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Written By Draven

Dec. 25, 2018, 7:37 p.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

The mead is finally ready! It made twelve bottles for the batch! I think it tastes really nice! I like it lots! I sent out ten bottles! Kept two for myself and my Wife! All the rest went out to friends! And even one bottle to the King! He got the best of the batch!

Written By Ida

Dec. 25, 2018, 6:59 p.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

Commissions are done, the shop stocked and emptied again. Winter makes me want to be in the forge, if only for the warmth, but also makes me want to curl up in a blanket with some coffee and do some reading. It's felt like one of the colder of winters I've experienced in Arx, or maybe my blood is just thinning after living here for so long. Idle ramblings, all this, but it feels like my own life is about to turn a corner just as winter will soon fade into spring and figured that, at least, worthy of note.

Written By Tikva

Dec. 25, 2018, 6:37 p.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

Marriage isn't about love. It is about oaths.

If you have love, treasure it.

If you don't? Suck it up. You have an oath. If you can't hold to that one, what will you hold to?

Honestly, so much bellyaching! Your parents' generation never behaved this way!

I haven't even reached thirty yet and I don't sound a day under sixty-five.

Written By Vanora

Dec. 25, 2018, 5:27 p.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

I think I might write a book about noble marriages.


No one would read it, but it would be a good book.

Written By Valencia

Dec. 25, 2018, 4:33 p.m.(3/27/1010 AR)

I hate that so many suffer right now. It breaks my heart that this is so. Nothing is worse than heartbreak and lost love.

Those who know me know that I am vocal about my feelings on politics, love and marriage. And, as such, I find the recent the discussions and publicly aired laments on marriage (and the recent increase in the number of apparent divorces) to be an interesting development in our social and political landscape.

I was under the impression that most felt that political marriages were a duty to be stood by due to the importance they hold for the Houses that are represented. We are charged with putting our marriages first and into the best light in public. We are expected to profess love for a spouse we are entering into a "political" marriage to show solidarity and strength behind the match.

Indeed, I have been told many times that one marries for your House and not yourself. Marrying for love or any other inconsequential things like that is considered by some to be selfish and disloyal to your House and its peoples.

I was also taught that one should honour contracts and remain in such arrangements for the good of your Houses, because in such matters your personal feelings mean nothing. In these arrangements, you marry the House not your spouse, in simplest of terms.

To fully consider this trend of breaking of contracts due to unhappy unions, one may well wish to question which marriages are ending in divorce. Certainly, if past practice is to be believed, I would think not the political ones. Surely those tied under such would never be so selfish as to divorce and break a contract made by their house over a matter as trivial love and personal feelings, would they?

I say much of this with tongue in cheek. However, with things as they are, perhaps now is a fine time to examine the practice of using political marriage to solidify alliances. It cannot hurt to examine the practice, yes?

And, for those who are in turmoil and dealing with heartbreak in your life, my heart goes out to you. I would not wish this for you. I hope that you do not give up and find love once more in the hearts that you held dear. For your sake and for the sake of those who care for you.


Written By Alrec

Dec. 25, 2018, 10:53 a.m.(3/26/1010 AR)

I sent money back to Setarco to take care of the mo th's loose ends. I have also sent money back to the family to pay my dues.

Written By Macda

Dec. 25, 2018, 9:27 a.m.(3/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

"While I am sad to see so many people discover they are not in love..."

Oh Sparte. I do adore your ways of looking at the world.

Written By Ysbail

Dec. 25, 2018, 1:39 a.m.(3/26/1010 AR)

Since returning to the city, there is a kind of restlessness in me which I find myself unable to fully explain. Always it has been my nature to question, to seek a deeper understanding of the people, places, and creatures around me. I fill the hours with books, with meditation, with conversation - but still, I feel restless, still, there are always new questions.

Hope flutters in the song of Silver that has spread far and beyond, and maybe that is what makes me restless, reminds me that I have work left unfinished to do.

Written By Sabella

Dec. 25, 2018, 12:35 a.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

I am setting up a fundraiser to help families who have lost loved ones in the recent and not-so-recent conflicts Arx has seen. This charity will take the form of providing funds for families in need, donations of clothing and books, and even space in as an apprentice or squire or something of the same to children of those who fell in defense of us all to secure their futures. There will be a raffle to raise funds and I am accepting donations of things to be raffled off, so please contact me if you have something or know of someone who might!

