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Written By Shard

Oct. 31, 2017, 2:13 p.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Halsim

Hm, yes. Best to come live inside the Compact where you'll insist they're still bandits at your table that can't be trusted. Prodigals certainly know where they stand with you, anyway.

Written By Victus

Oct. 31, 2017, 1:33 p.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

I have made a deal with my morning today. I won't utter a word of swearin' and bull-manure and it doesn't bring me a stack of headaches attached to plenty of rabbling.

So far we're one bottle of rum deep and the seas are calm. Let's make it two. Ah fuck it, this is too much work.

Written By Thena

Oct. 31, 2017, 12:29 p.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

To those who fear travel outside the city, please, for the love of the gods, if you need protection come speak to me and I can arrange for you to go out with a pilgrimage or a tithe train or a dispatch. Protecting travelers is the specific gods-given mission of the Knights of Solace.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 31, 2017, 12:15 p.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

On the wilderness and the Queen of Endings. . .

So there are certainly going to be troublesome individuals out there, some of them are bandits, criminals and others may simply be savages.

Everything or one I see is someone I consider if I need to put an arrow through their skull.

Of course closer to Arx there is a certain safety, but then there is also the possibility among st the trade routes that banditry would be much more common.

I do not travel richly, but I am certain I should consider my potential as a hostage. One must always travel prepared.

I travel prepared to put an arrow through a skull.

Written By Halsim

Oct. 31, 2017, 12:03 p.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Interesting, how being preyed upon by the wilds, dealing with cults, rivals, betrayal from within and without, and living each day wondering if it will be your last... with only your one group among thousands as your protection... is 'freedom' to some.

I call it for what it is: stubbornly clinging to vague notions that living in fear is somehow better than living in unity, civilization, and reason.

In the Compact, you can do something about that fear. Out there? You're lucky if the next person you meet doesn't put an arrow through your skull. With the Compact, you know where you stand, and you know where everyone outside the Compact stands.

How anyone can call living outside the Compact... 'freedom'... is a mystery.

The Deepwood Prodigal recruits are the equivalent of inviting bandits into your home and praying they find the food good enough to work for it. I have no doubt there are Abandoned out there that would join the Compact if they knew what we actually offer... but the majority don't care for us, and cannot be trusted. I wouldn't count on that method consistently.

Written By Tikva

Oct. 31, 2017, 11:50 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Consider who we fight and make of ourselves something different. Be a candle against the dark. There will be no better time.

Raise your voice for freedom.

I will stand with you.

Written By Samantha

Oct. 31, 2017, 10:15 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Skye

One of the largest mass conversions of Shav'arvani to Prodigal in recent history involved 30,000 swearing fealty to Deepwood. Not a drop of blood was shed, nor threat issued.

Instead, we offered them safety in a time of war without demanding a bend of the knee and asking only that they live in accordance to the law within Deepwood's borders. We showed them the benefit of being united under the Compact, and addressed their leadership with honor and respect. When asked for their help in return, 3,000 answered the call to war and aided in ending the Siege of Arx.

We look at ourselves. While there is always room for improvement, in this matter, our conscience, and our obligation, are clear.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 31, 2017, 9:50 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

To say this is not at all whom I expected would be a gross understatement.

Lady Monique is, it turns out, very proper and oriented on her work and studies. Where I thought the well was deep with intrigue, it is rather the opposite. On face value she seems to be clever and tricky, but deeper down she is candid and straight forward. Her pursuits consume her more than her machinations.

I will not deny that I find this a touch disappointing, even though I will do what I can to aide her in those studies she is fond of.

Will her history be a mere footnote in how she is remembered?

She never did show me those wanted posters.

Written By Fortunato

Oct. 31, 2017, 9:42 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Difference between a serf and a thrall is a serf has an out. Every citizen of the Compact has an out. Not always a great option, going crownsworn, but it’s an escape hatch when you need one.

I really don’t know the numbers of thralls freed by the Liberators, what channels they went through. Maybe there’s logistical issues here.

But past logistics, my one question would be. Payment of a thrall’s debt is their out. If that’s not acceptable, then what is? Lot of small folk have shitty lives, but the out keeps them from being slaves.

Written By Thena

Oct. 31, 2017, 9:27 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

There are many who point out that the timing of the efforts to end thralldom is less than ideal. To that I can only say, no time will be 'convenient'. No time will be easy. So why not just do it now?

Written By Tikva

Oct. 31, 2017, 9:22 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

I am honored and humbled to accept the task that has been given me to speak as Voice for my House. I pray to Limerance for the strength to hold to all the oaths and duties I owe to serve in honor.

Written By Merek

Oct. 31, 2017, 8:51 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

I don't particularly feel like sharing my views on any side of the current conversation. My only thoughts are towards the fact that if we begin to fight each other, we've already given the enemy an advantage. I sometimes wish that people could just all get along.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 31, 2017, 8:33 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

What have I gotten myself into . . .

