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Written By Preston

Feb. 24, 2019, 9:08 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

It was good to see Aleksei Morgan at the event last night - since his leaving the Godsworn, we have had fewer occasions to talk and it was good to remember why, despite our views being different, I so valued his company.

The event by Sir Andry was interesting - I learned a deal, though I am still nervous when people discuss history. So much is lost or half known, and what some present as certainty is conjecture.

But I had a visit after from Lady Teagan and her man Amund, with news from the Oathlands. It seems more than ever it is vital we get our force moving as soon as possible. Unfortunately I only know of House Laurent and House Blackram of the Oathlands who answered the call, but I hope that the Seraphs have answered the call and sent me the Templars I need. All the items have been prepared and begun shipping to Sanctum now - we took the banners of the Faith from their store in the roof of the armoury. We last used them for Dame Astraea's swearing ceremony, before that Stormwall. Lady Teagan and others will move ahead with the van and hopefully the tribes in the way will agree to move from the way and let us pass, or better yet will join the compact as brothers and sisters. But what waits us beyond? In the Red Mountains? Will Redrain forces hold the border, prevent our enemy's retreat? Will there even be forces of our enemy remaining to break? Are we too late?

Whatever happens we will hold true to Gloria's commands. We will protect the innocent, in the Abandoned and in our people, we will fight with honour, in a just cause, and we will remove her enemies from the face of Arvum.

Written By Edward

Feb. 24, 2019, 8:18 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

I was told that team Kennex dominated the Fleet Event. This does not surprise me in the least given their team members. Great job guys.

Written By Marian

Feb. 24, 2019, 8:13 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

I can not help but think that my cousin, Lady Eirlys Greenmarch, is smiling somewhere at the announcement of Dame Esoka Greenblood's child being born.

Written By Marian

Feb. 24, 2019, 7:37 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

The twins turn two next month. Where does the time fly?

Written By Domonico

Feb. 24, 2019, 6:32 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

I defeated his early attacks, rebuffed his attempts to end my advance via diplomatic efforts and marriage and crushed his last ditch efforts mercilessly, taking the City of Arx and capturing the King.

Despite all this my opponent was gracious in defeat. Hopefully he'll improve.

Written By Arcadia

Feb. 24, 2019, 1:10 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

It is so good to be back in Arx!

So far I've met handsome men who play with warships, some people who speak in magically musical voices, giant dogs, sellswords and adventurers to boot!

It won't be long until Fairen and my family realizes I've been ditching my guards and exploring. Better enjoy it while it lasts.

Written By Aleksei

Feb. 24, 2019, 1:08 a.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Avary

Just want to make one thing clear: the fact that you can build a civilization on the backs of slaves is reprehensible. It's abhorrent.

But it's civilization.

Because that's the thing, isn't it? We have a whole Pantheon. We have thirteen gods, and there's a really important reason for that. Which I don't have to tell Blessed Avary, I know. Mostly I wanted to sort of clarify some of the things I said at the gathering Sir Andry held, since she mentioned me.

Slavery is evil. But Gild's domain is not concerned with slavery. You could, in some terrible ways, strengthen the prosperity of civilization through evil. Which is fucked up. But concepts are weird. And sometimes they overlap, and sometimes they contradict. Fortunately, we're lucky enough to know firsthand that you don't need slavery to build prosperity and civilization. We don't have to choose between Civilization and Freedom.

And then, of course, there's that pesky question of thralldom and Civilization. Will abolition break our society? I've written about it before, and I'm not going to go on about it again. But I'll say this: you don't have to break bonds. You don't have to rip up agreements. You build new ones instead.

And that's all I'll say.

It was an interesting discussion, at the very least.

Written By Cambria

Feb. 23, 2019, 10:20 p.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

While brevity may be the soul of wit, it can also be the soul of shallowness and superficiality.

Written By Martino

Feb. 23, 2019, 10:09 p.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Just the other day, a Bisland invasion seemed to take place in Southport Square with the Lady Kaia, who was supposedly being led by her cat Duchess, and soon after the Duke himself and Lord Dariel joined. Quite the surprise to see all three, as I was only expecting to come across the one Bisland. Was excellent though to see the family together and, upon leaving, delivering quite the appropriate parting from the one.

Written By Sparte

Feb. 23, 2019, 10:05 p.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Sometimes we step on a new path not because we know where it goes, but we know where it leads us from.

Written By Reese

Feb. 23, 2019, 9:54 p.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirk

Lord Mirk has a lot of depth and well he is getting me a new book for my library. Reese

Written By Reese

Feb. 23, 2019, 9:52 p.m.(8/17/1010 AR)

Congrats to Princess Sabella and Prince Niklas for the birth of Prince Gareth!

Written By Avary

Feb. 23, 2019, 8:42 p.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

I attended a discussion on Civilization (the aspect of Gild). These discussions are so well documented and transcribed by our Scholars of Vellichor that I consider it a necessity to add other commentary when need arises.

