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Written By Cristoph

Feb. 5, 2017, 3:43 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

A brave and honest man, very sincere in his honour and somebody I would trust absolutely. Perhaps I wonder if he is being assertive enough in pressing the cause of the Oathlands but then this is hardly the moment to seek personal aggrandisement and he would not be who he is if he sought it.

Written By Deva

Feb. 5, 2017, 3:25 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

No father should ever have to mourn their daughter, and all that could have been. It would be easiest to crumble in the face of so much loss. And then there are those who know they must pick up the pieces. The Sentinel sees all, and I pray for justice for the Velenosa family. We shall keep her memory alive.

Written By Rey

Feb. 5, 2017, 3:13 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Yarrow is excellent for treatment of bleeding wounds, and for ailments of the blood within the body itself. It is also good for helping the body release fluid because when taken it provokes sweating and urination.

The flowering heads can be carried dried and whole in pouches, with fresh leaves, to be stuffed into bleeding wounds on the battle field (a very quick lifesaver if the nearest Mercy is some distance away!). Tinctures, ointments, and salves are effective in treating mild abrasions, bruises, and swelling; I have even seen that yarrow salve improves the elasticity of old scars! Because of the effect of spirits on the blood, thinning it, I prefer to use a non-alcoholic recipe for yarrow tincture when taken orally. This uses apple cider vinegar instead of spirits. I am told it improves the taste.

It can be used for treating fevers and colds too, because of the sweating properties. I favor a combination of yarrow, elder bark, boneset, and peppermint for mild illnesses, but every Mercy seems to have their own recipe!

It is marvelous the things that can be done when Lagoma, Petrichor, and Mangata come together, to work as one. Truly we are blessed to be dear to them, and in their care.

Written By Michael

Feb. 5, 2017, 3:01 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Ambassador's Salon presented a most diverting time this afternoon. Each of the comings and goings provide diversions that I hadn't anticipated. Lili had suggested we go, and surely it proved worthwhile.

Written By Iona

Feb. 5, 2017, 2:37 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

How should I title this journal entry?

"I met the Lord Commander of the King's Own today!"

One might argue that is a proper title, if overly dramatic. He is just a man... And yet the Lord Commander is most definitely a very valiant person of excellent character. Formal to the point of excess, perhaps. It inspires people to laud his name subconsciously.

You see, the problem is that I could not truly relax around him. You can have Gabriel, and the room stiffens up. But after two decades of that, it is just like putting on another layer of formal clothing, and you move beyond it. But then you add the Lord Commander to the mix, and it is as if any ordinary word simply won't do anymore. The situation becomes truly stifling; and as a result, I can quite understand the tense expression I saw on a certain someone when they walked in on our discussion.

How is one supposed to relax the atmosphere with two of these goliaths playing a tug of war over the backs of everyone sitting in the room? I think it will be very difficult, and I can only hope not to share the same room as the two of them in the very nearby future.

"Rymarr." I can write the name, but get out and onto my lips? Around the man I met today, that is probably impossible, even though I wish I could take that liberty as easily as I could with others. As such, I arduously hope the Lord Commander stays employed for quite some time longer.

If nothing else, it will save me the thinking up of journal titles that embody the 'official aura' he carries with him. Because honestly, I would rather not have my journal read like a piece of stiff propaganda. There's no doubt other journals you can read for that.

Written By Iona

Feb. 5, 2017, 2:16 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

I was going to forget about this. Completely, utterly forget about this.

But it seems my sanity has decided that forgetting is too easy, and instead I need to vent, so my dear audience of one... you will be where I vent.

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in the Grotto, having a pleasant talk with a pleasant woman in a rather big, heated pool. That's the life, right? And sure, it is a big pool, so others join. The more the merrier, no problems. And clearly the rest of my company knew eachother. I know how to listen and when to schmooze... totally fine.

The last thing I expected to find was for all these people to congregate into the same little corner of the pool and snuggle up as if they were some sort of married couple. Admittedly, nothing outright scandalous happened. Yet at the same time, a person can only watch a person pat other peoples hair so many times, just like how there is a limit to the amount of awkwardness this stuff brings into a conversation.

I have rarely found myself so eager to leave the company of people who were, prior to that, intruiging conversationalists. They still should be; I just need to keep their... inclinations to show public affection in mind for next time.

For now, though... I think I'll pass on any invitations to a bathhouse, no matter how dirty I am.

Written By Orathy

Feb. 5, 2017, 2 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

You hold my attention, Greenmarch o' Minx of the Marches... For a 100 silver, I'll play your messenger and for more, you have found yourself a man who knows how to work. I will await to see if you support me as much as I'm already supporting you... the Merchants may be a little more favorable to your cause...

