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Written By Merek

Dec. 21, 2018, 8:53 p.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

With the matters of weather with the many other things that seem to be happening, I will likely be needing to plant more flowers to make up for the winter. I am hoping to find a good flower shop.

Written By Sabella

Dec. 21, 2018, 3:37 p.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

A shooting star! Usually I think there is nothing more lovely than seeing the stars, but seeing them last night after so many days of rain and snow made them just dazzling! You never realize how much you miss something until it is presented to you once again. I even took Relara out (all bundled up of course!) during one of her feedings so she could see them. She seemed just as taken with them as I was. She is surely a future poet or story teller or star chaser or all of the above!

Evenings like this, when the world is still and the stars are sparkling, they are completely magical!

Written By Bliss

Dec. 21, 2018, 3:29 p.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

Are you taking advantage of her last gift to us? Are you living?

Written By Alarissa

Dec. 21, 2018, 3:26 p.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

This cold is dreadful and business still needs be done even though my head feels stuffed to bursting and the pressure. Nor that no matter how close to the fire I get, I still feel chilled. I suppose this fits in with the mood. Or did fit in with the mood. One last meeting nad then I shall go drag my sorry corpse to hide in my bedchambers and pray this departs swiftly.

Written By Domonico

Dec. 21, 2018, 3:06 p.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Dora

My cousin is mistaken. I do not like to hurt people. It is a necessary part though of who I am though and I am exceedingly good at it. Hopefully she will learn that just having a very fine weapon is not enough. Focus. Footwork. Practice your strikes. Maybe next time you may land a tellng blow?

Written By Turo

Dec. 21, 2018, 12:18 p.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

I have never so strongly wished to see someone's next of kin need to execute someone's will.

First time for everything.

Written By Geraint

Dec. 21, 2018, 11:39 a.m.(1/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

(This journal was released posthumously after the death of then Marquis Geraint Blackwood by the Scholars of Vellichor)

While I shall not rule out revising this in the coming years, this stands as my final will and testament to House Blackwood and the Compact, and may none gainsay it. I do hearby name my longstanding Voice Eilonwy, a commoner of distinction, as a Blackwood, with the full rank and privileges as a member of noble blood. Further, she shall be my heir, for her distinguished service in leading this house, and shall become Marquessa of the Storm March upon my passing. Let it be done."

Written By Nuala

Dec. 21, 2018, 11:24 a.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

I don't know who compiled the Doctrine of Death. I would like to thank them, wherever they may be. I contend that its descriptions give a better insight into the faith than I ever expected. Had no idea how pivotal a Harlequin was to the act of just living. Not only caretakers of the dead, but they celebrate being what we are, who we are, on our own terms. At least that's what I took away from it. I could be completely wrong on every level.

Giving me plenty of room for thought. Be who you are to the fullest.

Written By Valenzo

Dec. 21, 2018, 9:59 a.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

Missed all the excitement of the clocktower after getting Day Drunk and passing out with the crew in the Lowers, then the sky pissed on us all week, and now it's /snowing again?!/

The Terrapin hates the snow, she always complains under the load, but...least it's not giving us those funny rashes anymore, I suppose!

Written By Armani

Dec. 21, 2018, 9:29 a.m.(3/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

You're thinking about this all wrong my fellow captain. Proper rank and privilege have nothing to do with the number of ships or how impressive they are under your command, it's about structure. If you command a ship you're a captain whether that is a rowboat or a caraval. If you command a fleet, you're a commodore and if you command the navy you are an admiral.

That is why I, Armani Gilden am the high admiral of the Gilden navy and will remain so long as we have a single plank that can remain afloat!

Written By Gaston

Dec. 21, 2018, 8:45 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

A flash of lightning, thunder to seal us all together in what we all felt in that grand hall.

Let it never be said that the Gods lack a taste for some properly dramatic moments.

The songs were beautiful, as always...I don't fully remember if this is so, the last week has been a bit of a sleepless blur, but I think I actually refused myself a good cry for the whole week until that somber reprise of Copper's song.

A shame, that. Tears have their place as a healing salve.

I let the stars carry me after to where I needed to be, and to my great fortune tears were not the only one I was given that night.

