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Written By Prisila

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:53 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

The interesting thing about an opinion is that it is a belief or attitude about something that isn't necessarily based on facts. Indeed someone can have an opinion you don't share, which is fine, but there is no /right/ or /wrong/. Those are our thoughts about the subject in particular, generally formulated by one's own beliefs and experiences.

So in short. If Faruq uses his white journal to document his opinion then my /informed/ opinion is that he is using the thing as intended. The wonderful thing is though you don't even have to agree for /that/ to be a fact because it is indeed something we don't have to share.

Written By Valdemar

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:48 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)


It has been a month since you came into the world. One month, but already you've made your marks on this family, something that will be more and more important as you grow older. Arkyn, if I didn't know any better, I would swear you already know you are meant to be Duke Grimhall one day. My prayer for you is that you grow to understand exactly what that means, the responsibility that goes along with it, and the honor as well, to lead the people of Grihem's Point. Antony, your strength so far is quieter, more understated, in a way that reminds me much of your mother. For you, I pray that you learn how important that strength will be, to yourself, your brother, and this family as a whole.

Written By Bliss

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:46 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

You may write whatever you wish in your Whites. It is, in fact, a holy duty to Vellichor to scribe your thoughts and day-to-day activity down. Through such things, future generations may learn the sort of person we are. Which is why I am confused that of all things you could have written to Marquis Leary, you chose to write something essentially meaningless, given that you had already stated your disagreement by having your original opinion, which remained unchanged, in public view already.

What I am trying to understand, in its most fundamental form, is why you chose to write, "NUH UH" in more polite terms. That is about the entirety of the argument you presented.

You represent the honor of your House. Be better.

Written By Fairen

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:42 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

Any time a system of philosophy is based only in 'opinion' and that is the only method of defending your observations and your musings, you immediately devalue the construction of your writings. There is no question about how permissible it is to provide your opinion, and judging both on the tone and context of your literature, you have done very little than provide some ambiguous definition of something without the possibility to defend your stance.

There is no doubt in my mind that you have lived your life differently, experienced things that are unique to yourself and done things in ways that no one else may have done so. Though you have not identified which experiences it is that has brought you to your conclusion on this definition. You are not entitled to your opinion, so much as you are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is ever entitled to ignorance.

Written By Prisila

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:33 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

I do so value your opinion. At least I could take the time to tell the Scholar as such so they could document it while I am here, lurking in the whites and reading random journals like I sometimes get the urge to do.

Although I definitely don't respect your opinion when it comes to wine. You bought shit wine last time we drank.

Written By Harlex

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

It seems to me that fighting brings out the honest qualities in us. Win, lose, or draw.

That kind of experience eases things between folks. She proved a good sportswoman with the turn of the cards and after, we had us a fine chat.

Written By Faruq

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:07 a.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

** Written in Faruq's flowing handwriting with all the loops it could ever want, and then some **

I do not know you really after only meeting you once at the Gala so I understand that you do not know me and will take that into account in regards to you writings.

To debate would mean that multiple individuals would have to be interested in engaging in conversation about a topic. I shared my opinion, and I quantified it. There was no attempt to claim that my opinion was anything but an opinion. I do not seek to convince anyone else to share it. Everyone is welcome to their own opinions. I was not trying to debate my opinion.

Is there a rule in this city that I am unaware of that says it is unacceptable to respectfully disagree with someone's opinion?

I hope that we will have the time to better understand one another in the future, until then I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavors both present and future.

Written By Bliss

Aug. 23, 2018, 11:48 p.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

I see, Lord Saraceni, that you have mastered the art of debate: simply lower yourself to using the most intellectually lazy form of disagreement possible, rather than attempting to muster any kind of real response, but try to look like you are wise and reasonable in doing so by making it sound like you are above the argument. Truly stunning. Certainly better than simply silence.

Is your favorite conversational topic the weather, I wonder?

Do you laugh at the little cartoons of elders saying the most blatantly obvious things possible as if it were some great revelation in the broadsheets?

Please, tell us more. Your contributions to our world are fascinating and absolutely worth our time.

Written By Monique

Aug. 23, 2018, 11:12 p.m.(6/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Harlex

The strangest of companions sometimes make for the most interesting of conversations. I certainly didn't expect to be talking about that which we spoke on, and I was pleasantly surprised. Looking forward to future conversations, if not future sparring. Best let these bruises heal first.

Written By Faruq

Aug. 23, 2018, 9:22 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

** Written in Faruq's flowing and loopy handwriting **

You are welcome to your opinion, Marquis.

I will have to respectfully disagree and keep my own.

Written By Fairen

Aug. 23, 2018, 8:25 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

I am of a similar opinion as Count Fredrik here.

