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Written By Khanne

Aug. 31, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Karadoc and Hadrian,

I am not sure apples will thoroughly fit the look I am going for. Maybe! But, alas, no time! Plus, adventure... so probably leather leggings are wisest....

...also, how did you know my boots had fur?

Written By Elloise

Aug. 31, 2018, 12:42 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

I misplaced Madame Death Cupcake. She escaped her enclosure. Please, walk very gently around our home, Myed.

Written By Navi

Aug. 31, 2018, 12:31 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

The Flower Guard. It sounded so silly at the start, but now that I've had a chance to understand more, I will be proud to wear the armband. The war's song will tell a tale of pristine blossoms as free of blemish as purest aeterna, unstained, unmarred by the blood I would shed in their defense.

Written By Karadoc

Aug. 31, 2018, 12:16 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

I have a pair of trousers with apples on the hems. NO. I don't. Lying. But now I want a pair.

Written By Karadoc

Aug. 31, 2018, 12:14 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

It seems like my new clerk, Cypriano, is now an unofficial fan of Champion Bliss - which he SAYS makes him part of the Blisscipleship. Following that, naturally, we get to drinking and I demand to hear the story of what a Folly is. Which, through second -- (and in this case, third hand) -- is interesting (though not as exciting as Marquis-Consort Hadrian's experience of hearing the story from the source herself, BLISS.) Now, I'm even MORE drunk and considering the meaning of the story, knowing one's purpose, finding the vibrancy of life even while dancing on the edge of a sword and all sorts of metaphorical bullshit and I've got to say -- I need a CHANGE.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 31, 2018, 12:12 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Summer? Mountains?

I still suggest the boots with the fur.

Written By Calandra

Aug. 31, 2018, 12:11 p.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Back in the city and it feels so good! If ever I decide to "rough it" again? I give full permission to anyone present at the time to lock me in a room until I return to my senses. There is no one in the wilderness to hear you sing but the birds and they are jealous creatures.

Written By Khanne

Aug. 31, 2018, 11:44 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

I was packing... and staring at my armoire, full to busting of all manner of clothing... could only ponder - what does one wear to an occasion such as I am about to embark on???

I should have probably thought about this sooner.

Leather leggings or hooded dress, summer mountain silk?

I feel silly fretting over such things.

Now I am just thinking of all the things I could have commissioned.... had I thought of it sooner. I never think of these things soon enough....

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 31, 2018, 11:29 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

The first meeting of the Blissciples was a fantastic experience. Met a Nox'alfar for what I believe is the first time. Saw the heartbreak in their eyes when they were told they couldn't duel to the death. I readily witnessed that they are, in fact, fervent supporters of their very favorite Champion: Bliss. And why wouldn't they be?

I finally learned what a Folly is and oh muh goodness, journal. It's both terrifying and exciting, especially when recounted by an exceptionally talented storyteller. Even thinking about it as I write this I feel a shiver lance up my spine. The intensity of it is apparently second only to fitting some significant assets into an Oathlands corset!

The meeting was a success in my eyes and I count myself quite lucky indeed to both have been in attendance and be recognized by the Champion's Champion herself as her Chief *Arvani* Blissciple.

I'm roughly ninety percent certain that I slip up again and I identify myself simply by Chief Blissciple, I'm going to have a lot of murder-happy people looking to prove they are the bigger fan. They also introduced me to an entirely new concept: you keep what you kill.

I kind of like the idea of them keeping that custom to themselves.

Written By Caspian

Aug. 31, 2018, 11:11 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

As a duelist, I am a creature of the personal. I fight for personal slights, not political ones; though the two do overlap at times. I have no strong feelings towards politics, but when naked politics hurts my friends is when I find myself caring deeply. And it's even more frustrating when I am unable to do anything to help. Some fights can't be won with the knife's edge.

Written By Leona

Aug. 31, 2018, 10:57 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Norever and Sallialias spent all night arguing about who was the better Blissciple. I'm not entirely sure I can thank you for this. But we'll have to get that drink together soon.

