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Written By Merek

May 16, 2017, 10:23 a.m.(6/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Zortan

I met this Knight of Fidante at the Hundred Cities Inn. He is a respectable man, who has seen a lot. Easy-going and kind, as well as dutiful to those he serves.

Written By Merek

May 16, 2017, 9:39 a.m.(6/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I've been through a lot this past Year, but I am thankful for friends like the Guildmaster Joscelin, who has often been there for me. I am happy to serve the Guild under her.

Written By Shadow

May 16, 2017, 9:17 a.m.(6/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Armel

~Written in Northlands Shav~

You may be able to read this chicken scratch yet you fail to spell words in your native tongue properly. Even I can spell information in Arvani..

~Written in Arvani~

~written in Northlands Shav~
Also what illness plagued you that made you still a child when you were 16? Is the city truly so different that age is not manhood but still viewed as being a child?

Written By Joscelin

May 16, 2017, 3:04 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

Jayus Capers, Silas! My assistant has never looked so cross carrying bags of silver!

Written By Juliet

May 16, 2017, 2 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Angelo

I'd write so happily about young love, but my cousin Lord Angelo is older than me. Still, it does my heart good to find him finally braving the world again, and to see his efforts rewarded in turn. I can only hope his match turns out as good as Lord Inigo did for our beloved Duchess Calista.

I'm also excited to meet Duchess Rubino, as Lord Angelo seems to think we will get on quite well.

Written By Mydas

May 16, 2017, 1:30 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

I expect that'll change for the worse when Kieran gets his own bottle for his own personal use.

Written By Mydas

May 16, 2017, 1:29 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

I found her weakness. It wasn't merely alcohol.

It was excessive, man-killing, amounts of alcohol.

That she was able to take more than one drink of that vodka is a testament of her stubbornness. Or her liver. Probably both.

Written By Fergus

May 16, 2017, 1:23 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I like you.

But fuck you and your vodka. Straight to The Pit.

Written By Valery

May 16, 2017, 12:45 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

The town is full of invisible people trying to be seen.
But there is no reward in trying too hard. If anything, there is punishment.
I guess it's better staying unseen.

It feels like being back home.

Written By Thena

May 16, 2017, 12:22 a.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

I wake up every morning and remember that Petrae is dead and I want to go back to sleep forever. Then this asshole dog that's taking up half of the damned bed starts whining to be let out.
Time only marches forward, and much as I long to be left behind, it seems the gods and this fucking canine have other plans.

Written By Valencia

May 15, 2017, 11:51 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

How easily kindness is forgotten.


Written By Mydas

May 15, 2017, 11:24 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Might I suggest Crovane wood for your pyre? It'll have that homeland musk.

Written By Agnarr

May 15, 2017, 11:19 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Huh. Don't think I'll need to clean the headsman's block.

Written By Armel

May 15, 2017, 11:15 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

It just so happens I can read that 'chicken scratch', and I must say, I am sensing, given the informaturn presented, a great deal of angst and attention-seeking that could be handled in private messengers and black journals to be released to the proper parties.

also a great deal of 'I am 16 and angry at my parents' sounding talk.

Written By Costas

May 15, 2017, 11:11 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Loose lips are the first thing to be eaten by the fucking fishes.

Written By Kima

May 15, 2017, 10:37 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

I have seen, of late, some journals written in a language I do not understand.

Being honest, it looks an awful lot like chicken scratch, but who am I to judge the beauty of another language, written or otherwise, when I only know my own?

I suppose what I ought to do is stop scribbling here and track down an actual scholar to ask some deeper questions concerning the nature of White Journals and Black Reflections (if the author does not wish them for all to read them, why not post it to the Black, for example?), as well as whether or not Vellichor only cares that knowledge, any knowledge, is compiled regardless of who can or cannot read it. It is my assumption that if the author of such journals is simply unaware that if he or she were to dictate their journals aloud, they would be transcribed in Arvani, and then all and sundry could read them.

But that still begs the question - if they can speak Arvani, should they not also be able to write it?

I intend to find out!

Written By Shadow

May 15, 2017, 10:04 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

~Written in Northlands Shav~
This is to serve as my last will and testament.

With my home lands removed from me and the threat of hunt if I return to them I give these words to serve as last instructions before the spirits reclaim me and I return to the wilds and the lands where I come from on the winds and in ash..

My beloved pup and the blessing of the wolf shall go to Petal Penrose. May she long care for him and may he serve her well protecting her as I will not be there to.

The contents of my shop and my yurt I gift to Reese Grayson, Princess of roses and Pink Ribbon as I fondly call her. May she keep what gives her fond memories and use what is left to help those abandoned like me that give knee and are lost within the city but need the kindness of a stranger.. The kindness she showed to me.

And to Freja Redrain, I gift the knowledge that it was her words and inability to understand the issue, Her failures as a voice and mind of reason that have brought about this. The blood that stains the ground and the fire that consumes my flesh was her doing..

Written By Margot

May 15, 2017, 8:02 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Soon. The midwife tells me soon.
Soon is code for 'stop complaining and suck it up' I am sure of it.

Written By Joscelin

May 15, 2017, 7:13 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Zakar

His name is Jeribald and he's smarter than you. Which, you know, isn't saying much.

Also, the dogshit was from a stray right outside your door. Jeribald gently guided the aim, that's all.

I would never give you a necklace. You don't deserve one of my pieces.

But I do like the idea of polishing dried dog turds and stringing that over your door for good luck.

Written By Zakar

May 15, 2017, 6:38 p.m.(6/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I found a surprise on the doorstep of my shop recently. At first, I thought it was one of those dainty little necklaces or bracelets you made.

But then, I realized it was a pile of -actual- dogshit.

I had a rather shady-looking fellow come by the shop this past evening. Asking for something that would be good for dispatching happy-looking Knight-types in their shiny armor. I think I'll point him over towards your shop, and that happy-looking guard of yours. Gerry. Whatever his name was. Don't care.

I hope someone steps on the back of your sandals.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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