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Written By Kaia

Feb. 17, 2019, 7:28 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

This week I went to the Moore's Serenity Spa grand opening and it was amazing! I was received with some refreshing cucumber water, a most amusing token, and an excellent service that didn't hesitate to pamper me with skilled massages, pedicures and lovely hair and facial treatments. I am surely visiting it again! Lady Gretchen can proudly count me in as one of her future regulars.

Written By Cambria

Feb. 17, 2019, 6:48 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

My husband told me he was involved in a chase today.

I do not believe him. Hadrian never runs.

Written By Leta

Feb. 17, 2019, 6:32 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Octopuses are a sort of creature that dwells in the sea. They have a big head and no body, just eight arms which are soft and floppy on account of not having any bones in them. They have beaks but not feathers, what with feathers not being too useful underwater, as I see it. They don't have scales either, or shells, as fish and other sea creatures have. Some folk eat them.

That's for if some day in years to come all the octopuses have all vanished and Scholars care to know more about them.

I am working on an octopus doll for a babe. It's been tricky to get the pattern right, on account of all the arms and making sure they're floppy but not too floppy, and so the stuffing doesn't move around too much. I think I have it down, more or less, if the customer cares for it. Then it's a matter of picking the fabric and such things as the eyes and the beak. The beak's a bother and a half, that's for sure. I made a beak on an owl doll not too long ago, but that wasn't for a little one, so I wasn't as worried about how soft it was for grabbing and chewing on.

Written By Nurie

Feb. 17, 2019, 5:33 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Question everything, and be mindful of the fullness of the pathways that you might find. For most of my life these things have been joyful principles to live by. And now I find the joy and sweetness so recently upon my tongue to have turned to ash, and my needle stilled, and I find myself drowning in trying so very hard to not imagine shadows that are not there, while preparing to see them in places I would have never thought the darkness could touch.

Written By Ouida

Feb. 17, 2019, 5:29 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

More visions or dreams that seem so real and tangible, to steal my sleep and turn my thoughts towards looking towards our future through the veil of very distant and dormant memories of a life only partially remembered. Will I be able to be as strong, and help defend what I love now as well? I pray for the wisdom and strength of what the gods teach and remind us of daily, and for those that might wish to come alongside me--or allow me to come alongside them--to make it so.

Written By Raymesin

Feb. 17, 2019, 5:25 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

I've been taken for a demon before, accused of consorting with demons before, even accused of worshiping them before - but never as a case of mistaken stupidity. There's a decade and nearly half a foot between us! Although, if the Pools of Reflection were right, we do look very similar. If you ignore the five inches, the eyes, the clothes, the accents, and the ten plus years.


And I'm not sure they believed me when I showed 'em the Queen's symbol either. As if I'd have anything to do with demons other than the application of weaponry where it'd have most effect.

Definitely idiots.

Written By Dycard

Feb. 17, 2019, 5:20 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

An adventure aboard ship, sailing further from Arvum than I've ever been before, and aboard a new type of ship at that!

The caravel is a most wonderful vessel. I'm so proud of Skye and the shipyards, and she weathered the storm as well as any vessel I've seen. Even if I didn't. Ow. I'm sure the skin on my leg will grow back 'ere I see Blackshore again.

Written By Evaristo

Feb. 17, 2019, 5:10 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

It draws closer, that important decision. I am hopeful, like Copper has taught me, like Ashe has taught me. I have hope that the people of Arx will chose the right way. That we are not dazzled by the offers given, that we can see the way it will forever come back to haunt us if we chose the wrong path.

I don't really want to move to a remote island with giant spiders, no matter how nice the beach might be. I like Arx. I like to stay here and feel like I am part of a people that stand together.

Written By Zeriax

Feb. 17, 2019, 4:35 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

I find myself in deeper contemplations these days.

Knowing what I know now, I'm less inclined to believe the persistent rumours, the prevalence of the veil being cast over the eyes of the many. My investigations thus far have proven to be most informative, and I think the initial stages are coming to a close. As much as I'd like to continue learning about the topic, it has overall less value than the implications that preceded it. That is where I must focus my attention. In a general sense, at least. From here, the rabbit hole only goes deeper and deeper.

Seriously though, what are you feeding those spiders in the Shrine of the Queen of Endings?

Written By Sudara

Feb. 17, 2019, 4:29 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

It would seem that life still has the capacity to provide an unexpected (but profoundly welcome) surprise or two in these troubled times. Greater-than-anticipated success attended my - frankly experimental - efforts to develop the resources of Esterhold and to provide gainful employment for more of the Truesworn. Indeed, we found ourselves achieving so much that we actually drew in newcomers from across the water. For this unexpectedly delightful outcome, I am truly grateful. I hope that our fortune holds, and that I can build upon this in the next stage of our work.

