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Written By Gretchen

Feb. 15, 2019, 8:57 a.m.(7/27/1010 AR)

It's very different trying to put down roots somewhere. I've been on the road longer than I can remember having only my wagon to call home and picking up for a new horizon every few days--sometimes sooner depending on how welcoming the crowd was. I've seen a great many things and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't itching to get back out there again, that there wasn't a part of me that longs to see what's beyond the curve in the road, beyond the walls of this city, what's still waiting out there and yearning to be seen and heard.

But, we all have to come home sometime. I've got a store now and cousin Tessa was nice enough to let me park my wagon on her lawn. I can see the promise in this city and it is ever bit as exciting as the promise of the unknown. Mostly. It's a new unknown, which means I am somewhat suspicious of it, but this place is growing on me. People sure do seem to have a lot of silver to spare.

Which reminds me to set up payments to the Nightingale and the Faith. A little charity goes a long way. So I'm told.

Written By Martino

Feb. 15, 2019, 7:58 a.m.(7/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

Truly nothing but pride flows through me upon hearing and hearing of brother-mine's role as Voice. His tireless work maintaining the Naval Fleet and ensuring the protection of the coat has him already possessing a-many of the traits required to be a good leader.

Written By Shard

Feb. 15, 2019, 4:36 a.m.(7/27/1010 AR)

I'll make this short. Baron Audric De Lire is gone. That means I'm officially taking control of the Valorous Few as the new Captain General. That will last until if or when I find someone who can do the job better than I can--who I can also stand to be in the same room with for more than a minute.

We're not taking time off for mourning or anything like that. There are mouths to feed. If you have contracts, bring them to me. If you had agreements with Audric involving the Valorous Few, bring them to me, and we'll talk. If you somehow owe the Valorous Few money, I'm going to find out about it, so you'd best bring that to me before I bring it to you.

If you're sad about him being dead and want to honor him in some way, I'm going to arrange something in the way he'd want. Someone else might want to do something more solemn and official, I don't care. They can do that too.

Written By Aleksei

Feb. 15, 2019, 2:09 a.m.(7/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Saedrus

I don't know if the words even exist for what lives in my heart. Nothing about us has ever been easy, but it's always been worth it. And no matter what comes, it will always have been worth it.

But come home again someday. Even if it's not to me.

I love you.

Written By Reynir

Feb. 15, 2019, 12:54 a.m.(7/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Jo yo do show me the oddest things sometimes, Can't imagine anyone I'd rather have as a mentor in this damn city.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 15, 2019, 12:06 a.m.(7/27/1010 AR)

What did he eat...

Why does he smell like... squirrel.

Written By Venturo

Feb. 14, 2019, 7:30 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

I would recommend caution in allowing the Lady Amari to take you on a spin of 'wheelie horse' ... not only did I look ridiculous, the rebound of the lance nearly tore my arm from its shoulder!

Written By Klaus

Feb. 14, 2019, 6:30 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

I am in need of a dressmaker to put me me in the best gown possible in the offhand (fairly likely) chance I loose the contest to my wife and fail the most divine drink of brown nut ale.

Also an apothicary to brew me the strongest drink a man can take and survive to take after kissing my horse should I (will) loose.

Written By Klaus

Feb. 14, 2019, 6:02 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

Does it make me a bad person I really wanted to spend a lot of silver on tossing my wife off a plank into fake shark laden waters?

They would be fake sharks, unlike the ones which came after me when she last pushed me off a boat.

Written By Klaus

Feb. 14, 2019, 5:59 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

I am fairly certain I saw Doreen riding the Princess Consort's cat like a war beast, cheese tucked under an arm as they sashayed down the corridor. I did not do it, I did not train her to do so. Yet somehow I think I am going to be blamed.

Written By Gregory

Feb. 14, 2019, 5:52 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

So this is Arx. A place of hustle and bustle. Of great buildings. Of run down hovels. Of places serving tea... I sit here in Bold Expressions writing my first entry since arriving in Arx. It has taken me longer than it should to write, really, but I got caught up with everything that has happened. I spent the majority of my first week preaching sermons to military types on behalf of the faith, which was different, but not so different that it was a great change to a regular sermon. I've met my cousin Sparte, and his partner in troublemaking Rinel, both of them seems like decent people, despite the troubles they have been in. I have met nobles, explorers, scholars, commoners and even princesses. I have learnt of the Triad of the Lost, at least, more than I knew before, and of the Canticle of the Dawn, which I am now persuing the missing verses of.

I do have a decision to make however. Do I tie myself more closing with the scholars, whom I know so many of, or do I try to spread myself out and make sure that I am able to serve as many people as possible, by expanding my circle, maybe with the Inquisition? I should meet with them and find out more.

After this tea, of course.