Let's all remember what we sang together.

Written By Lisebet

Dec. 21, 2018, 8:43 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

As usual, Princess Sorrel has a way to move a crowd. And there was a crowd, a very large one, at her performance. Originally scheduled for Silver alone, she added an additional performance of her ode to Copper, which was just as lovely as the first time.

But far more poignant.

The rain has now stopped, and the sky was absolutely breathtaking. It feels as though the sadness has eased its grip a little, though it is still there.

I went to Ashford House, walked back with Lady Olivia after the event. And then spent some time there, visiting. We sat out and watched the sky, so glad to see it after all that has happened.

Written By Calaudrin

Dec. 21, 2018, 8:02 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

It's a heartwarming night when your wife tells you she chose you for your adequacy.

And other reasons too, yes. I'm glad it stopped raining when it did. It made me feel hopeful, grateful. Maybe a little less scared.

Written By Helena

Dec. 21, 2018, 2:15 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

I feel I have a hundred hearts and they have all been shattered.

People speak of hope. This is wise. I hear. I listen. I still feel broken. My tears spring back each time I push them away. If I don't smile today or tomorrow or the next day, please be patient with me. Share your faith with me and the others who hurt. Share your hope. Share your love.

I'm listening.
I hear you.

Maybe if there are enough words of hope and faith, at least one heart will mend.

It doesn't have to be mine.

Written By Scipio

Dec. 21, 2018, 12:44 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

I admit, I mused a fair bit over my votes for the Commoners' Council, and might've even left it a bit later than I would usually be organized about. Part of it was being personally familiar with only a couple of people nominated, but also knowing 'who' a whole lot more were.

But then I thought -- should I vote for those commonly known people? They already have a voice by the fact that they are well known, that people know who they are, and listen to them, and this council, at its core, should be about giving voice to people who aren't really so well known.

So I might've blind-voted a handful of people. I hope you'll represent us all well.

And if not, well, there's always next term.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 21, 2018, 12:39 a.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

I still struggle to understand.

I feel at times as though I am walking blind, as if my feet are expected to know a path I have never seen. I have tried to find help, but it is my path alone. That used to trouble me. I move forward.

Now and then, I fall.

I know there are rules. I try to understand them. I thought that which broke the rules might be rejected in some way, might no longer have a place. When I learned of the betrayal and the terrible damage it wrought, I thought the sorrow it left behind was something awful.

I learned as I often learn, through speaking my mistake. As the condemnation of my folly struck, I recognized the truth of it in the falling rain so full of sorrow and purity. I felt the shame of speaking my ignorance and the humility of needing to be shown what it was.

Another failure. I get up. As I rise, I look to those that have gotten further along theirs path than I have mine. I see power. Influence. Flaws. They are every bit as human as I am, yet the distance seems so great. I struggle to understand.

I turn to the choices I have made. The path I chose to walk. I give myself excuses. Perhaps it is because I am still young. Perhaps it is because my path is not the same as theirs. Perhaps they had help. Perhaps I am so lost I have gone to a path that brings only hardship.

The thoughts of why wash over me, and I realize I had fallen again. I get up, and this time I look at the sky above. I recognize that the why does not matter. The rain has since stopped, the stars are beautiful now. They've always been beautiful, but now they seem different. I am reminded of the stars when I made my oath. There was a shooting star that night, and there was a shooting star tonight as well.

I feel the hope in my heart, and I resume my path. It no longer feels as alone.

Written By Harper

Dec. 20, 2018, 11:21 p.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

It's good to have connections, but it's even better to have friends and family. I might have had a rough start, but I'm definitely damned lucky now.

Written By Ysbail

Dec. 20, 2018, 11:12 p.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

There are too many thoughts to contain, too many avenues to explore.

And yet - I find hope in Silver's song. Magic returned to the world once more.

And yet things stir that should not have stirred.

Written By Victus

Dec. 20, 2018, 11:06 p.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

Recently I've been described as 'neurotic.' I don't believe I am, I think I merely know when and how I want to smile or frown.

Written By Kedehern

Dec. 20, 2018, 10:28 p.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

I went to Sorrel's Metalic Song's tonight, about Silver and Copper. It was quite educational.

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