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Written By Ysbail

Feb. 14, 2019, 9:11 a.m.(7/25/1010 AR)

Every failure, every shortcoming is a lesson.

Even if that lesson is simply to slow down and enjoy life a little more.

Written By Valencia

Feb. 14, 2019, 1:40 a.m.(7/25/1010 AR)

Despite all, for once in my life, I am strangely at peace with things.

I suspect it is unlikely that it will last long, but for this moment it is a beautiful and strange thing to walk in such grace.

I am grateful.


Written By Amund

Feb. 14, 2019, 12:45 a.m.(7/25/1010 AR)

Days pass, and the storm draws nearer.

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 13, 2019, 11:48 p.m.(7/25/1010 AR)

I have something in my possession I never expected to have.

It's a gold comb, from my apprentice days, the first time I had this sweet, forgiving metal at my mercy.

I remember ever hammer divot, every file mark, every unfinished edge.

So long ago.

It's heavier than I remember, weighted down with memory as much as material. Promise, too, of what was to come, of the things it entailed.

I'm left wondering over the meaning of it all, as foolish as I'm told my thoughts of 'destiny' are, I'm still wondering. Wondering wondering.

What does any of this -mean-?

Written By Victus

Feb. 13, 2019, 11:43 p.m.(7/25/1010 AR)

The future is yet unwritten. There are a great many choices laid out in the path ahead. The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Some will be obvious, some not. Some will be disguised as another.

When one's mind is stricken with conflict, comfort in the Gods watch can provide clarity. I will be seeking that extensively from the Shrine of Limerance all this week and likely the next as well.

Written By Delilah

Feb. 13, 2019, 7:12 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

She's sitting here staring at me with these gorgeous eyes, unfathoable to the likes of men or women. Some have that rare gift, an incisive, penetrating look that remains opaque the other way.

Her nose remains up, a mild hint of contempt. I have no notion what I did to earn that. Say the wrong thing in company? Neglect her response to reply to another, or contemplate a matter too long while she expected me to be at her beck and call?

Perhaps I shall never know. Some sins remain a mark against us without any proof whatsoever of their cause.

I know of one Oathlands feud that lasted five generations. None after the second recalled the reason even dimly. Blood and silver spent to continue its wrath long after the original parties perished to time. The malaise matters not, only the outcome. Consequences be damned, pay for the cutting remark or the failed act.

She will outlive us all and the descendents in a glittering city will be forced to contend with the ageless glare, discriminating perception turned on all our faults. I feel such sorrow for those short-lived creatures forced to fall beneath this weary judgment. No wonder the burden of ages is poorly settled on human shoulders. We should have learned.

Will it be remonstration for a failure to understand or irritation with my futile comprehension of weighty topics so far beyond my ken, a subject to which I am a mere initiate? Fumbling against the blind shadow weighing me down, I can only attempt to gain insight, scrambling with imperfect gestures and incomplete plans that fall to ashes at my feet when she reveals her utmost dismay for my imperfections.

Lilybelle must have taught her too well how to hold the Dream in disdain, and bend us to her will. And I have no choice but to heed her until I, too, finally leave this apprenticeship and fledge myself in a strange new world rife with talents heretofore unknown.

Abide by the will of the Pearl of Thrax.

Written By Perronne

Feb. 13, 2019, 4:30 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

I've had some opportunities to handle the new luxury brocade coming into the market, now. I must say, it is a remarkable and remarkably beautiful fabric. I'm not a tailor, but if I was, I would be spinning on my toes with glee at all the things I might be able to do with it. I'm going to be following the price and futures of this particular good very closely! Also, probably wearing some, eventually. Maybe. Maybe a hat? I'm not usually a hat person, not since the incident with the trees, but there are fewer trees in the city, and I feel like I could branch out a little before I'm leafed behind, fashion-wise.

Side note - there is no really good way to write a giggle in a journal. It just never sounds right. Maybe "insert giggle here" is about the best I can do. So, insert giggle here!