Written By Merek

Aug. 31, 2018, 10:34 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Nuala

A Princess from the Redrain Lands, that is associated with Fidante. She seems nice, and we met at my shop. I find it an honor to make things for people, especially weapons!

Written By Karadoc

Aug. 31, 2018, 9:50 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

I do not need a random day to randomly give gifts to people that I may OR may not randomly like or find tolerable.

Scholar's Note: Lord Karadoc Saik shook his fist and said, "You're not the boss of me, calendar!" Then, he took his leave of the Archives.

Written By Vanora

Aug. 31, 2018, 9:46 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Thank you to everyone who came to the Grimhall Spring Feast. We had a wonderful gathering of family and friends, far more of a crowd than I'd expected but we did not run out of food. I think I have proven to the Grim Duke that while I don't have his beloved wife's talents and experience I can still host a dinner party relatively effectively.

To all of our vassals, friends, guests who will surely become friends, thank you for joining us to celebrate the end of spring.

We appreciate your warmth, company, and friendship in difficult times and joyful ones alike.

-V. Grimhall

Written By Vanora

Aug. 31, 2018, 9:38 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Adora

I fully endorse Mistress Adora's store, I've purchased several items recently including a gorgeous canopy bed for Valdemar's sister Ingrid when she returns back to Arx.

I'm sure I'll be back now and then, redecorating lifts the spirits when they'd be otherwise low.

Written By Niklas

Aug. 31, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Grayson Mandated Gift Giving Occasion again?

Well, family, I get the message. No hats this year.

Written By Merek

Aug. 31, 2018, 9:21 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

I am thinking about finding some roses as well as daisies to plant in my garden. If anyone sells any flowers, please feel free to send word with a messenger to me, please!

Written By Amari

Aug. 31, 2018, 9:13 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

The fourth Skirt and Gown Night was a success, I think. I was a little worried since it was my first time hosting anything of the sort. I was glad for Princess Coraline being there as co-host, even if she was mostly restricted to chair for the evening, save that quick dash back into the Estate and out again. The Truths and Lie game I hope went a bit smoother than the previous attempt where I sort of made it up on the spot. I tried to make it a little fairer and more easily understood. It may still need a few small adjustments, and Lady Lisebet did wonder if we might flip it to Two Lies and a Truth. The winners, in a final round to break the tie, were Princess Denica Thrax and Lady Lethe Tyde. They were both phenomenally good at discerning the lies.

There was a good turn out overall, and some new faces, like Countess Corvini along with some notables and friends I was surprised and delighted made an appearance. There was also Sir Ober in a gown which didn't quite fit. His appearance did spark a little debate about whether or not these events should be restricted to ladies in skirts, or just anyone in skirts regardless of gender. It was decided that the host of the event would be the final arbiter, and next month's gracious host will be Gianna Whisper at the Bard's College.

I know there is a fair amount of interest from men to attend these things. Is it simply curiosity or fear you're being plotted against, or a burning desire to wear fancy gowns as we do? If it's the latter, I'll happily host the first ever Skirts Only Dance, wherein the only requirement would be that everyone, lord or lady, master or mistress, must wear a skirt of some kind. Send me a messenger if you'd like to attend so I know there's sufficient interest out there.

Written By Lisebet

Aug. 31, 2018, 8:59 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

Oh. And Ryhalt named me as a Voice for House Farshaw too. I guess that means I can't quite be purely ornamental any more.

Written By Lisebet

Aug. 31, 2018, 8:59 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

The monthly gowns and skirts night was quite fun! Hosted by Lady Amari and Princess Coraline, it was well attended. I met some new friends, which is always a good thing, in my opinion. There was even an infiltrator as Sir Jordan showed up, looking exquisite in a lovely gown that made most of us ladies a little jealous. He had some rum with us and then wandered off, perhaps to show his legs to High Lord Victus. That would explain the shout of "Nice Legs," at any rate. The rum was very good, which may explain my headache this morning. I look forward to the next one, in a month's time, to be hosted by Gianna Whisper.

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