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Written By Alrec

Dec. 28, 2018, 11:52 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

Lord Karadoc gives the best apologies. I hope to one day be insulted by him.

Written By Karadoc

Dec. 28, 2018, 11:42 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

You are fiendishly clever, Countess Tessere.

Written By Karadoc

Dec. 28, 2018, 11:42 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

I commit to these pages the following: Lady Juliana Pravus has won. I am certain it is her work that has immortalized my countenance in marble, and I will need to discover if she is the also to blame for the strange painting of the --hrm. What is a serpent-cat amalgam even called? Why in the Abyss would someone like her even -- oh. OH.

Written By Malcolm

Dec. 28, 2018, 11:36 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

It's a pretty strange thing, and I don't know if I'm the only one to notice it. After that first month of being in the city - things get quiet. Real quiet. I'm pretty glad that it happened to get quiet as soon as the weather started to change toward the better. You seem to fall out of notice, a little, and your name's not on everyone's mouth anymore. Guess that's what they consider settling in, maybe? Honestly, between us - Scholar? I don't feel all that settled. I feel restless.

Written By Alrec

Dec. 28, 2018, 11:07 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Well there goes the whole no tears in your wake thing. Lets welcome a more sensitive Thrax where we talk about our feelings. Remember sharks, human are not food.

Written By Miranda

Dec. 28, 2018, 10:59 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Isidora

I love you, Isidora!

You make me laugh in ways no one else does.

I'm so glad you're my Sister-by-Marriage.

If my brother doesn't keep you happy, let me know.

Telling Domonico he's not doing it right - priceless!

Written By Beatrice

Dec. 28, 2018, 10:23 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

The sun is bright. The wind is warm. It's a perverse backdrop to Arx's gloom. "I'm happy," the sky says. "Why aren't you?"

For me, it has been a week of books and looks, of sober dialogues and gentle puppy dogs. The welcome by my new family has been as hospitable as the weather and as promising. I miss Nilanza. With all my heart, I wish these were happier days. We do not, however, belong in calm seas; our place is to navigate the storm, the beacon on the rocks. I pray for the wisdom to do so.

Written By Ida

Dec. 28, 2018, 9:49 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

While trying to come up with a new idea with which to stock the shop, I ended up sketching (or what passes for such with my lack of drawing skills) a fiery bird that I think might deserve its own single piece. Maybe two. That thought lead to an unusually ambitious one of doing a bunch of individual pieces of varying themes rather than stick to just one design. I'll have to check the coffee supplies. Maybe the whiskey ones too.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 28, 2018, 5:44 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

A breath, long held, finally released.

That wasn't as bad as I feared it might be.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 28, 2018, 5:04 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Have a new appreciation for spiders, and now I see them coming out from winter. There's even one living on Josie in my cabin and it can stay there, but I do keep an eye on it. It seems content in its net up there in the corner and it keeps an eye on me too. Bit of a stalemate situation - I don't bother it, it doesn't bother me. I wonder if I can feed it? Can it be a friend? Pet spiders is a thing, right? I mean, they seem low maintenance, but it's a bit of a worry if I don't see it in its net and I keep nervously watching where I put my feet.

I've given the crew stern warnings not to harm any spiders, to which there was some grumbling about 'is he on haze now?' though Alena who is currently working as my second, who is the most cunning and capricious woman I've ever met, gave me a smile. Made me quite sweaty. That woman doesn't smile at people, I wonder what that means. Maybe she just really likes spiders and approves of this.

I've named the spider Cecily the Seafarer. I hope it doesn't get seasick.

Written By Margret

Dec. 28, 2018, 2:14 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

I adore my little boy. He is the sunshine in my life. I am glad I had the tail end of the winter to spend with him.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for the Spring and all of the opportunities for socializing that comes with it. If I spend another day in Greenmarch Lodge I may scream. I am antsy. Someone please invite me to tea.

Written By Saoirse

Dec. 28, 2018, 12:51 a.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

I have a lot to live for. Who knew! Thank goodness Beaumont told me!

Written By Saoirse

Dec. 28, 2018, 12:46 a.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

I have a lot to live for. Did you know that?! Who knew! Thank goodness Beaumont Valardin is here to remind me. Pshew!

Written By Victus

Dec. 28, 2018, 12:41 a.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

The end is just another part of the journey. Yet even in our world, the end is never really the end. From when we are born to when our bodies are decayed, our soul will return another day. Every death is the end of a chapter. Although it's difficult not to still find fear in that end, when the memories of who you are today are lost to tomorrow. But when it's time to go, will it really matter? After all you probably won't remember it by the end.

There was a time I called myself fearless of death. When I saw strength only worthwhile in the sword arm and how many you could cut down with it. I had no one to rely on me then. I had no wife. I had no children. Now I find death to be quite a scary thing. Not for what I lose, but for what I leave behind. It would be irresponsible of me to die now of all times, while my kids are young. Unable to fend for themselves. The time of being a a reckless warrior passed me by years ago.

It's led me to think more and more upon the end of things. Specifically where this incarnation of my story ends. I hold some ideals about how I would like that ending to go. It is not one where I face a warrior's death, barking challenge to the void while I dive forward with a spear in hand. It's not one where I slip peacefully into the beyond either.

