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Written By Rymarr

Dec. 2, 2018, 12:39 p.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

There are moments when I still feel the weight of its hand upon my shoulder. Dwarfed at their side like a very small child who definitely pictures themselves much larger in the world they live. There are moments where my mind turns to them, where my thoughts turn reflective, and I wonder how they're fairing now; maybe it's the cold weather and being stuck indoors more often than not that has me thinking so much of the past.

It was a valuable lesson that I learned that night which I will strive to keep dear to me. Under the right circumstances, even an enemy can become a friend. That being different from myself does not equate to being a bitter adversary. That a bond can be made quickly and unexpectedly. That months later they will still come to mind, remembered with clarity and a mixture of emotions. Terror. Awe. Sadness. Respect. Fondness.

That sometimes what you need is a companion to weather the storm and, in some instances, a new beginning.

I truly hope that you've received a place of honor and know that you'll not be forgotten, OMEGA.

Written By Fortunato

Dec. 2, 2018, 11:05 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

A painting that depicted the viewer's worst fear. A painting that viewer could enter.

Written By Audric

Dec. 2, 2018, 10:10 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

I'm not a terribly introspective person. I don't wonder why people hate me - there are plenty that I've wronged. It doesn't bother me. I am the sword, the knife that cuts the throat of the ones you want to deny. I don't deny what I am. What does baffle me, though, is those who question me: when the answer is so blazingly obvious. I am the monster you want to have on your leash. I am the dog you want to snap at their neck. If you want a world without my sort of people, I'll help you blaze it, even knowing I'll never be a part of it. All you have to do is pay the price.

Written By Ida

Dec. 2, 2018, 7:37 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

I sometimes forget how truly wonderful it is to sip some hot chocolate with a customer while going over the details of a weapon. Such things always turn into so much more, it seems. A glimpse into a life that, were it not for my trade, I might otherwise have no idea about. I think that may be one of the things I love about forging weapons; the variety of paths I get to cross in the line of work.

Written By Rinel

Dec. 2, 2018, 7:06 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Duarte

I believe I have learned something about my patron.

I hope I can exact revenge for past humiliation with it.

I hope reading this causes concern to him. More likely it will cause amusement.

Yes, I know you're reading this, Count Bravura.

Written By Preston

Dec. 2, 2018, 6:21 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rinel

Each person's journey to the Faith is different - each unique. Yes at times they rhyme with others, resonances and familiarities, but each of us has our own path - our own past, our own mistakes and our own successes. I hope that yours has a pleasant ending.

Written By Andry

Dec. 2, 2018, 5:54 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Felix got done with my new set of armor this week and it turned out just amazing, magic might not exist but he surely has a special touch with metal. I'm feeling very comfortable if I'm ever called to battle in this.

Written By Joscelin

Dec. 2, 2018, 5:19 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc


Written By Duarte

Dec. 2, 2018, 4:10 a.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

I had the most unexpected time of it joining the Archscholar for tea.

As I have taken to learn more of the Faith and the doctrines of the thirteen, my admiration for those who give of themselves as Godsworn grows greater by the day.

Written By River

Dec. 2, 2018, 3:40 a.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

I have met a variety of interesting people in recent weeks, quite a few of them members of the clergy. They all seem to be of different personalities, and backgrounds. But, they all seem to have a dedication to their work and it is refreshing to see. I find that all of it is etruly fascinating and the more I talk with them the more I wish to learn more. Probably as it should be.

Written By Felicia

Dec. 2, 2018, 3:36 a.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Tonight I went to the Whitehawk fair, I drank, and, gods have mercy on the audience, I sang. Apparently I came third place, though in earnest I think that the Archlector of Limerance did better than I.

I'm not going to complain about a prize of a cloak of the deepest, blackest silk, lined in a purple itself bruised almost black. An elegant piece that I will no doubt heartbreakingly ruin at some point in the future, but I fell in love with it when I realized that under some lights it appears that the material is patterned with bats, bats of all things!

Perhaps it is meant, instead, as a gift for Her. I shall have to think on it.

Later on my raffle ticket was drawn, and although there were many beautiful pieces available, there was only one opportunity that seemed appropriate.

Thank you for your kind words, they mean much to me.