I also rode out with a friend to see the Amazing Appearing Castle. I hadn't had the chance to actually get out there and stare at it from a closer distance, so it was great fun to do so in good company. It is very castle-like! Does not yet seem to be exploding with monsters. Or unicorns. Or /doors/, more's the pity. I bet it's really interesting inside. There aren't even any windows to peek into! This is just unfair. The ride both eased and intensified my restlessness at the same time. Being able to put eyes on one of the interesting things in the world feels good - but it also makes you think about all the other interesting things out there that I've never had a chance to see, to touch. To price for reasonable sale!

Dilemma: Being a good merchant at the level I am working at, especially with projects like the Almanac, pretty much requires that I have a stable home base and that I keep an eye on the many, many moving parts that I am putting together. I can't afford to just go wandering out in the wilderness for months at a time like I once did. And yet, as I succeed in the merchanting, and the Almanacing (for certain definitions of success), I sort of crave...more. A new test. A new journey. A new challenge. It makes me restless!

On the other hand, hot baths, beds piled with pillows, and fresh bread at my beck and call. Civilization is addictive!

Written By Domonico

Feb. 13, 2019, 3:51 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

I have been made a Voice of Malvici. I speak for the House of War. This is a heavy responsibility I now have on my shoulders.
I pray that I have the wisdom for it.

Written By Amari

Feb. 13, 2019, 3:04 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

Norwood, you should try wheelie horse at our next training session. It's hard to be crabby jousting on wheelie horse. Everyone looks silly... I think. It's not just me, right?

Well, you can have a laugh at me then. I don't mind, if it'll cheer you up.

Written By Marian

Feb. 13, 2019, 2:42 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

Grief, anger and despair, these are the weapons of choice for our enemies. Pride, wrath and indifference, these are our pitfalls for burying these emotions and not healing the wounds on our soul. Hope, empathy and comfort, these are the benefits of setting aside what ails the heart and find common ground.

Silent War, Battle of Stormwall, Battle of Setarco, Attack upon the Lodge or even ambush upon the Great Road. The battle is a placeholder for a deeper pain that lives within. A rift that makes coming together with others harder. Causes us to hate because of a banner. We are one nation. We all serve the Crown. We pray to the same Gods. To fight as we do when greater threats hang upon the horizon divides and conquers.

So I have made a decision to take pilgrimage to Sanctum. To visit the families of the Fallen and hear their stories in the Oathlands. To assist with their untended tasks that would have been seen to by those lost. Offer charity to those that still struggle from losing a solder's pay. To walk with Faith and find peace for my own losses. Donate the remnants of my loss to the Faith militant so that his armor may protect another. His personal sword will continue to guard the weak.

Then I shall continue to the Mourning Isles to meet with those bound by their traditions. Who have chosen to chain rather than execute their enemies. Who pays debts with flesh and time that can span more than one generation. I would understand the impact of the changes that many rally towards. Offer my understanding without compromising my own principles. Sometimes I might even agree to disagree on certain topics. When I meet with the Seraph of Maelstrom, I shall bear witness and offer unity, despite our differences, to assist my allies with making changes that will long lasting changes to their way of life.

I invite other leaders under the Redrain fealty to join me on this journey through the Oathlands and Mourning Isles to reaffirm their connection to their Faith and our allies. In time I hope I can make similar journeys to Lyceum and Crownlands.

Written By Aureth

Feb. 13, 2019, 12:45 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

It has come to my attention that I may have aggrieved someone by pointing out their true nature to them in a written missive.

Oh, dear. How unfortunate.

If you think my "hatred" of you is unfounded or unfair, I invite you to call for champions and have done. I'll apologize most prettily for my harshness if I lose, with specific examples of exactly how wrong I was about each of what I perceived to be your calumnies and ill deeds, so that everyone can know why your feelings were so unjustly hurt.

Written By Zeriax

Feb. 13, 2019, 12:41 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

The moon shines brightly upon my soul.

