Feb. 25, 2019, 1:52 a.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
Arx, I left you alone for five minutes, five minutes! And look what you have got yourself into.
(Okay, it was decidedly longer than five minutes, but even so, the point stands.)
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Feb. 25, 2019, 12:55 a.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
Balance is always a popular topic, and its recent relevance behooves me to reiterate old thoughts on it. A discussion about balance without defining and contextualizing what 'balance' is will simply fail or lead to misunderstanding after misunderstanding. The balance that leaps to mind in matters of good and evil is often harmony, or in other words coexistence.
Can true good coexist with true evil? Yes -- as evil. That 'balance' is a form of stasis. With stasis there is no change, with no change there is no growth, and with no growth everything loses its value, even freedom. True good ceases to be good when it decides to ignore true evil. It becomes moral convenience. True evil does not relent. It plays to win. It must be opposed in force. Anything less than that is dishonest to the gods. That struggle waxes and wanes in perpetuity. That unending change is a sort of balance; an acceptable balance, far above what may as well be consigning yourself to inevitable defeat.
Feb. 24, 2019, 11:51 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
I taught a lecture on stealth as a form of courtesy. In the Archives it is important to be quiet! It was not widely attended, perhaps due to the hour (late), but Lady Mabelle and Lady Ysbail proved excellent ‘shushers’ listening for our ‘quiet researchers’ Lady Rhiannon and Messere Zeriax. I also thank Scholar Lira for providing refreshments. I will likely conduct any future lessons elsewhere, but I think it went well for all that.
Feb. 24, 2019, 11:48 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
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I don't think anyone would call me a merry individual, but Messere Venturo gets me as close to it as I'm able to come. The import of his Kismet Carnivals to Nilanza's growing prosperity, and the morale of the realm in general, cannot be over-stated. I salute Raconteur Brewing and the good messere himself as a pin that holds our Compact together by making us a little bit happier in these grim times.
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Feb. 24, 2019, 11:29 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
So much talk of civilization these days. It is the sum work of Faith, Noble, and commoner. People.
Civilizations built upon the backs of slaves are like a single man lifting a wagon with a lever. Destined to fail when the lever breaks.
Feb. 24, 2019, 11:28 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
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I enjoy seeking out the new seamstresses and fabric whisperers in the city as they crop up. You never know whether they will be the next thing.
To say that she has made a good dress and hat for my pilgrimage is an understatement. Or the few other dresses that I had made. She convinced me to even have pants made. I am not a fan of the restriction of such
They feel wonderful. Mistress Aerwyna, most certainly up there with those I will turn to and it was nice to indulge in some new clothing instead of throwing everything at thrall children as I have for the last few months.
Feb. 24, 2019, 11:27 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
It's a very clear night here in the city. The stars are very present here, and I don't wonder how the view might be from the bridge at Stonehearth, over the river, might be on a calm night like tonight.
Feb. 24, 2019, 11 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
I'll be honest. Not sure how I feel about people reaching out based on journal entries. But in general a good week of research. Sir Andry had a most excellent discussion of Civilization and it's corrolary. I was fascinated to see how many people were already intrigued in the subject and hopefully a few others who will become routinely people to discuss matters of import for. Unfortunately it means a whole new set of things to look into. Still as long as one continues to learn it's a step in the right direction.
I did have a fascinating discussion with Khanne. It did leave me with mixed feelings about how to next pursue how to better preserve knowledge in the north. It's a reminder that being only passingly involved with the Inquisition, Scholars and Spirit Walkers makes it easier to investigate but at the same time allows none of the protections of such things. Perhaps it's worth another reconsideration of doing this alone... I don't think I'll ever be able to convey how great a loss Gareth was.
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Feb. 24, 2019, 10:44 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
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A busy whisper whose been working hard to improve her combat abilities. I can respect that.
Feb. 24, 2019, 10:41 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
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It was quite a while ago now we first spoke and you suggested that it would greatly benefit my House if we helped back your enterprise. Over a year, surely. That partnership has paid off both for my House and our lands, and myself. For a long time now, I have been awaiting the Kismet Carnival, and here, tonight, I attended the first ever here in Arx! They did NOT disappoint one bit. Stunning acts! Fun games! DELICIOUS DRINKS! Amazing Company! I haven't been able to get out much in... far too long.. but I am so glad I was able to make it tonight. The carnival was fantastic, and I cannot wait for it to travel to the northlands! And you, Master Brewer, were a phenomenal showman. Thank you and your other hosts for a lovely evening. I look forward to the next!
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Feb. 24, 2019, 10:13 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
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I've sung the praises of my patron before, but never in the whites. Allow me to change that.
Princess Liara Grayson is all I could ever ask for in a patron, and more. I am glad she chose to accept me as her protege.
