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Written By Jennyva

Dec. 27, 2018, 8:44 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

Okay so, as I mentioned before: I joined the Harlequins! I'm going to be helping with babies, answering questions, and taking care of the inhabitants of the Shrine.

I guess that means I might have to take a few lessons in order to become a good midwife. I can't wait!

Oh! And there's a plan for next week: I'm going to be praying and meditating at the Shrine. I'm going to start by offering some puns in prayer. And then.. I don't know! I'll just see where it goes.

Written By Jennyva

Dec. 27, 2018, 8:32 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

I finally got to meet him! I did! I really did scholar and I'm not lying! I joined the Harlequins!

[[The rest of the penmanship here unreadable, presumably because the scholar was being excitedly shaken to death]].

Written By Mirella

Dec. 27, 2018, 7:10 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

You can't get divorced if you never get married.

(I want it to be noted that the Scholar just smirked knowingly at me, and tapped the side of his head with one pointer finger. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it was rather odd.)

(I want it to be noted that the Scholar now looks somewhat sad.)

Written By Lys

Dec. 27, 2018, 4:12 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric


Written By Lys

Dec. 27, 2018, 4:12 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

How strange. I get married and suddenly there's waves of divorce petitions... If I were a more superstitious person I'd think this were a bad omen. But I'm not. I am incredibly possessive, however. There shall be no divorce in Theo's future.

Written By Ysbail

Dec. 27, 2018, 2:55 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Oh no, you will find I quite agree that she is indeed an exemplary example of a Twilight Crawler. Just - not a wonder one sees every day.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 27, 2018, 1:25 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I regret being called away on business before having a chance to properly introduce myself to Charlotte. She has so much personality, far more than I ever expected!

So did her friend, and I /do/ need to teach him the follow of Disclosures of Dignity. Mind you, it might seem quaint and provincial, but one never knows! Maybe I could play it with Charlotte.

Written By Alrec

Dec. 26, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(4/1/1010 AR)

Hair turning white after death?

Written By Gilroy

Dec. 26, 2018, 9:08 p.m.(4/1/1010 AR)

The rumors of mass divorces seem overblown.

All I see is a parade of the best among us, nobles all, assuring us of the strength of their marriages.

So strong. So loving. So convincing. So trying too hard.

So, so compensating.

Lot of half-empty beds and slept-on couches out here, I think.

Written By Acantha

Dec. 26, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(4/1/1010 AR)

Benny loves the bathtub...a bit too much.

(The scholar is looking at me like I have grown a third head over the beaver that's following me around.)

He just appeared really. His name is Benny. I figured if he wanted to go away he would. I'm not crazy. Really. It also appears that he's not tried to eat any of the beds or tables in the Lodge. So that's a plus. Maybe he'll start to figure out that he's not a pet sometime.

Written By Tesha

Dec. 26, 2018, 4:20 p.m.(4/1/1010 AR)

We are overcome by melancholy these days. Something is making people break their vows. I decided months ago that it was not something myself or my family was going to be known for ever again if I could help it after the whole mess of Everard. I look forward to the coming months and my marriage to Lord Gaspard Blackram. I thought for a long time that I was unmarriable. I guess I can prove myself wrong.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 26, 2018, 3:58 p.m.(4/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ysbail

Charlotte is fantastic and I won't have you saying a bad word about her.

Written By Iseulet

Dec. 26, 2018, 4:14 a.m.(3/28/1010 AR)

I am stretched far, far too thin these days. I have to figure out where my priorities lay, I think, so I can start working on my own future and goals. Thank you, everyone, for making me a part of your story. I will continue to be of course, but I find I havent enough time for everything I need to do during the week with so many obligations.

Just taking a small step back my darlings. Forgive me.

Written By Ysbail

Dec. 26, 2018, 3:43 a.m.(3/28/1010 AR)

Of all the strange things I've seen in Arx lately, A giant purple Spider in a top hat quite takes the cake.

Written By Samantha

Dec. 26, 2018, 1:57 a.m.(3/28/1010 AR)

Before we married, Rymarr commissioned a poem. I found it again today at the bottom of my keepsake box, and somehow it lifted my heart.

