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Written By Aureth

Feb. 21, 2019, 9:21 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

I'm not sure whether it is an ass or a fool who invents his own facts in an argument, but it is certainly foolish to attempt to engage him.

Written By Tabitha

Feb. 21, 2019, 8:16 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

I don't think I'm ever going to stop fussing over Cyril. He's too adorable.

I'm sorry we all spoil him so much!

Written By Thena

Feb. 21, 2019, 7:26 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Godric

Cujo has nothing to worry about. Neither do you.

Written By Monique

Feb. 21, 2019, 6:59 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

The planning of a new event is something that gives me great pleasure, and I am grateful to Master Moonsong for indulging me. The wait will almost be... unBEARable!

Written By Shard

Feb. 21, 2019, 5:09 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Shocking? No. Cowardly, short-sighted, selfish, and over-all a generally bad idea that will likely backfire on you? More that.

Does the Compact submit to other nations' laws now? Justice for the king's son will not be found in fucking Cardia, who are, if you weren't quite paying attention, currently holding the kid hostage. They are not going to punish Brass for endangering him. They are going to punish him for daring to attempt a slave revolt and generally being their enemy. The Cardians, again, if you aren't aware, were enemies of the Metallic Order. Turning Brass over to save your skin is turning a former slave over to his former masters, even if you want to ignore every damned thing that man has done over the centuries to protect humanity. If you want him to face justice for what he's done, then you should advocate that he should face the King's justice, not Cardia's. Don't pretend that's what you actually care about.

And I'm curious. Do you think the Undying Emperor is going to be happy you're turning over a former companion of his to his long time enemies? Because I don't know him, but I don't really think that would put him in a very forgiving mood.

Sacrificing people is never a good thing. Never a noble thing. Sometimes it's the thing you have to do, but it's last resort, not the first option you turn to when you feel threatened. Sacrificing someone just for your own safety and gain makes you a piece of shit, not the 'reasonable' person. And as for the Metallics, the Metallics sacrificed themselves, over and over again, to save the world. To save humanity. The reason you can sit there and write these things is because a bunch of them died to keep your ancestors alive.

And that's right, I'm a mercenary. I've never been accused of having a sweet and tender heart. What the fuck does that say that I'm having to point this shit out to /you/?

Written By Auda

Feb. 21, 2019, 4:55 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Huh. Minister of Income.

That was unexpected, but I look forward to the challenge.

Written By Shard

Feb. 21, 2019, 4:11 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

I described a shield. But I don't think you need me to tell you that it's not a good idea, when using a shield, to simply stand there and take a massive hit straight on instead of trying to deflect some of that force away from you. It's a good way to break your arm.

The point was that no matter /what/ you choose to do, you have to actually react, and react appropriately, when faced with a significant threat. I keep reading or hearing people talk about these choices as though not making a change is a valid option, and not only is that not the case, but it's not what Ashe actually offered either.

Written By Aleksei

Feb. 21, 2019, 3:35 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

You're a fucking idiot.

Written By Perronne

Feb. 21, 2019, 2:49 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Brass

It's hard to trust someone who appears out of nowhere with an offer with a high price, especially a risky one where success can't be guaranteed. And I've never been unclear on the costs of the offers before us - all of them. Anyone reading this can check previous journals for my initial thoughts if they're that interested and haven't read them already. The Cardian and Imperial offers are very concrete, and the representatives of both nations have crossed the t's and dotted the I's as much as we have asked them to do about what the offer would entail, and what the cost would be, and what we might expect. Whether you like the offers or not, it's certainly comforting to have that certainty.