Written By Felicia

Dec. 2, 2018, 3:24 a.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Attended the songs of Gold and Brass the other day, it was very interesting. Princess Sorrel has a beautiful voice and presented the information in particularly interesting fashion, but it was also curious to see the little bits that other people contributed.

All in all, a very interesting night.

Written By Riagnon

Dec. 1, 2018, 11:25 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

I recommend An Unofficial Guide to Giving Gifts by Princess Tikva Grayson.

Written By Harper

Dec. 1, 2018, 11:23 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Not sure what's up with Pie lately. He's been getting in more and more trouble the last month or so. Reckon it's just a phase. I've been trying to remember what all I did at his age. Somehow that makes it seem not so bad... I was far worse.

I really think it's just because he gets bored with his lessons. Maybe I oughta try to find more to challenge him with. Wonder what he'd think about some fighting lessons. Might at least burn off some of his energy.

Written By Karadoc

Dec. 1, 2018, 10:39 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

I'd like a dawnstone carved into an approximation of a potato, a keg of spiced rum, aaaaaand a stick.

Written By Thena

Dec. 1, 2018, 10:31 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

I thank you because I remember what it was like to have no one to rely on but myself, and I'm grateful that that is no longer the case.

And you are very much a brother to me, even though I roll my eyes when you call me Little Sister in front of people who need to take me seriously. But I think you already know that.

And I do pity those who oppose us when we're united in one purpose, and I pity their furniture.

I'm still /older/ than you.

Written By Rinel

Dec. 1, 2018, 9:46 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Father Aureth has commanded me to right many of my past wrongs before he will allow me to join the ranks of the Godsworn. Chief among said wrongs is the disaster I have caused with the Knights of Solace.

I cannot pretend to emotions other than disappointment--and more than a little frustration. But it is my duty as a member of the Faith to follow the directions of my superiors, and honour compels me to take responsibility for the harms I have caused.

I hope Sir Bayweather will be receptive. If not, I shall have to regain sufficient honour to be worthy of his attention.

I am one step closer to joining the ranks of the Faith--and yet I feel as though I have never been more distant.

Written By Lance

Dec. 1, 2018, 9:09 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Huh. I'm actually needed to help somewhere. With armor and weapons and Knotty and all.

Here's hoping I remember my training!

Written By Lance

Dec. 1, 2018, 9:06 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

I never really have thought of myself as 'noble' per se. In that I mean, I never really saw myself managing lands and making the lives of my people particularly better. I haven't really studied things like economics or agriculture or stewardship. I'm a Knight predominately, I suppose.

But with a big infrastructure project on the horizon, I'd be a fool if I didn't try and do right by the people of Acorn Hill. So to the books I go, to learn how to... do the right thing, I suppose. And... what lumbermills... do, I reckon. Perhaps even this whole alchemy thing. In general, anyway. Enough to lead people who actually -do- know specific things.

I think I need another bottle of whiskey from the Redrains.

Written By Sina

Dec. 1, 2018, 8:03 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

It is good to be out and about through the city once again. Attending Princess Sorrel's performance last evening was something to be remembered. I have met so many new and interesting people this week, that I feel I need time to contemplate and digest all of the things that I have learned. It was especially a pleasure to make the acquaintance of Lady Monique Greenmarch, and Count Duarte Amadeo. It is always a pleasure to meet people of similar scholarly pursuits, even if they do not count themselves among the ranks of Vellichor's Discipleship.

I would also like to commend Senior Scholar pro tempore Sparte Fatchforth for his efforts in organizing scholarly meetings with those seeking our knowledge on matters important to themselves and the Compact. His research efforts into a variety of matters have proven to be invaluable.

Another accomplishment today was my meeting with Adora, the proprietress of Bell's Bookcases and Cabinets. She has agreed to a commission for some new bookcases for the Great Archive, and I very much look forward to seeing her work. I have heard that she is the best in the Compact, and I should seek no less in tribute to Vellichor, and the knowledge that we keep safeguarded.

In the coming weeks, I will be scheduling an unveiling of the new bookcases once they are completed, along with a book drive. It would be a pleasure to add more knowledge to the Great Archive, and I encourage any who wish to share a volume to be certain to bring it by for this event. This event will also include a fundraiser to cover the cost of the new bookcases.

In the meantime, I am working on a few other events as well, to make our services as Scholars more accessible, and will be resuming Mother Bianca's journal day feasts, once a month. More details will be forthcoming soon.

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