Written By Daemon
Aug. 29, 2018, 9:27 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
It goes:
La la la, my duck and me!
La la la, oh god he bit me.
We're still working on it, actually.
Written By Harper
Aug. 29, 2018, 9:25 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Calaudrin
Written By Calaudrin
Aug. 29, 2018, 9:17 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Thena
Written By Thena
Aug. 29, 2018, 9:15 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Calaudrin
Written By Calaudrin
Aug. 29, 2018, 9:03 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Perronne
Possible warrants for arrest.
Fake names.
Written By Karadoc
Aug. 29, 2018, 8:57 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Written By Thena
Aug. 29, 2018, 8:10 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Perronne
Written By Cambria
Aug. 29, 2018, 7:57 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Never mind. No one is perfect, and there are worse things than amusing oneself. Like minding other people's business and trying to tell them how to think and live.
Written By Alexis
Aug. 29, 2018, 7:43 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
In the end, it was a good night, with good food and people I am proud to call friends and peers. And I can now proudly wear the ring of the Order, knowing I have earned it.
I look forward to hearing the tales of my knights, and share in their reflections.
Written By Donella
Aug. 29, 2018, 7:36 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Written By Sparzla
Aug. 29, 2018, 5:19 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
Wine and whiskey don't usually go well together in one evening, but I think I was saved by having much less of the former than I did the latter. Proper ratio, that.
I guess I'm writing because it seems like a good time - feels like a new start. I rather liked the notion of being a smith but I think I'll put that idea back into my pocket. I'm still in the field of smashing things into shape, after all.
Written By Perronne
Aug. 29, 2018, 3 p.m.(6/26/1009 AR)
They started it, they deserved it, and they're FINE. I promise. Very hard head on some folks.
It was very exciting, although I have certainly lost some upper body strength with all this city living. Maybe I ought to start practicing my spear forms again, before going out into the wilderness again.
Speaking of, I should go grape hunting, soon. That might be a fun little adventure!
Written By Lou
Aug. 29, 2018, 2:21 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
I've posted to the Society of Explorers today that I'm looking to take someone new to expeditions with our group. Mason, Calaudrin, and I are all experienced, and also explorers, but I sometimes feel we neglect our newer members. I will be interviewing for this last candidate.
There is a mountain range to the west that I've passed a number of times, and now I'm itching to finally move along its ridges and through its caves. With all of the ruins I've discovered, nearly 10 or more for every holding I've visited in the compact, I can only imagine the wonders that I shall find there. I expect it might even take more than one trip to explore it all - so never fear, my explorers, you will get your turn. I promise.
It will be nice to be out of the city, working on something that I want to do, for a change. Adventure Awaits!
Written By Lou
Aug. 29, 2018, 2:09 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Petrichor's Grove in Black Woods, where the trees still have skeletons on them from where they skewered the enemies with the sharpened spikes of their own still attached branches in aid of Pena Stormryder in the Battle of Blackwoods.
Footprints leading south coming from the far, far north in Everwinter where no human or creature should have be able to live and should have been untouched for millenia because of the extreme cold of that particular region. Those tracks led into a sheer wall of ice in the mountains.
Sharing a cave with large wolves in the Northlands during a dark and stormy night, keeping warm from the cold wet rain - where the wolves didn't attack us, nor we them. We simply shared the cave for an evening, sleeping in a dry, warm place for the night. It was a beautiful, awe inspiring sight.
An Elven Princess marrying my cousin, the King, before all the eyes of those in Arx - with thousands upon thousands of spiders carrying the train of her dress and clapping at the appropriate moments during the wedding. This may not have been an expedition, but it was still quite the sight to witness.
I'm confident enough in my own experiences that I do not need others to believe in them. I've lived them. I believe. People know I'll believe them when they come to me for aid. That's all that matters. My time is better spent on helping those that need aid and are willing to accept it, and helping to keep the Compact safe from those threats we continue to face.
Written By Faruq
Aug. 29, 2018, 1:32 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Astraea
Anyone who thinks all Templars are this good is a fool.
Don't know what all we really have in common. Wish we had more, she is gorgeous.
Written By Gerard
Aug. 29, 2018, 1:29 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Ryhalt
Written By Ryhalt
Aug. 29, 2018, 12:49 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Lisebet
Written By Vercyn
Aug. 29, 2018, 12:38 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Mirk
Written By Gaston
Aug. 29, 2018, 12:23 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Nuala
Written By Cassandra
Aug. 29, 2018, 12:18 p.m.(6/25/1009 AR)
Let us hope this is the last we'll hear of the matter, and that Princess Marian, devoted to Gloria and the rest of the Gods, has found satisfaction in the terms worked out.
Let this be a lesson that while some in the Compact may not practice the Faith, not a single one are outside of it.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.