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Written By Sameera

Aug. 10, 2017, 11:23 a.m.(1/1/1007 AR)

Each day I realize peopling is difficult. I'll stick with jewels.

Written By Aiden

Aug. 10, 2017, 10:27 a.m.(12/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calarian

While we didn't share more than a few words before recent times, I believe I can say now, Calarian is truly the cousin I can look up to. I'm eager to be in his company, for he has given me a chance and an opportunity to aid my House and my King. I have so much to learn from him.

Written By Calarian

Aug. 10, 2017, 4:23 a.m.(12/28/1006 AR)

Ever since my servant's reveille for me to wake up, I knew that today was going to be a laborious day at work for my House and the Crown. So toilsome was it that my bedtime bath was caressed by a deep, piercing headache. I am not a man who frequents pains on the head so you can imagine my surprise after the fact. You might already be casting an eye way from my white journal. The fellow lord or lady might decide never to do diplomacy with me. The bard might never write a song about me. 'Is this what the First Observer documents of his life?' To those I encourage patience, for my story comes not in vain.

While I was suffering my aches in bath-- one of the very few moments of my day from sunrise to sundown where I can enjoy the company of myself and the burdens of no work-- I happened upon the realization that I was enjoying my days. How could that be, judging by the fact that these days were bringing me pain? Just like you, dear reader, I am foreign to the motives behind my happiness except for the thrilling sensation of duty. Duty is what moves us and in duty I found a new purpose to my life.

It is time I disclose that the time I took off was for reflection, about myself, about my life, about my future and the future of the Crown. I wrote before about this, but now I write about it with more clarity. The future is what drives me forward every day. It is what makes someone die, suffer pain, for their Kingdom, for their Liege, for their Family, without being unhappy.

Like the warrior who would die in a battle for their King, I would suffer all the headaches I can suffer for the Crown. Blessed be every headache I get because of my work. Now I must repeat that while I try to concile some sleep. This blessed headache doesn't let me sleep either.

Written By Shae

Aug. 10, 2017, 4:17 a.m.(12/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna


You have always been kind and thoughtful, in everything I have seen you do. I do not think what you are trying to do is in the wrong, your desire to want to help them is in the right place. And sometimes we are not always successful in helping others, but I think... no feel, that if you feel that trying to explain to this person that their view is misunderstood and that doing so will help them further in life, then you should do so. I trust in your ability to gauge if your actions are right and for the better good of others. But if you are questioning it, then remember that I believe in you and so does Kael. And many others.

In the end you should do what you think is best, and remember we stand with you! And you are a wonderful person full of good.

Written By Calarian

Aug. 10, 2017, 4:11 a.m.(12/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

I feel in my compendious attempts to fill in records of my friendships and interactions in the Realm, as the First Observer of the Crown, it is necessary for me to devote a few lines to my cousin, His Highness, the Prince Aiden Grayson.

In his eyes, I see the desire to become someone. Not the usual dream of the child to be the hero of a war, or an expert on theological matters, or a skilled politician at court, or the best ruler for a landed title. No, my cousin has more ambitious desire. My cousin wants the best for his House. In many ways, he reminds me of myself when I was reaching maturity. Like him, I am an ambitious man. It must be unorthodox to confess my most secret goals, but it is true. I wake up for my House, work for my House, breath for my House, and Gods know I would die for my House.

It is why when I saw he needed my help, I was ready to take him under my arm and make him my friend. Now, he is slowly becoming a part of the Crown Observers. It has been a long time since I have felt excitement.

Written By Calarian

Aug. 10, 2017, 4:04 a.m.(12/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Regla

I began my sessions with Lady Regla Navegant on how to use a weapon, in this case the shortsword, and how to perform a basic attack with one hand while appropriately taking advantage of footwork and stance. Passes, pivots and the likes were mentioned as necessities, as well as placing the weight of my body on my feet.