My investigations are making some headway now, which is excellent news. At first, it was simply a matter of chasing names. One person knows a person who has a thing related to this or that. Another person heard something about someone, and that someone is in a position that's useful. That person ends up not knowing, but has ideas about where to find more information. I had nothing to go off of, aside from my own innate curiosity. Sometimes though, it's less about what you know, and more about who you know. I've been getting to know quite a few people since my return, which helps immensely with increasing my ability to chase leads. Commoners, nobles, priests and royals. People of the wild, and people of refined civility. On several occasions, people who are of both sides of the coin, though that seems more to be the sort of trend one finds in the Society of Explorers.

I have yet to engage in or launch any expeditions myself, though I have signed up to assist in several. Mostly, it appears to be nobles wishing for us to survey their baronies for natural resources. Not exactly the sort of thing that makes me leap out of bed every morning shivering with excitement, but it's still something that'll get me back out there, in places I'm accustomed with. Outside of the pending expeditions, I've taken some time to peer through the records, and noticed there happened to be a fair amount in common with some of my personal research. It's not following quite the same vein, but I've managed to gain some insight into my own reasons for searching things out after perusing but a portion of previous Explorers' work.

For most of my life, I've simply been a wanderer. I lived without a deeper purpose, and simply let my thirst for knowledge and understanding lead me around. Eyes full of crystalline wonder, staring out at the bigger mysteries of the world. Questions. Always asking questions, much to the chagrin of many of my travelling companions. It was something I happened to notice wasn't common for most people; they simply didn't ask. Not even roundabout questions were typical. So when I was finally able to be out on my own, less reliant on the safety and security of numbers, I set out to discover the answers to the many questions that whirled about in my mind. What was it like to be at the top of a mountain? What was it like to dive deep into the waters? What lurked in the deep darkness of the caves dotting the untamed wilds? Many of the answers came with more than a few hardships, of course, as learning through experience tended to be something of a hazard for those willing to brave the elements. Thankfully, I came to the conclusion that reading happens to be a much quicker, and usually much safer way to learn. Even so, sometimes one just can't beat the experience. The sensation of triumph over that special little something that one can say they did.

Since returning to Arx, however, my questions have been continually directed more inwards. Not often did I ever feel the need to reflect upon my long term goals or intentions behind them, despite my vocation. It also wasn't often that I had access to resources the same way I do in the city, The Archives being a great example, so that might have been something of a factor. Recently there was another fine example; an opportunity to express my curiosity regarding the unusual in the form of a small event hosted at the Academy of War. Initially, upon hearing the title of the organization, I was expecting something far more militant than it happened to be. Something more along the lines of the Iron Guard or Gold Order. I was pleasantly surprised to find something a fair bit more thought provoking. The gathering was about discussing tactics regarding unusual or unheard of adversaries.

At first I was simply interested in the process of discussing such things, but something occurred to me during the gathering. Something...struck me, I suppose one could say. Everything that was being discussed I took seriously. Whisper Natalia provided a problems in the form of unusual creatures or situations, and I attempted to solve them, presenting solutions to the rest of the group as they came to me. Others in the gathering did the same, though not all of them. It bothered me, and at the time, I didn't understand why I was so irritated by the mockery some of them held of Natalia's presentations. When the event came to a close, I realized that I was more than intrigued by what I'd taken part in. With the Society of Explorers, the proposition of being supported in pursuits that I'd have taken on regardless was appealing as a means to an end. A way to expand my connections and resources doing what I loved. But with the Academy, there was no reason for me to join. There were no opportunities presented to me the same way there was with the Society. Yet, I felt myself compelled to join them.

Some discussions followed, and soon I was registered as an instructor and mentor within the ranks of the organization. It was odd, because for once, I wasn't doing simply to gain something for myself. I was attempting to offer something to others. My mind began to reel from the experience, and I couldn't quite process it at the time. I didn't even have much to offer, aside from my experience regarding basic personal survival and fitness, but I knew I wanted to do...something. To give something, without expectation of compensation. While it has always been my work to provoke thought, to cause people to expand their minds, here was an opportunity to do something a little...more.

