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Written By Joscelin

Dec. 20, 2018, 9:52 p.m.(3/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

All of that is impossible.


Have the merchants stopped giving you a hard time yet? I heard last fortnight you had troubles. I suspect it was some kind of hazing prank.

Written By Draven

Dec. 20, 2018, 7:31 p.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

The green snow made everyone so sad! Or maybe it was the clock tower! I don't know! I was feeling sad! Before the snow! It was a bad week! And then the snow and clock tower made me feel even worst! So many memories! I keep thinking about who my family used to be! My mom and dad and little sister! I have my new family now! But my old family is making me more sad lately! It looks like lots of people are sad though!

Written By Jeffeth

Dec. 20, 2018, 2:02 p.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

While the world weeps, all the troubles and trials stack up in front of us. Bright sparks of light engulfed by a much more full much more encompassing darkness.

It's overwhelming. But there are small moments of solace even in the darkest of hours.

My eyes now see what was not seen before. There is a joy and a warmth to having my eyes open, even if I see what before I only knew of as a concept. To see it like a fog over the streets. It's heartbreaking. But there's also the points of light.

Shining beacons of light. Here and there. While we may be surrounded, we still have hope walking among us even in the most unexpected places.

I understand this journal is cryptic and won't be easy to understand. If you want to learn more you can reach out to me, I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 20, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

--- what? You're what?

Ships are beautiful, you know.

Don't tell me you're pregnant again.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 20, 2018, 1:03 p.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

Never did I expect to become such a connoisseur on rum.

Written By Roxana

Dec. 20, 2018, 10:22 a.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

I miss my sister.

Written By Vanora

Dec. 20, 2018, 9:41 a.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

With everything else going on I forgot to congratulate my cousin on her marriage.

Congratulations Lianne. May the Gods smile upon your union. May it bring you and your husband both great joy.

Written By Lisebet

Dec. 20, 2018, 8:41 a.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

So far as I know, I never met her. And yet, still, I too feel the sorrow.

This is but a taste of what she maybe felt over the years. Mourning. Prayer. Action.

Written By Rowenova

Dec. 20, 2018, 8:39 a.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

Everybody has their Stuff and Things that they do. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has misunderstandings with people that they never meant to hurt but unfortunately did. It generally sucks for everyone when bad stuff happens, but you can work on /specific issues/ to hopefully find solutions together: or at the very least just leave each other alone.

Hopefully, you can forge tighter bonds than you would have otherwise and then maybe even laugh later about it all over drinks in the future, too.

[ I have been lucky enough to have good friends after some bad situations. ]

Everybody has their unique stories which shaped them into who they are, and there are some people in this world who are more in touch with their own emotions and are more expressive than the average person walking down the street most times. People like this are blessings in disguise, especially during these dark times: when there are much bigger fish to fry than the random cheerful person who shows up in your life.

It is nitpicky, petty Stuff to blame the emotiveness of another for your own personal problems, especially when they are just being their happy selves, and especially when they are not hurting anyone else. If they do hurt you or someone else about whom you care, focus on that specific instance, rather than sitting around and blaming their Happiness, Sadness, Stuff, and/or Things for whatever insecurities you might have (which is a cop out for your own deal).

Written By Ophelia

Dec. 20, 2018, 4:34 a.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Today is special. I woke up this morning and for the first time in days, I did not feel like crying. I had things to do! You gave me purpose and helped pull me out of a funk that I've been wallowing in since the moment it started to rain. I've so many presents for you! And they are all wrapped with pretty bows and sparkly things. Make sure after you tear into everything that you save the bows and construct them into a hat. You must wear it! It's customary on this day.

You mean the world to me and I love you so very much. I will tell you so in person and give you the /biggest/ hug when I see you later today!

Written By Ysbail

Dec. 20, 2018, 3:46 a.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

I sought answers in the poisoned snow,
I sought answers in the cleansing rain,
I sought answers in conversations with strangers and friends.
I sought answers in the walls of an impossible castle.

But answers bring only more questions. Secrets bring more secrets. More things are forgotten and remembered.

