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Written By Shard

Feb. 21, 2019, 3:46 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

Handing someone over, particularly someone who is offering desperately needed help, for torture and death because you think they're a hypocrite (I guess?) and because you think it will benefit you shouldn't be a popular opinion, no.

But, more to the point is this; we can't keep on the same way we have. I wrote before that the Compact, whatever it decides, /has/ to change. Every choice in front of us requires some kind of a change, and none of them are small, and none of them are easy, though some are easier, and some are certainly better, than others.

I thought of a few analogies to this. I thought about referencing my tribe, and how we constantly moved to survive, but that's not a life most Compact people are familiar with. So I'll try one a little more familiar. When you're on the field and some screaming madman is coming at you with a weapon half the size of your body, you can't just stand there, rigid. If you've got a durable enough shield, you might be able to take the blow, but if you don't set your feet right and give a little, try to direct the force of the strike away, chances are he's going to split your shield right in two and you with it. And if you don't have a shield you'd better be prepared to duck to the side at just the right time and let his own momentum carry him past you. If you're fast enough, and practiced enough, and good enough at anticipating him, you might even get him in the side or the back with your own weapon before his swing is even over. But if you just stand there, unwilling to move, unwilling to shift your feet, or unwilling to give with the blow, he's going to crush you.

If battle analogies don't work either, then one more. You don't stand in the way of a charging bull just because you think you can out-stubborn it.

There are things out there that are coming at us, whether most people are aware of them or not. Whatever we decide to do, whatever tactic we go with, it has to be /something/. And it has to be something potent enough that we can actually strike back when we see an opening, because we won't get many. We cannot simply continue standing in place just because it's where we think we've stood all along.

Written By Willow

Feb. 21, 2019, 1:22 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Lydia

Finally got the chance for some face time and really enjoyed meeting the Duchess. I think I'd like to keep calling her Aunt Lydia though, after mentally calling her that since she took up the mantle of Duchess, if just feels more normal. She keeps so busy at work for the family I cannot help but admire and look up to her.

Written By Willow

Feb. 21, 2019, 1:16 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Had so much fun with Mikani, Baltus, and Brady after the drinking contest when we all went back to take a dip in the hot springs and just talked for a while while everyone sobered back up.

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 20, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

I've been working for near half a year on incorporating Seliki pearls into my work, what with the retinue I receive from Lord Kaldur Seliki as my Patron. I've made several sets, for private collectors as well as larger events, but I made a few emerald-set pieces with the paler Seliki pearls and put them up for sale in my shop. They're beautiful, these pearls, so much so as to be daunting: can I do them justice? Maybe. I'll continue to try; the nacre on these beauties fairly has them glowing from with in, and they come in so many lovely colors.

Written By Alrec

Feb. 20, 2019, 9:11 p.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Wish I was there to listen to the Grim Duke's speech.

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 20, 2019, 8:50 p.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

I really can't get over this: Ianthe, wound tight around her new orange octopus plush. Legs and arms. She's drooling into its velvet beak. I can't untangle her. She's practically snoring.

I can't stop snickering over this. I CAN'T. Twisted humor, that's me. I know my sister would crack up and make design suggestions. 'Get it -right-, Josie! '

Ah, gods, I'm trying not to cackle, wake the baby, or cry from mirth. I can fail at all but the one.

Being a mother; who knew it'd be so entertaining!

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 20, 2019, 8:43 p.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

I have in my possession the most wonderful thing: soft, floppy-armed octopus doll. It's -adorable-, cuddly, soft. It has rosy cheeks, and large, dark button eyes. It even has a beak! It's velvet! I can't get enough of this thing. Ianthe may have to fight me for it.

Or not. She's still very small, sort of; the Mercies tell me she's healthy and fat and large for her age. I don't know what they mean, but this could be because Mongoose is her favorite nurse-maid for the moment, but the plushy octopus is her second favorite bed-time cuddle friend, and while at the moment it's almost as long as she is, I'm hard put to untangle her every night from her new eight-armed friend.

Dame Leta Broadbent is the artist behind this lovely creation. I want one in every color and it's -entirely- because I want them and not because I expect more children in my future. Well. More than what I have. Life has been strange.

Written By Gunther

Feb. 20, 2019, 8:41 p.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

My Sally,

What's it been now? How many months since I last got to wrap my arms half-way around you and snuggle in? Too many, that's what. I ain't gettin' over you. People says, my love, it gets better with time -- it ain't.

