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Written By Helle

Feb. 18, 2019, 10:55 p.m.(8/7/1010 AR)

I sculpted the Lover today. How the sea adores him, rushes up to cradled him with her gentle waves. I am envious of it. Would that something would take care of me so. We spoke of many things. He thinks I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy. Still, I pursue the dreams. Those ships. That man. The blade. The artist, the fire and the forest. I pursue them all.

Written By Acantha

Feb. 18, 2019, 10:29 p.m.(8/7/1010 AR)

Princess Helena held a poetry reading tonight and it was delightful. I hope to have something prepared for the readings when they next roll around.

Written By Monique

Feb. 18, 2019, 10:07 p.m.(8/7/1010 AR)

Yes, I did happen to recite another godsawful poem at Princess Helena's event, and why yes, I shall record it here for posterity.

You can be so reckless with your heart
but it's not made of steelsilk
It's actually made of blood and gore
I don't think I should be able to see your heart
but then again, I am no healer
so maybe I should just stick to poetry

My dearest, farewell. Can't you see,
this ill-fated affair was doomed from the start.
My people are human;
Your people are human.
It could never have worked.

Recall me fondly;
shed a tear for me
and two
for a world that could wrack us with such anguish
all for the simple crime of removing your heart
with my blade.

(most certainly not inspired by personal experience)

Written By Miranda

Feb. 18, 2019, 9:16 p.m.(8/6/1010 AR)

The touch of fingers across my cheek
upon my neck a breath of air
a look into eyes so deep
into my ears your voice so fair.

Passion is not our problem
Fighting, laughing, kissing, sighing.
And upon the ocean,
we go flying.

Now, the sounds of you
are whispers on the breeze
sent to me on the salty air
a gift to me from you and the seas.

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 18, 2019, 8:08 p.m.(8/6/1010 AR)

She sat on a throne of bones, eyes hollow, severe, so severe. No color in her cheeks, the edges pale, sharp, hair drifting about her head like seaweed.

She wore a crown of gems, tiny and cut to shimmer, meant to catch the light, winking now with the pressure of current. Across her throat hung diamonds, diamonds of growing size in rows of golden chains from clavicle to sternum. They were meant to catch the light as well, flexing with brilliance with every breath.

But she did not breathe.

No, she glared, her life was in her rage, she stared with ferocity and she raised one hand, heavy and leaden, from the armrest of her pale throne.

I haven't dreamed of her in months, and suddenly I see her face everywhere. Most of my dreams are idyllic, reassuring, mostly made of memory. But sometimes, they are wreathed in my fears, my nightmares, -her- nightmares.

I know the difference though; lesson learned. No more moldy-cheese before bedtime.

Written By Josephine

Feb. 18, 2019, 5:25 p.m.(8/6/1010 AR)

There is a profound sense of joy in seeing two people in love. Not lust, love. In it's varying forms. Standing in front of my cases and pouring over this and that. Then the one surprises the other, and then the other surprises the other and the next you know, you're ordering them to go walk across the judgement green like two birds in love and make the young things jealous with what they see.

IT makes me miss Pieter. And his armor at the dinner table.

Written By Bliss

Feb. 18, 2019, 2:33 p.m.(8/6/1010 AR)

I'm restless lately - feeling trapped in Arx. I know there are big trips coming up, but none of them in particular felt like my place. I know I will find my way out again and into the world soon enough, of course, but my feet begin to itch so quickly whenever I get back. Nonetheless, I am happy when I get the chance to pour that excellence into my work. The compliments are lovely, and I deeply appreciate all of them - I was so happy to be able to deliver to Prince Lorenzo and Princess Gwenna the vision they had as a reality.

I am proud of our two newest apprentice Whispers, as well, which I am utterly thrilled about - both already having proven their own merit. Even in these times of turmoil, beauty and grace are things which we will continue to honor and support, and those who bring them to the world have a place within Whisper House.

Written By Ysbail

Feb. 18, 2019, 3:34 a.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

Lady Valencia's Sip and Spar is always a lovely event.

Written By Gunther

Feb. 18, 2019, 2:04 a.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

My Sally Girl,

I miss you so. I wanted to tell you whats somethin' I figured out. Since I have been work'n and teachin' I've been earnin' a little scratch. And I'm puttin' in a bank. I ain't spendin' it none. Save for vittles and my job puts me up with a roof. Ain't no leaks neither.

But as I was saying I figured out what to do with the money. So this here girl serves as my will onna account I like the idea of tellin' you an makin' it official at the same time.

I Gunther Crownsworn, do hereby so and so swears... upon My love of my Sally. And the Gods. Thems that's proper. Not the other ones. Or them that's any number higher than the current number we got. Hard enough to remember all their names now. This is my will and last testaments.

