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Written By Alrec

Feb. 16, 2019, 3:32 p.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

After a long journey in the Saffron Chains, I have to say it is a world in itself like no other. The people, the... Volcanos. It was hard coming back.

Written By Elgana

Feb. 16, 2019, 3:24 p.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

It is easy to forget that once, long ago, we were allies - elf and dragon and human. We fought side by side against the coming darkness. We did not have to pick and choose which ally we would have, would suit and serve us best. We fought as one, together. We stood as one, together. Each side lost loved ones and friends in the fight against the darkness that sought to destroy us, consume us.

But we won that fight, together.

The Metallics. The Cardians. Elves and humans. Together.

The passage of time has not been easy on any of us and change has come. Loss and grief transformed some. Others may have taken advantage of such loss. The Wheel spins and spins but there was that time when we all fought for what was just and right no matter what our home of origin. All full of hope and courage and fear and doubt but that war was won.

Perhaps it is just a dream of a distant time gone by but there is no shame in dreaming.

Written By Evaristo

Feb. 16, 2019, 2:47 p.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

Back in Arx again and the weather is almost as hot as down south. Makes me almost miss winter. Well alright, I miss spring, I could've done without winter. I think next winter I'll just stay somewhere south.

Anyway, had a few days of fun sailing, fighting Shav'arvani pirates, meeting an old friend and saying goodbye to them again.

I don't think we're ever going back to that Island. I am bored of it now.

Written By Jyri

Feb. 16, 2019, 2:36 p.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

A lot of time is put into the logistics of putting together an expedition of sorts, a mission of importance. Not for myself, but for others. I hope it will go well. I hope that what we do will help as many as possible.

I feel like my chest will burst with gratitude for those that have contributed with money and time, and safety for those in need. For those that will travel with me, whom I will guard with my life, so that we are successful, so they can do what they do best - much better than I could.

Written By Bhandn

Feb. 16, 2019, 2:24 p.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

I write so history does not forget the name of Valena Eseri. She was not born one of the Peerage, nor was she well-known by all of Arvum for her deeds. Rather, she was a woman of compassion, of care, and conviction, a woman who truly loved the people to whom she showed blessed Lagoma's Mercy.

I remember the day we met so clearly, though it has been so many years since then. How she knelt down beside the bundle of blankets in which I had awoken. How she would bully me relentlessly in trying to keep up my strength without exerting myself too much and reopening wounds that she had sewn shut and bandaged. How she would hold the children nearby that had also found themselves in her care, crying from the pains of illness or darker fates, and fight to banish their tears and see their smiles once more.

How she would grieve for those she could not save. How I came upon her once, seeking solitude to grieve, only to turn to rage when I told her she carried so much upon her slender shoulders. I still feel the place on my cheek where she slapped me before her harsh lecture, over the words I would not have felt regret about saying before I met her.

How she could forgive others for their words toward her. How she could comfort a grieving mother who did not want to hear of a sick daughter's passing.

How she could touch a man's heart as she lied in his arms, and tell him she wished it was possible for there to be more. How I responded the same way, the both of us smiling our sad smiles at each other in knowing that our duty came first, even before each other, but that the moments we would have were just as real as those we served.

As beautiful a woman as a man could ever hope of loving.

I will miss you terribly.

Written By Kedehern

Feb. 16, 2019, 12:09 p.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

Cristoph's masquerade was a fine affair. I had an enjoyable time, and thankfully, no one managed to drown.

Written By Perronne

Feb. 16, 2019, 11:36 a.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

Oh, no.

I sit here with the journal in front of me, and to one side, a sealed vellum letter. I haven't opened it, yet. I don't want to open it. See, it's the GOOD vellum, and it's my grandfather's seal. Good news usually comes from my father, in the sturdy parchment he uses for writing his reports, and a plain wax seal. If it's exceptionally good news, it might come from my mother's desk, with her seal (although never her handwriting - she prefers dictation). But grandfather and the good vellum means the news is bad. Or rather, that /I/ am bad, and the news is to inform me of that fact, and remind me that my family and my parents are counting on me to know my place and not to bring embarrassment to the family by drawing too much attention, and the wrong kind of attention, to myself. I'm pretty sure I've failed in all categories, with that.

