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Written By Joscelin

Dec. 18, 2018, 2:44 p.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

Grief so sharp it choked, like losing Oliver all over again but echoed through a hundred others. My soul, a hollow bell, rung with a rusted clapper. No solace, just emptiness.

What's happened?

Written By Thorley

Dec. 18, 2018, 2:21 p.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

After two days of sleep, Violet was suddenly awake and on the move. I've held down the fort for the last couple of days, but I'm unsure what to do at the moment. I am not one to know of the strange and mystical. Usually someone just points me at something and goes 'swing at that'.

I feel a loss. And I'm not sure what to think of it.

There is still Farwatch and Sandreef Point that need tending. And Sorcha and Tala.

Be careful, Vi. As much as I love a good heroic story - I love a wife that is alive more.

Written By Malcolm

Dec. 18, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Sometimes, even if those answers don't make any sense at all - the moment's still a good thing. Fireside conversations with a new friend.

Written By Malcolm

Dec. 18, 2018, 1:22 p.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Iseulet

Has been a real help to House Shepherd. And a friend to me, even if I'm still waiting for cold revenge to come my way.

Written By Malcolm

Dec. 18, 2018, 1:13 p.m.(3/12/1010 AR)


I was thinking about what to tell the Scholars to write down, sitting at the Shrine of the Lost, studying that picture of the thirteen-pointed star. Trying to pray, because at least you understand faith without questioning it. You understand prayer. It's hard. When you know - deep down, deep into the bottom of your gut to the top of your head and the whole of your heart - when something's so wrong in the world on a certain day. When you wake up and you ain't sure of what happened, when it happened, how it happened - just that it did. That the dread of it fills you up and makes you pace the walls of the library in a manor that still doesn't feel like yours, just the memory of the guy before you.

When you bundle yourself up to step outside in poisonous snow - not knowing why it happened, just accepting that it did. Hoping you're not going to make yourself crazy with the wondering. But, you ain't. You're not that perceptive, you're just the run-of-the-mill curious, but you're still feeling like that thing that happened and this day that you've felt like you lived through still ain't over. When you get stories - but that's all they feel like. You're faced with new words and new ideas to just take in. Nod and smile, boy, and take this as your new duties and responsibilities. Take it with honor. Or whatever he'd say - using those words in a different order every time.

You figure it's fine. It's all fine. It's easier to belly up at a bar with a fire and take a drink of whiskey.

Until, yeah, it finally happens. That other shoe what's been hanging on - it drops. That pendulum swings. That wheel turns. So head out with the rest of them to look at the remains of something that you didn't even know was a thing that was standing in the city. Crowded in like mourners. Everyone's crying, with that sadness eating them up inside and you feel it too - only you're the idiot that smiles at funerals. You don't know what's happening. You hear whispers, barely, but that cold rain drowns them out. You had questions, but they wash away. You just have a feeling like you stepping into a massive, steaming pile of trouble to come and that shit ain't coming off your boots anytime soon. It's a hard thing. To explain what you don't know to some Scholar to write down in a White.

It's not that I don't want answers, cause I do. But none of that comes easy. I just want to know where to start. More important, I need to know what to start _asking._

Written By Vanora

Dec. 18, 2018, 11:49 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

A Dirge for Regret

Looking back upon our choices,
Mourning what we willingly gave.
Ignoring all the other voices,
Do bargains bring us all we crave?

They say what is done is done.
Out of our hands, there is no further fight
They say we are bound to someone.
By virtue of blood, the stain of birthright

The most skilled of jesters, he plays the long cons
While most who imagine them players
Are jests to laugh at, his willing pawns.
Before the game is over, they will scream their prayers.

Into a void that does not care.
Sing, let the truth emerge.
Sing, to the listening Dirge.

Written By Stygia

Dec. 18, 2018, 11:45 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

Bliss Whisper posed several good questions to her whites regarding the Commoner's Council election and I'm happy to see that there are those of us running that have taken the time to answer her. I think I'll do the same, because her questions were good.

1. Which projects are nearest and dearest to your heart, that you hope to see organized and realized through this board?
I have several projects I'm working on that do not necessarily hinge on me getting into the council but it wouldn't hurt. Right now, I'd like to find practical, effective solutions to the overpopulation issue and the crime rate, but also improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Boroughs on the whole. For example, I'd like to use the Council as a platform for a bit of city development. We need new housing (which I have already seen to the first of many buildings), encouraging and funding education and training for those that can't afford it, as well as helping Mae with those soup kitchens of hers.

