Written By Sabella
Aug. 31, 2018, 8:19 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)
It's been very busy since I was named Voice. I don't think I ever realized how much the heads of Houses did! I mean, I know they were always busy with important things, but these messengers never seem to stop! Still, it's very nice to know that I am helping out my House.
Speaking of which: To raise funds for the Lodge of Petrichor I am going to do a raffle for baskets full of wonderful things! If you would like to contribute by putting together a basket, please let me know! If you would like to donate things to a basket, let me know! The more we can do to raise funds for the defense of the Lodge the better off we all will be! AND you'll get some goodies out of it if you win!
Written By Adora
Aug. 31, 2018, 8:14 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)
Or whatever. I don't fucking know. Just come buy things. You won't be disappointed.
Written By Ida
Aug. 31, 2018, 7:02 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)
Written By Thena
Aug. 31, 2018, 6:55 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)
That is the only chair-related violence noted in the whites in recent days that I'm aware of.
Written By Ryhalt
Aug. 31, 2018, 6:43 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)
This may be my way of saying, if there were any matters we had been discussing over the past few weeks, there's a possibility we may have to start to over.
Also, as a sidenote, this may explain why I wanted a second Voice. Because it's painfully obvious that I can't be trusted with my own papers in private.
Written By Jophiel
Aug. 31, 2018, 5:54 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)
To this end, I am working on the following:
* Avoidance - As I have been told this mission may be dangerous, I have decided to learn to avoid being hit. It has been a rather bruising failure so far.
* Dagger Training - While I have very little skill with a blade, I have been told I should carry one. I suppose I should learn that the pointy end goes towards the enemy.
* Armor - Currently in the hands of Baroness Enyo, I hope it is prepared before the mission. The designs she showed me are quite stunning and she has said she wants to surprise me with a helm.
* Gifts - I believe that bringing some gifts from Arx to present to show all sides of our citizenship. I have started with a jug of Raspberry Mead made by Mistress Petal Pinrose. If others have suggestions, I am willing to field them.
* Language - This one is optional. Though knowing a language is almost as important as reading facial changes, I may not have time more than to learn a few basic phrases.
Written By Harper
Aug. 30, 2018, 11:45 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Magpie
Magpie and I adopted an orphan from the Tragedy. Pie's his name, Pie Grayhope. I couldn't be happier either. He's a real good boy. I love reading stories to him, and fortunately, he seems to like me to read them to him too! We've spent lots of time going to the park. Dot really likes him. Reckon she follows him more than she does me these days, but I'm alright with that. I'm teaching her to keep him safe and sound. I'm also teaching him to swim. But I'm pretty sure that he already knew how.
He doesn't wanna talk about his real name yet or if he remembers anything from before he ended up at the Tragedy. But we're not pushing. Someday he might be ready to talk about it and that's soon enough.
In the meantime, there's an awful lot of things going on. Work's keeping me busy. Lots of preparing, investigating, and all kinds of things that all needed to be done yesterday. I've got projects of my own too, but so far nothing's made me happier than Magpie and Pie.
All in all, life's good.
Written By Harper
Aug. 30, 2018, 11:32 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Esoka
Written By Helia
Aug. 30, 2018, 11:14 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Written By Esoka
Aug. 30, 2018, 11:09 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Calaudrin
Your job is so interesting.
And confusing.
Written By Kenna
Aug. 30, 2018, 9:30 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
I'm sure it happened somewhere in Arx though.
I wish I'd been there. I swear I've done so much paperwork lately that I'm about to just turn into paper and ink myself.
Written By Jhond
Aug. 30, 2018, 8:08 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Bliss
Scholar's Note: The gentleman requested that I put in writing that his words were proceeded by an enormous yawn.
Written By Harlex
Aug. 30, 2018, 7:24 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Nico
There's no end to the training of a soldier but every milestone is worth the pain.
And every loss is a lesson learned.
Keep at it, the both of you.
Written By Nico
Aug. 30, 2018, 7:16 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Holt
Written By Lou
Aug. 30, 2018, 4:18 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Sparte
Written By Sparte
Aug. 30, 2018, 3:37 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Randomly giving things away without meaning feels pointless to me. I'm glad people are having fun, I really am. I support people drawing more closely together. Yet this feels like just a source of knick knacks that in so many cases are forgotten or discarded soon after.
I don't discourage people from participating, just encourage giving something with some meaning. Something worth a story.
Written By Jyri
Aug. 30, 2018, 3:15 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Calaudrin
Written By Bliss
Aug. 30, 2018, 2:50 p.m.(6/28/1009 AR)
So I'm taking some time for reflection today. Looking back at what I have done with these first twenty-five years. A runaway girl from Tor, the years on the road, both with a partner and alone. The men, the women, the songs and the duels and the dances and the laughter. Whisper House. The pain - the folly. The Folly. Devoting myself to Limerance. The things which I've kept quiet for so long - the shedding of those trappings. Trips to the Twilight Court. The titles I've earned, the ones yet to come.
And I think back on the missed opportunities - on the things I could have stopped if I had spoken up sooner, on the things I could have unrooted. Then I think on what has happened when I did speak up.
Love, heartache, fashion, wounds and scars, and never letting any of it really stop me.
It's been fun.
The show continues on. I'm nowhere near done yet.
Written By Aahana
Aug. 30, 2018, 2:23 p.m.(6/27/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Faruq
Written By Sina
Aug. 30, 2018, 2:19 p.m.(6/27/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Orazio
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.