I wasn't thinking. Arx is so...different. Intoxicating. So easy to forget the boundaries, to start to think, "Why not me?" When there are a thousand reasons why not me.

I need to open it. I might be wrong; maybe it's not about me at all. Maybe Papa or Mama are sick, or injured, or worse, and I need to know that. I just need to sit here a while, first, and work up the courage.

Written By Niklas

Feb. 16, 2019, 11:09 a.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

As a side note, I am a royal and that has yet to stop people from treating me as a joke, sneering at me and talking down to me. So I wouldn't expect too too much.

Written By Niklas

Feb. 16, 2019, 11:03 a.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Until you refute the title, then you are going to be perceived to have accepted it.

Do people know what it means? Have people at large even heard of the nation it represents? I doubt it. Even those who had heard of lands such as Cardia and Eurus didn't necessarily know of Jadairal, and from there the number just grows smaller with Weijin and Nefer'khat. But people do know that you have been given the name. People seem excited to have royalty from some mysterious far off land among them. And while your friends (and the social circles of your friends) may not see you any differently, the average person who may not have known your name before this suddenly does.

I'm not being disapproving, not that you are in any need of my approval, but even if they are sellswords, the Valorous Few are still an army and it's a little odd for an army to be lead by someone who appears to have accepted a position as some kind of foreign leader to be here, now. Obviously the Valorous Few aren't the Immortal Sphinx's Eternal Legion of the Sun (or whatever their standing army is called, I have no idea, but I'd bet it's appropriately impressive and dramatic) but until you do something with your title, it's going to be at least somewhat strange. But it is entirely possible that I'm the only one who thinks so.

Written By Sira

Feb. 16, 2019, 11:02 a.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

The champagne silver and cardian snakeskin bar bar set sold recently, and I was only too pleased to see the funds go into increasing my stock of materials to work. Now if only I could get the feet to look right on the dawnstone and gilded bed.

Written By Willow

Feb. 16, 2019, 10:57 a.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

It was intriguing to meet Lord Danvir and the conversation he shared with me put me very in mind of some of my family's own more obscure practices. I am fascinated to hear anything he might know on Druids of old.

Written By Arik

Feb. 16, 2019, 10:03 a.m.(8/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

One would imagine that as long as your fealty oaths are re-affirmed in light of your new title than until you break faith you are a Compact citizen. As to whether you owe fealty oaths to de Lire, Velenosa, or the Crown directly. I'm sure some scholarly sort will have an opinion but a public re-affirmation is likely in order.

Written By Beatrice

Feb. 16, 2019, 9:30 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

Nilanza has my love, but I left a piece of my heart in Setarco. I bantered here once with a perfumer on bottling dreams. Would that she could bottle this instead.

Thousands worked in concert to transform dust and air into wonder. Architects and artisans, sailors and soldiers. Is there any greater mark of our Compact, our humanity than creation? Of vision realized through unified purpose?

You know how cynically I left Arx. I was repaid it better than I deserved. It seems, too, that I must find my next project. The Titan of House Pravus is my credential.

Oh, Arx. What shall we build next?

Written By Ajax

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:29 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jennyva

My patron, I think in the very least. Our relationship will be interesting moving forward.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:26 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

A new job today! A little different then what I am used too. A lot of the higher up in society types, so it should prove lucrative. I will have to give thanks towards the Employer for the treat.

Written By Belladonna

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:25 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

On the Titan of Pravus:

Not a mere woman, she soared above gods and generals not on the backs of mighty beasts, but by virtue of her own so-called sins. She waited not for her wishes to be wrought by the hand of others, wresting them from the icy grip of those she should have feared.

This is her gift: for centuries ahead, and countless Reckonings yet to come, her shadow will fall upon any who hoist their sails in southern seas, shielding Setarco, eternally beautiful and forever unbowed.

A helpless girl turned legend, Archduchess Procella was blood of her House, Sin to her very bones, a testament to Setarco's will and its people. May her whispers be carried in the winds of the ageless seas, so all who sail past Setarco know our words: Cunning is no sin, a foolish ideal is no virtue.