I continued along with my days, training soldiers on behalf of both the Society and the Academy. Looking for ways to better dress myself, which both Whisper Natalia and Princess Ophelia happened to be immense help with. Most recently, Lady Gretchen Moore even shaved down the tangle on my face. It's a bit of a slow process, but I'm still taking steps forwards. At some point in the week, I made my way to the Shrine of the Lost. I leaned against the altar, and began to think. To reflect. I began to think about what Brass' offer might mean for House Thrax...maybe not from a philosophical perspective, but from a personal one. People I've come to know, or who I share a great deal with in common owe their fealty to Thrax, and I wondered what the repercussions of the abolishment of thralldom might mean for them. The responsibilities they would have to bear in response. Never was I one for politics, ever. A free spirit, able to come and go as he pleased. Then I thought of those kindred spirits in the Explorers whose fealty is owed to Thrax. Nobles. People who have responsibility, and can't simply come and go as they please. People who have to sit there, and deal with the consequences of a decision made for them by others.

While I sat there, I also began to imagine what it might be like to visit the stars. Aion's symbol being right behind me, and the Wolf's Guide happening to shine brightly overhead, it only seemed appropriate. The line of thought drifted to the Dreamer eventually, and from there I began to fall deeper and deeper into my own well of thoughts. They began to mingle together. My decision to join The Academy of War. The words I shared with my associates under House Thrax. The search for information I undertook upon my return to the city. At one point, a thought happened to click into place. Just the perfect fit. Thankfully, Lady Mikani Redreef brought me back out of that well with a timely visit. Still.

We'll see what comes from this shimmering idea.

Written By Amari

Feb. 13, 2019, 12:11 p.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

It seems in all the excitement of the last few months, the women's only nights have been allowed to fall to the wayside with the last chosen host not able to fulfill her duties. It was duly agreed upon that a name change was in order at the last one hosted by Gianna Whisper, as many many many many many many people were all too gleefully happy to point out at every possible opportunity that men are perfectly able and willing to wear skirts and gowns, and thus it was unfair to bar them from attending a 'skirt and gown' night.

Point taken. There is absolutely no prohibition on men wearing skirts nor gowns, and I fully encourage them to do so at every opportunity. I have no idea who named it so originally, but I'll try to think up something new for its resurrection that's utterly without ambiguity. Also, while the Truths and Lie game I created has been fun on the last few occasions, I wonder if something new might be in order to change things up. Details will be forthcoming!

Written By Rowynna

Feb. 13, 2019, 11:36 a.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

I have dug up something interesting in my search for our history. I am not sure if it's related or not but I think it's worth looking into. Hopefully, this won't be a long rabbit hole. I do have some misgivings, all the same.

Written By Gretchen

Feb. 13, 2019, 11:32 a.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

The Grand Opening of Moore Serenity Spas was a great success and the people of Arx have my thanks for turning out in droves. Especially that one Princess with an endless purse that will no doubt never have to shop for a cure again since she bought one of everything I had. But I am constantly restocking so do drop in to purchase a tonic or a cream to take home or stay to enjoy some relaxation in our steam rooms or to get that close shave you just can't accomplish yourself. Based on the response I've hired a few more people to ensure that wait times are short and even if you are waiting, I've arranged with the Bard's College to have an accomplished harpist on site to make that wait more tolerable.

I've just now added two perfumed hair oils and if they sell well I will be creating more soon.

Stop by today!

Written By Sparte

Feb. 13, 2019, 10:50 a.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

The title of Lord Commander is in my thoughts today, so I review what I know of the history of that title.

The Iron Guard was founded by Lord Iron, of the Metallic Order. When Lord Iron fell in the Reckoning, the Iron Guard survived him, and the leader of the Iron Guard seems to have inherited the title of Lord Commander from Lord Iron - Or it was created as a homage to Lord Iron.

The King's Own also uses this title for their leader, but their history is more complex. They were formed from a different order known as the Silver Swords, that itself was formed after the Reckoning from those inspired by Lady Silver of the Metallic Order. Based on my understanding, the Barracks of the Iron Guard was the headquarters for the order led by Lady Silver prior to their fall. I'm told that order was called the Silver Guard.