I sets aside enough to have a statue commissioned. One of my Sally. Ain't gotta be all special none. Just give it hips whats wide as an apple cart. And a smile of kindness what would brighten' any room. And a little plaque that say. "Sally." That's it. Ain't nothin' else. Use the money for vittles for them little ones. If its a lot of coin then make sure to do right by them.

All my coins is to go to the local orphanage what's leftover. Should be a lot.

Everything I ever earn outside of my eatin' and sleepin' place I do swear from this day onward is for them that ain't startin' in the world with nothin'. Like me an' my Sally. I doin' this onna account I want them to know the kinda love I knew. I ain't got no need for coins. I knew what happiness was. I was one of the lucky ones.

Hereby sworn and such...

Gunther Crownsworn

P.S. I love you Sally

Written By Fortunato

Feb. 18, 2019, 12:22 a.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

It is a time for change. A time for speech. A time for graces. How strange, how strange.

Written By Fatima

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:59 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

All the warmest congratulations for the completion of your great wonder the titaness. I felt blessed to see her, towering above us, the last of the scaffolds being disassembled, as we prepared to sail our fleet back from your waters, and I imagine generations onward will feel her presence as they approach Setarco.

Written By Salvatore

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:59 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

I'm still not used to speaking about the nightmares. But it at least sometimes people have interesting suggestions for new directions to pursue. In the end I'm still not sure what I can do. But it's a reminder that there are so very many different threats to look into. It's been suggested perhaps I should improve my ability to look into things but... I'd still prefer to leave that to others. But it couldn't hurt to learn a bit more.

Written By Cadern

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:58 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

Another productive week of pursuing the Nefer'Khat. It seems I've overlooked some clues so that will be good to catch up. It's a good reminder that the best thing to do is discuss with different people for different insights. That being said it seems more and more things are going to come to a cross. I'm considering it might be good to hire more bodyguards in particular for looking into less... savory investigations. But I don't know if I truly have the time for another. Still good progress on both druids and on the Nefer'khat and that makes for an interesting week. Though unfortunately it seems the research on blades must still wait longer... He's really going to be more of a pain because of it I'm sure.

Written By Victus

Feb. 17, 2019, 11:45 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

In my dreams, I see Metallics. I see dragons. I see Cardians. And I see something else, something that I don't know should be there.

What a peculiar time to be thinking so deeply into the past.

Written By Helena

Feb. 17, 2019, 10:10 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

It was so lovely to celebrate the marriage of Gwenna and Lorenzo at last. Bliss Whisper did a beautiful job -- everything from the decor to the food to the music to the toast was a perfect homage to a most perfect union of winter and summer. The chocolate fountain was a big hit as well, quite a feat of artistry and artifice, though nothing was sweeter than the way Lorenzo looks at Gwenna or vice versa, not even strawberries dressed in ribbons of chocolate.

I can only hope at some point, if I am to wed, I would make as sweet or smart a match as they do, but if it were half as perfect, that might be enough.

Written By Thesarin

Feb. 17, 2019, 9:50 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mia

I gave my advice.

Guess folk do things different here.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 17, 2019, 9:49 p.m.(8/5/1010 AR)

Today I made a new friend! The Lady Olivia Ashford, she's so nice! I think she might have a small crush on my cousin, Michael. I admit, I'm slightly skeptical about encouraging it; but hey, whom am I to crush a lady's dream?

Written By Shae

Feb. 17, 2019, 8:15 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

Getting to show Amari the otterling kits at the Laurent Estate, was one of the highlights of this past week. Seeing the joy on her face, was the best gift one could be given.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 17, 2019, 7:45 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

During my nonchalant wondering about of the city with my entourage, I found myself visiting the Hundred Cities Inn. I met several interesting figures of the Lyceum, as well as from the Crownlands. There was the lovely but somewhat hot-tempered Lady Videl Igniseri; the mysterious Lord Saverio Inverno; my esteemed friend the Princess Liara Grayson; the charming brewer and famous owner of Raconteur Enterprises Master Venturo Thayne; and Princess Isobella Velenosa. There were a couple of others as well, although I can't quite place their names. I do remember one being a lady and the other an old but hilarious man (Gunther), but I can't seem to recall their names.

Written By Selene

Feb. 17, 2019, 7:41 p.m.(8/4/1010 AR)

I have conjured up a vision of white, though not the pristine harsh line of aeterna. Let it be the soft bloom of the cloud, or the misty veils passing in front of a full moon. Explore the creamy vellum or the feathers of the dove, and distinguish between the nacreous shine within oyster shells and this lucency of alabaster held up to the light.

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