Among gardens, mountains and meadow so found,
She bends with the wind, subtle curves round,
Her simple hardy grace, has my soul so bound.
Glory and grace, end of winter, comes spring,
The daisy, yellow center such joy does bring,
To her gracious royalty the forest does sing.

When she breathes that laughter, so clear,
She fills the room with her perfect cheer,
It's a sound that draws all good men near,
Though this daisy is no bloom of girlhood,
In her pale, wild light tis where I stood,
In the darker forest, the deepest of wood.

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 26, 2018, 12:38 a.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

It is an enormous undertaking. This much I knew going in. Would that I could spend it all from my own pockets. But it is too great an amount for any singular person. This task. Thralldom after all, took a great many years into turning into what it is. It cannot and will not be dealt with overnight. Generations likely. But after having had Astrid and then having been carrying Danse, I knew that I could do something. They are children after all. Children are such innocents in all this.

For two years I have been striving to raise the funds, to throw auctions, to work with others to see proceeds go to this. Many hours I have sat going over names and lists, making sure that not too many children come from any one fealty so as to ensure that any financial impact is softened by the debt bought and not so much that cannot be bourne by thrax. By us. There will be many that we won't reach before they turn their majority. Save to shuffle those names to the Liberators and let them try.

I sat today, going through the books with the accountant, to see where we stand. A smile on my face when I saw the numbers. Three months into our third year of this, already we have surpassed last years. Today.... today... today. Seven million in all, from start to now. Seven thousand children and counting. A small amount in the face of the whole of it. But none the less, seven thousand children. As I point out when someone sends me a thousand silver or even four resources and express guilt that it is but one child, I reply that one child, is still a child, and one more to grow up and thrive within our compact, and learn a skill and break a cycle.

One child, is one more than none.

I have to breath deep. A project that I saw taking so many years, that I did not know if I might even succeed in seeing completed before my time to go back to the wheel... it's possible. So very very possible within even the next five or ten years. Blessed be.

Freedom. A breaking of chains. This is the mark I leave for my own children.

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 26, 2018, 12:26 a.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

I took Astrid and Danse to the springs beneath Navegant. I like the water, warm and comforting to my leg, easy for me to sit there and let Astrid play with the nursemaid in the water. Danse sat on my lap and splashed. It's not hard to see that Astrid hears Mangata's call. There is a change in her, in the joy that permeates her being when she is near water. Be it the pond in the atrium, here in the springs or when running up to the waves that crash upon the shoreline. She feels Mangata's call, though I think she does not know that's what it is yet.

A wildness to her. One that I need to temper, to not let it overtake her. She's almost two and a half, time to start learning to sit still and to be polite. More so than she already is. How to behave in public. To start taking them all with us to Maelstrom when we go, even if it has to be on separate ships.

The kittens follow her too. Tumbling in her wake, some of them with patches of color in that sea of white. They've gotten into Prince Jasher's belongings and I've lost no less than three dresses to their claws. I swear now that they are old enough, I will find them homes. Save our wardrobes from their sharp claws. At least the mostly seem to be spared the temperament of their mother.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 26, 2018, 12:11 a.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

There may be few joys equal to riding an elk.

At least my dear companion knew what he was about, rather than relying on me to know. Thank you, stalwart elk friend.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 26, 2018, 12:09 a.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

I doubt anyone contrived to worry about whether love still flourishes in our house, but it does.

The love of many aunts for a small boy.

A love enduring despite separation.

The deep bonds of sisterhood.

New, fragile love nurtured despite social challenges.

Pure unalloyed adoration of a cat by a man shaped by war.

The rough and tumble love that grows between close kin, even when there are days they want to smack me with a book.

The lasting love of soul-bright joy in my heart that remains a steady flame, always.

There are facets to my own story I will not share except to say I love with all my heart, aflame on hope and unshakeable faith in my loved ones, all of them. Mayhap I fail to show it enough. But I attest to the gods in light of all the hardship, we endure.

Written By Valdemar

Dec. 25, 2018, 8:17 p.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Whatever has been in the air recently, our marriage stands strong. Such partnerships are not always easy, but if you have a worthy partner and a marriage rooted in more than just emotion, it will endure.

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