Written By Monique
Aug. 22, 2018, 2:55 a.m.(6/10/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Etienne
Written By Ronja
Aug. 22, 2018, 1:48 a.m.(6/10/1009 AR)
Written By Vanora
Aug. 22, 2018, 12:58 a.m.(6/10/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Titania
Lady Titania was as close as kin to me, though we would go long stretches without seeing one another when we did that always snapped back into place.
She was also probably the person I was cruelest too in all of Arx, and she never deserved to be. I show my anger rarely, I try not to become flustered, but twice Titania witnessed me lose my temper completely and they are not moments I am proud of, even if my anger felt right at the time.
I am so pleased that while I know I'm only beginning to miss her...I am not left with deep regrets. The troubles between us were surmounted easily each time, and we were friends to one another, well after we'd ceased to have a real familial link.
I cannot think of a proper bit of holy wisdom or a wise quotation to end this entry with any sort of finality. Perhaps that alone is the ending. What is truly final?
Written By Harlex
Aug. 22, 2018, 12:36 a.m.(6/10/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Jacali
Much obliged.
Written By Tyren
Aug. 21, 2018, 11:03 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
I've actually taken a particular liking to the gardens around the city. The Hart's garden was magnificent, but I also spent some time in the gardens to the back of the Grotto. It is a breathtaking place, certainly revitalizing. I found them both to be the right kind of place to be left with your thoughts, a perfect opprotunity to leave words behind you for awhile and enjoy the surrounding beauty of nature in the heart of what is a very busy city.
Written By Perronne
Aug. 21, 2018, 10:39 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
When I first set out on my own, it was really just me. I didn't even have a donkey, yet. Just a girl and her pack and her spear, and a big wide world filled with treasures and adventures. Also bugs, food poisoning, and bandits. It's really not a safe life, being a traveling peddler, especially if you're not local, and don't have any important local friends. There are shavs, sure, and bandits who might as well be shavs, since they've been outlawed and driven from civilized lands. But you'd be surprised how many honest townsfolk'll indulge in a spot of robbery themselves when times are lean, or they think they can get away with it.
One of the first villages I visited, the reception was quite warm. People came, chatted, bought my goods, and even offered to put me up, since the place wasn't big enough for an inn. It had a lot of spirits, though - the liquid kind. People kept filling my mug, and I was still operating by a different standard of etiquette - it would have been rude to refuse my host! Eventually, I passed out flat.
And woke up, unsurprisingly, in a heap at the edge of the village, sans goods and sans silver. I was shocked! Horrified! I actually, for some reason, thought maybe there had been a mistake, and maybe I had just had a bit of a drunken wander. I returned to my host, who claimed never to have seen my face before. Villagers who had laughed and clapped me on the back just the other night sniffed as I went looking for help, and muttered about outsiders who were no better than they ought to be. I went to the magistrate, who was not at all interested in hearing accusations against honest townsfolk from a "shiftless wanderer" like myself. It was made pretty clear that if I hung around much longer, it was quite likely that some villagers would start finding that they were missing goods they were sure they had, and guess who would be the only possible culprit?
So, I left. Luckily, I'd spent a lot of time with the gameskeeper as well as the steward when I was young, and I could keep myself fed pretty well, and by the time I made my way to the next town, I had some dried herbs and pelts to sell - they brought in just enough to replace my supplies, and I slept in barns at night, doing research on my next delve by day. I learned how to turn down drinks when working, even when others really wanted me to, and that a lot of people you wouldn't figure have a little bit of wicked inside of them, when they think they can get away with it. The house Seraph would have called that our little demons, struggling to turn us against the Virtues. It was a good lesson, though, and these days, I'm glad it happened early on, when I could learn from it without being crippled by it. I guess I should be grateful to that little village.
Doesn't mean I AM, but I guess there could be an argument made.
Written By Tabitha
Aug. 21, 2018, 7:49 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Fredrik
(And of course, I'm always happy to paint for you!)
Written By Fredrik
Aug. 21, 2018, 6:20 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
I have not forgotten my duties to those that aided me in my ascension, truly I have not. I have already pledged my aid to the Grimhalls in their next construction project, and happily so. I imagine that other things will come up that or my niece Rosalie or my daughter Helia can help with, and I will happily direct them to it, to attack with their usual gusto. We repay our debts, with interest, let it be known.
However, I will also admit that our energies will, for the most part, be directed toward my new home. While a lovely island, and one I am proud to call my own, it is in shambles, compared to the state of most Compact Counties, and that needs to change. In that regard, there are currently three projects that we are gathering support for.
A dockyard/port expansion - If we are to trade and grow and prosper, we need to be able to actually trade with the Compact, and receive their ships and cargo, as well as export it. I will be leading this effort, due to my own experience in construction and as a merchant of many years standing.
A greenhouse complex - This is a two-fold construction, as it both will help to feed our people in goods that normally do not prosper in the cold northern climates, and also to cut down on the need to import goods from afar. It will show the people our goodwill, and Lady Rosalie will be attacking this project.
