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Written By Haati

April 16, 2017, 10:48 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

The hope and the generosity of the Golden Hart is something to be commended. The efforts of Princess Valencia Redrain and Lady Ariel Darkwater who have approached me for vouchers to a contest that they will hold there. I freely gave my services, because it is a noble cause to keep the spirits of tArx alive and the hope that this siege will one day soon, an end. My wishes go out to the event when it happens and may it be a grand affair.

Written By Haati

April 16, 2017, 10:44 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Arrows, On and on...
On and on each one is made,
Lost one by one in each raid.
Toiling in fire, the forge its flame,
Into Brand's armies, they will rain.

On and on the mold is filled,
One more shav with it killed.
In the field stuck fast and true,
When will the final cost come due?

On and on for miles and miles,
Lay the dead in gruesome piles,
At the gates and before the walls,
Each arrow made, another falls.

On and on this siege it goes,
Felling heroes, friends, and foes.
Only when it ends I'll know,
On that day, one last arrow.

Compilations of a smith,
Poem 1
Haati Wavehowler

Written By Rymarr

April 16, 2017, 10:41 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Katarina

I encountered this stranger recently in the market. I can't even readily recall why I had gone to the market with Samantha in the first place. I may have needed oil for my armor and weapons, I can't remember. I digress.

She was seated on a stool near a vendor, selling pots of ink or dyes. She claimed that they would provide one with the means to receive a tattoo that would be temporary and was often utilized in her homeland for ceremonial purposes or special occasions. I found it to be fairly intriguing to say the least. I've never felt the need to tattoo my flesh, it is a peculiar practice. I will admit though that I was very curious about these temporary means of placing ink on the canvas that is skin, likely a result of some sort of appeal to the adventurous side of my mind.

The princess did mention a few interesting facts, including some of her activities within the western Oathlands and on behalf of House Valardin which were of great interest to me. She apparently seeks to someday become a citizen of the Compact and, in my humble opinion, it is a certain sign that she would be accepted with open arms due to the fact that without citizen she's already began to throw herself into spreading charity among the people who took her in and understands the core concept of what makes the Compact strong: when someone helps you, you help them back. We rely upon one another, even now, for a great deal. She understands this already and I believe it will make her inclusion to the Compact a certainty.

It's my sincere hope that I did not offend the visiting dignitary. I may have over-enunciated my words and spoken too slowly in an effort to be perfectly understood, that I may have sounded foolish. Perhaps not, perhaps so. What's done is done.

Written By Mae

April 16, 2017, 10:26 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

In addition to training people how to run better, I've started painting! Fortunato gave me my first lessons. Maybe one day I'll be a famous artist?

*Beneath the rather neat-but-boring script is a heart, a few inches wide, done in varying shades of watercolor. It starts a faint pink on the perimeter and moves to a dark red at the center.*

Written By Alis

April 16, 2017, 10:22 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I do believe the entire front of my cuirass has been dented inwards. At least it took two attempts to make it thus, rather then one. I am fairly certain my ribs would have preferred none, and a still perfectly shiny piece of armor though. Alas, neither my armor or my ribs got a vote.

Written By Ansel

April 16, 2017, 10:14 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

Was that good enough?

Will it ever be?

Written By Sparte

April 16, 2017, 10:10 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Took a break from the siege to have a tournament josted by the Lord Commander. Got boxed around pretty good, as to be expected. Not entirely sure how I feel about this sort of distraction, what with the siege and all going on, but I suppose everyone has their bad habits.

Written By Tikva

April 16, 2017, 9:59 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

How about ... the Winged Fox, since he becomes a Griffon, but he'll always be a fox?

The Winged Fox and the Pink Griffon, of course!

Written By Luca

April 16, 2017, 9:47 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Father Zio's a wonderfully understanding guy for a Legate of the Faith, even if he doesn't seem to like his nickname. Still. He's making this all possible. And he shares my wicked sense of humor I think where Brother Alley Cat (Aleksei to others) comes in. Here's hoping for a few expletives thrown in the ceremony for flavor.

Written By Luca

April 16, 2017, 9:44 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I can't believe it's all approved and this is actually a thing that's happening. Ribbons will be my wife and I'll be Luca Grayson. It just sounds bizarre to my ears, but I am happier than I've been in...far, far too long.

I do think I'll need some nice sobriquet like Val got when she went Redrain.

The Lazy Gray Fox maybe? Now I've ruined it and no one will call me that since I made it up myself.

Written By Tristan

April 16, 2017, 9:32 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Twice in the span of a day I've found myself completely doused with Bringer blood. It's foul stuff, that.

I'm no stranger to blood. It happens when you care for animals. A pasture accident, a bad step, a poorly-positioned foal--and the result can be more blood than you ever dreamt of, sticky scarlet, and all you can do is try to hold life together or gently let it go, all in the battle against death and suffering and chaos, the fight we fight every day even when there aren't Bringers at our gates.