Written By Edain

Feb. 5, 2017, 1:53 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Vincere

I spoke very harshly about Marquis Vincere after the confrontation in the Iron Garrison. And then I found myself keep vigil in front of the rectory waiting for the Faith give up a man that murdered a High Lord. It is the kind of perfect storm that can quickly get out of hand, and you can never truly be prepared for how things will go. In short I was standing there in the kind of situation that can go wrong despite best intentions and being careful as you can be, and these were the very things I criticized him for.

I knew I could not keep things calm and peaceful on my own, and so I asked Marquis Vincere to help keep the vigil peaceful. Without malice, without any 'I told you so's' and without hesitation he has helped me keep things peaceful and civil here. So far we have been peaceful presence and I would not have been able to keep this vigil so if he had not helped me. I was wrong about Marquis Vincere, he is a man of the finest of character.

I know that saying I am sorry and that I was wrong, does not take back the past, but maybe he likes bacon. I can send him maple bacon and apple cider. Everyone likes both of those things right?

Written By Jackson

Feb. 5, 2017, 1:16 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Salazar

Forgot that life is never really boring with you, taking me on the most interesting adventures. Though next time we do something like that, I could do without the copious amounts of fire.

Written By Calista

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:56 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

A shave and a haircut almost makes you appear Princely. -Almost-

Written By Calista

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:54 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

It was but a game; All a ruse to get what you wanted and you have succeeded. I realize I am young and naive, still looking onto the world with rose colored glasses. That glimmer of hope is now gone. The veil stripped from my eyes. You picked your pieces and stacked them against me when I wasn't looking, when you distracted me with the one thing I wanted. I was a fool. Never again.

Written By Max

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:31 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

I have contracted for, and retained the services of the Crimson Blades, building a new chapter house on Darkwater to support them. It will be a good expansion of my power in the Saffron and a damn hard surprise for any shavs trying to hit us.

Which... I admit... I think is a very real possibility.

Written By Max

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:29 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

My new armor is complete.

Master Torian did the base work, and the quality is decent enough. It's a complex set of armor, so I am not displeased.

Mistress Alarie did the finishing work, as well as the cloak. I am confident when I return to the sea, I will present a fearsome visage to the Shavs.

Written By Valery

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:22 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

I've ordered an apron with a big pocket for the mice, so Chip will be forced to go out more and Boots will have more freedom to do so...

I'm not sure if it's a really good idea or a terrible one, but if doesn't work, I can always use it on the gardens to gather herbs...

Written By Sigurd

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:22 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calathane

An interesting fellow. A decent head on his shoulders, if he can remove them from being buried in between the...preoccupations that this city has to offer. Not that I am one to judge, mind! Been down that path very often myself, which is why I am warnin-Scholar, stop squinting at me- warning the fellow to focus on his word.

Yes, that first part was a play on words, you daft man.

Written By Sigurd

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:16 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Met a lovely young woman by the name of Luna today. Had no shoes! I know the situation in the city is desperate at times, especially for people in the lower Boroughs, but this did bring it home more than the day usually does. I took her to get some boots made at the shop of my excellent friend Morrighan. It's just across from the Bank, I'd really recommend it for anyone looking for good clothing this winter.

She also had a pet 'performing bear'. I admit, that was a new one for me.

Written By Calista

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:12 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Autumn rolls back into the city with a crisp kiss of air I am still not used to. I miss my home; I miss Tor. The house in Arx has been eerily quiet. Not that he was loud or boisterous. But his presence was greater than one would have imagined. For all that I would do to annoy him on purpose, I would gladly take it all back to have him here. What is a rose without her thorns?

Written By Luna

Feb. 5, 2017, 12:03 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

I got boots! No barefoot for me this winter! The people in this city are so terribly kind! I could sing until the sun comes up!

Written By Bethany

Feb. 5, 2017, noon(11/9/1005 AR)

[ From the desk of B. Mercier, Tea Shop Mistress: ]

The following is based on my own experiences and observations on the subject.

Grief is a natural reaction to loss. The person experiencing the loss feels like they have had something taken away. Grief may be experienced mentally, physically, socially, or emotionally depending on each individual.

Emotional reactions may include: anger, guilt, sadness, and utter despair. Physical reactions can include sleeplessness, appetite changes, physical problems, or possible illness. Social reactions can include feelings of responsibility for other family members, having to communicate with family or friends, feelings of being isolated... or difficulty going back to work.

Forming valuable relationships will help to make it easier to live in the present.

Written By Dagon

Feb. 5, 2017, 11:38 a.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Despite all that has happened, I think it important that we remain faithful to the Pantheon and still support the work that the Faith does.

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