I need to find more pleasant ways to pass the time.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 19, 2018, 11:36 p.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

I must say this: in a time of misery and confusion, doubt and horror, there can be peace found in the most unusual places. Petal Penrose somehow conjures up a remarkable sense of order out of chaos, and creation out of the mayhem by sitting with those tapestries, browsing the beautiful pieces of furniture... and simply coexisting in a way with those flowers.

My heart will hurt for a good deal yet. But she has made a space of quiet welcome.

Written By Joscelin

Dec. 19, 2018, 11:07 p.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

Yes yes, my cousin named a boat after me. I know it's a fitting metaphor, I've seen my own ass, billowing sails, wide decks, well shaped aft and fore.

Evaristo. I'm-

Written By Acantha

Dec. 19, 2018, 9:14 p.m.(3/15/1010 AR)

I am very unsettled by the events of the past few days. I've not been this emotional since I was a young girl and my mother was telling me of things. Now I'm questioning my own sanity.

I should get more sleep maybe.

Written By Lucita

Dec. 19, 2018, 8:37 p.m.(3/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

Very knowledgeable and reasonable, reassuring, and charming as ever, even when it is something one might not want to hear or think about. And his new beard is so becoming to him!

Written By Victus

Dec. 19, 2018, 5:16 p.m.(3/14/1010 AR)

It's strange.

I never met this person. I never talked to them. I didn't think of them too often either. Yet the world is crying. I feel as though I should be mourning alongside it. Grief hangs heavy on my mind for a stranger. For a building. For events I've never experienced.

The world does not make much sense of late.

Written By Leona

Dec. 19, 2018, 4:56 p.m.(3/14/1010 AR)

What cost, grief? The greatest blessing of humanity is the return to the Wheel, to forget all the sorrows of a life well - or poorly - lived. The greatest price of humanity is the return to the Wheel, to forget all the hopes and dreams and goals, work cut off half-done and left for another. The world grieves. The Dream mourns, and we mourn as well. We who were left behind. We who will never again know the comfort of a particular cheery greeting, of a pot of hot tea steeped and served in a sitting room with a superabundance of doilies.

But this is not an end. And grief does not fade but it becomes a constant companion, until the memories of those who have left are our comfort and our companion. We will continue to hope. She would have us do no less. We will continue to fight. Her sacrifice demands no less.

Our friendship was forged in tears and heartbreak, in broken chains and freedom, in exploration and love and loss and choice. Our fellowship was tested by fire and war, by suffering and grief. It was tempered in endurance and hope and joy. As long as I live I will keep her memory close, ever a part of me. But I will always miss my friend.

Written By Malcolm

Dec. 19, 2018, 2:44 p.m.(3/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

To conversations that happen when one's trying not to get caught in the rain. To more questions that rise from such moments.

Written By Auda

Dec. 19, 2018, 1:55 p.m.(3/14/1010 AR)

Heartache swept through the city when the clocktower fell, it seems like. I'm certainly not alone in that, but.. i haven't felt the absence of my parents in.. years. A decade, at least, since it last hurt me. I was fortunate to accept pretty early on that my parents weren't going to show up and take me home, that it had all been some grave mistake. I never expected another family to decide i was the child they wanted to give a new life, and take out of the Tragedy.

...So why now, of all times, do i dream of them?

Written By Karadoc

Dec. 19, 2018, 1:54 p.m.(3/14/1010 AR)

Oh, fine -- fine -- if you're going to transcribe everything I say for the permanent record, Scholar, take down the following. An unpublished excerpt from a treatise, In Defense of Indolence:

Synonyms for laziness are indolence and sloth. Indolence, like idleness, is often romanticized by the poet and the bard. _How sweet it is to do nothing at all,_ they say. Sloth has more moral and spiritual overtones than laziness or indolence, and has some kind of religious undertones to it. However, to note: laziness should not be confused with sloth or idleness or procrastination.

Hmm? No, that's it. There was more, Scholar, but I was feeling a lack of motivation.

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