Written By Sabella

Dec. 25, 2018, 12:30 a.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

Weddings are always delightful. Such a happy time where everyone is celebrating you, a big party thrown in your honor. Marriage is the part that comes after and is the part that is not often talked about or if it is, it is usually only in happy tones so as to not scare away those who have not gotten to that part in their lives. There are many, many wonderful aspects of marriage, but it can be difficult. You are sharing your life, your space, everything with another person who you may or may not have known very well before the contracts were signed. I am very lucky that my husband is a wonderful man who I love with all my heart, but there was an adjustment period where we both had to learn how to be together all the time when we were used to living on our own. In my case, he came into my home and we adjusted by moving into a larger room in our manor that was less mine and more ours. That we decorated together to make a new space that could reflect both of us. It was wonderful and strange and hard and lovely and is still challenging and amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Even when some days can be more difficult than others, we have over a year's worth of wonderful memories that we can rely on to get us through.

And Niklas is very good at apologies.

Written By Thena

Dec. 24, 2018, 11:16 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

Apparently it's the thing to assure the Compact in the most fulsome language that one is still madly in love with their partner despite the recent spates of divorces and breakups.


I'm mean, but I'm not /that/ mean.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 24, 2018, 10 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

So many divorces in so little time.

I see people defiantly reaffirming their love, others insisting on the sanctity of vows.

Yet what is a marriage to begin with, if not a partnership? A vow to work together as the people you were when the marriage was made.

So what then becomes of a partnership, if two people are no longer as they once were? What is an agreement to support one another when paths diverge?

The answer is not hard to see.

There is change in the air.

While I am sad to see so many people discover they are not in love I am relieved to see people not trapping themselves despite it. I hope that this time of separation is followed by a tide of new unions. Better unions, as people with a clearer vision of who they are and what they want in life join hand in hand. Perhaps not forever, as change may come again, but long enough to do something beautiful together.

I say this as someone who himself has never been married, who perhaps never will be married, but who sees beauty in the vow of marriage. Sometimes beautiful things are broken for the sake of building something better.

Written By Malcolm

Dec. 24, 2018, 8:53 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

This hat - makes some kind of statement, it does. It says that the fellow wearing ain't afraid of a thing.

Or maybe that he's too happy-go-lucky to care.

It's the hat of an adventurer, it is. A cunning hat that's good friends with this canny blade of mine.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 24, 2018, 4:56 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

Some advice.

If someone says they're in a tavern drinking because their wife left them, don't congratulate them cheerfully and sing a song in celebration.

Apparently they weren't drinking cause this was a cause of joy.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 24, 2018, 4:40 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

I have flaws. I don't know all of them, nor have they always been the same. I expect I'll develop new ones as I age.

I accept this about myself, but I try to improve myself. To understand why I am flawed, to accept the choices and actions which made me this way. To start from a position of acceptance of myself as I try to forge myself into something better.

At times, trying to fix a flaw has made it worse or left me with new ones. At times my attempts to improve myself have hurt others, something contrary to why I strive to be better. I don't know what the cost of failure will be when I set my feet on the path to change. I don't know what the cost would have been if I hadn't. Yet in moving, I learn my measure more and more each day.

I can think back to times when I asked others to change me. When I tried to help others change. I understand why there are hesitations to offering guidance, why so many feel real change comes from within. There is a truth there, but there is complexity too. Sometimes what a person needs to change doesn't come from within. It is something that comes from friends, family, bonds.

I write this as I take time to reflect on my path and my choices. One of my choices means that I no longer have a goal, there is no stationary destination. No point at which I will sit back and rest and say I have accomplished enough for myself or enough for others. I wonder at what flaws lie in my reflection that my eyes are still blind to and what it will take to overcome them. I do not fear those flaws, I do not hate them, I do not reject them. They are still a part of me as I am now.

Yet I will change.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 24, 2018, 4:25 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

Your increase in fame is deserved. I hear new mentions of the metallics every day, and I know you are to praise for it. I hope people with a new found curiosity for the metallics don't crowd you as your pregnancy grows near.

Thank you for everything you did to revive the memory of the metallics. May we see more people rise to their examples.

Written By Sabine

Dec. 24, 2018, 3:35 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

I am still married. In the event that my peers were wondering whether the newer marriages would be quicker to fall.

He remains a satisfactory husband.

Written By Saoirse

Dec. 24, 2018, 2:30 p.m.(3/24/1010 AR)

Suppose it's time for one of us to marry royalty. A bit can only last so long.

Written By Monique

Dec. 24, 2018, 1:08 p.m.(3/24/1010 AR)

Limerance smiles upon me. A surprise library is the very best kind of library. I have heard tales of sorrow and yet, perhaps I have no room left for it, have exhausted such burden, because there is only love in my heart.

Written By Ouida

Dec. 24, 2018, 12:55 p.m.(3/24/1010 AR)

My dreams are vivid of late, and filled with wonders--both dreadful and exhilarating. I wake both still exhausted from them, glad to be free of them sometimes, and sometimes with a lingering grief that I am no longer there. Is this madness of some sort? I am used to my dreams, when I dream, being full of the field, those who met their end on it by my hand, and those who my sword could not save. Those are unpleasant, and steal my sleep frequently, I must admit. But these...are a different matter entirely.

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