2. When you run into intransigent opposition - furious Peers, someone stonewalling you for their own political gain, injustices committed against you - how will you attempt to resolve these matters?
It's hard to give my exact plan for dealing with such broad categories of opposition so it's hard to paint my answer with such a broad paintbrush so maybe I best give an example:

I once worked with some ships that were having some pirate problems. Bad ones. Lost thousands - maybe hundreds of thousands - of silver. They always knew when and where we'd be. We knew we had a traitor in our midst that kept tellin' them where and when to be. Seemed hopeless and we were backed into a corner. The peers wanted to rally together fleets and sink them and in the end they did I guess, but it was my duty to see that the goods got from port a to port b and not fall into the hands of pirates. I took matters into my own hands and changed up the schedule. The well informed pirates didn't get their prizes anymore. Some of the goods went a bit bad, but it didn't fall into enemy hands anymore.

I wouldn't say I fully outsmarted them, but it lead me to the saying 'there's more than one way to skin a cat'. You can also work around your opposition if you can't convince them otherwise.

3. What is it about you that should make us select you to represent our concerns over any of the other candidates?
People can have faith that I'll represent them and the problems plaguing the Boroughs. I'll make sure those that need to hear these issues hear it and we can work together on some solutions. It's not going to be easy. Nothing in life that's worth having is free.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 18, 2018, 10:37 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

.-+ Apricity +-.

We annihilate ourselves
in the dust of ages
floating in the sunlight
emerging from our cages
The revival of time
We take a path, brazen,
The truth ever sublime,
No more hesitation.

Non omnis moriar.

Written By Fianna

Dec. 18, 2018, 10:31 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

I remember the moment when it started to rain and I remember it well as it was the same time I started to cry. The horses are able to leave their shelter now that the horrible greenish snow has mostly melted from the rain, and I find myself breathing again. I feel relief and yet I also feel empty. Perhaps it's my lack of sleep. Either way, I've too much to do right now to waste my time sleeping. There are still animals I need to check on, not to mention I've a much bigger priority than sleep. And that's to work on plans to expand Volkov's stables.

Written By Macda

Dec. 18, 2018, 9:49 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

Luca knows everything. Let me just make a note of that. Thank you, Thistleton.

Written By Gaston

Dec. 18, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

In times of crisis, it becomes more clear than ever who matters to you...

My family, of course, where I would be without them -- I can only think of the twisting, horrible nightmares full of blood and pain and darkness that they have prevented, with their love and support.

My friends, those I can call such...they are more family to me than I have ever let them know, and for that I am truly sorry.

And Nuala...when I thought of what might be happening to you, the pain and loss in my heart were an order of magnitude greater than anything some shade or demon could ever hope to inflict.

I'm sure I made a great clanking fool of myself, charging out into the night and the downpour.

But it was worth it, to learn you were safe.

Thank all the Gods, though they may weep at what we lost. We will repay that debt in full.

Written By Perronne

Dec. 18, 2018, 9:16 a.m.(3/12/1010 AR)

I don't understand.

The whole world is mourning. In places I've never seen, never knew existed, there is sadness and fear and loss and regret. I don't understand. This is too big for me to understand. But I feel your sorrow, and I weep for it. May the gods keep us all, in every far-flung corner of the world, and even into darkness.

I just wish I knew what I was crying for.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 18, 2018, 6:06 a.m.(3/11/1010 AR)

I was getting a garment fitted when I heard the sound. Something was wrong -- I could feel it in the air. I think we all could feel it in the air. The bottom of my stomach sank. I left immediately, and I just ran. Ran to where I thought I'd heard the sound come from, and when I saw where people were running to, I knew.

Eventually, we all run out of second chances.

There are many more things to write. But I don't feel safe writing them here. Isn't that a laugh?

I am so very tired of these shackles that have been placed on us, though. I am livid about what happened today.

I don't intend to waste this.

Written By Violet

Dec. 18, 2018, 2:34 a.m.(3/11/1010 AR)

I have not slept in two days and some I think now. I've lost count of the hours. I come from a meeting about what has transpired and my heart is heavy. Heavy with frustration. Heavy with anger. Heavy with loss. But it will not weigh me down. It will not stop me. Tonight someone many may never have known of sacrificed themselves for us all. To stop the snow, to prevent the world being devoured, she changed the dream. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain, Copper. I know what to do.