Rebuilding our merchant navy - If we are to trade, we need ships to do it with. Military ships will come in time, of course, but for now, we need ships to carry food, medical supplies, constructions equipment, and other essentials to and from our island. Our island is rich in iron and other metals, as well as timber and our deep-sea fishing. We need to build ships to use this. My daughter Helia will be the heading influence on this.
Any and /all/ aid is appreciated on this, in whatever form you can muster. Feel free to send messengers or meet in person to discuss details.
Rise Above. Always, Rise Above.
Written By Vanora
Aug. 21, 2018, 4:39 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Fredrik
Valdemar and myself were as delighted for the opportunity to be of use to House RedTyde as you were to take us up on it and offer support of your own for our future endeavors. This is the Isles that we need, strong and united for the greater good, and I am proud to have done even the smallest work with you towards that goal.
Just as I am sure all those who threw in their voice and support were similarly pleased and eager. This is a human triumph, and glorious to see.
Do not forget that Grimhall is here for you and RedTyde in efforts beyond this initial push. I hope you and yours will call on us again.
I've not a doubt in the world that you and your kin will accomplish for yourselves everything that you dream to.
Written By Perronne
Aug. 21, 2018, 3:03 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Maybe this isn't a good thing! Thoughts can lead one very strange places!
But these thoughts are thoughtful and interesting. I guess all thoughts are thoughtful. But not always interesting. These are both! To me. Maybe not to you, hypothetical future reader of this white journal. That's okay!
But, anyway, the thoughts. Tariffs. Every land of the Compact is free to set its own set of tariffs, fees, tolls, whathaveyou, and apply them - or not - to whoever they really want to. And the local lords can change them whenever they like. Which means, as an independent merchant without any affiliation to any particular noble house, you can end up paying four or five different kinds of fees or tariffs over four lands, and there are a LOT of lands in the Compact! And if you happen to be affiliated with someone the local lord doesn't like, or is planning to invade, or has been recently invaded by, or whose youngest son happened to accidentally vomit on someone else's eldest son - well, those tariffs and fees can suddenly become very high! Which is fine. Nobles are going to do the things that they need to do to protect their lands, or weaken the lands of other nobles who they plan to take yet more land from, and that's the way things work.
Besides, it makes is it a bit of a challenge. The BEST merchants, they know how to either make deals to pay lower fees, or they know how to plot their courses to take advantage of the lowest rates. That kinda falls apart when you get outside of a small area, though, because there are so many and they change all the time! Keeping track of those sorts of things require good connections, good research skills, or just a lot of luck.
It's one of the lesser-known skillsets of being a good merchant! You can't just think about your inventory and local demand. You have to plot a course that reduces your overhead, while still going through lands where the local lord isn't so cash-strapped they can't afford to patrol (or so neglectful that they don't care about patrolling), and doing so in a timely manner. Even for non-perishable goods, every day on the road, you're eating food and drinking water, and so are your pack animals, your hirelings, and so forth. Time really IS money.
Sometimes I like to just sit and make the best maps I can, and mark out what I know of the local domains, try to keep things fresh in my head.
Written By Faruq
Aug. 21, 2018, 2:32 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Lisebet
Lady Lisebet,
You are too kind. I thank you for your words and for the grace of your conversation recently. I hope in time I will not feel so much the fish out of water.
At the same time I wonder what I will be at that point. What sort of man.
I hope to never fully give up the sea.
Written By Titania
Aug. 21, 2018, 2:03 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Written By Titania in Black Journal
Aug. 21, 2018, 1:56 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
I do not wish for those I called friends and those I loved to morn me, no remember "Tears in our wake, never at our wake."
I was lucky to have many friends and those I cared for deeply always in my heart, in my thoughts. But now, it is time to move on.
I ask for all those to not be sad, but to be happy, find a bottle of rum, whiskey whatever it may be. Go to the Thrax ramparts and have a sip and then pour one out over the wall to remember me. I use to spend many of day and night there looking out over the water and Grey Forest it was one of my favorite spots in the city one of the spots I felt at peace at.
Gailin Fireviper: My beloved husband, I leave with you the one thing that is most important in my life our son Leif. He is going to need you, he will not understand why I am gone, let him know how much I loved him.
Lief Fireviper: My son, know I loved you dearly. Everything I ever did was for your future, to know that you would grow up and be the brave strong man I know you will be in relative peace. I leave to you my sword Storm Breaker, a bejeweled rubicund short sword when you are old enough your father will teach you how to use it.
Lady Joslyn Stonewood: My dear friend to you I leave the two most important things in my life when Lief was born you were there and named his godmother. Please look after him and Gailin make sure he does not lose himself.
Archduchess Elyna velenosa: For you, I leave behind something very precious, I am sure you do not understand now but in time I hope you will. So to you, I leave a pair of perfectly polished silver hairpins with jagged amethyst set in channels, keep them safe do not let them be lost to time again.
