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Written By Umbroise

Feb. 11, 2019, 12:25 p.m.(7/20/1010 AR)

Can a siege be resolved with a duel? Let us discuss.

Recently, there was a project to create a Great Road. The road has been very beneficial in many ways. However, it has also been the cause of certain terrible things. Among those things, House Bellerive, a vassal of House Blackram, chased after some Abandoned and then ended up in disputed territory claimed by both House Bellerive and House Threerivers. House Bellerive kills a patrol of House Threerivers soldiers, and House Threerivers decides to retaliate.

House Threerivers, being a vassal of House Acheron, pushed House Bellerive all the way back to their ancestral home. Incensed by the killing of their patrol, now they hold Last Bridge under siege, no doubt demanding justice for this incursion into lands that they claim to be rightfully theirs, and as their liege house, we must support them in their claim to justice for these grievances.

These matters most certainly need to be addressed. However, House Blackram seems to think that this matter can be resolved with a duel. And so I ask you, dear Scholars, is a duel sufficient for resolving this matter? Or is something more required? I do not believe that a duel will convince Count Trevor of House Threerivers to withdraw his forces from Bellerive's ancestral home. Only diplomacy and a proper addressing of his grievances should suffice.

House Blackram wonders why we do not accept their 'perfectly reasonable' offer of a duel. This is why. A duel, in our opinion, is insufficient. It solves nothing. It doesn't bring back the dead. It doesn't address the unfortunate demise of a Seraph of the Faith of the Pantheon. It doesn't put this age-old border conflict to rest in the slightest. In light of this, I myself will be traveling soon, along with a few others, to the lands of House Threerivers on behalf of the Marquessa, to seek to speak with Count Trevor that we might reach a more reasonable solution. If there are any involved who might wish to accompany me in this endeavor, I encourage you to reach out to me, and I shall make you a part of this delegation. I also welcome any advice from the Faith on the matter of how we might best address the matter of the Seraph who was killed in Threerivers lands.

I have reached out to Lady Teagan, in an effort to resume a dialogue over this issue. I have reached out to House Sanna previously due to the involvement of their vassal House Fireside. I wait on their reply, that we might call upon Juniper Whisper to help us mediate a solution. I have yet to hear from either, but I have faith that we can, together, resolve this matter peaceably to ensure that relations do not further deteriorate. But please let it not be said that the Marquessa is ignoring this matter. She most certainly is not. She simply believes, and I agree with her, that a duel will not resolve this issue. We have been quietly behind the scenes seeking a better solution, which we hope will bring an end to the conflict.

Written By Jasher

Feb. 11, 2019, 11:14 a.m.(7/20/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

Instead of a light, I would recommend a ship. Ideally, one with large sails and a narrow profile, built for speed.

Written By Sparte

Feb. 11, 2019, 11:01 a.m.(7/20/1010 AR)

My week will be spent in the Shrine of the Thirteenth in reflection.

Written By Malcolm

Feb. 11, 2019, 9:32 a.m.(7/20/1010 AR)

Honesty's an always. Hopefully, by being truthful I won't mess anything up.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 11, 2019, 9:15 a.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Five years. I will see this done in five years. It will take over three hundred thousand every fortnight, but I have faith that it can be done. I have laid the plea across the city and we shall see what will come of it. But I am certain, that if we put our mind to it, as I have put my mind to it, that it will be done. Not can. Will.

Written By Perronne

Feb. 11, 2019, 8:53 a.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Well, damn.

I had written a long, interesting journal entry. Well, interesting to me. And then I went to stand up, and I spilled my coffee all over and the ink wasn't dry, so it just became this flood of ink and coffee. Which was kind of pretty in a darkly marbled sort of way, but entirely unreadable. So, uh - the short version. Yay, new dresses! Yay, balls and spending time with good friends at balls! Yay, talking to a High Lord and not keeling over or exploding into a cloud of anxiety in any visible fashion. Yay, Second Edition of Merchant's Almanac (qualified yay, since now some people are kinda angry).

I guess if anyone wants the long version, they can send a letter and ask!

Written By Delilah

Feb. 11, 2019, 12:33 a.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

I wasn't aware I was the object of matchmaking. I wonder if this constitutes a need for a torch, a lantern, or ownership of the bloody lighthouse.

Written By Octavia

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:57 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

You continue to surprise people, your grace, myself included. It's a quality that will serve you well.