In the discussion, I posited that slavery had no place in building a true civilization under Gild. Those were not my exact words, but more or less.

I was corrected by master Aleksei and one of our Softest Whispers who challenged that slavery indeed had its place in creating great civilizations - at least historically.

I was to then make the point that we must, then, bring this particular to the discussion on thralldom and how an immediate abandonment of the practice might then strengthen Ruin - Civilization's dark reflection.

The point was going to be made as a philosophical one and meant in challenge of the notion that slavery could strengthen civilization. However, looking over some notes of researches past in the aftermath of the discussion, I find Aleksei and Bliss correct.

Perhaps it's just I prefer 'slavery pacts may weaken Ruin', versus 'strengthen civilization' - but that is a personal preference in phrasing and perhaps a moot one at that.

More to the point is I see the operating agreements and principles as separate from the substance. "A slaver's pact." It's the pact itself made at all, and kept, that was what benefitted Civilization. It could've been, just as well, a fair labor agreement honored for centuries past.

But in that, the question of how thralldom's immediate end would affect the balance of Ruin and Civilization for our society becomes not a musing for philosophical discussion, but an actual real life quandary to be riddled with. I find that to be an unnerving necessity.

Not because thralldom is 'good'. But because *any* broken bond or pact so engrained at that level in a society will strengthen Ruin.

In any case: thralldom and slavery as themselves - while historical in their uses to perform many of the tasks which are required for a civilization to function - are not part and parcel to Gild or her aspect of Civilization. No one said they *were*, but I specify this now so no proponents of thralldom read this and find in it justification for the practice.

Written By Niklas

Feb. 23, 2019, 7:19 p.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

It's happened again. For the second time I am a father.

It's hard to overstate the profound love I felt when Margret finally let me back in the room and I finally saw my son for the first time. I thought that doing it all the second time would be less impressive, like I'd been there once and what exactly new could I feel, but no. No, it's like the first time all over again. I look at him and I just can't believe that he's ours. Sabella sleeps and Elizabetta passes him to me and all of a sudden I can't believe that they're letting me sit here holding a baby. Do they not know me? I once fell off of a horse three times in a row just so I could do a joke about jousting with the king for the next two years. I shouldn't have a baby, but here he is, laying down in his cradle as I write these words.

Gareth could not be less like his older sister. Much like his namesake, he is silent, leaving the crying and tantrums to his older sister. I look at him and he just looks back at me with storm dark eyes. As much as I hate to say it, he looks a lot like Connie did when he was a baby. Not that I really remember that, since I was only four at the time, but I can see the boy Connie was in Gareth's eyes and nose. Auntie Vic confirms that I'm not seeing things. I really should head back to Stormward here soon.

He is my son. I can't believe I'm writing those words. I could not be happier.

I'll speak to Ian about arranging some sailing lessons for the two of them. They're Northlander twins, so no reason they can't start 'em together. Is two too soon?

Written By Jyri

Feb. 23, 2019, 6:24 p.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Andry

The information meeting hosted by Sir Andry Bayweather was a real eye opener for me. I learned many new things and hopefully had something interesting to share in turn.

Best part was that there was an open discussion, good working theories and an incentive to keep talking and working on finding out more.

Feeling much more eager to hit the stacks now again.

Written By Gunther

Feb. 23, 2019, 4:39 p.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

My Sally,

Lots of things been goin' on. Can't says I ain't pleased with them -- I am.

You know I ain't ever been good at prayin' and talkin' to them Gods of ours. Part onna account I don't feels I been so good a sod that I deserves the blessing I've gotten in life. Namely, you, my Sally girl -- I was a rotten no good nothin' when you met me half-dead. You never fret none over the things I done before you saved me. Never asked me none about the wrong I did. You only saw the goodness in me.

Them Gods put you on my path I knows it. Every night when I prays first I prays to Limerance onna account you came to me with all your love. Its funny, never thought I'd be the sort of fella that would favor this God more so than most. But that's the one. The one that sings true to me and touches me, just not nowheres you would get cross and ping that rollin' pin off that Godly head. So don't fret none there. Ain't no love like the love I gots for you girl. I found my once in a fella's lifetime love. I soaked and had my happiness for twenty-four or so years.

That's what I'm writin' to you about, mah girl.

I had my happiness. And I'm awful thankful for them Gods. I recognizes my blessings and I, on my own accord... motivated by your goodness and love sure. I want to pay thems back. And so my girl, are you sittin' down?


I'm gonna be workin' on bein' a knight. A Knight of Solace. Now, now girl, stop your cryin'. Wipe them smilin' eyes. I done let go of my hate and anger because in my prayers these last few nights as I was visitin' each shrine in Arx. I asked all them things whats been weighted on my chest. And I came to realize somethin'. I owe them Gods and it's in my heart to give them whats left of my days. They saw to bring a man love and kindness that didn't deserve it. They showed me their light, through you, and put me on a path. And I'm gonna walk that path now -- a belly full of thanks and warmth. I'm a better man for you. I'm gonna pay back whats I owes.