Lady Zoey Kennex: To you, I gift my Intricately forged ancient steel recurve bow, keep her safe and keep her in kennex.
Lord Ingvar Grimhall: I am sorry we have not gotten to know each other better, but know that Grimhall has a special place in my heart. I knew your brother well we were very close and I miss him still, but to you, I return his Crimson steel seax. Your father let me have it to hold onto as a memory, I keep it cause he saved my life once. Now I wish for you to have it to remember him by.
Baron Edward Stormbreak: One of my first friends here in Arx and one of my constant companions up on the top of the Thrax ramparts. We have both come a great distance from the first time we meet. To you, I leave a wine flask with a Mangata sigil embossed on it.
Marquis Ford Kennex: My dear cousin, I have always looked to you like an older brother and I know things have not always been the best between us lessons lived and learned right? To you I return my Kennex ring, I have kept it all this time close to my heart even if I said I no longer had it and a pewter seafarer's medallion.
Prince Galen Thrax: I will never forget that day we meet on the docks of Maelstrom and I will never forget that handsome smile, so to you I leave a good luck charm in the shape of the Northern Star.
Princess Coraline Thrax: To you, my curious friend I leave my honorary Grayson Quiver and Stormguard, a standard longbow she was my very first bow gifted to me by Lady Catrina and now I put her in your hands keep her safe.
Lady Catalana Kennex: My sweet cousin, how my life would have been so much different if it had not been for you and Lord Wash, I have always looked up to you both so much. To you, I leave a winged blue topaz heart set on a leather and iron necklace that sits along the neck base
His Crace Price Victus Thrax: High Lord I have always considered you a friend and though I know we have not talked much since I married out I have always thought about it. So to you, I leave a tiny octopus in orange glass and you still have the shield I gave you when I first meet you on your birthday.
His Grace Prince Edain Valadrin: To my dear friend Edain, you were there when I could not turn to others this I thank you for. To you, I leave a token of Gild.
Her highness princess-consort Caelis Valardin: Caelis I have no words to express how you changed my life, always there when needed. I know you enjoy masquerades least a small birdy told me so and so to you I leave my silk silvery white owl mask, a silvery white-winged owl gown, and silvery white silken owl slippers. I hope they bring you as much joy as they did me.
Lady Octavia Kennex: To you my dearest cousin I leave my a cowled, offset leather jacket with burnished buckles
Count Turo Navegant: To you my friend I will miss dearly thank you for the many talks for you I leave a half-sized bottle of watermarked with Mangata's initial blessed by Blessed Madeliene.
Countess Arcelia Navegant: an ornate ring of waves crafted out of pewter accented with blue topaz
Officer Sparte Fatchforth: My dear friend, how I wish we could have had more time but I hope to meet you again for you I leave a swatch of sailcloth is embroidered with Mangata's wave.
Lady Vanora Grimhall: To you, I leave an iron choker sporting a sea green glass kraken.
Lord Constantine (Connie) Kennex: Cousin, we are so much like you and I it amazes me we are not twins. You have always been a strong and stable man that voice that can calm anyone, to you I leave Sunset Fire Fan, hang it on your wall and always remember me.
To those, I have not left anything to "The winds of change are ever at our back" do not fret we will meet again one day and always remember that no matter what I love you "Tears in our wake, never at our wake.".
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Azure Mother, Pearl
of Grace,
Protect your sons (and daughters) who travel
on the waters,
Protect your sons (and daughters) who travel
ahead of the winds.
Our Lady, Bright Star of the Ocean, Queen of
Tempests and Typhoon,
Help them crest the waves, ride the currents,
survive the storm,
Shelter your most ardent disciples,
May our hope find harbour,
Our hearts your favour.
In your name we pray calm seas
In your name we pray strong winds
In your name we pray full sails.
Written By Sina
Aug. 21, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
I will be leaving on another journey. We leave soon, and so now I am busy packing. I just moved in! But I am looking forward to once again gazing upon the sea. There is always some part of me that feels a little thrill when I smell the tang of salt in the air and feel the wind in my hair as a ship rides the waves. I have no idea what to expect from this journey, but hopefully we will find what we are looking for. I do not know how long I will be away, but I was glad to be able to at least enroll Lord Gregori Volkov into the books of the students before leaving. Hopefully I will be able to get some other unfinished business complete as well, before I go.
Written By Fredrik
Aug. 21, 2018, 1:31 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Written By Tikva
Aug. 21, 2018, 12:23 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Audric
Written By Audric
Aug. 21, 2018, 10:08 a.m.(6/8/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Written By Monique
Aug. 21, 2018, 9:59 a.m.(6/8/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
In other news, if candlestick thefts go up in the Kingdom, please remember I am reformed.
Written By Lisebet
Aug. 21, 2018, 9:44 a.m.(6/8/1009 AR)
Relationship Note on Faruq
Written By Brigida
Aug. 21, 2018, 8:47 a.m.(6/8/1009 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.