To restate that without the caveats of possible misunderstandings or misinformation: The Barracks of the Iron Guard was once the headquarters of the Silver Guard. The Iron Guard took the title of their leader, the Lord Commander, from the example of their original leader Lord Iron. The Silver Swords were inspired by the Silver Guard and would later form the King's Own, who chose to make the title for their leader the Lord Commander. It is worth noting the King's Own still have that nickname today, due to the design of their swords that is believed to reach back to the Reckoning. There is the implication in this that the first ruler or rulers of the Compact did not have a King's Own, but that is a different line of inquiry from the question I'm focusing on here.

What isn't known or even speculated about was what the leadership structure was for the Silver Guard or the original Silver Swords, prior to becoming the King's Own. It is possible the title of Lord Commander wasn't inspired by Lord Iron, but came from some more ancient example. Orders within the Faith use the title of Grandmaster, while mercenary and house orders use a range of titles that seem to be regional or based on what sounds the best to the founder. No orders outside of the King's Own and the Iron Guard that I am aware of use the title of Lord Commander.

I welcome better information on this if anyone has information to share, and corrections if I have done a detail injustice. It is a small detail of history, the 'why' of the use of a particular title. It likely has no consequence nor influence on current events. Yet we can't know the full implications of something unexamined.

Written By Rymarr

Feb. 13, 2019, 9:55 a.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

I regret not tossing them into the pond with me.

That is life. Must do better next time.

Written By Rymarr

Feb. 13, 2019, 9:50 a.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

My family and I were able to join King Alaric Grayson IV and the former Radiant of the Whisper House, Selene, for a quiet dinner. To say that I felt out of my depth surrounded by the most socially adept individuals (possibly even Nara included in that list) that I've had the distinct pleasure to dine with all at once, would be an understatement. We must face the things which make us uncomfortable though. It's an important part of living. I went without my armor as that didn't seem proper given the setting and matters of history that have yet to be laid to rest. We really must come up with some rotating pass phrase to limit any risks.

His Majesty was, as ever, a friendly and charming individual who truly encapsulates greatness. His smile is infectious, in only the most pleasant ways. Nara seemed so taken in by his charms, which I will confess makes my heart soar. Whisper Selene was the very portrait of elegance, class, and only enhanced the distinction of the quaint gathering. Too much, perhaps. It's like one day finding a dragonweep the size of a fist while walking a familiar path. Nara enjoyed herself, even if she was quick to be shuffled off to enjoy the company of others nearer to her own age. Nara hasn't stopped talking about her visit to the palace since we returned home. Nara. Nara. Nara. Nara, Nara, Nara. Bold and fearless Nara.

It feels like a lifetime ago that I would walk the halls of the palace, visit the royal dining room, patrol the gardens, and practically scoured the palace poking my head into every nook and cranny. It was an opportunity to walk something familiar, but due to the passage of time so very distant. I have missed the palace and its peoples. It's a wondrous world, even if one must step lightly and carefully to avoid the politics. Up to and including agitating a High Lord or two because you refuse to answer their leading questions. Having the politics brush up against you and breathe heavily in your ear is worth tolerating in exchange for the grandeur that is the palace.

There was talk of a statue being made on an unrelated topic and it is the results of that discussion that I am very interested in viewing, because in my imagination it's going to be the envy of many a noble who will soon be scrambling to follow the latest trend. I can only imagine the craze that will follow after that thing is put on display. Everyone will want something or someone memorialized in such a way, all so that they can join the group.

Ultimately it was one of the best dinners that I've ever bought through charity. Silver well spent and if I'm being honest, I should have been charged much, much, much more for the time that I claimed.

Written By Isabeau

Feb. 13, 2019, 9:36 a.m.(7/24/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mia

With a profound measure of patience and plentiful prayers to Limerance, my lady.

Written By Aerwyna

Feb. 13, 2019, 9:30 a.m.(7/23/1010 AR)

Oh spa opening! I've never been to one and Lady Gretchen, she sure knows how to hold a GRAND opening! I'll be back, I can already tell this will be one of my favorite places.

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