Written By Gunther

Feb. 14, 2019, 5:40 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

My Sally,

I think you'd be proud of me. I done my very best not to fall into my cups. I got a good job. I am helpin' folks I think what deserves it. I says my prayers. I ain't wantin' for nothin. As long as I been doin' good in honor you, my love -- I've had vittles an' a roof. I ain't doin' no one no wrong. I ain't beat no one save for mutual sport and I ain't fell into nothin' what I had to say outright no to. I'm doin' my best to do what you says I was always meant to be. You always saw it in me even when I was bling my girl -- an' even when I couldn't remember it none...

Well, you'd remember for us both.

I hope you're beamin' up there what with your smile as big dinner plate smile and them eyes. Them little wrinkles whats creeps outside your eyes was always what done my heart in. I never told you but they was always my favorite part on you. Not onna account of anything other than when I saw your eyes, and you would squint onna account you would not get your eyes checked -- you looked so eff'n loveable. Even when you was cross with me and you would furrow your brow and huff and puff them eyes and them little wrinkles. I ain't feared no one, ain't been shy of toss'n knucks against no man -- but you could melt me to butter or tear me up between them worry lines. I always read between them. That's why I always reached up and would press my thumb and stroke there when you was tryin' to sleep and had your headaches. I was just trying to erase them worries. I always wanted better for you...

I love you. I don't know how I can stands the waiting. I think maybe my new friends may help. I'll just keep puttin' one good intention in front of the other. I know we'll get there girl. Until then...

Yours forever,

Written By Gunther

Feb. 14, 2019, 5:27 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

My Sally,

Guess somethin' is goin' on in them big muckity-muck circles. People are a whisperin' and talkin' about all the choices. I hear people just willy nilly openly gawking and yappin' their beaks about magics and all that hooey baloney.

I don't pay it no nevermind. Ain't somethin' what I care about none. Just don't think a fella like me matters when it comes to this big hoopla things. Ain't like it ever impacts ol' Gunther save we have to tighten are belts an all when vittles are hard to come by. May know so-and-so son or daughter whats been killed and what not.

Ain't sure what talkin' about it does. Ain't like we Lowers and Lesser get a say. Ain't no fancy folks ever bend no ear to what we the little people says or thinks. Onna account we are not as educated. But I ain't sure that's so. We got all sorts o' wisdoms.

All I want is for them muckity-mucks not to go and changing our Gods none. All I got left is being with you again Sally my girl an' if they mess that up I'm gonna be cross.

I don't rightly understand whats goin' on. I reckon mayhaps you do now. I reckon I'll just help thems that's nice.

Oh! I got a job! Gonna be work'n for them northern growlin' sorts. 'Cept they ain't as strange as I thought. I almost won at mud wrestlin' but my knight maybe buddy beat me down. I gave a good showin' though Sally girl.

I miss you so.


Written By Gunther

Feb. 14, 2019, 5:19 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

My dearest Sally,

I miss ya so. I gotta say I feel a little guilty but I knows you ain't wanting me to feel this way.

I kinda made some fellas that are my friends -- I think. Or I reckon they could be! And fancy folks and all. You would look at me and tell me I was in my cups again if'n I could tell you in person. Not that I could onna account of you bein' dead an' all.

This one fella, he's a knight -- I know, one of them fellas. And he is big as can be. He was raised what like I was 'cept he pushed into his share of thumpin' all sorts onna account of his size.

The other two is fancy princesses! Now now Sally girl put away your nether worldly rollin' pin it ain't like that. Them girls is nice to me onna account they just is okay people. One is a war-something. We heard stories I think her before maybe. I can kinda relate to her onna account her husband kicked it and I think she knows what its like what to be alone. 'cept she's got little ones. I said me some prayers for her and hers. Hope you, if you ain't too busy yelling up there at what I am doin -- could you look in on em'. I know you got so much love to give an' all.

One princess, she's one of them King's princesses. She gave me some help and been real friendly to me. You know though, I ain't sure why she is so friendly -- but she sure has been nice.

Some others here and there too.

Wish we was here together. Or even just you.

You'd be so happy my girl.

I'd be happy just if'n we could be together. Just one last time. I miss you so.


Written By Karadoc

Feb. 14, 2019, 4:31 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

An addition to my will, Scholars: If something dreadful should occur and there are what remains left of what was previously me -- I immodestly request that they be added to a barrel of Southern Thunder, sealed up, and set afloat at sea. That sounds like quite the happy ending. Drunk and on a pleasure cruise.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 14, 2019, 2:07 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

Eleven point two.

Blessed be the Gods. To think that two weeks ago, we were half past ten and before that, just shy of ten million.

The generosity of a few each week brings me probably not as near the amount of joy that the children or their parents must feel when they see the bond bought and then struck. Between the tomes pf childrens tales, the donations, the standing weekly donations - this week they rose from seven thousand to twelve alone.