I must be forthright. It is, after all, the whole point of these white journals. I come into my sermons with the Sword of Escuma with my expectations below ground level. I would not be disappointed if after months of weekly lessons I come out of it being an absolutely abhorrent swordsman, a true spectacle of mock in the arts of fencing, the effigy of unswordsmanly attributes, the pinnacle of malfuction in all matters of fighting.

Though I admit I like to be surprised, and the Lady Navegant may yet surprise me again, teaching me at least the basics of how to defend myself in case I find the undesired fate of having to fight for my life. For that, I am grateful to her kind lessons which come with no requirement but my friendship.

Written By Tessa

Aug. 9, 2017, 10:24 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

Darling Readers,

Many of you have asked me... oh where do you get those most affordable but stunning clothing pieces you wear? The answer is simple: Madame Petal's work at the Tangled Skein! There you can get colorful fashion forwards items that fit into ANY budget!

Dearest monsters, I shall have more tips for you soon but today, head out to Madame Petal's to get your lovely cloaks and shoes and dresses.

Soon, my lovely followers I shall reveal where my jewelry comes from as well. And you then can be closer to the amazingness that is me.

Written By Clover

Aug. 9, 2017, 8:32 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I must save blue from the spiders! HELP! *the rest is just scribbles*

Written By Samantha

Aug. 9, 2017, 4:54 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I find myself considering what to do with myself in the final months of this pregnancy. I suppose when I become a mother I'll have even less time to devote to projects, but I don't enjoy being idle - though I have rediscovered a love of naps. Naps are amazing. There should be a royal decree. Naps are essential.

As an Observer, I am called to duty as needed. Most recently there has been no need, and there are others who may yet be called upon. However, there is someone I wish to recommend to the corps, if I can pin them down long enough to talk to them about it.

In the Ministry, I mostly delegate. I am there to review the projected of the respective Deputy Ministers and aid them in getting them off the ground. There's at least one task still pending, and I am at fault for neglecting it. I intend to rectify that promptly.

I continue to administrate the March, seeing to our finances, trade, and internal governship as is my responsibility and privilege, while Rymarr sees to our military efforts.

I prepare to welcome this child into the world.

My sponsorship of the Menagerie is established, and the Arboreal Dome is complete.

Perhaps we should try resuming our dinner parties? Every so often, the Marquis and I will invite a few people of diverse interests to dine with and enjoy some activity and discussion.

I've taken up tutoring in Diplomacy, mostly the younger generation of my fealty. It seems where the guidance of young people is concerned, the apple doesn't fall far from the foster-tree.

What causes should be brought to my attention?

Written By Reigna

Aug. 9, 2017, 4:24 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I had my viewpoint shaken by a seemingly indomitable will the other day. It was one of those moments in which a viewpoint so utterly different than your own is thrust out with such intensity and determination that I had to momentarily question my own grasp of how society works.

I believe I am correct in my understanding. I tried to offer guidance, but the whole thing went so far field I simply am not at all certain I communicated anything effectively. I walked away baffled and torn between bearing down and attempting to impose my understanding of the world (the argument for this is, that in the long run this will help this person get something closer to their goals. The argument against this is, well... that's rather arrogant of me, is it not? But am I not being negligent in my duty to look after this person and see them succeed? So confused.) or simply allow them to be as they are.

Which is the right path?

I feel that the responsible thing to do is to try to drill in the reality of the world and how it works. is that not, in the end, the kinder thing?

Written By Ailith

Aug. 9, 2017, 3:10 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

What a godsend. The delivering of goods brightened my day especially all the books and mead. I am intrigued to see what the Princess designs after studying the shared book. After the Night of White, I am certain to be left awe-struck by her talents.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 9, 2017, 2:47 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I've been called mean a few times lately. In retrospect, perhaps I am. But, I don't know how not to be.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 9, 2017, 2:46 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

Training has a way ... I seem to have been starting entries that way lately. Fill in the blank has a way. I suppose, I guess, maybe, that is just the way things are.

Anyway, I have been seeking more training in things. The more I learn, the more I don't know. The more I get drawn in, the more I push away. This city is changing me, but how could it not? If you don't ...