Arx is, it turns out, full of mystery and intrigue the likes of which I would have never imagined. You would think, being from the Lyceum, that I might be used to this sort of thing, but really. Was Lenosia ever this bad? Caith certainly was not. Oh sure we had our plots and scandals and intrigues, but the superstitions and the wheels turning here are truly astounding.

Now I know I came here in part to uncover some truths, but honestly I expected by and large to be saturated with your typical drama befit nobility, instead I find myself told fantastical stories and earnestly asked to help uncover more truths.

I will lend my aid where I can as it may in turn assist me in my own goals.

Someday surely I will return to Caith, I doubt if my friends will ever significantly find themselves in Lenosia again. Will I spend the rest of my days in this bizarre city?

Only time will tell.

Written By Shard

Oct. 31, 2017, 3:23 a.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Skye

You make a good point about the rest of the Compact. You're right. The rest of this though...seriously? A lifetime (and it is, almost always, a fucking lifetime, with almost no chance for freedom) of servitude is your idea of a better, third option to those two choices? To raiders, Thrax might offer more; the rest of the Compact generally offers nothing more than the sword, and to some, maybe, maybe, a life of servitude at the hands of their enemies is better than a quick death. But you talk about bending the knee, and that is an option offered as an oh so wonderful beneficial kindness to the more peaceful Abandoned tribes the Compact encounters. And you're saying thralldom, usually a lifetime of thralldom, is better, because while they're washing your clothes and serving you meals and mucking your stables and farming your fields or digging your mines they can see what a wonderful generous fucking people you are? While they're torn apart from their tribes and their homes and their lands that you've taken for your own and carted off to wherever you please to take them, they can be grateful that at least you've allowed them to PAY BACK the debt they owe YOU for the war THEY forced on you?

Do you really fucking believe the utter bullshit that they were all raiders and bandits that attacked you first? Or have you somehow actually convinced yourself that all those Abandoned war thralls that show up in your House's care were all just asking for it by existing on your lands before you got there? You're welcome to this view, but don't write some nonsense essay about how you're so much kinder and more considerate to the poor mistreated Abandoned by dragging them into thralldom instead of murdering them where they stand or strong-arming them into giving up their freedom and way of life to swear fealty to a king and a people that are complete strangers to them. You aren't doing your side any favors.

Written By Skye

Oct. 31, 2017, 2:45 a.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

My heart is saddened from the recent turn of events that has led to a rallying cry against my House for offering what is considered the 'unpopular' view that indentured servitude or Thralls is an act of slavery. I shall perhaps lose some of my new friends by writing my thoughts in this white journal but I think it's important to hear another view that just isn't about economics.

When an Abandoned tribe is approached by the Great Houses. Most tribes are given two choices, bend on knee to the Compact or die at the sword. Our history is written on the blood of those that died by those who chose their way of life rather than joining our fold. House Thrax is the only one at this time that offers a third option, life. A chance to repay their debts for the damage that they have caused to our lands instead of meeting the end of our sword for daring to take us to battle. After paying off their debt, they may join our Society. Perhaps what was once a split second choice between bending on knee to death, now they've had years to see our people, live within our Society, and perhaps find a way of fitting in. Thrax has spared too many lives to count using this system.

Does that make us heroes? No. I don't claim that the Liberators don't have a point. They do. If a Thrall spends their entire in service, dies and then their children who were born free are forced to assume their 'debt' then yes, something is broken. The system that was meant to save lives has morphed into something else. When something is broken, one should not just throw it away, remove the chance of life for defeated shavs. Instead worthy men and women of our generation with a vision to the future should review the system and fix the flaws. Remove the loopholes that allows for this 'endless' servitude. Keep the chance for life.

The other Houses that rage against this system. Look at yourself. See the choices you give a defeated people and consider an alternative to ending lives at the end of your sword. Consider the merit of offering an honorable way of repaying for the damage done. Consider giving a chance for life.

Written By Silas

Oct. 31, 2017, 1 a.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

This is going to be a cringeworthy week...

Written By Daemon

Oct. 30, 2017, 11:45 p.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Fair enough indeed.

Written By Shard

Oct. 30, 2017, 11:39 p.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

I'm aware of what he did, but he's the one who brought up the imminent threat. If he's going to broach that topic, I'm going to point out the obvious.

Written By Thena

Oct. 30, 2017, 11:32 p.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Daemon

It is ironic that the man literally charged the Archfiend's representative head-on.

I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere but I'm not the person to find t.

Written By Aiden

Oct. 30, 2017, 11:27 p.m.(7/1/1007 AR)

This journal is late. I wanted to be more reflective of my time served in the Shrine of the Thirteenth and working side by side with the Silent Reflections for a week in showing my dedication to the Scholars. They remind me it is more important to listen than it ever is to speak and that my oaths, broken, come with consequences. I shall write more, once I have properly reflected. For now, hours will be spent in silence, contemplating all the oaths that I have sworn and what I will be swearing in the future to come.

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