So I'm gonna swear the rest of my days to them Gods and protects those whats needs it most. Thems like me.

I think I might be the oldest squire ever to done it! Can you wrap your noggin around that? Ain't rightly no how old I am. Thereabouts sure... but the knight I'm gonna be servin' is a good fella with a good heart. I'm proud he's my friend and he's the first fella been my friend I suppose. His name is Sir Jeffeth Bayweather in case you were wonderin'. I mentioned him here and there but realized I never told you his name none.

I spent all night prayin' and things happen. I met an Archlector at the Shrine of the Sentinel. Didn't know she was that. I was there prayin' askin' for a sign and she sat with me and I figured out somethin'. It ain't a sign I needed it was a blessing. I needed courage not a path. I knows my path in my heart. And in my life and in doin' what I'm doin' it's fear that I ain't good enough what's been holdin' me back. But like that high muckity-muck says before you could walk you had to have the courage to risk fallin'.

When I was in our space, there with Limerance and the shrine. I talked to another knight what's may one day be my friend. She talked to me of her little ones and we talked about some things that made it clear to me how blessed those of us that knows love is. If you could, my love... she's got some young'n kiddos an' all. Can you look upon em' and maybe ask them Gods to show their love a little. Watch out for them a little. I'll keep them in mah prayers too.

I then went to the God o' Seasons. And there I met this lass who was Godsworn. An she was this Mercy. And she listened me recount and talk about our love and the like. And she helped me see the things I needed to.

And really? What can I say my girl? For the second time in my life I have a purpose. My first was lovin' you. And now that you are gone it's time to do what I was meant to do after your love. I'm gonna start lovin' myself and protecting, servin', and doin' for thems that ain'ts got no Sally. Thems that needs love and safety when they got the least chances of it.

I'm gonna be a Knight of Solace.

And I'm gonna serve them Gods whats gave me you.

With all my love,

Written By Mirella

Feb. 23, 2019, 2:44 p.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

I've been leafing through lexicons recently. I find it fun. And I learn some very interesting words. For example, there are so many types of words to describe iridescence in gemstones. Opalescence for opals and pearlescence for pearls, obviously, but also 'adularescence' for the milky blue luster of moonstones. I think it's a beautiful word.

I held a handful of such gemstones in my hand the other day, payment for a deal in lieu of money. They shone so beautifully when I flexed my fingers -- the white opal with its rainbow tints, the soft cloudy sheen of the pearls and the blue glow of the moonstones. I don't think I've ever felt as wealthy as I did at that moment, though I'm not sure why. What I do know is that I could never have imagined holding such treatures in my palm when I was just a child in Caina -- a skinny little urchin with dirt under her fingernails and a nose that never stopped running. Even when I came to handle the glittering jewelry of my employers some years later, it was only to fasten necklaces around perfumed throats, or to clean the tarnish from the lovely silver.

I stared into my hands for far too long, I think, before it was time to trade the stones for battered coins that hold their own steady, comforting weight. As much as I love sapphires and duskstones, I have to admit there's also much to be said for the simplicity of less expensive adornments.

Written By Avary

Feb. 23, 2019, 2:11 p.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

I met a man at the shrine of the Silent Watcher this evening. He was an earnest man, by all accounts. One who many would discount given his stature and appearance. He was at a crossroads and had a plan to visit each of the shrines and pray for guidance.

I did not get his name. I never ask their names when I meet them at the shrine.

The man told me about his life. It was a rough and humble one. He told me he's done a lot of bad but in spite of his early transgressions he felt blessed to have been gifted years of joy in the form of an unconditional love.

His time with his dear ended, and I gathered it ended abruptly with death. But the man did not revert to his past. Rather he seeks admission to the ranks of the Godsworn to live out the rest of his days doing good in service to the Gods. To use the last years of strength in his body to return to them the gift he was given.

I do not know what the Sentinel saw in the man that justice in his life would be done with a gift from an aspect of Limerance. One which would ultimately be taken away. I only know It sees all, and to balance the scales of the man's life required kindness. In him now where there was anger is softness and an everlasting bond to the Faith.

Think of that wisdom It has shown in this example when you must make judgements and mete out consequences. Justice is not always best served with harsh punishment.

Written By Domonico

Feb. 23, 2019, 11:54 a.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

I don't care what my brother says. I'm getting married in my armour.

Written By Amari

Feb. 23, 2019, 10:58 a.m.(8/16/1010 AR)

I was sitting under my favorite tree near the river when a leaf fell from above and landed gently in the water. I thought I heard it complain that it was too cold and wet as it was swept out to sea.

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