What's gettin' better is I'm learning to have moments on my own. Fella I met I told you 'bout before and I are becoming good friends. I like him a lot. People here is treatin' me well an' all. I'm sweepin' and keepin' up them northerners clobberin' stadium. Trainin' fellas and lasses here and there and what not. Them's that wants to toss knucks though I'm enjoyin' teachin'.

The nights are the hardest. I wakes up all the time and reach for you. And I get scared and frantic clawin' at the floor I'm sleeping on -- gettin' at them blankets to find you gone. Then I gets all panicked and it takes me a bit to wake enough to realize you're dead and you ain't never gonna be there again. It's them times I want to go drown in my cups and forget again.

I ain't though. I made you a promise and I'm gonna keep it.

It should have never been me, my girl -- I don't deserve this life. I ain't never done nothin' for nobody before. I'm only good onna account I met and you gave me your love. Reckon if it weren't for you I'd never know what them fuzzy stomach knots and that warm flush is whens you rub them mitts over my bald noggin' and give me kisses there on top. You was the one what should been here and it ain't right. It ain't right you had so much to live for. You were so more deservin'. I hope them Gods knows what they got in you.

I'm lost without you. All I gots is your memory and a desire to do good by you. I'm doin' the best I can.

Ain't nothin' I love in this world more than the love I got for you. Ain't know this much feelin' about someone was possible but I feels it.

I love you and I can't wait to be with you again.

P.S. If'n you can't send me a sign I understand. I just, you know -- would make it easier knowin' you was there look'n down upon me. I ain't got nothin' to remember you by save my noggin. And you knows how spotty it is. I'm so scared one day I'll wake up and won't remember your face.

Written By Gunther

Feb. 20, 2019, 8:41 p.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

My Sally,

What's it been now? How many months since I last got to wrap my arms half-way around you and snuggle in? Too many, that's what. I ain't gettin' over you. People says, my love, it gets better with time -- it ain't.

What's gettin' better is I'm learning to have moments on my own. Fella I met I told you 'bout before and I are becoming good friends. I like him a lot. People here is treatin' me well an' all. I'm sweepin' and keepin' up them northerners clobberin' stadium. Trainin' fellas and lasses here and there and what not. Them's that wants to toss knucks though I'm enjoyin' teachin'.

The nights are the hardest. I wakes up all the time and reach for you. And I get scared and frantic clawin' at the floor I'm sleeping on -- gettin' at them blankets to find you gone. Then I gets all panicked and it takes me a bit to wake enough to realize you're dead and you ain't never gonna be there again. It's them times I want to go drown in my cups and forget again.

I ain't though. I made you a promise and I'm gonna keep it.

It should have never been me, my girl -- I don't deserve this life. I ain't never done nothin' for nobody before. I'm only good onna account I met and you gave me your love. Reckon if it weren't for you I'd never know what them fuzzy stomach knots and that warm flush is whens you rub them mitts over my bald noggin' and give me kisses there on top. You was the one what should been here and it ain't right. It ain't right you had so much to live for. You were so more deservin'. I hope them Gods knows what they got in you.

I'm lost without you. All I gots is your memory and a desire to do good by you. I'm doin' the best I can.

Ain't nothin' I love in this world more than the love I got for you. Ain't know this much feelin' about someone was possible but I feels it.

I love you and I can't wait to be with you again.

P.S. If'n you can't send me a sign I understand. I just, you know -- would make it easier knowin' you was there look'n down upon me. I ain't got nothin' to remember you by save my noggin. And you knows how spotty it is. I'm so scared one day I'll wake up and won't remember your face.

Written By Fortunato

Feb. 20, 2019, 7:52 p.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

Hm. If I thought a reform was insufficiently radical, I'm not sure my first or third reaction would be to kill the reformer and laud the status quo.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 20, 2019, 11:48 a.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Say no thank you to the Undying Empire.

Say no thank you to Cardia. This will make the Undying Empire happy.

Hand Brass over to Cardia. This will make Cardia happy.

Then just keep being us.

I have a feeling this wouldn't be a popular option. I expect that there are people who like Brass too much. Having a living legend assure you that thralldom is wrong but an oligarchy is fine allows people to cut a fine line between actual slavery and economic slavery.