Written By Gregory

Feb. 17, 2019, 3:32 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Today I went to to the training hall to see what skilled combatants look like. What I found... was someone throwing pies. Well, it was different for sure. Eventually I did get to see a skillful display between two combatants, but the area was too crowded for me to stick around. I am not used to being surrounded by so many noisy people. I hope the war of the berries goes well. I still keep thinking of people just throwing fruit at each other. The idea makes me laugh. I wonder if Petrichor will approve.

Written By Gregory

Feb. 17, 2019, 3:27 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

So a task that I am preparing for is the one of researching the Canticle of the Dawn. I have spoken with Delilah regarding the exploration of ruins, Princess Reese has offered me her assistance. The canticle explains out history, and it used to be common among the faith. Why did we stop singing it? Why do we only know of the first verse? Such mysteries vex me, expecially when they lead to a prayer.

Written By Duarte

Feb. 17, 2019, 2:40 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

I have known Lady Juliana for quite some time - nearly half my life, in fact, and most of hers. From our pranks to our fights to our quieter moments of discussion, I will miss her.

Even if she is only half a block's stroll away.

Written By Duarte

Feb. 17, 2019, 2:35 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

Bergamot over lemon. It isn't even a question.

Written By Jasher

Feb. 17, 2019, 2:05 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

We'll see.

Written By Lucita

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:48 a.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

I've gotten behind a bit on my usual visits to all the shrines, but it is mostly because I spent up spending too much time reflecting in the Shrine of the Thirteenth and that of Mangata and getting distracted with having to deal with more than the usual paperwork. Thank goodness for Mistress Josephine dealing with some of the numbers for me.

Written By Lucita

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:40 a.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

An invitation from Bas and Jules to revisit Setarco and view the latest immense sculpture with them, and my brother after Jules weds him. I'm looking forward to it.

Written By Cerdensulathara

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:20 a.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Apparently expense reports are not a thing in the whites, I checked. I even ran across someone famous' journals, and noticed a slew of recent replies to another journal entry by someone else. I spent about four hours tracking down all the participants of a conversation. Perhaps another hour debating whether or not they were all in the same confessional or had servants doing the running I was doing. Ultimately I realized I don't care. I don't care about Thrax thrall children or matters of foreign affairs. Not enough to keep myself informed on the opinions of noteworthy citizens. It was rather exhausting.

The Scholar here won't doodle a picture of a horse for me. That's upsetting. What if future students wish to know what my house looked when I finally purchase it?

(Editor's note: She can draw it herself.)

Oh I can? That's acceptable.

Relevant news in my life... I have gained a patron. Her name is Celeste Velenosa, and she is a Lady. I did not get the Grips in front of her, for which I'm thankful, and we had an interesting conversation, mostly about myself. I have been teaching more and more affluent members of the Peerage, and reading mostly history books. It occurred to me that when you are looking back at this, you won't have a real interpretation of who I am without my upbringing. For instance, I know who Sally is. Research a man named Gunther in these journals, someone from the Lowers, some sort of fist throwing romantic. I know his late wife's name, but not much about her. If I ever meet him, I will implore him to let us have the privilege of knowing her too.

Is that crass? Well it could be, you don't know how people will respond to simple pleasures for information. I am unimpressed and uninspired by the lack of format and ultimately depth of my current journals.

It's nice talking to someone who isn't compelled to respond, though. For instance, I was told by a disciple of Jayus that she received a vision from Jayus after creating a personal, meaningful work of art, and then meditating for a long time. I wanted one of these visions, how grand that would be. The only thing I could think of creating was a stuffed unicorn plushie using real human teeth sewn in so it would smile distinctly. It has been weeks, and I cannot get that image out of my head. I see it everywhere I look, now. A fancy dress? All I need is to resew it, dye it white, however tailors do that, and find some stuffing and a horn. A nice man smiles at me? He has all of his teeth, a perfect mouth for my unicorn. It is upsetting. I am going back to absinthe instead of rum, soon...

Unless you think this is a sign Jayus wants me to make this thing? Your silence is likely wise. I don't regret asking you.

Future Scholars, when your artificed peacock is turning these pages for you, remember I was just a normal person, with normal problems, just like you. Anyone can rise to the heights I will, with determination, dedication, hard work, and all of the correct circumstances.

Written By Reigna

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:01 a.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Elgana

It was Dame Brianne Keaton who forged that alliance of men, elves and dragons. She had the foresight and the vision to reach out to the Sky King and a Duke of the Sylv'alfar, bringing them together and swearing oaths to assist one another. That alliance was what saved us all from the Reckoning and Keaton Keep was built on the site where that convocation took place. It is humbling to think about.

I for one hope to someday, somehow, follow in the footsteps of Dame Brianne Keaton, and reestablish the Promise of Oakhaven.

Written By Jennyva

Feb. 17, 2019, 9:58 a.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ajax

The newest "member" of the Shepherd "family": My very first Protege, Ajax!

He's big! He's beefy! He's a sellsword!
... and hopefully he comes house trained.

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