My words are a mess, I meant to write about training and my words become a jumbled mess. I just need to focus.

Written By Shard

Aug. 9, 2017, 1:04 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

No matter how much some people might want it to be, 'trust me' is not a magical incantation that gets more powerful with repetition. 'You just have to trust me' is not a more powerful version of that incantation either. You can't will trust into being by insisting someone trust you over and over again. At most, you can succeed at browbeating them into giving in, which is a form of abusing trust, not earning it.

Trust is earned by actions, not words. People who try to take shortcuts usually end up with less than they started with, in my personal experience.

Written By Ailith

Aug. 9, 2017, 12:46 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I can assuage everyone's anxious concerns on this matter. I know it's a terrible burden not knowing.

There are five hundred, twenty-five thousand, four hundred and one tiles in this one corner of the House of Solace. Just /one/.

Do not get me started on how many are in the other corner. It is truly a wonder to distract me from getting up and being a horrible patient.

Written By Joscelin

Aug. 9, 2017, 3:45 a.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

There's a great deal of pride in the Guild, my pride for them, my joy for them, with how well they are all doing. It gives me a great deal of pleasure to share the wealth they've helped to generate, trade-goods and profit from our connection to the traders, merchants, suppliers that come to the city. We've discussed several ventures on what to spend the money on, as far as renovating the Guild Hall, setting up a space for training, and so on. One suggested a memorial, another purchasing property to rent for those that haven't the notion of buying a shop or building one.

In the mean time, I'm pleased to let the wealth flow through to the others. I would never feel right keeping it in the bank to gather dust with no plan or notion of use. When there is a surplus, it will be shared with the Guild, the amount saved maintained should it be needed.

I miss Ida. With Lazarus' passing, I've no Assistant, no Second, and my apprentices and shopkeepers keep sneaking chamomile tea into my mug in the hopes that I'll rest. Inspiration does not sleep, and I've at least one important Jayus-blessed project to finish before the next Summer solstice. The ideas are jagged, however, broken pieces of a mirror turned into a mosaic and then smashed again. My other designs, though, the ones that are just as important but with less a drive to create them are being created by my hands like someone else is controlling them. Lovely pieces, Eurusi designs suggested by dear Malik, intricate, beautiful creations meant to bear the weight of stunning gems and enamels.

I've a new shipment of Gemecittan quartz to array and consider. Those pieces are always popular, but I think this time I'll use jeweler's bronze and pewter, so that they are less expensive to obtain.

So many ideas.

Dammit. Chamomile in my mug again.

I'll stop raving at them about it, though. I'm sure I look awful running on so little sleep.

Written By Reese

Aug. 9, 2017, 2:58 a.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

I thought of buying the couch in Magpie's shop. I still might lose al self control and purchase it.

I don't know if it will fit in my room and I think if I put it out in the Grayson Mansion it might vanish.

Just like my green shag rug did. I am still looking for that rug. If anyone has information on a missing

green shag rug. Please let me know.


Written By Eilonwy

Aug. 9, 2017, 2:10 a.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

I would like to begin with ow. But I'd like to follow with, I killed it at least-with some help. Hopefully I made some friends in the process.

Also, stupid wolves.

Written By Merek

Aug. 9, 2017, 1:41 a.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I met this woman on a scouting patrol where we went into the Forest. We fought together, and she seems to have some views that we share to an extent. I hope to speak more with her sometime.

Written By Tessa

Aug. 9, 2017, 12:17 a.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

Dear Reader,

Countess Reigna has suggested I take up writing and while I have never in my life found a single interesting thing committed to ink I shall seek to remedy that.

But where should I start? With my beauty tips? My romantic advice? Fashion tips from a stunning young lady?

No I shall start with the rule I live by, the most important piece of advice I can give anyone: Never settle. Strive, always strive for more.

Or Moore.

Next time dearest readers.. some beauty advice the secret as to how I manage this lovely golden hue even in the winter months!

Until then gifts and party invitations can be sent to me Lady Tessa Moore, care of the Sleepless Knight Inn, Valardin District, Arx.

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