing perhaps the most insolent and hilarious man I've ever encountered, level a variety of baseless accusations against Lady Gretchen - which, I must add, the Lady handled with equal wit and humor. To anyone who has yet to visit the Serenity Spa, I can only say it would be well worth your time and coin.

Written By Jennyva

Feb. 27, 2019, 5 p.m.(8/24/1010 AR)

A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you. And then you have to put it back into the sky. And it’s the most painful thing you’ll ever have to do and that you’ve ever done. But what’s yours is yours. Whether it’s up in the sky or here in your hands. And one day, it’ll fall from the sky and hit you in the head real hard and that time, you won’t have to put it back in the sky again.

Written By Monique

Feb. 27, 2019, 1:54 p.m.(8/24/1010 AR)

The prizes are coming together for the book launch event! I couldn't be more excited! Amazing custom perfumes, beautiful custom paintings and extraordinary brocade pieces (cloak, hat and gloves) and that's just the start. Now to figure out which prizes to match with which contest...

Written By Venturo

Feb. 27, 2019, 12:50 p.m.(8/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Perronne

I've had a few opportunities to meet with Mistress Perronne over the past month or two. In each it's been a fascinating experience, one that has left me the wiser for it. While luck might not have been with her at the Kismet Carnival - next time, surely! - I have a feeling it will be with her in her future endeavors. Each time I come away with more thoughts of my own for how to apply and improve the efforts of the Raconteur. Any land would be fortunate to have one of her trading houses within it.

Written By Peri

Feb. 27, 2019, 10:52 a.m.(8/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

That tension of the cloth. Sparte, now you have me imagine the surface of water. The surface of water is my cloth. My balance is on a bobbing vessel. The waters roil from life above and below. stirrings of gods and monsters.

Written By Avary

Feb. 27, 2019, 8:45 a.m.(8/23/1010 AR)

It is rare that I peruse the journals in the archives, and it is even rarer that I write upon any's thoughts submitted.

Each one's journal is their own and it is their duty and it is with great courage they submit to the whites. And I do not address them directly lest the weight of anything an Archlector might say would dissuade anyone, or others by the example set, from submitting to the whites.

But I do often task a curate with the charge to review a random selection of submission for certain topics, the mention of my name or mentions of the Sentinel. Today's curate brought to me a couple pieces concerning the subject of 'balance'. I have nothing to add, refute or comment upon to those, but it did bring to mind some symbolism of the Sentinel that I believe is often largely misunderstood.

The iconography of the Silent Watcher’s scales has specific meaning. But don't worry, there is still much about the metaphor to be debated for those of you who enjoy those sorts of things.

But this much is certain:

The scales of the Sentinel are not meant to represent a balance, or even the attempt to balance. It is not about determining weight (which is the reason to balance a scale). It is about comparison.

The scales of the Sentinel are suspended scales without foundation. This shows that Justice must be practiced without bias, privilege or corruption. It also shows that evidence must stand alone.

I wear a necklace of just such scales but, to be true, my pendant was incorrectly crafted. Perhaps I should not wear it, but I love gold and it was gifted by a dear friend. It is incorrect - my pendant - because it shows the scales off balance though empty. (If any read this and wish to gift me a similar necklace with a pendant of neutrally balanced and empty scales, I will not refuse the gift!)

You see, the Sentinel's scales are shown as balanced for one very simple reason: they are empty.

This means that there is no predetermination to the case. Wealth, stature and title have no bearing. The scales stand in perfect calibration waiting to compare the weight of evidence. And once compared, one side will out-weigh the other. And only then can Justice act.

But, as I promised, there is yet much to be meandered about: what material comprises the scales? Is it an alloy of righteousness and deceit? Or is it a purity of morality? Or is it made of history and experience? Where does the notion of legal precedent fit on the scale? Is it a rivet? The chains? Of what are the cups made? What substance, exactly, is being weighed? And what does the scale measure? Are its units constant or do they shift contextually, given the case?

The trajectory of humankind must be forward moving, progressing and ever bettering. There is no such thing as a balance. There is general decay or there is general growth. And the Gods of the Pantheon help us shepherd the decisions of our lives as individuals, and together, toward a constant growth and improvement.

If there is 'balance' in the Sentinel it is only, perhaps, to bring the balance of righteousness against an over-stepping evil - but not to achieve a general balance, but to maintain the constant general growth. But don't forget, It indeed also rewards righteousness. So, it is clear in which direction the scales of humanity It wishes overloaded against those who would bring darkness.