Written By Luis

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:55 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Marriages, they're always much more interesting when they're not your own. Not that I am worried, or feel any less excitement for mine own, I merely find that with others there was surprisingly a lot less anxiety and planning involved. I do not think my sword has ever been so sharp, nor my armor so well polished than it has in the last few months as a distraction from that which is foreign.

Written By Alaric

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:30 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

It was delightful to host the Marquessa and Marquis of House Deepwood for dinner, and even moreso to see that little Lady Nala is old enough to start having some conversations with her Witness!

We indeed should all aspire to be just like Auntie Lumen.

Written By Torian

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:30 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

You broke her heart.

You know who you are.

So do we.

Written By Salvatore

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:29 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

The longer I remain in this city the longer I'm glad I didn't come here as a youth. It seems to do something rough on the youths of it. So much pressure welling up. As broken as I am with my nightmares I still think I'm glad that I do not have to bear with some of the cruelty and pain that they do. They all seem to look at enemies as somethign that can't be fought. I've made some progress on finding more about what leads to my nightmares but it seems it's all part of bigger troubles and I've yet to straighten it out.

Written By Cadern

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:25 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Another week of trouble and investigation. Everyone has their secrets and some haunt them closer and harder than others. But for so many people I find that it's their secrets that drive them. Eilonwy says I like to collect people's secrets and that it's fitting for a Raven. It's an interesting thought. I've spent my life considering myself the black sheep. Not a sailor, not a warrior, not a shaman. I'm not something that had a place in the North. But the more I learn of what we've lost in the north... the more I'm glad I am who I am and from where I am. Still there are so many threats and they only seem to add not reduce. I will need to work harder to gather the support I need for what I wish to accomplish.

Written By Thesarin

Feb. 10, 2019, 11:23 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

The chance for an evening of simple joy is a fine thing, and you've got my thanks for it.

Written By Helena

Feb. 10, 2019, 11 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Agatha

I am so thrilled to see my eldest sister after so many long months -- our travels seem to conspire against one another, and when I am here, she is there, or I am there, and she is here. For now, we are both, wonder of wonders, in Arx, so the world should tremble in fear, for all three of this branch of Redrain's daughters are here together. She is as beautiful and strong as I remember her, and I hope that my bravery will one day be half as much as hers.

Written By Helena

Feb. 10, 2019, 10:57 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

The heat has its downsides, but it also has some perks. One was having a lovely little chat with Dame Ferron, as it was much too warm to run the forge. We chatted about weaponry and artistry and the need to learn to protect oneself. I did give a suggestion or two for pieces she might work on, and I'll be so thrilled if any of them come to see the light! I can't make things like she does, so beautiful and strong and useful, but if I gave even the tiniest bit of inspiration to the smallest glimmer of an idea, I will consider myself useful.

Also, the world can never have too many hairpins. I'm sure my sister Elgana will agree with that.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 10, 2019, 10:52 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Liara

I'm still getting to know her; but, so far I can tell, someday we'll make great friends!

She's so charismatic and clever; a true role-model!
I look forward to learning from her about the Arxian society and soirees.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 10, 2019, 10:47 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

A boat. What was I thinking? I'll grant it that it is a large and solid looking vessel... but that never prevents my stomach and I from wanting to part ways when they are in motion.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 10, 2019, 10:45 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Martino

Luella keeps telling me to be careful and weary of him.

But I can't help it! He has this innate charm that makes me lower my guard!
Whenever he speaks with those honeyed words, or gets too close; my skin goes from perfectly pale to a bright strawberry shade.

I know! I shouldn't fall for him. It'd be utterly stupid, and yet...

Written By Arik

Feb. 10, 2019, 9:49 p.m.(7/19/1010 AR)

Perhaps no two fealties share more similarity and more ancient animosity than the Northlands and Oathlands. The great red wall of Telmarch is a testament to generations of battle. The treaty giving the Northlands permission to practice rites to the Spirits while committing ourselves to the Pantheon a sign that compromise can be reached. My own sister Vala Khanne Halfshav is married to a son of Telmarch, Lord Percephon Halfshav nee Telmar. A union of mutual respect and if my stone walls are to be believed, love. One would think marble would be thick enough. It is not.

To wit, we most stubbornly resist that which is alike to us. For in our likeness we see things we wish we could change in ourselves. One might say like a reflection. I hope soldiers that continue to fight and die remember not to underestimate their opponents for they are more alike than they care to admit.

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