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Feb. 24, 2019, 10:06 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
I've been hard at work gathering a team of talented individuals to fulfill the naval recruitment effort my cousin tasked me to perform. Even though I still feel out of my depth when it comes to naval matters, having so many talented individuals helping me makes me feel confident that I will be able to fulfill her expectations, possibly even surpass them.
Feb. 24, 2019, 9:43 p.m.(8/19/1010 AR)
My sincere thanks to the participants, carnival goers and entertainers who took part in the official opening of the Kismet Carnival here in Arx. While the permanent building lacks some of the dreamy, colorful flair of the tents that roam the lands of Arvum, it demonstrated the mission of this particular endeavor well, I think. And for those who were unable to attend? Worry not, the Kismet Hall on the Raconteur Grounds is a permanent fixture now, the games open and available to all who want to come give their hand in a show of skill and luck.
Feb. 24, 2019, 9:42 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
I have spoken with a number of people about my investigation, it turns out that I get a lot more offers of assistance than people actually assisting. Though I am being overly harsh, it is more that those I have asked at actually quite busy, which is something I feel that I should be. I do hope that I will not be upsetting my surperiors if I continue with this investigation into the canticle, and I will continue to seek out support in the following weeks.
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Feb. 24, 2019, 9:37 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
A lovely evening of games, entertainers, wonderful company, and some of the best drink I've found outside of Grenaldo and Tiaza's, located in Peddlers Row, and tell your friends!
Feb. 24, 2019, 8:28 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
A task.
I have been approached as a Godsword to help a man who I will not be naming deal with his problems. He is suffering from a lingering guilt over actions that have played a small part in tearing his family apart. I need to think on how to handle this. He has done enough reflecting on it, but needs some form of closure. A personal penance might be suitable, not because he needs to repent, but because he needs a way to know that he has done so, for himself. I shall think more upon the problems he is facing, and maybe speak to my superiors and peers to see what they think.
Feb. 24, 2019, 8:25 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
It has been a while since I wrote a journal entry. I need to make sure that my pages are not left blank, and get into the practice of updating it with my thoughts. I must confess, since I have come to ArX I find myself at a loss a lot of the time. Sure, I have gotten myself involved in assisting with dipolomacy in the mountains, and am performing an investigation regarding the canticle of the dawn (more on that in a later entry), but I am yet to find a purpose. I find myself wondering aimlessly around this great city, and just performing my duties without any sense of direction. I have come from having a purpose, the one tasked with helping the village in its day to day spiritial and physical life, to being one of many within a system, and that worries me. Had I so defined myself by my role as Seraph that now I have no identity?
Feb. 24, 2019, 8:16 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
Apparently there are stories that have been spread about me I havn't yet heard, which people think I spread. I don't fault people for creativity at my expense, but I find myself wondering at what sort of person would spread those sorts of rumors about themselves.
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Feb. 24, 2019, 8:16 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
A question was posed today in the Shrine of Gild that I paid some little attention to but thought about after. Less the question and more the example - as the question was rhetorical:
"Let's say you have two charitable works in need of money. One helps orphans of war, the other does valuable maintenance to infrastructure in poor regions. Let's assume, for the moment, that the investment in the latter would do much more long-term scietal good than the former. Even if that's true, and people rationally know it to be true; I am confident that the orphans would receive the lion's share of charity, because it looks better to say 'I helped those poor orphans' than 'I helped maintain important infrastructure'"
It does bring to question how charity is measured. Is it measured by pure amount of? By proportional ability to give? Is the same amount given over time more charitable than a lump sum just once? Does the quality of to whom or to what is being given factor in to the equation?
How do risks and unknowns factor in? In the example above: what if one of the orphans grew to be a great knight? Or the next great physician? Or a beloved Dominus? Would that weigh in retrospect on the initial giving and balance it above the similar donation to infrastructure?
Now these questions are not necessary to any better understanding of Gild. Nor do I think society would particularly benefit any to some constructed balance and measure of Charity and which is greater than how and when so.
But it is an interesting, if futile and unrevelatory, thought experiment and so I leave it to the Salon. Perhaps they can discuss it at their next gathering.
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Feb. 24, 2019, 7:53 p.m.(8/18/1010 AR)
Hope comes in so many things. New friends, old friends, family, the welcoming of new life into this world, and the remembering of ones that have already left us. The color of a summer sunset. The smell of puppies. Yeah, so I'm weird and like the smell of puppies.
What I don't like is the smell of the kennels during the heat of the day, but no one wants to read about that.
A field of daisies growing wild and free. They are in many ways the perfect embodiment of hope. They look small and delicate, and yet they are exceptionally hearty, and tenacious, growing in the most unlikely places. Defiant against the world and determined to be free.