Written By Samantha

Feb. 20, 2019, 11:17 a.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

If there's one thing I've learned about identity, (and I'd like to think I know a little something about that) it's that the ultimate definition of who you are is determined by no one else other than yourself. And also as important is the understanding that in addition to what you may choose to call yourself, you also define what that ultimately means.

So while I cannot speak for anyone else, but Shard is who she defines herself to be, and I shall interact with her accordingly.

Written By Cufre

Feb. 20, 2019, 11:10 a.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Felix


Written By Fianna

Feb. 20, 2019, 10:58 a.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Renovations at the Crovane stables are coming along quite nicely. Everything is on schedule and the horses should have a new roof over their heads in just a few short weeks. During this waiting period, I find myself going over the stock that I currently have and debating whether or not I should sell a few of them. I've sold and given horses away in the past and every single time that I do, I cry. It's what I do. I raise them from birth, train them, then find them new homes whenever I can -- which, I admit, isn't as often as it should be. Probably because I cry every time one of them leaves my stable for good. I know I can't keep them all! I'm getting better. Slowly. That being said, I think it's time to determine which horses should be off on new adventures with new partners.

Let's see. I have Bronco (who must go to an experienced rider, please refer to his name for reasons!). Gus and Jasper are a pair and should go together as they would make a wonderful carriage team. Pepper will need someone with an excess of patience. Luna loves to jump over pretty much... everything. Strawberry is as sweet as pie (she's also sister to Rosie). Let's not forget about Cookie, Bramble, and Freckles.

I really need to make a list before I change my mind... and post that I have horses looking for new homes.

Written By Lisebet

Feb. 20, 2019, 9:43 a.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

I always am happy to make new friends, and to have acquaintances deepen. I look forward to further exploration of things in common, differences and new experiences.

In other news, I slept peacefully last night. I think that is a good thing.

Written By Godric

Feb. 20, 2019, 9:17 a.m.(8/9/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Should I start the cupcake delivery again? Asking for Cujo.

Written By Delilah

Feb. 20, 2019, 9:12 a.m.(8/9/1010 AR)

I picked up the pen in earnest for the first time the other day. It felt strange to set my hand back to mapping out shapes of incomplete isles and find the holes of our history laid out there. Nothing great, I fear, that would reconstitute the understanding of the Compact since the Reckoning. But a small piece, all the same, that could lead to greater exploration.

Good thing my boots are ready to go.

Written By Martino

Feb. 20, 2019, 8:55 a.m.(8/9/1010 AR)

The naval exercises with my brother, went by excellently.

It was so impressive to see such a diverse group of navies come together and take part. Not a thing went wrong, although I always knew it
would not. His command, the drills and the exercises all went smooth, and I am looking forward now to the next run.

This might not be the last time I am out at sea.

Written By Shard

Feb. 20, 2019, 5:13 a.m.(8/9/1010 AR)

I've always been what I am. None of us, myself included, knew exactly how far that went, but I am what I am and I am who I am, and I didn't suddenly become someone entirely different just because of a revelation at an Assembly. Perceptions are what changed. My bloodline did not.

For the record, I have accepted the title, insofar as I can right now. It's an enormous mess, but it can be worked out.

For the record, I could have walked away from the Valorous Few. I considered it. I've always been largely terrible at being a sellsword. But they're my crew now, and Audric trusted me to handle it. How can I, theoretically, be trusted with an entire kingdom if I can't take care of the people who are my responsibility right this moment?

For the record, it's definitely weird. And awkward. And a mess. I don't disagree. And while I might find it irritating and maybe a little insulting that people would suddenly find me extra-foreign and untrustworthy because of where my family originally came from, it's only really a step up from just being normal foreign and untrustworthy because of where /I/ came from.

I'm not a very reassuring person by nature, but I'll offer this: none of my positions or opinions, like them or hate them, have changed. None of my priorities have changed; they might expand in the future, but they haven't /changed/. And I think, honestly, though I've certainly made missteps and mistakes, what I've done since arriving here in the Compact largely speaks for itself.

Written By Bhandn

Feb. 20, 2019, 1 a.m.(8/9/1010 AR)

I never thought I'd find myself /wanting/ to go to a competition involving pies. So much has changed in this past year. She would have been one of the first to try and bury my face in one, and probably everyone else there too, laughing and squealing when she was coated in the juice of berries herself. I can see it as if it had really happened that way, even though it did not. She'd be happy to hear that a part of me found it fun. It made the ache go down less.

I'm trying. That was what I promised, wasn't it?

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