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Written By Theron

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:25 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

Never did see eye to eye on all topics with the man. Cousins fight though, it is only natural. I received the news on my journey and I can honestly acknowledge, it came as a surprise. He always kept calling himself old, and our age difference was only 7 years. Now he won't see true old age, and that is a shame. With the news I turned back towards home. On the way back I ran into a messenger to receive a letter from Cambria. I know this loss wounds her greatly. I acknowledged the formal order to return, advised her of my status. Somehow, I managed to beat the messenger service back. Not by a lot, but by a slight margin.

Valerio is gone. To some a hero. To Many a friend. Others family. To me a mixture of all at this point, with a healthy dose of 'what a pain in my ass sometimes!!'. He will be missed, but we must move on. Never forgetting. We of the Hydra lost a valuable head, another will rise in its place. We will forge on. I have much catching up to do in the meantime.

Written By Niro

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:24 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

I had to throw out some steel earlier. The bloom that it came from - the quality was too poor. Felt like I'd been lied to about the overall quality, but when it came to actually forging something out of it, there were too many cracks. It hurt to throw it out.

Written By Darren

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:23 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Dire threats call for bold responses, and these are dangerous times.

Written By Lydia

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:19 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

I involve myself too much with frivolous things. I need to focus on what is good for Nightgold. I need to grow up.

Written By Vandred

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:18 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

I think I've got the design down now. It's going to be like my old dagger, a little longer, a little heavier. That way it can stand up to actually dragging another blade away. I've got my own personal defense to think about, you know?

Written By Joscelin

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:15 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Note, scholar, that never once did I say -who- was making all those fussing noises. He just already knew.

Written By Jhond

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:05 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

The power of a democracy.. even when I forget to vote

Written By Sheena

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:48 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Dearest Adoptive Grandparents,

I just wanted to send a letter to say hello. As usual, I am doing two versions of this letter to appease Adoptive Grandpa.

I have gotten to know, at least I think I have, two people. I think they consider me a friend but I don't know for sure. I do mean besides Baron Edward. I know exactly where I stand with him but these other two people I am still uncertain.

Wanting to be around two, three counting Baron Edward, people surprises me. Neither make me nervous or scared. They are also very patient with me.

Well, that is all I wanted to write this time. I just wanted to let you know because I know you have been worried.

With love,

Written By Shard

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:47 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sheena

Let me just...

Being a soldier is very different from being a Thrall. Very.

And I'm going to put the quill down now.

Written By Calaudrin

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:45 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

There are days when I get down here to the archives and I look through some of the journals that I more frequently peruse and all I feel is detachment. There was a time when I used to happily write down my most public thoughts on the popular arguments and I simply can't find the energy to. There are so many things to do, to be concerned with that I don't have the energy. I don't mean this to sound belittling.

I wish I had that same energy as a few months ago.

Written By Sheena

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:41 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Dearest Scholars,

I decided not to note the month on this entry. Though, I imagine you scholars keep track of the dates things are submitted to you.

I just wanted to consider things going on in this city. The talk of the duties of a soldier kind of confound me. I only read about it because someone of interest to me commented on it.

I do not know how to be a soldier but from what I can tell from the discussions it is not much different than being a thrall, except that there is pay for the work. I don't really know this but, I would think even among Thralls there is a chain of command. I did not spend much time around other Thralls or people in general. I was quite content to keep to my little space.

I am not very good with people but the discussions make me wonder if I should try being a soldier so that I understand. I do not know anything of weapons, though.

That is all I have to consider on this subject.

With Regards,

Written By Esoka

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:34 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

I rode in honor of Prince Barric Grayson, who would have become a Templar but for his death, this day. The joust was a bracing event, which I think my mount, the noble Dapperhoof, reveled in more than I did. His deft hooves and sharp reflexes managed to win us third place, and for that I give all honors to my horse. He is as steady a warhorse as one could hope for. And, if he loves to play for the crowd, I cannot deny him a the dramatics. It was fun!

As for Prince Barric, he was a man I had the honor of sparring with and rowing with and serving with on a mission a time or two. I found him to be as sturdy a blade as any the Compact had ever produced, a worthy wielder of Elvesbane. I think he would've served Gloria well, and mourn that both he and the Templars lost that chance. I shall be proud I knew him, if in some small capacity, and drink a toast to his memory.

Written By Arik

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:20 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowenova

Sometimes I am worried the bad influences I have inflicted upon this young woman by bringing her to Arx.

Written By Fecundo

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:16 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Barric

Really, I had only met Sir Barric Grayson once, early at my arrival to Arx. We did not speak much, but I thought it fitting to honor the man with my first jousting effort. I did not win, but I did not fall either. I think the latter is more honoring than the former. I would hope that someone remembers me in a similar fashion someday...that I might have half the impact.

Written By Lisebet

Aug. 26, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

The coffee club at Bold Espressions was fun. I hope those who attended enjoyed themselves. Now I will have to find another prize for the next time. I think I like that name-that-thing game- we will have to play it again sometime.

Written By Jeffeth

Aug. 26, 2018, 9:50 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

She is.

Written By Silas

Aug. 26, 2018, 9:35 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bedivere

My uncle has decided to come see what this city life is all about. Hopefully it won't scare him off. I look forward to reconnecting with him beyond just the passing interactions as we travel through the manor.

Written By Oliver

Aug. 26, 2018, 9:07 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Let the record show, Scholar, that I do not sound anything like Mongoose chewing on a cow femur.

Written By Joscelin

Aug. 26, 2018, 9:03 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Burns, all a part of the business. I've had dozens this year, likely to have more, it just happens. What I'm not used to is all the fussing. SO MUCH FUSSING. Can you hear it, scholar? The fussing? It's like the sound Mongoose makes when she's chewing on a very large cow femur. Just 'omromrromromrnrnarnarnaromrrromromromrORMAMMAMARmammramramAARARRARRRGggggh' and it happens all day. Sheesh.

Written By Shae

Aug. 26, 2018, 8:59 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

.... 'FUN GUY'. And 'grows on you'!

I get it now. Yes, it's quite funny.

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