Written By Helena

Dec. 17, 2018, 9:58 p.m.(3/11/1010 AR)

The feelings of the past day are hard to sort. Fear and worry and wonder and pain and now...

Now this gray melancholy that seems to burrow its way deep, leaving a hollow within. I fear I may not smile again -- that is dramatic, I know. The sun will show its face again, and I will lift mine up to feel its warmth. For now, at least, the rain washes away that terrible snow.

Green is usually my favorite color. But I think I'll slip my green garments to the back of the wardrobe for a few days at least. I still find it lovely, just not so on snow.

Written By Violet

Dec. 17, 2018, 8:07 p.m.(3/10/1010 AR)

Since the snow started falling across the city I have been at the Shrine of the Sentinel. I write this now as I take a break from kneeling and seeking guidance. Shooting arrows at the sky yields only arrows in the eye, after all. Despite the feeling like my stomach wishes to flee Arx, and thus is violently refusing anything, I am going to sit down at dinner. I may not eat, but I will sit with my family. Everyone can feel the dread by now, so I am not surprised if there will be others unable to eat.

I have a sense and a worry of what is to come. But I do not give my permission. So there.

Written By Sydney

Dec. 17, 2018, 7:50 p.m.(3/10/1010 AR)

Some days, luck is on my side - and then there's days like today. Bastard was due to take a fall like we agreed, but when I closed in for the haymaker - nice and telegraphed to give him the chance to brace - he sucker-punches me out of nowhere. Next thing I know, I'm blearily waking up, spittin' blood from where he rammed my teeth against my lip, and the match is called.


Not only is that a loss of my cut, but it's another failed bet. Stormed out for a drink, and the sharding snow stung on my bruises something awful.

Need to turn up some coin soon. This is a setback I sure as hell didn't need.

Written By Luca

Dec. 17, 2018, 7:11 p.m.(3/10/1010 AR)

I'm sure everyone's writing about the snow.

I told you so.

Written By Juniper

Dec. 17, 2018, 6:52 p.m.(3/10/1010 AR)

1. Which projects are nearest and dearest to your heart, that you hope to see organized and realized through this board?

I have no personal projects planned and no intention to use the Commoners' Council as a means to promote my own interests. What I do intend is to use my own contacts, networks and resources to bring the needs of Arx's common folk to fruition. If a well has soured or a wall fallen, if there are shortages or desire for expansion, my strength lies in connecting the people capable of answering the need, and supporting them to make it a reality.

I listen, and I understand.

2. When you run into intransigent opposition - furious Peers, someone stonewalling you for their own political gain, injustices committed against you - how will you attempt to resolve these matters?

I also am very, very diplomatic! I've brought feuding nobility to the table and brokered peace or truces. I navigate bureaucratic mazes for others. I right wrongs, and heal, and improve. To be able to deploy these skills not just for the nobility but for those who were born to the same station as me is a joy. I've tried to do so, where I can, but this would certainly provide more opportunities.

3. What is it about you that should make us select you to represent our concerns over any of the other candidates?

The other candidates are all very strong, and very worthy. I can't argue that I'm a better prospect than any of them but whether I am voted in to take a seat at the Council or not, I'll continue to work to improve the lives of everyone I'm responsible for, the lives of everyone I meet.

Written By Orathy

Dec. 17, 2018, 6:17 p.m.(3/10/1010 AR)

Green snow? AYE, this is what happens when yer inquisitioners be playin with shit they ain't understanding. AYE, I be told they be tryin to be magic men 'n all that shit. This is why us people, us common people gotta have a voice, aye, to put an end to the shit they're doin to us all!

Let it be said that I, Orathy Culler, aye, will speak with the voice of the people! I ain't scared of nobles and I sure shit ain't kissin inquisition arses like the Grayhopes be doin. If ya want a voice for the ills of our people, fer the Lowers 'n all the common born of the city, reckon ya should try me eh? There ain't no beatin no bushes with me aye. I be BLUNT as me fuckin stolen axe probably is.

Vote for me. Then we be having a real voice, one that ain't managed by no inquisitors 'n rich folk.

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