Brass and Ashe are more...nebulous. I never met Copper, so I don't have any affection for her apprentice just because she IS her apprentice, and I honestly don't have enough knowledge of who the Metallics were, or are, to trust them or anyone associated with them just because they're named after a metal. My initial reaction was to support the Imperial offer, not because anyone named Platinum was involved, but because the one thing that everyone - even the Cardian representative - seemed to agree on is that they'd deliver what they said they would. You might not LIKE it, but you'd get what was written. And most even seem to agree that the Empire's aims are understandable, even if their methods are things some find reprehensible. I still have a lot of affection for the idea, if I'm honest. It would protect the most about the Compact with the least amount of risk and damage to the innocent, and that's a pretty good bargain. So that's my bias.

That said, the only 'ultimatum' Brass has offered is to point out that he doesn't want to work with us unless we treat our people better. To stop thralldom - a practice which four fifths of the Compact already condemns and has wanted to eliminate for hundreds of years. To address ongoing exploitation of serfs and "smallfolk" across the Compact, something that goes on every day, in every fealty, and that very few of us would justify if we were forced to defend it directly. But we don't defend it. We mostly just don't talk about it. Try to ignore it. If there is any ultimatum that Brass has offered, it is a challenge for us to be the people that we always wanted to be, to live up to the ideals that we like to talk about as long as they don't cost us. We shouldn't have to be incentivized to do the right thing, but we're human, and we like things, so I guess we do.

Because that's really what it is, the help Brass offers. An incentive. One that wasn't expected, and that we're not entitled to. A reward, in some ways, for doing the hard work that we should be willing to do without anyone offering us a single thing...but that we're weren't. That we haven't been. And, I mean, that's humbling. And not in the good way. It stings. It's very tempting to push that sting onto the person who forced us to face what we haven't been doing. Say it's their fault we 'have' to deal with it. Call them a hypocrite for expecting something in return for aid that literally no one else can give us, and aid that we haven't in any way earned. It feels good, and a lot more righteous than facing the fact that we've been supporting the unsupportable for centuries, and maybe it's time we stop.

Even if there was no Brass.

Even if no one offered us even a bit of help, even if we had to do it all on our own.

Maybe it's time we were better.

Written By Vincenzo

Feb. 21, 2019, 1:56 p.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Never ever put your eggs in one basket.

Written By Gianna

Feb. 21, 2019, 11:55 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

What a lovely birthday celebration --- thank you to everyone who came out and to those of you who sent your regards.

Thank you to Whisper House for loaning the chocolate fountain, or at least not protesting when I spirited it out the other day without telling anyone. It was for a good cause.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

I suppose we could send Brass off with Ambassador Zulana.

The Undying Empire is fine with us as long as we don't go with Cardia.

Cardia is fine with us as long as we don't go with the Undying Empire AND we don't offer Brass 'safe harbor'.

So sending him off with the Undying Empire would work.

But that leaves the charging bull.

I appreciate the idea that one doesn't stand in the way of a charging bull just because one is stubborn, but I'm not sure the cure for a charging bull is to add another charging bull. Or does Brass have a secret plan where when the armies of the Abyss rise on one side and the armies of the Sky Kingdom rise on the other the entire Compact jumps out of the way at the last second so the two of them smash into one another?

Note that I am not saying we should send Brass off because he is a hypocrite. That is a misread of my point. I dislike him because he is a hypocrite, but I dislike all sorts of people and I don't think we should throw (all of) them off of the Sovereign Bridge. Sending him off solves at least one, possibly two, problems. Embracing some random historical figure as the solution to a problem, when he asks a lot and offers vague promises in response, when it only makes more problems, is a mad response.

I don't necessarily know who Ashe is, but she once told me a very old story with the vividness of someone who may have been there, and people seemed very impressed when she stood, so I feel comfortable quoting her: "Darkness is gathering. And if we stand against it, the battles may be difficult. There may be heavier losses than in previous conflicts. But they are still battles that we can win, if we all stand together."

And quoting her and Copper, "Never give up hope."

Written By Mirella

Feb. 21, 2019, 10:58 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Still teaching my crow to speak. Not much success even after all this time, but at least she can make sounds of derision. She picked that up easily enough.

Came into guardianship of a raven. He can't fly very well. I suppose I shall have to keep him. He needs a name.