Lady Lisebet has been steadfast in her determination to see writs pressed into a messengers palm each week. Brady Grayhope has kept his promise, and three quarters of his salary makes it's way to thrax's coffers and then into the coinbox. Lady Sanya, a surprise and yet, there it is without fail each week. Marquise rymarr wrote this morning, pledging the entirety of his stipend from the Iron guard. As he wrote, he does not need it, he does as he does because it should be done, so thus he gives to see the end of childhood thralldom a little bit closer. Master Sparte, ever steadfast and the same to be said for Lady Mikani.

I will note, House Crovane.

The messenger I received stole my breath away for one moment in my gloom and a ray of sun shone down. three hundred thousand. Across the isles, this week alone, five hundred and fifty children thus far will have their bonds struck.

Can I do this in five years?

To ambitious to see it done in three?

Written By Monique

Feb. 14, 2019, 1:37 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Willow

The Gilded Page is extremely honored to host the work of Lady Willow Nightgold in the cultural stacks. 'Of Elves and Men' is an insightful tome, as brilliant as the Lady whose hand penned it, and sure to give a better understanding to those who are fortunate enough to borrow it from the library.

Written By Tikva

Feb. 14, 2019, 1:04 p.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

When I was a little girl, at Brighthold, the sea was the horizon, and the sky was the limit. Imagination was everything. There was really no limit to how high my heart could soar or how far my imagination could reach. I was conscious of the gift I had been given, the gift of a family, the gift of a future. I don't know that I've ever entirely outgrown that consciousness.

Now, as a Princess of Grayson, I turn that same gaze inward, into the depths of this family that has taken me in and elevated me and shown me how to grow. Perhaps in this way, I can find adventures all unlooked for, in a direction I didn't expect.

Written By Quenia

Feb. 14, 2019, 11:44 a.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

We finally received the last shipment of wine, and we should be all set for the Igniseri Wine Extravaganza that is happening this weekend. I've counted the bottles, and double counted them myself, and we've an even 30 bottles of each of the three wines we'll be showcasing. We're rereleasing Zephyr's of Spring, and then debuting a lovely peach wine, as well as a lovely black cherry and black currant wine. The vintners have worked very hard in order to ensure that everything would arrive in time, and I couldn't be more pleased.

In the meantime, I've acquired some of that luxury brocade. I'm deciding what I should be doing with it. I consider the cloth an enigma right now. I also acquired some umbra, some luxury metal, some precious stones, and a dawnstone. I am planning on having these materials made into something to be raffled off the night of the Extravaganza - which I'll announce later this evening - after everything is appropriately designed.

The proceeds from the raffle will go towards the agricultural center that House Igniseri is building in Granato. We aim to have it dedicated to Lagoma, Petrichor, and Mangata, and will it will be part of the Pilgrim's path. I've already gotten approval by the Faith for this project, after speaking to Legate Ailith. I've many, many petitions in to different houses and organizations whom I hope will be interested in helping with this project. It will be, to say the least, massive in scope.

We are already planning on taking in some additional refugees, with the help of the Arvum Refugee Relief Group, to help with the labor of the agricultural center. We'll have other work for them as well, after this project is completed, as we are actively looking to expand our territory as well, with an eye on two areas the Explorers already scouted for us.

Now, to find some time, in all of this work, where I can also enjoy myself and have some fun.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 14, 2019, 10:07 a.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

This choice seems like a false dilemma.

From what I understand of Cardia we will see our culture replaced, our gods made a trifle and our heroes turned into local folk stories. Also, mass slavery and maybe we have to replace the king with a dragon? I overheard people talking about this, so I may be wrong, but if that's true then I'm not at all on board with Cardia. Dragon kings seem like they'd want a very different sort of taxes. Also, the Undying Empire will be very angry with us.

The Undying Empire seems like there'd be a least amount of change, except that at a moment's notice the Emperor might decide that he needs to control a bunch of people directly and then that just happens. Seems really creepy. Also, Cardia will be very angry with us.

A lot of people like Brass.

I think my problem with Brass is that he's a tremendous hypocrite.

He's supposedly against slavery, but he still participates in perpetuating a system where a tiny number of people benefit greatly from the efforts of the vast majority. He's supposedly against thralldom, but doesn't appear to have any interest in helping us get rid of it beyond being preachy about it. He's got all the convictions of a Cardian, though less of the malevolence to be sure, but without any of the interest in backing up what he says. He's shallow. A hollow replacement for Copper. Who I can't help but notice didn't leave us any sort of a suggestion that Brass was a preferred option.

And Ashe basically says for us to keep doing what we're doing. I like that.

Cardia wants to own us. The Undying Empire wants to use us. Brass wants us to be his ideal. Ashe wants us to be us.

Frankly, I'm for us.

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