You statement is too simplistic, and does not address what personally I consider to be the primary aspect of what a 'soldier' is. By definition, a soldier is someone who serves in an Army. But if we're to consider the topic philosophically, then we can define a soldier as someone who fights some form of battle. In your definition, orders are being delivered from some source, though in my considerations that is exactly necessarily the case when considered in this light. Typically, yes. But not always. In my view, annotating that a soldier fights some form of battle is more accurate to define the aspect of a soldier.

The battle does not have to be a physical one, though the lines as they have been presented in my argument are far more obscure than I would like them. A philosopher who fights a battle of wits with a colleague is not someone I would consider to be a soldier unless the topic of discussion was impactful and potentially powerful enough to change the way the world is viewed at large. I would consider a person battling with madness of the mind, who struggles to present themselves appropriately to society to be a soldier, especially if the struggle was to never touch a blade, or alcoholic beverage.

It could be argued that the source of commands is coming from the Gods, or from society itself, but in my view, again, that isn't necessarily accurate.

Written By Faruq

Aug. 23, 2018, 6:57 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fredrik

** Written in Faruq's looping flowy handwriting **

I disagree.

A soldier follows orders. A person does not have to be a swordsman, or a combatant, to be a soldier. They just have to follow the orders of the organization they are in. Could a soldier be a warrior? Certainly. But a soldier is not defined by their skill at arms. It is their willingness to put the organization first.

Whether that is an army or military unit is irrelevant.

The blacksmith that works to fulfill the order that their organization requests of them is still a soldier for that organization.

A person may be the best warrior in all Arvum, but if they don't follow orders?

They are not a soldier.

Written By Ann

Aug. 23, 2018, 6:42 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Had a lovely dinner with House Seraceni this evening. I wish I could have enjoyed it but at the cusp of 6 months old the punchiest Crovane decided to give me a shiner.

Took me out for nearly a half an hour.

After dinner, Asger decided to go have a man to man chat with him.

Returned a half an hour later with a matching shiner.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 23, 2018, 6:37 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

Without getting too deep into it, I would point out that while following orders is, most certainly, something soldiers do? It cannot be all of what a soldier is. After all, a thrall follows orders. Slaves follow orders. Even trained animals can follow orders if one uses the right methods. This is not to disparage any group, but there must be /more/ to a soldier than simply that. Is it the willingness with which they follow even dangerous or harmful orders? Support no matter the consequences?

Written By Faruq

Aug. 23, 2018, 5:05 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alexis

** Written in Faruq's curvy flowing hand **

What is a soldier?

Someone who follows orders.

That is it.

A soldier does not have to be a warrior, or kill people, they just support the organization they are a part of by doing what they are told.

Everything else is part of who they are, but not what makes them a soldier.

Written By Alexis

Aug. 23, 2018, 4:19 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Taldolf


I spoke to Taldolf Ridge, a man-at-arms and officer of Giant's Reach, asking him for his thoughts on what a soldier is. This is what he said:

"What first comes to mind is a soldier is and should be loyal to the house they serve. With any duty that has been called upon them."

He then added:
"Does it mean I go kill the enemy every day, all day long, no. But I view it taking ownership of the duties that are given to the soldier and to see that they are carried out."

So - the responsibility sits with the one who takes up the sword and swears the oath. It makes sense. It's a good view.

Written By Faruq

Aug. 23, 2018, 12:55 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

** Written in Faruq's flowing and loopy handwriting, that is even more slanted than normal this time, scrawled quickly **

I am a Captain once again. A ship under my command. I can hunt at my whim. Mine.

Now you can't tell me no anymore little sister!

Ahh now where to voyage, and whom to bring.


Written By Perronne

Aug. 23, 2018, 12:11 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

And now I am hot and sweaty and tired, but I feel like I need to commit my work to the journals anyway. Also, it's actually pretty cool at the writing tables. I think they try to keep it dry in here? It's nice!

Anyway, WORK. I managed to finally unbox the shipment from some of my old storage places. Not everything survived the journey, sadly (alas, poor mice figurines, you were lovely and now you are quartz shards) but some of the best pieces did. I've polished, restored glass in the mirror, picked a fields worth of straw out of my hair, my clothes, and the artifacts, and put them up for sale. The pieces range from fairly simple in the person of a matched set of guardian figurines, to elaborate, such as the Alarice glass cup. I think my favorite is that one, really. My least favorite is the mariner's astrolabe. It's PRETTY! But it's very heavy and it almost fell on my foot! Twice!

Maybe because I was trying to use it, and I don't know how to use a mariner's astrolabe. On the bright side, if someone purchases it who has no interest in the sea, it still makes a really excellent blunt instrument of murder.

Not that anyone WOULD do that. Of course. Yes.

Written By Talwyn

Aug. 23, 2018, 11:55 a.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I do not mind competing against Nox'alfar in any sense. Creativity goes where it will, irrespective of land or race.

Do your best. Or worst.

Written By Berenice

Aug. 23, 2018, 11:35 a.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

I am honestly speechless. I don't deserve you, my darling cousin.

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