Bringer blood is different. There's no life to it. It's dark and goo-y and sluggish, and it reeks of death. I scrubbed until I could scrub no more, until I scrubbed off at least a layer of skin are more. I don't think I've ever been so clean in my life. And still it haunts me: the reek of Bringer blood; the girl screaming for her near-brother who was no longer human; broken bits and bodies in a swordshop; bodies tossed around like dolls at the docks, in the Lower Borroughs, at the Seawatch Gate; the warriors who went to defend their people disappearing into nothing and leaving those who loved them behind, all the animals--cats, dogs, horses, goats, hedgehogs, what have you--rummaging in ruins because their caretakers are gone, not comprehending how they have lost their world, dying slowly or slaughtered for food.

Children crying in the night as they perish from plague, murdered because a big bad reaver was _afraid_ of them and what they could represent.

This used to be a simpler world. I used to be a simpler man.

But that's nothing else to do. When the world is dark and hope recedes, all you can do is live, to go forward step by step. And when monsters are at your gate, the only thing you can do is fight.

I was just a horseman.

But that's it. I fight.

Written By Anze

April 16, 2017, 9:32 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

The siege itself draws on, lives are lost on both sides, tensions are high... but I can't help but think excitedly about whats going to happen once the siege is over. The weddings, parties, drinking and celebration is going to be insane. It's certainly in my mind at least something to look forward to.

Written By Anze

April 16, 2017, 9:20 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Politics can be an odd thing. Especially the way that some can be thrust into it without any preparation. Obviously there is some basic level of understanding of it among all the nobility, but some are born and raised in the thick of it. I think more than anything though politics reminds me that its vitally important to surround yourself with people that you can trust and who will speak up against you. There is no use to surrounding yourself with yes-men and demanding that everyone around you fall over themselves to treat you like something special, people being actually useful is far more important. I've always appreciated that out of Darren, the fact that people can actually speak openly to him and he doesn't have to have his ego stroked and the like makes him much more respectable in my eyes. There are a fair share of leaders that could learn from that.

Written By Joscelin

April 16, 2017, 9:10 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I've spent the last several weeks rounding up man-power and people to help shore up the defenses of the city, and still I hear of those managing to get in somehow. However, as it was explained to me, Bringers can look like anyone and it's not our fault. I still feel a twinge of failure when I hear of another attack, especially when my people are involved.

Written By Percephon

April 16, 2017, 8:51 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

A woman whom I'm glad is as sharp with a bow as I anticipated, given the fact it saved me from being disemboweled once during our adventure in the Lowers. Down to earth, practical, and with a bit of knowledge about many things, she's certainly a stalwart companion to have in such times. Everything went according to plan. And once I'm done mending, I'll be certain to seek her out and give her my thanks.

Written By Rowan

April 16, 2017, 8:43 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

A man had made his camp in a clearing shared with the wild things of the woods with a need for warmth in his bones. He had a fire, and it glowed warm and bright and kept him comfortable, but the chill had set in deep. A moth joined him, settling briefly on his nose. 'Stoke the flames,' it whispered to him in the fleeting moment it was there. 'The heat will melt all the worries away.' Across the fire, a stag stared at the man through the smoke of the fire. 'Stoke the flames,' the stag spoke to him, 'And the woods may burn down around you.'

Written By Rowan

April 16, 2017, 8:41 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Three times Cataclysm has been blooded in combat, and three times it has been the foul blood of Bringers. This last though - it was difficult to find any pleasure in the thought for the pain of the girl left grieving.

Beware an angry stablehand - Tristan took the things arm off. I'd hate to see what he did if you touched anything in his tackroom. Princess Peregrine was quick to see to the wounded girl, the sort of head you'd like to have with you in battle if you're unlucky enough to fall. Likewise, Lady Tikva's songs are a powerful thing. Lady Khanne and Lady Niamh - each trial alongside them makes me glad they're the ones at my back.

Pour a drink for Tomas, may what was left of his spirit find peace.

Written By Sudara

April 16, 2017, 8:26 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

Sudara Pravus, organiser of lectures martial and esoteric! Perhaps I should aspire to a career in public education. At present, that might well be the best contribution I can make to the city's defence: I am currently endeavouring to find out just how difficult it might be to help our array of defenders to truly talk to one another: not to exchange boasts or issue challenges, but to provide one another with details of tactics both successful and unfortunate, as employed both against and by the enemy assailing us. I cannot find a way to make individual arms or pieces of armour stretch farther or be used by more people, but knowledge is not so limited in how it can be shared.

Written By Tobias

April 16, 2017, 8:15 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I've been listening to the rumors about the surrender terms Brand gave while I've been on patrol.

You have to admit, the lack of self-awareness would be almost hilarious, if you didn't know the thing was insane to begin with.

Surrender and be unmade, or continue fighting and suffer cruelly.

Like this siege isn't causing us all to suffer already.

Written By Armel

April 16, 2017, 7:49 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

I was actually /at/ the wall when the Shavs brought forth the message, and the urge to riddle the shavs with arrows as my response was nearly overwhelming. But they were flying a flag of truce, and it wouldn't have made a difference in the ultimate attack, a few shavs more or less.

I cannot speak for the rest of the Faith or the Compact, but the response for the Knights of Solace is this:

We are the Knights of Solace
Vellichor guides our minds
Gloria powers our arms
Lagoma lights our hearts
Gild shows us the true path
Death is only the next step in the Wheel

We are the shield of the Compact
We do not bend
We do not break
We do not fear the Darkness
For We bring the Light

Come now, and face the judgment of the Gods.

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