Written By Ajax

Feb. 16, 2019, 7:24 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

I've hit a new breakthrough in my training. It's strange to think not too long ago, I was feeling like an old man. Now, I have mastered skills I had believed I already mastered, I keep learning while in this city. I keep growing too in ways I never thought possible, I suppose in the very least those I actually genuinely care for here I thank you. For things I will not speak too publicly to write in a journal which surprisingly a few of people read my thoughts. I am genuinely surprised by this and think my ramblings are boring but erm, I hope you're entertained.

Written By Bliss

Feb. 16, 2019, 5:08 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

A question I have seen posed a few times is this one:

"Where are our Nox'alfar and Marin'alfar allies during all of this?"

Now, I cannot speak for the latter group and will make no attempt to do so. I have had no interactions or dealings with them, and I know little of them or their culture. But I do suspect that much of what I'm about to write will apply to them as well.

The Nox'alfar are, simply put, one of the - if not the absolute - longest standing, most consistent allies of the Compact of Arvum. Consistently, again and again, when we faced an existential crisis, the Nox were there.

They stood beside us at the Reckoning, dying and bleeding with our own troops.

They stood beside us in the Elven Wars, providing warriors, weapons, tactics and tools to use against the forces that we're ravaging us at the time - in many cases, their very own, very important personal weapons, many of which are the very same heirloom blades that have come to represent your families and their honor.

They've aligned their strength with ours to deter foreign Invaders on more than one occasion. They have laid their lives down for ours on more than one occasion. They have promised to do so again.

In exchange for everything they have done, they do not ask much from us. A marriage every generation to renew and reinforce the ties. Having specific Abandoned tribes that are under their protection that we will not attack. Asking humans to not enter their lands without permission, and if we do violate that, being subject to their laws (and do keep in mind - I am one of the few who knows firsthand, more than most, just what that means). Requiring mutual defense against those foes which threaten both of our peoples.

They do not ask us to give up our right to self-rule. They do not ask us to give up our gods. They do not ask to put us under any laws that are not our own and are not those specified within our treaty.

They allow us to be free. Asking why the Nox'alfar aren't doing more is foolish - they have been incredibly generous to us and continue to be so, despite us forgetting the treaties, despite us violating them even recently.

The Compact would not exist were it not for our allies. And that is what the Nox are. They do not seek to usurp us. They do not seek to rule us. They are, in fact, allowing this choice to happen - because they believe we should be free to choose our own destiny. Yet they still support us as allies should.

I'm not quite certain what more people want from them.

Written By Martino

Feb. 16, 2019, 4:29 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

Quite fortunately a brawny looking scholar in the Great Archive did show to me where best to find a copy of a tome on brandy tasting notes. While one does enjoy a glass of the fine spirit, it is good for the pallet to reference back against notes. To remind the nose the journey it has to take.

Written By Shard

Feb. 16, 2019, 3:22 a.m.(8/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Am I an actual head of state now, then, rather than a mouthy commoner who clearly doesn't know what she's talking about? Fascinating.

They're not an army, they're a company of sellswords. People, usually nobles, hire them to do things, and that puts food on their table. On my table. They're all Compact citizens. And I've been helping to lead them for a number of years in countless battles. I led them at Setarco. I helped command at the Lodge of Petrichor.

I can see where this might be uncomfortable, given recent revelations. I can see where this might be questionable. By all means, let's have this discussion. Is it right, or proper, for me to be leading armed men and women into battle for members of the Compact? Is it right, or proper, for me to keep taking contracts from the nobility in order to carry out your wishes? To continue fighting in your wars as a mercenary? A weapon for hire?

The one thing that has changed, the one thing that is different, is that I've been named Prima of a faraway land most people have never heard of. Does that matter to the Compact, Your Highness? Because if it matters in this particular instance, it has to matter in /all/ instances. If my bloodline is important, then it's important. If I'm royal, then I'm royal. Not a joke. Not something to sneer at. Not someone to talk down to.

I mean this sincerely; I'm very interested in what anyone might have to say on this wrinkle.

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