One day I will be too old to hold an axe, or stand myself steady and straight on the deck of a ship. Only useful for barking wisdom and lunacy intertwined at my descendants. We either die or live long enough to become dusty relics of the path. Neither will allow me to continue to be useful to Thrax when those days loom.

The only goal I truly find imperative to achieve in this life is to see that Astrid becomes fit to take my place. When she is a grown woman, a grown warrior that has the unyielding tradition of our homeland in her blood, that'll be when I can stop.

Because perhaps foolishly, I believe a day will come when I've given enough. A day when I can fade into the background and see what I've built sustain itself.

I'll retire and place my daughter on my throne. I'll build a home on the shore and I'll fish for my food. When I'm bored, I'll row out into the sea and drift on the waves till it's time to come back in. Just me, myself and I on a beach. Nowhere in particular. Living one day at a time.

It's a very difficult dream to achieve, I think. But one that I hope I don't lose sight of in the coming years. Every time I see her marching down a hallway with a bundle of kittens in tow, I know that those days are very far off. Before I get too ahead of myself, it's best that I cherish the time we spend together now. It'll only be a few years before things really start to get rattled.

Written By Monique

Dec. 27, 2018, 11 p.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

It is my great pleasure to announce that prior to Princess-Consort Alarissa Thrax's exciting dinner auction, there will be a game to take part in!

This difficult puzzle of a contest will start in one weeks' time and run up until the eve of the auction. On the first day of the contest, I shall be posting the first line or lines of a poem that has been written to give people a clue as to the identity of Princess Alarissa's dangerous mystery diner. Every two days after, I shall post further lines that give more hints.

Be one of the first three to guess the illustrious dinner guest correctly and win an amazing prize of jewelry, and a copy of the limited-edition book I will be writing exclusively for the contest. Everyone who guesses correctly after the first three people will also win a copy of the book.

Each entry will require a donation of 1,000 silver to Princess Alarissa's Thursday's Child charity, and each person may donate for up to three entries (3,000 silver total). Prizes and books will be handed out on the night of the charity auction, or if one cannot attend, will be messengered shortly after.

Good luck, and look for the first clue to be published soon!

<OOC - Contest will start Jan. 01, 2019 and continue until Jan. 12, 2019 at 19:30; money should be sent by messenger to Monique, along with guesses; guesses will not be confirmed until the mystery diner has been announced, and then winners will be awarded their prizes; any questions can be directed to Monique>

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 27, 2018, 10:50 p.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

So it begins. The courage of my convictions is strong. Or else I would not have made it to where I am.

Written By Joscelin

Dec. 27, 2018, 7:25 p.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

I'm good at connecting people, talking about the benefits of one merchant or Crafter to another and forging partnerships, details, negotiations, contracts, spiraling the successes until it ripples outward, top to bottom, from trader to final consumer. I forget how long it's taken me to become good at this, how I might just be better at this than creating pretty wearable pieces of art.

Not that I'd ever give up being a jeweler. I do that for me.

But my -business- these days seems to be connecting people. Forging partnerships and business between people. Connections. Conversations. -Lucrative- conversations.

It's satisfying work, it keeps the grumbling unhappiness at bay when Ianthe isn't in my arms.

Also I had no idea babies would get so wonderfully fat so quickly. I am told this is because I feed her. I have no intention of stopping.

Written By Cambria

Dec. 27, 2018, 5:26 p.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

Much of the time, pride and humility are like two sides of the same coin. When we are humbled by those who have done us good, we may resent them because to be humbled can seem a wound to our pride. And for their part, humble men and women, as some Scholars point out, may be proud to be seen as such by others.

Written By Corban

Dec. 27, 2018, 2:14 p.m.(4/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

I could not be prouder of Princess Sorrel's work on the Metallic Cycle. They are not just brilliant tales of heroes past, but also a promise kept. The Silver Swords will do our part at drill each morning, running in cadence to the beat of her songs.

As Arx endures, we will remember.

Written By Amari

Dec. 27, 2018, 11:08 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

I wonder if all scouting expeditions are like this one of Baron Norwood's I've just returned from. There was little found but trees, and some more trees stood next to still more trees with some additional trees behind, and the weather wasn't the best either, nor was the terrain easy. It was quite demoralizing for most everyone. I love the woods though. It's so wild and untouched out there, with everything left to live as it will according to its nature. Granted it lacks the amenities and security of civilized life. At any moment you could be set upon by bandits or eaten by a bear, but if you don't let the fear of those things color your perception too much, it's actually quite lovely. It helps to have brave companions with sharp swords along too.

With the mood being so low in the party, I sang Princess Sorrel's Metallic songs to keep spirits up. When I quickly ran out of those, I just made up various songs and stories about the lesser known Wooden Order, the "wood be" heroes history has forgot. Beautiful, deadly Holly was a favorite for all the fun methods she devised to poison allies and enemies both, Oak was steadfast and strong but terribly, terribly boring, mad Ash got a few laughs for being so singularly and fanatically devoted to killing demons and maudlin Willow cried rivers over all the various wrongs done to him by the other Woodens, real or imagined. The scouts seemed to find Pine the incorrigible thief, braggart and liar amusing as well and were fond of fair Maple for being so hopelessly sweet and trusting in contrast.

By the end of the expedition there was little appetite left for silliness, unfortunately, so I didn't finish their stories. Maybe next time.

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