Written By Willow

Feb. 27, 2019, 5:48 a.m.(8/23/1010 AR)

Did you know what shot silk is? Anyone but Petal? Ah, well. It certainly puts seasilk to shame, on one hand at least. On the other hand it makes me wonder if blue-purple and pink-orange seasilk might be given the same treatment, and whether the effect would be an iridescent watercolor sunset

Written By Shard

Feb. 27, 2019, 2:33 a.m.(8/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Zeriax

If you were the very last one, with no one to come after you and no one to remember you, you could always try revenge against whoever or whatever took all the rest away.

Written By Sparte

Feb. 26, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(8/23/1010 AR)

Balance is an interesting topic. The way many speak of it brings to my mind the image of scales, trying to add and subtract things from two sides. I personally think of it more like a large cloth. In our lives we have one or more opportunities to touch a spot, and where our finger lands the colors change.

Brighter, darker, more red, more yellow. Sometimes the change isn't just one color, sometimes it isn't only brighter or only darker, but each touch leaves a mark.

Trying to take that myriad of choices and simplify it down to scales feels inadequate. I know a colored cloth is too simple to reflect the whole of human choice and behavior. The imagery only goes so far, but I like to believe people can make surprising choices. I want to imagine a medium that goes in more than two directions, and where every choice can have value that isn't an arbitrary light or dark.

In my example and in my thoughts, balance isn't an equal light and an equal dark. I just can't define it so neatly. It is what an artist needs to make a good painting or a tailor needs to make a stunning dress. It is creating something vibrant and beautiful, knowing that it is fragile and that exact thing will one day change and might never exist again. Balance is that moment of beauty, however long it can be held onto. It is ephemeral, a direction, but not a destination.

The choice in how we contribute to a balance is just that, our choice. We're a slew of hands all reaching out and leaving our marks, often with no common vision. Yet, once in a while...

Written By Niklas

Feb. 26, 2019, 10:26 p.m.(8/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mayir

Let it be known that so long as I live in the city of Arx, Mayir Grayhope shall never go thirsty.

I will cover his tab in perpetuity at the following drinking establishments:

The Queensrest
The Badger Boardinghouse

While I will not cover his drinks at the Ambassador Salon, I will pay for him to receive one (1) sparkling wine-soaked nectarine any day that they are in season.

Prince Niklas Grayson
"None more willing to pay for Mayir Grayhope's drinking habits than Grayson except maybe Mayir himself."

Written By Zeriax

Feb. 26, 2019, 8:12 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

What is the worth of a single fly, or a blade of grass?

If all of the other flies in the world disappeared, would that single fly matter more? If all the blades of grass in the world were to disappear, but for a single leaf? Would it be worth protecting the fly over a the single stem? What impact would it have to save one over the other, if a choice had to be made? Would the choice be different if instead of a carrier of disease and a sigil for sickness, it was a bee? Or, if instead of grass, it was the last flower...ever?

Thoughts like these flood my mind, and I can't help but wonder...where do these thoughts even come from? My mind never stops. It only refocuses on something else. When I'm not working on discovering something, they come to me. Questions with perhaps little overall relevance. But then it keeps moving. Why not make things relevant? Another question, then, is what if one day everyone disappeared? What if one day, it was What would I do, if I found myself all alone?

It really puts things into perspective, I think. If there was nobody left, there would be nobody to speak to. Nobody to share with. To lean on, or to be leaned against. No children to teach and raise and marvel at when they grow into full people of their own. No elders who carry the wisdom of generations before us, sassy with experience. I could go anywhere. Do anything. Take anything, wear anything. Eat and drink anything. But would it matter? If there was nobody to pass my works or my knowledge or my stories onto, what would I live for? Silver would no longer hold relevance. Nor would locks on doors or chests. It would be a rather humbling experience, I imagined. A simple life under the watch and care of the Gods.

Something like that seems ridiculous to imagine. What's the point? I'll wake up, and I'll wave to my patron and her aides in the morning. Toss the dogs biscuits. I'll make my rounds. Nod to the guards early in the morning. Pay my respects to the dead in the graveyard. Say hello to those in the training center as I run the track. Duck under the watchful gaze of the Scholars in The Stacks. Share drinks with new friends in the taverns. People will still be there, even if my thoughts don't come to pass. So why bother?

I'd like to think it's to gain a new perspective. To try and imagine the world from a perspective not my own. If I really lost everyone I knew, ever known, and would ever know, where would the value of my efforts be placed? How much do I truly value these people? Would I weep, or scream, or laugh if they were gone? Do I cherish them as I should while they still live and breathe? It's really something. Even when it's not my intent to put myself through such experiences, they come nonetheless. Always.

Written By Brianna

Feb. 26, 2019, 8:06 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

It's a shame when a party is cancelled, but it is an opportunity to hang around in public places looking absolutely stunning.

I'm not going to let a good outfit go to waste!

Written By Lisebet

Feb. 26, 2019, 7:09 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

My life suddenly revolves around wedding planning. This is not a bad thing, but it is somewhat startling to me. Where does the time go?