Birds are creatures of such perfect beauty.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 21, 2019, 10:25 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Of course the idea of sacrificing Brass to stave off an invading force is a shocking idea. Probably even moreso for you, as mercenaries are known for their sweet and tender hearts.

After all, the heroic Metallics would never have sacrificed someone to benefit themselves or their people.

And the Compact itself has never sacrificed people for the greater good.

So I suppose you're right. There's no precedent for this sort of thing.

I'm sorry I even suggested it.

Completely unrelated, what was it Brass was planning to do with the king's kid again? I never did understand that. I feel like the Cardian said something and Brass didn't deny it, but I certainly can't remember what it was. Maybe to buy him a nice rocking horse? Kids love rocking horses.

Written By Rymarr

Feb. 21, 2019, 9:58 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Sir Jak Whitemane has some explaining to do. He insisted for the longest time that I should trust in my equipment (so long as I paid it proper respect and maintained it well).

Thanks to an educational journal entry provided by Shard, today I've learned that I'm supposed to avoid the enemy's weaponry in the midst of combat. No more arrows in the back or need for a shield, Gloria!Why try to take OMEGA's charge when one could literally just meander to the right? This has truly opened a plethora of paths (likely to the left or right) before me.

Look out, world! Rymarr's learned the importance of sidestepping!

Written By Valdemar

Feb. 21, 2019, 9:09 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

My thanks to everyone who recently went with my wife and I on our recent tour of Grihem's Point, and in particular to my cousin Sanya Grimhall for organizing the trip. It went even better than expected, though the time we spent among them also reaffirmed what I know of my people. There are challenging times ahead, but we will face them head-on, whatever comes, standing firm on the foundation of our traditions.

Fear is the guardian of hate

Written By Miranda

Feb. 21, 2019, 8:12 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Irisa

It's amazing the folks you can meet by hanging around in a treehouse!

It's a promising start to a great relationship!

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 21, 2019, 7:58 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

He's not a reformer any more than the Lenosian 'businessman' who offers 'protection' for your business in exchange for a weekly tithe. He wants something from you, but isn't at all interested in doing the work to help make it happen, and if you fail, well, it sure would be terrible if the Abyss ate everyone here.

Brass makes people feel like they have another Copper, but his demands are high and his promises vague. A Brass Knight is a hollow thing.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 21, 2019, 4:54 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

So many choices, so little time.

Still running into people over the choices, trying to rationalize one side or the other. Sometimes trying to bring me to their point of view, not that it actually works or I don't appreciate the conversation. But I am not going to really be Pro-Brass, and it's not because of something like damage it'll do to the isles. By all means, that actually effects me very little but stands to benefit someone in my line of work immensely. I don't draw a silver out of Tyde or Thraxian coffers right now.

"But Ajax, if you're not exactly against what he wants done? Why don't you want the Compact to choose him?"

Because of Copper, she was a hero who died protecting us and with a new safety net who could change his mind on a whim and leave us screwed with only being able to deal with the Platinum Empire. I think we'll lose the lesson her loss was meant to teach us. The ground at our feet is changing rapidly, threats will continue to grow and increase and who knows if we'll be alive a month from now?

We need to stand on our own two feet and better ourselves to handle the threats we face open up trade with other nations, look at what they both can offer us and decide which one we want to deal with longer term in order to benefit us. Not tying ourselves to a singular entity. We've seen how that ends.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 21, 2019, 4:16 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Prima Shard,

I don't actually think you have much to worry about on that front. The possibility of you changing in a short term is very slim to none. The only people who are likely to use it against you are the very same that would even if you were just a Prodigal. In the very least even among the more independent Sell-swords you have a decent enough reputation that some would come to your aid alongside your horde of friends.

You'll get through this. While I sometimes think you're a headache and you give me the urge to bash my head against the wall I do think you're one impressive force of nature when I take a few steps back and watch you go at it with someone else. So, I suppose, I'll root for you.

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