Written By Amari

Feb. 26, 2019, 6:51 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

A girl! I knew it! Welcome to the world, Lady Brianne Wildfire Keaton.

Written By Gunther

Feb. 26, 2019, 6:32 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

My Sally girl,

I had this here dream about us. We was in Arx and I was a fancy knight an' all. And I comes home from some sort of mission walkin' (which don't make sense none cause I'd likely learn to ride a nag) and I gets in this house o' ours and out comes a gaggle of the ugliest mugs ever. Bunch a little you an' me ankle biters they was!

Oh, I never wanted to wake up Sally. I knew you woulda been the best mother ever was. I always felt like I was less than onna account I never gave you none. Ain't for lack of tryin' just suppose I wasn't up to the task o' it. But seein' them rosey cheeks light up as our tykes went runnin' around. Well, it gave me great joy.

When I woke I was angry. Didn't want to wake. I reckon I'd done anything to stay there like that. I cried a bit, ain't to ashamed to admit I cries when I needs to. Usually, well... always... if I'm tell'n the truth (and you know to you I does) if I'm cryin' I'm missin' you my girl.

I miss you baby. I miss you so much. You was the entire sun and stars for me. Ain't been a day as sweet since you gone and went up yonder. They always says love is great and it is. I thank and give to Limerance every day I can onna account o' you.

I miss you so and I'm always yours,

Written By Gunther

Feb. 26, 2019, 6:25 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

My Sally,

All this hooey ballooey 'bout what to do and what not to do with the Compact. Ain't rightly I know much about any of this. Don't see a fella like me bein' involved in these things too much 'cept for what comes after. Be it war or what not.
I dunno, when there is war it's always thems that ain't got much that suffers. When you're all in you're fancy armors and got your pig-sticker it's one thing. Thems that ain't got armor. Them that's underfoot of marchin' armies or navies. Thems the common folk that need help. Thems the ones everyone should be look'n out for.

I ain't a fan of selling one's soul for the sake of appeasin' the moment. Ain't sure none about any of these choices but any choices that starts with ... we gots to sacrifice of ourselves to do so and so. Thems the choices I don't like none.

We got our Gods. We got our mitts. Been servin' us well this long why change things up?

Now Sally, don't you fret too much. I'm still not in my cups. I'm doin' good. And I miss you somethin' fierce. All this other stuffs will work itself out I just hope thems thats better and makes these choices don't piss on the lot o' us ain't got that power for the sake of easy. We can work, we can fight, and we can hold our own. Ain't nothin' ever been easy on those that ain't the haves. All we gots we can says is our morals and our gumption. We gots them in spade and shouldn't be asked to sacrifice none of what we are onna account of threats.

Wonder what them Gods thinks.

All my love,

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 26, 2019, 3:34 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

Twenty three thousand and we will have gathered eight million for the year thus far for Thursday's Child. The generosity of many still, and I know I write this often, astounds me. And as of this morning, twelve and a half million silver. Twelve thousand and a half children.

Gracious. I only have four and another to come at the start of the new year. It's hard to fathom that many children. It truly is. And yet, twelve thousand and a half.

Ever closer we creep.

Written By Reigna

Feb. 26, 2019, 1:30 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kael

Beloved. She is here, and she is perfect. From the dark crown of curls to her perfect tiny toes. Our darling Brianne Wildfire joins Aeryn Squall, Talis Storm and our precious Kata. I never thought to be able to hold this much love in my heart. My determination to make this world a better place grows day by day. One day our children will inherit this land of ours, and our task is to ensure that the world they find themselves in is as great as we can make it. To that end I know you and I will do our best to make the Compact as strong as possible. Strong enough to weather any coming storm. It is on us to try to encourage the growth and stability of our lands, our fealties, our Kingdom. Together I know we can do this. Together we are unstoppable. I mean, *really*. Have you seen our children? They are each incredible.

This will be fantastic.

Written By Miranda

Feb. 26, 2019, 1:25 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

It is summertime and it is often times hot, unbearably hot, and stifling hot.
I'm from the South, from the Lyceum States, where humidity and heat come hand in hand and where we pretty much are used to it.
But, last year, I experienced my first winter's snow. And I don't mean that I've never been North or anywhere that had snow, but I've never before called a place where it snowed 'Home'.
Arx is Home.
Gemecitta is Home.
Arx has snow. And in the depths of this heat, I miss the cooling rains of Spring and the wonders of snow in Winter.
I am not complaining. Soon enough, summer will be over and Fall and Winter will come. Everyone will complain about the weather again.
No one's ever really happy with it, after all.
But I'm eager for a snowball fight today and am counting down the weeks until the first snow falls once more.

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